0001: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" License Header ">
0002: /*
0004: *
0005: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0006: *
0007: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0008: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0009: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0010: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0011: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0012: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
0013: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0014: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0015: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
0016: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0017: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
0018: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0019: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0020: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0021: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0022: * your own identifying information:
0023: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0024: *
0025: * Contributor(s):
0026: *
0027: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0028: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
0029: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0030: *
0031: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0032: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0033: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0034: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0035: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0036: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0037: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0038: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0039: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0040: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0041: */
0042: // </editor-fold>
0043: package org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.dm;
0045: import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
0046: import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
0047: import java.io.File;
0048: import java.io.FileInputStream;
0049: import java.io.IOException;
0050: import java.io.InputStream;
0051: import java.io.OutputStream;
0052: import java.net.Authenticator;
0053: import java.util.ArrayList;
0054: import java.util.Collections;
0055: import java.util.Locale;
0056: import java.net.InetAddress;
0057: import java.rmi.RemoteException;
0058: import java.rmi.ServerException;
0059: import java.lang.reflect.Method;
0060: import java.util.Map;
0061: import java.util.ResourceBundle;
0062: import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
0063: import javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DeployableObject;
0064: import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ActionType;
0065: import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.CommandType;
0066: import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.StateType;
0067: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.Target;
0068: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.TargetModuleID;
0069: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.OperationUnsupportedException;
0070: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ClientConfiguration;
0071: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressObject;
0072: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressListener;
0073: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ProgressEvent;
0074: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.DeploymentStatus;
0075: import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.DConfigBeanVersionType;
0076: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException;
0077: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager;
0078: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentConfiguration;
0079: import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType;
0080: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.TargetException;
0081: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DeploymentManagerCreationException;
0082: import javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories.DeploymentFactory;
0083: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment;
0084: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.api.InstanceProperties;
0085: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.SunURIManager;
0086: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.appsrvapi.PortDetector;
0087: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.editors.AdminAuthenticator;
0088: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.DeploymentManagerProperties;
0089: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.ProgressEventSupport;
0090: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.runtime.actions.ViewLogAction;
0092: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.SunONEDeploymentConfiguration;
0094: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.mbmapping.JvmOptions;
0095: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.mbmapping.ServerInfo;
0097: import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
0098: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
0099: import java.util.HashMap;
0100: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.plan.Util;
0102: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.Utils;
0104: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.ServerInterface;
0105: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.SunDeploymentManagerInterface;
0106: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.ResourceConfiguratorInterface;
0107: import java.util.Properties;
0108: import java.util.logging.Level;
0109: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0110: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.CmpMappingProvider;
0111: import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
0112: import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
0114: import org.openide.ErrorManager;
0115: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.api.ServerLocationManager;
0116: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.DomainEditor;
0117: import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;
0118: import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
0119: import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
0120: import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
0121: import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
0123: /**
0124: *
0125: * @author ludo, vkraemer
0126: */
0127: public class SunDeploymentManager implements Constants,
0128: DeploymentManager, SunDeploymentManagerInterface {
0130: private PropertyChangeSupport propertySupport;
0131: private DeploymentManager innerDM;
0132: private DeploymentFactory df;
0133: private String host, userName, password;
0134: private String uri;
0135: private boolean isConnected;
0136: /* map that give a password for a given uri
0137: **/
0138: private static Map passwordForURI = Collections
0139: .synchronizedMap((Map) new HashMap(2, 1));
0141: /* port is the admin port number, ususally 4848*/
0143: int adminPortNumber;
0144: /* httpport is the non admin port number, usually 8080*/
0145: String nonAdminPortNumber = null; //null, is unknown at this point, will be calculated when is running
0147: private static String SECURESTRINGDETECTION = ":https";
0148: /*
0149: *flag to see of the secure (SSL) testing on the running server has been done or not
0150: * this is to avoid too many checks that would cause perf issues
0151: **/
0152: private transient boolean secureStatusHasBeenChecked = false;
0153: private boolean runningState = false;
0154: private boolean secure = false;
0155: private boolean goodUserNamePassword = false;
0156: private boolean maybeRunningButWrongUserName = false;
0157: private long timeStampCheckingRunning = 0;
0158: private File platformRoot = null;
0159: private String domainDir = null;
0160: private boolean driversdeployed = false;
0162: /* cache for local value. Sometimes, the islocal() call can be very long for IP that changed
0163: * usually when dhcp is used. So we calculate the value in a thread at construct time
0164: * init value is false, but updated later within a thread.
0165: **/
0166: private boolean isLocal = false;
0167: /* used by a netbeans extension to associatate a StartServer with this DM
0168: */
0169: static final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle
0170: .getBundle("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.dm.Bundle");// NOI18N
0172: // This code allows the extra classes missing from the 8.x appserv-cmp.jar to be
0173: // loaded from the copy in the appsrvbridge module. If this code were not here,
0174: // netbeans rules of one jar per package would prevent those classes from being
0175: // found.
0176: static {
0177: String packageWorkaroundPropName = "org.netbeans.core.startup.specialResource"; // NOI18N
0178: String existingSysProp = System
0179: .getProperty(packageWorkaroundPropName);
0180: String extraPackageName = "com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.mapping.ejb"; // NOI18N
0181: if (existingSysProp != null) {
0182: existingSysProp += ',';
0183: }
0184: existingSysProp += extraPackageName;
0185: System.setProperty(packageWorkaroundPropName, existingSysProp);
0186: }
0188: /* this is interesting: JMXREMOTE APIs create a factory and load it from the getContext classloader
0189: * which is a NetBeans class loader that does not know about our App Server Dynamic jars class loader.
0190: * So we need to hack on the fly the context classloader with the plugin classloader for any jxm calls
0191: * done in the app server jsr 88 impl!!!
0192: * this ClassLoader origClassLoader is used to stored the original CL so that NB is happy after a jsr88 call.
0193: **/
0195: public SunDeploymentManager(DeploymentFactory df, String uri,
0196: String userName, String password, File platformRootDir)
0197: throws DeploymentManagerCreationException {
0198: propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this );
0199: this .df = df;
0200: this .uri = uri;
0201: this .platformRoot = platformRootDir;
0202: secure = uri.endsWith(SECURESTRINGDETECTION);
0203: String uriNonSecure = uri;
0204: if (secure) {
0205: uriNonSecure = uri.substring(0, uri.length()
0207: }
0208: host = getHostFromURI(uriNonSecure);
0209: adminPortNumber = getPortFromURI(uriNonSecure);
0210: try {
0211: InstanceProperties props = SunURIManager
0212: .getInstanceProperties(platformRoot, host,
0213: adminPortNumber);
0215: if (userName == null && props != null) {
0216: this .userName = props
0217: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.USERNAME_ATTR);
0218: } else {
0219: this .userName = userName;
0220: }
0221: if (password == null && props != null) {
0222: this .password = props
0223: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.PASSWORD_ATTR);
0224: } else {
0225: this .password = password;
0226: }
0227: if (!"".equals(this .password)) {
0228: passwordForURI.put(uri + platformRoot, this .password);
0229: } else {
0230: this .password = (String) passwordForURI.get(uri
0231: + platformRoot);
0232: if (this .password == null) {
0233: this .password = "";
0234: }
0236: }
0238: isConnected = this .userName != null;
0239: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
0240: // get before set throws an ISE. Instance registration time
0241: // triggers this
0242: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
0243: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ise);
0244: }
0245: resetInnerDeploymentManager();
0246: calculateIsLocal();
0247: }
0249: /* return the real dm created from the app server implementation of 88, not our wrapper (ie. not this class
0250: **
0251: */
0253: private void resetInnerDeploymentManager()
0254: throws DeploymentManagerCreationException {
0255: try {
0256: if (isConnected) {
0257: if (df != null) {
0258: innerDM = df.getDeploymentManager(uri, userName,
0259: password);
0260: }
0261: } else {
0262: if (df != null) {
0263: innerDM = df.getDisconnectedDeploymentManager(uri);
0264: }
0265: }
0266: //////// if(innerDM == null) {
0267: //////// throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException("invalid URI");
0268: //////// }
0269: } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ee) {
0270: throw ee;
0271: } catch (Exception e) {
0272: e.printStackTrace();
0273: throw new DeploymentManagerCreationException(
0274: "DeploymentManagerCreationException"
0275: + e.getMessage());
0276: }
0277: if (secure) {
0278: // different classloader! AppServerBridge.setServerConnectionEnvironment(innerDM);
0279: try {
0280: Class[] argClass = new Class[1];
0281: argClass[0] = DeploymentManager.class;
0282: Object[] argObject = new Object[1];
0283: argObject[0] = innerDM;
0285: ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
0286: if (loader != null) {
0287: Class cc = loader
0288: .loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.bridge.AppServerBridge");
0289: Method setServerConnectionEnvironment = cc
0290: .getMethod(
0291: "setServerConnectionEnvironment",
0292: argClass);//NOI18N
0293: setServerConnectionEnvironment.invoke(null,
0294: argObject);
0295: }
0296: } catch (Exception ex) {
0297: //Suppressing exception while trying to obtain admin host port value
0298: ex.printStackTrace();
0299: }
0300: }
0302: }
0304: public String getUserName() {
0305: InstanceProperties props = SunURIManager.getInstanceProperties(
0306: platformRoot, host, adminPortNumber);
0307: if (null != props) {
0308: this .userName = props
0309: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.USERNAME_ATTR);
0310: }
0311: return userName;
0312: }
0314: public String getPassword() {
0315: InstanceProperties props = SunURIManager.getInstanceProperties(
0316: platformRoot, host, adminPortNumber);
0317: if (null != props) {
0318: this .password = props
0319: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.PASSWORD_ATTR);
0320: }
0321: if (password.equals("")) {//it means we did not stored the password. Get it from the static in memory cache if available
0322: password = (String) passwordForURI.get(uri + platformRoot);
0323: if (this .password == null) {
0324: this .password = "";
0325: }
0327: }
0328: return password;
0329: }
0331: public String getHost() {
0332: return host;
0333: }
0335: public int getPort() {
0336: return adminPortNumber;
0337: }
0339: /*
0340: * return the real http port for the server. Usually, it is "8080", or null if the server is not running
0341: *
0342: **/
0343: public String getNonAdminPortNumber() {
0344: return nonAdminPortNumber;
0345: }
0347: /*
0348: *
0349: *return true is this deploymment manager needs a restart, because of changes in admin configuration
0350: */
0351: synchronized public boolean isRestartNeeded() {
0352: if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked == false) {
0353: return false;
0354: }
0356: if (goodUserNamePassword == false) {
0357: return false;
0358: }
0359: if (isRunning() == false) {
0360: return false;
0361: }
0362: if (driversdeployed == true) {
0363: setRestartForDriverDeployment(false);
0364: return true;
0365: }
0367: boolean retVal;
0368: try {
0369: ServerInfo si = new ServerInfo(getMBeanServerConnection());
0370: retVal = si.isRestartRequired();
0371: } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
0372: retVal = false;//silent assumption: server mgiht not even be running!
0373: }
0374: return retVal;
0375: }
0377: public void fixJVMDebugOptions() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
0378: JvmOptions jvmInfo = new JvmOptions(getMBeanServerConnection());
0379: //String addr=
0380: jvmInfo.getAddressValue();
0381: if (jvmInfo.isWindows()) {
0382: if (jvmInfo.isSharedMemory() == false) {//force shmem on windows system!!!
0383: jvmInfo.setDefaultTransportForDebug(getHost()
0384: + getPort());
0385: }
0386: }
0387: }
0389: String lastAddress = null;
0391: public String getDebugAddressValue()
0392: throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
0393: String retVal = lastAddress;
0394: JvmOptions jvmInfo = null;
0395: try {
0396: jvmInfo = new JvmOptions(getMBeanServerConnection());
0397: retVal = jvmInfo.getAddressValue();
0398: lastAddress = retVal;
0399: } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re) {
0400: if (null == lastAddress) {
0401: throw re;
0402: }
0404: }
0405: return retVal;
0406: }
0408: boolean lastIsSharedMem = false;
0410: public boolean isDebugSharedMemory()
0411: throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
0412: if (!isLocal()) {
0413: return false;
0414: }
0415: boolean retVal = lastIsSharedMem;
0416: JvmOptions jvmInfo = null;
0417: try {
0418: jvmInfo = new JvmOptions(getMBeanServerConnection());
0419: retVal = jvmInfo.isSharedMemory();
0420: lastIsSharedMem = retVal;
0421: } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re) {
0422: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
0423: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, re);
0424: } catch (Exception e) {
0425: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
0426: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
0427: }
0428: return retVal;
0430: }
0432: // public String getDebugAddressValue() throws java.rmi.RemoteException{
0433: // JvmOptions jvmInfo = new JvmOptions(getMBeanServerConnection());
0434: // return jvmInfo.getAddressValue();
0435: //
0436: // }
0437: // public boolean isDebugSharedMemory() throws java.rmi.RemoteException{
0438: // JvmOptions jvmInfo = new JvmOptions(getMBeanServerConnection());
0439: // return jvmInfo.isSharedMemory();
0440: //
0441: //
0442: // }
0443: public DeploymentConfiguration createConfiguration(
0444: DeployableObject dObj)
0445: throws javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.InvalidModuleException {
0446: return new SunONEDeploymentConfiguration(dObj/*, this*/);
0447: // return innerDM.createConfiguration(dObj);
0448: }
0450: File getInternalPlanFile(InputStream plan)
0451: throws IllegalStateException {
0452: JarOutputStream jar = null;
0453: // InputStream innerPlan = null;
0455: try {
0456: File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("dplan", "tmp");
0457: jar = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile));
0458: Util.convert(plan, jar);
0459: jar.close();
0460: jar = null;
0461: tmpFile.deleteOnExit();
0462: return tmpFile;
0463: } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
0464: IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException(
0465: "file handling issues");
0466: ise.initCause(ioe);
0467: throw ise;
0468: } finally {
0469: if (jar != null) {
0470: try {
0471: jar.close();
0472: } catch (Throwable t) {
0473: jsr88Logger.severe("bad one");
0474: }
0475: }
0476: }
0477: }
0479: // // TODO remove once https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=601601 is not an issue...
0480: // // after 8.1, 8.2, and 9.0 PE are no loger supported.
0481: // //
0482: // private static ProgressObject tempDirFailureObject =
0483: // new ShortCircuitProgressObject(CommandType.DISTRIBUTE,
0484: // NbBundle.getMessage(SunDeploymentManager.class,"ERR_BAD_TEMP_DIR"),
0485: // StateType.FAILED,new TargetModuleID[0]);
0486: //
0487: // private boolean badTempDir() {
0488: // if (!Utilities.isWindows()) {
0489: // return false;
0490: // } else {
0491: // // TODO perform the real test here!
0492: // return false;
0493: // }
0494: // }
0495: // // end remove after https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=601 resolved
0497: public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] target,
0498: InputStream archive, InputStream plan)
0499: throws IllegalStateException {
0500: InputStream innerPlan = null;
0501: //System.out.println("distribute.");
0502: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0503: // getStartServerInterface().viewLogFile();
0504: ViewLogAction.viewLog(this );
0506: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0507: .getContextClassLoader();
0508: try {
0509: // do a stream distribute
0510: // 1. convert the plan into a zip file based plan
0511: //
0512: final File f = getInternalPlanFile(plan);
0513: innerPlan = new FileInputStream(f);
0514: //
0515: // 2. call the inner DeploymentManager.distribute method
0516: //
0517: ProgressObject retVal;
0518: // if (badTempDir()) {
0519: // retVal = tempDirFailureObject;
0520: // } else {
0521: Thread
0522: .currentThread()
0523: .setContextClassLoader(
0524: ServerLocationManager
0525: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0526: retVal = innerDM.distribute(target, archive, innerPlan);
0527: retVal.addProgressListener(new FileDeleter(f));
0528: // }
0529: return retVal;
0531: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
0532: throw ise;
0533: } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
0534: IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException(
0535: "file handling issues");
0536: ise.initCause(ioe);
0537: throw ise;
0538: } finally {
0539: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0540: origClassLoader);
0541: if (null != innerPlan) {
0542: try {
0543: innerPlan.close();
0544: } catch (Throwable t) {
0545: jsr88Logger.severe("bad two");
0546: }
0547: }
0548: }
0549: }
0551: public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] target,
0552: ModuleType moduleType, InputStream inputStream,
0553: InputStream inputStream0) throws IllegalStateException {
0554: return distribute(target, inputStream, inputStream0);
0555: }
0557: public ProgressObject distribute(Target[] target, File archive,
0558: File plan) throws IllegalStateException {
0559: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0561: File[] resourceDirs = Utils.getResourceDirs(archive);
0562: if (resourceDirs != null) {
0563: Utils.registerResources(resourceDirs,
0564: (ServerInterface) getManagement());
0565: }
0567: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0568: .getContextClassLoader();
0569: try {
0570: Thread
0571: .currentThread()
0572: .setContextClassLoader(
0573: ServerLocationManager
0574: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0575: // getStartServerInterface().viewLogFile();
0576: ViewLogAction.viewLog(this );
0577: // if (badTempDir()) {
0578: // return tempDirFailureObject;
0579: // }
0580: return innerDM.distribute(target, archive, null);
0581: // return distribute(target, a, p);
0582: //}
0583: } catch (/*java.io.FileNotFoundException*/Exception fnfe) {
0584: IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException();
0585: ise.initCause(fnfe);
0586: throw ise;
0587: } finally {
0588: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0589: origClassLoader);
0590: }
0592: }
0594: public TargetModuleID[] getAvailableModules(ModuleType modType,
0595: Target[] target) throws TargetException,
0596: IllegalStateException {
0598: try {
0599: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0600: } catch (RuntimeException re) {
0601: return new TargetModuleID[0];
0602: }
0603: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0604: .getContextClassLoader();
0605: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0606: ServerLocationManager
0607: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0609: try {
0610: try {
0611: grabInnerDM(false);
0612: TargetModuleID[] tm = innerDM.getAvailableModules(
0613: modType, target);
0614: /* System.out.println("in getAvailableModules "+modType);
0615: for(int i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {
0616: System.out.println("Target is "+i+" "+target[i]);
0617: }
0618: for(int j = 0; j < tm.length; j++) {
0619: System.out.println("TargetModuleID is "+j+" "+tm[j]);
0620: }
0621: */
0622: return tm;
0623: } finally {
0624: releaseInnerDM();
0625: }
0626: } finally {
0627: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0628: origClassLoader);
0629: }
0630: }
0632: public Locale getCurrentLocale() {//TODO change the classloader there also!!! Ludo
0633: // System.out.println("getCurrentLocale.");
0634: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0635: return innerDM.getCurrentLocale();
0636: }
0638: public DConfigBeanVersionType getDConfigBeanVersion() {//TODO change the classloader there also!!! Ludo
0639: //System.out.println("getDConfigBeanVersion.");
0640: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0641: return innerDM.getDConfigBeanVersion();
0642: }
0644: public Locale getDefaultLocale() {
0645: //System.out.println("getDefaultLocale.");
0646: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0647: return innerDM.getDefaultLocale();
0648: }
0650: public TargetModuleID[] getNonRunningModules(ModuleType mType,
0651: Target[] target) throws TargetException,
0652: IllegalStateException {
0653: //System.out.println("getNonRunningModules.");
0654: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0655: return innerDM.getNonRunningModules(mType, target);
0656: }
0658: public TargetModuleID[] getRunningModules(ModuleType mType,
0659: Target[] target) throws TargetException,
0660: IllegalStateException {
0661: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0662: .getContextClassLoader();
0663: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0664: ServerLocationManager
0665: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0666: try {
0667: try {
0668: grabInnerDM(false);
0669: TargetModuleID[] ttt = innerDM.getRunningModules(mType,
0670: target);
0671: return ttt;
0672: } finally {
0673: releaseInnerDM();
0674: }
0675: } finally {
0676: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0677: origClassLoader);
0678: }
0680: }
0682: public Locale[] getSupportedLocales() {
0683: //System.out.println("getSupportedLocales.");
0684: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0685: return innerDM.getSupportedLocales();
0686: }
0688: synchronized public Target[] getTargets()
0689: throws IllegalStateException {
0690: try {
0691: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0692: } catch (Exception ex) {
0693: return new Target[0];
0694: }
0695: Target[] retVal = null;
0696: if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked == false) { //unknown status. no targets.
0697: retVal = null;
0698: } else {
0699: // VBK Hack for getting the configuration editing to in the origClassLoader
0700: // J2EE 1.4 RI beta 1 deploytool to appear. It required this call to
0701: // return at least 1 target in the return value.
0702: if (null == innerDM) {
0703: retVal = new Target[1];
0704: retVal[0] = new FakeTarget();
0705: // return retVal;
0706: } else {
0707: try {
0708: grabInnerDM(false);
0709: if (null == domainDir) {
0710: DeploymentManagerProperties dmProps = new DeploymentManagerProperties(
0711: this );
0712: domainDir = dmProps.getLocation();
0713: if ("".equals(domainDir)) {
0714: isLocal = false;
0715: }
0716: String domainName = dmProps.getDomainName();
0717: domainDir += File.separator + domainName;
0718: domainDir = new File(domainDir)
0719: .getCanonicalPath();
0720: }
0721: if (isLocal()) {// if the server is local, make sure we are talking to the correct one
0722: //we do that by testing the server location known by the IDE with the server location known by the
0723: // server
0725: try {
0726: Object configDir = getManagement()
0727: .invoke(
0728: new javax.management.ObjectName(
0729: "com.sun.appserv:type=domain,category=config"),
0730: "getConfigDir", null, null);
0731: if (configDir == null) {
0732: mmm = null;
0733: return null;
0734: }
0735: String dir = configDir.toString();
0736: File domainLocationAsReturnedByTheServer = new File(
0737: dir).getParentFile();
0739: String l1 = domainLocationAsReturnedByTheServer
0740: .getCanonicalPath();
0742: if (l1.equals(domainDir) == false) { //not the same location, so let's make sure we do not return an invalid target
0744: return null;
0745: }
0746: } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException ee) {
0747: return null;//cannot talk to the admin server->not running well
0748: } catch (Throwable ee) {
0749: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
0750: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ee);
0751: return null;//cannot talk to the admin server->not running well
0752: }
0753: }
0754: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread
0755: .currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
0756: try {
0757: Thread
0758: .currentThread()
0759: .setContextClassLoader(
0760: ServerLocationManager
0761: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0762: retVal = innerDM.getTargets();
0763: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
0764: retVal = new Target[0];
0765: // throw ise;
0766: } finally {
0767: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0768: origClassLoader);
0770: }
0771: } catch (IOException ioe) {
0772: Logger.getLogger(
0773: SunDeploymentManager.class.getName()).log(
0774: Level.FINER, null, ioe);
0775: } finally {
0776: releaseInnerDM();
0777: }
0778: }
0779: }
0781: // help prevent running into GF issue 3693
0782: //
0783: // By returning a single target, we prevent the j2eeserver layer from
0784: // deciding that the IDE needs to use archive deployment. If the IDE
0785: // uses JSR 88 API's to deploy to GF, the call to dm.start() will
0786: // cause problems.
0787: //
0788: // If the plugin needs to support multiple targets, this will need
0789: // to be revisited.
0790: //
0791: if (null != retVal && retVal.length > 1) {
0792: return new Target[] { retVal[0] };
0793: }
0794: return retVal;
0795: }
0797: public boolean isDConfigBeanVersionSupported(
0798: DConfigBeanVersionType vers) {
0799: //System.out.println("isDConfigBeanVersionSupported.");
0800: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0801: return innerDM.isDConfigBeanVersionSupported(vers);
0802: }
0804: public boolean isLocaleSupported(Locale locale) {
0805: //System.out.println("isLocaleSupported.");
0806: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0807: return innerDM.isLocaleSupported(locale);
0808: }
0810: public boolean isRedeploySupported() {
0811: //System.out.println("isRedeploySupported.");
0812: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0813: return innerDM.isRedeploySupported();
0814: }
0816: public ProgressObject redeploy(TargetModuleID[] targetModuleID,
0817: InputStream archive, InputStream plan)
0818: throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException {
0819: //System.out.println("redeploy.");
0820: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0822: InputStream innerPlan = null;
0823: // getStartServerInterface().viewLogFile();
0824: ViewLogAction.viewLog(this );
0826: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0827: .getContextClassLoader();
0828: try {
0829: Thread
0830: .currentThread()
0831: .setContextClassLoader(
0832: ServerLocationManager
0833: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0834: // File f = getInternalPlanFile(plan);
0835: // innerPlan = new FileInputStream(f);
0836: grabInnerDM(false);
0837: ProgressObject retVal = innerDM.redeploy(targetModuleID,
0838: archive, innerPlan);
0839: if (null != retVal) {
0840: retVal.addProgressListener(new ReleaseInnerDMPL(Thread
0841: .currentThread()));
0842: }
0843: return retVal;
0844: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
0845: releaseInnerDM();
0846: throw ise;
0847: } catch (Exception ioe) {
0848: IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException(
0849: "file handling issues");
0850: ise.initCause(ioe);
0851: releaseInnerDM();
0852: throw ise;
0853: } finally {
0854: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0855: origClassLoader);
0856: if (null != innerPlan) {
0857: try {
0858: innerPlan.close();
0859: } catch (Throwable t) {
0860: t.printStackTrace();
0861: jsr88Logger.severe("bad two");
0862: }
0863: }
0864: }
0865: }
0867: public ProgressObject redeploy(TargetModuleID[] targetModuleID,
0868: File archive, File plan)
0869: throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException {
0870: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0872: File[] resourceDirs = Utils.getResourceDirs(archive);
0873: if (resourceDirs != null) {
0874: Utils.registerResources(resourceDirs,
0875: (ServerInterface) getManagement());
0876: }
0878: ViewLogAction.viewLog(this );
0880: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0881: .getContextClassLoader();
0882: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0883: ServerLocationManager
0884: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0885: try {
0886: grabInnerDM(false);
0887: ProgressObject retVal = innerDM.redeploy(targetModuleID,
0888: archive, null);
0889: if (null != retVal) {
0890: retVal.addProgressListener(new ReleaseInnerDMPL(Thread
0891: .currentThread()));
0892: }
0893: return retVal;
0894: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
0895: releaseInnerDM();
0896: throw ise;
0897: } finally {
0898: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0899: origClassLoader);
0900: }
0901: }
0903: public void release() {
0904: //System.out.println("release.");
0905: /* try{
0906: innerDM.release();
0907: }catch (Exception e){
0908: //npe there f called 2 times in a row from studio...
0909: //need to talk to Nam
0910: }*/
0912: }
0914: public void setDConfigBeanVersion(DConfigBeanVersionType versionType)
0915: throws DConfigBeanVersionUnsupportedException {
0916: // System.out.println("setDConfigBeanVersion.");
0917: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0918: innerDM.setDConfigBeanVersion(versionType);
0919: }
0921: public void setLocale(Locale locale)
0922: throws UnsupportedOperationException {
0923: // System.out.println("setLocale.");
0924: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0925: innerDM.setLocale(locale);
0926: }
0928: public ProgressObject start(TargetModuleID[] targetModuleID)
0929: throws IllegalStateException {
0930: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0931: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0932: .getContextClassLoader();
0933: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0934: ServerLocationManager
0935: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0936: try {
0937: // need to weed list of targetModules -- no app clients!
0938: // see https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=641
0939: TargetModuleID[] weeded = weedOutAppClientTMID(targetModuleID);
0940: ProgressObject retVal = null;
0941: if (weeded.length < 1) {
0942: retVal = new ShortCircuitProgressObject(
0943: CommandType.START, NbBundle.getMessage(
0944: SunDeploymentManager.class,
0946: targetModuleID);
0947: } else {
0948: retVal = innerDM.start(weeded);
0949: }
0950: return retVal;
0951: } finally {
0952: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0953: origClassLoader);
0954: }
0955: }
0957: public ProgressObject stop(TargetModuleID[] targetModuleID)
0958: throws IllegalStateException {
0959: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
0960: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
0961: .getContextClassLoader();
0962: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0963: ServerLocationManager
0964: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
0965: try {
0966: // need to weed list of targetModules -- no app clients!
0967: // see https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=641
0968: TargetModuleID[] weeded = weedOutAppClientTMID(targetModuleID);
0969: ProgressObject retVal = null;
0970: if (weeded.length < 1) {
0971: retVal = new ShortCircuitProgressObject(
0972: CommandType.STOP, NbBundle.getMessage(
0973: SunDeploymentManager.class,
0975: targetModuleID);
0976: } else {
0977: retVal = innerDM.stop(weeded);
0978: }
0979: return retVal;
0980: } finally {
0981: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
0982: origClassLoader);
0983: }
0984: }
0986: // TODO : remove this method when GFV2/SJSAS9.1 is the "legacy" version
0987: // for the plugin.
0988: private TargetModuleID[] weedOutAppClientTMID(TargetModuleID[] tmids) {
0989: // the server team resolved 641 and also 3248 in v2... but since we
0990: // allow users to work with older server versions, we have to dance here.
0991: if (ServerLocationManager
0992: .getAppServerPlatformVersion(platformRoot) > ServerLocationManager.GF_V1) {
0993: return tmids;
0994: }
0995: ArrayList<TargetModuleID> retList = new ArrayList<TargetModuleID>();
0996: try {
0997: Class[] argClass = new Class[1];
0998: argClass[0] = TargetModuleID.class;
0999: Object[] argObject = new Object[1];
1001: ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
1002: if (loader != null) {
1003: Class cc = loader
1004: .loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.bridge.AppServerBridge");
1005: Method isCar = cc.getMethod("isCar", argClass);//NOI18N
1006: for (TargetModuleID tmid : tmids) {
1007: argObject[0] = tmid;
1008: boolean doNotAddToRetList = ((Boolean) isCar
1009: .invoke(null, argObject)).booleanValue();
1010: if (!doNotAddToRetList) {
1011: retList.add(tmid);
1012: }
1013: }
1014: }
1015: } catch (Exception ex) {
1016: //Suppressing exception while trying to obtain admin host port value
1017: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
1018: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
1019: }
1020: return retList.toArray(new TargetModuleID[retList.size()]);
1021: }
1023: public ProgressObject undeploy(TargetModuleID[] targetModuleID)
1024: throws IllegalStateException {
1025: // System.out.println("undeploy.");
1026: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
1027: ClassLoader origClassLoader = Thread.currentThread()
1028: .getContextClassLoader();
1029: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
1030: ServerLocationManager
1031: .getServerOnlyClassLoader(getPlatformRoot()));
1033: ProgressObject retVal = null;
1034: try {
1035: grabInnerDM(false);
1036: retVal = innerDM.undeploy(targetModuleID);
1037: if (null != retVal) {
1038: retVal.addProgressListener(new ReleaseInnerDMPL(Thread
1039: .currentThread()));
1040: }
1041: return retVal;
1042: }
1044: finally {
1045: if (null == retVal) {
1046: releaseInnerDM();
1047: }
1048: Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(
1049: origClassLoader);
1051: }
1052: }
1054: private void calculateIsLocal() {
1055: boolean isset = false;
1056: InstanceProperties ip = SunURIManager.getInstanceProperties(
1057: getPlatformRoot(), getHost(), getPort());
1058: if (ip != null) { //Null is a possible returned value there...
1059: Object domainDir = ip.getProperty("LOCATION");
1060: if (null != domainDir) {
1061: isLocal = true;
1062: isset = true;
1063: }
1064: if ("".equals(domainDir)) {
1065: isLocal = false;
1066: isset = true; // this may be redundant
1067: }
1068: }
1069: if (!isset) {
1070: if (getHost().equals("localhost")) {
1071: isLocal = true;
1072: } else {
1073: try {
1074: new Thread() {
1075: public void run() {
1076: try {
1077: String ia = InetAddress.getByName(
1078: getHost()).getHostAddress();
1079: if (ia.equals("")) {//NOI18N
1080: isLocal = true;
1081: } else {
1082: String localCanonName = InetAddress
1083: .getLocalHost()
1084: .getCanonicalHostName();
1085: String currentCanonName = InetAddress
1086: .getByName(getHost())
1087: .getCanonicalHostName();
1089: isLocal = (localCanonName
1090: .equals(currentCanonName)) ? true
1091: : false;
1092: }
1093: } catch (Exception e) {
1094: // e.printStackTrace();
1095: jsr88Logger.severe(e.getMessage());
1096: }
1097: }
1098: }.start();
1100: } catch (Throwable t) {
1101: // t.printStackTrace(); wll default to false.
1102: return;
1103: }
1104: }
1105: }
1106: }
1108: /* return true if the server instance is locale
1109: **/
1110: public boolean isLocal() {
1112: return isLocal; //the cached value
1114: }
1116: // return LOCALHOST.equals(getHost());
1118: /* return the status of an instance.
1119: * It is optimized to return the previous status if called more than twice within
1120: * a 5 seconds intervall
1121: * This boosts IDE reactivity
1122: */
1123: public synchronized boolean isRunning() {
1124: return isRunning(false);
1126: }
1128: /* return the status of an instance.
1129: * when not forced, It is optimized to return the previous status if called more than twice within
1130: * a 4 seconds intervall
1131: * This boosts IDE reactivity
1132: */
1133: public boolean isRunning(boolean forced) {
1135: boolean retVal = false;
1137: if (isSuspended()) {
1138: retVal = true;
1139: } else {
1141: // if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked==false){
1142: //
1143: // }
1144: // if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked&& (goodUserNamePassword==false)){
1145: // System.out.println("ISRUNNING TRUE BUT!!!!WRONG U PA: REFRESH THE NODe Please") ;
1146: // return true;
1147: // }
1149: long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
1150: // System.out.println("in in running call"+ (current-timeStampCheckingRunning));
1151: if (forced == false
1152: && current - timeStampCheckingRunning < 4000) {
1153: // System.out.println("Cached in in running call");
1154: //timeStampCheckingRunning = current;
1155: retVal = runningState;
1157: } else {
1158: boolean newrunningState = false;
1159: timeStampCheckingRunning = current;
1161: try {
1162: ThrowExceptionIfSuspended();
1164: Target[] t = getTargets();
1165: if (t != null) {
1166: if (t.length == 0)
1167: newrunningState = false;
1168: else
1170: newrunningState = true;
1171: }
1173: //System.out.println("isRunning" +runningState);
1174: } catch (Throwable /*IllegalStateException*/e) {
1175: newrunningState = false;
1176: //System.out.println(" bisRunning" +runningState);
1177: }
1178: runningState = newrunningState;
1179: if ((runningState) && (nonAdminPortNumber == null)) {
1180: try {
1181: // System.out.println("inrunning get admin port number"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-current));
1182: nonAdminPortNumber = (String) getManagement()
1183: .getAttribute(
1184: new javax.management.ObjectName(
1185: "com.sun.appserv:type=http-listener,id=http-listener-1,config=server-config,category=config"),
1186: "port");
1187: // sharedMemoryName = getDebugAddressValueReal();
1188: // fix the null http port setting... in the ant properties file.
1189: Runnable t = new Runnable() {
1190: public void run() {
1191: try {
1192: storeAntDeploymentProperties(
1193: getAntDeploymentPropertiesFile(),
1194: true);
1195: } catch (IOException ioe) {
1196: // what can I do here
1197: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
1198: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
1199: ioe);
1200: }
1202: }
1204: };
1205: RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(t);
1206: } catch (Throwable /*IllegalStateException*/ee) {
1207: ee.printStackTrace();
1208: }
1209: }
1210: timeStampCheckingRunning = System.currentTimeMillis();
1211: // System.out.println("startinsruning"+(timeStampCheckingRunning-current));
1213: retVal = runningState;
1214: }
1215: }
1216: return retVal;
1217: }
1219: synchronized public void ThrowExceptionIfSuspended() {
1221: /* this is called before any remote call, so it's a good place to do this extra check about being secure of not For EE version
1222: ** and accordingly set the environment correctly */
1224: if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked == false) {
1225: // long current=System.currentTimeMillis();
1226: mmm = null;
1227: try {
1228: secure = PortDetector
1229: .isSecurePort(getHost(), getPort());
1231: if (secure == true) {
1232: if (!uri.endsWith(SECURESTRINGDETECTION)) {
1233: uri = uri + SECURESTRINGDETECTION;//make it secure and reset the inner one
1234: }
1235: resetInnerDeploymentManager();
1236: //System.out.println("Setting as Secure!!!!!");
1238: }
1239: //System.out.println("secure="+secure);
1240: secureStatusHasBeenChecked = true;// check done!!!
1242: // now we know if we are secure or not, we can check is the username passowrd is good:
1243: testCredentials();
1245: } catch (Exception e) {
1246: //Cannot detect if it's secure of not yet..
1247: // could be IOException, ConnectException, SocketTimeoutException
1248: // System.out.println("timeout "+( System.currentTimeMillis()-current));
1249: // System.out.println("caanot check secure");
1250: secureStatusHasBeenChecked = false;
1251: //System.out.println("could be IOException, ConnectException, SocketTimeoutException");
1252: //e.printStackTrace();
1253: }
1254: }
1255: if (isSuspended()) {
1257: //System.out.println("CANNOT DO A remote operation WHILE STOPPED IN A BREAK POINT IN DEBUG MODE...");
1258: throw new RuntimeException(bundle
1259: .getString("MSG_ServerInDebug"));
1260: }
1261: if (secureStatusHasBeenChecked
1262: && (goodUserNamePassword == false)) {
1263: throw new RuntimeException(bundle
1264: .getString("MSG_WRONG_UserPassword"));
1265: }
1267: }
1269: /**
1270: * Returns true if this server is started in debug mode AND debugger is attached to it
1271: * AND threads are suspended (e.g. debugger stopped on breakpoint)
1272: */
1273: public boolean isSuspended() {
1274: return org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.j2ee.StartSunServer
1275: .isSuspended(this );
1276: }
1278: private ServerInterface mmm = null;
1280: public ServerInterface getManagement() {
1281: if (mmm == null) {
1283: try {
1284: Class[] argClass = new Class[1];
1285: argClass[0] = javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager.class;
1286: Object[] argObject = new Object[1];
1287: argObject[0] = this ;
1289: ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
1290: if (loader != null) {
1291: Class cc = loader
1292: .loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.management.ServerMEJB");
1293: mmm = (ServerInterface) cc.newInstance();
1294: mmm.setDeploymentManager(this );
1295: }
1296: } catch (Exception ex) {
1297: mmm = null;
1298: //Suppressing exception while trying to obtain admin host port value
1299: ex.printStackTrace();
1300: }
1302: }
1303: return mmm;
1304: }
1306: public void testCredentials() {
1308: Authenticator.setDefault(new AdminAuthenticator(this ));
1310: goodUserNamePassword = false;
1311: maybeRunningButWrongUserName = false;
1312: try {
1313: Class[] argClass = new Class[1];
1314: argClass[0] = javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager.class;
1315: Object[] argObject = new Object[1];
1316: argObject[0] = this ;
1318: ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
1319: if (loader != null) {
1320: Class cc = loader
1321: .loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.management.ServerMEJB");
1322: ServerInterface si;
1324: si = (ServerInterface) cc.newInstance();
1325: si.setDeploymentManager(this );
1326: si.checkCredentials();
1327: goodUserNamePassword = true;
1328: }
1330: } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
1331: goodUserNamePassword = false;
1332: } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
1333: goodUserNamePassword = false;
1334: } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
1335: goodUserNamePassword = false;
1336: } catch (IOException e) {
1337: if (!e.getMessage().contains("500")) {//not an internal error, so user/password error!!!
1338: maybeRunningButWrongUserName = true;
1339: }
1341: String serverTitle = getInstanceDisplayName();
1342: DialogDescriptor desc = new DialogDescriptor(
1343: NbBundle
1344: .getMessage(
1345: SunDeploymentManager.class,
1347: new Object[] {
1348: ((serverTitle != null) ? serverTitle
1349: : // NOI18N
1350: NbBundle
1351: .getMessage(
1352: SunDeploymentManager.class,
1353: "WORD_SERVER")), // NOI18N
1354: stripSlashHtmlAndNewlines(e
1355: .getLocalizedMessage()) }),
1356: NbBundle.getMessage(SunDeploymentManager.class,
1358: desc.setModal(false);
1359: desc.setMessageType(DialogDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1360: desc
1361: .setOptions(new Object[] { DialogDescriptor.OK_OPTION });
1362: desc.setOptionsAlign(DialogDescriptor.BOTTOM_ALIGN);
1363: DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(desc);
1364: }
1366: }
1368: /** take the </html> off the end of a string.
1369: * makes it easier to embed the strings in a string with
1370: * markup safely
1371: */
1372: private String stripSlashHtmlAndNewlines(String input) {
1373: String retVal = null;
1374: int dex = input.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).lastIndexOf(
1375: "</html>");
1376: if (dex > -1) {
1377: retVal = input.substring(0, dex);
1378: } else {
1379: retVal = input;
1380: }
1381: return retVal.replaceAll("\n", " ");
1382: }
1384: private String getInstanceDisplayName() {
1385: InstanceProperties ip = SunURIManager.getInstanceProperties(
1386: getPlatformRoot(), getHost(), getPort());
1387: return (ip != null) ? ip
1388: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR)
1389: : null;
1390: }
1392: private ResourceConfiguratorInterface resourceConfigurator = null;
1394: public ResourceConfiguratorInterface getResourceConfigurator() {
1395: if (resourceConfigurator == null) {
1396: org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.sunresources.beans.ResourceConfigurator r = new org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.sunresources.beans.ResourceConfigurator();
1397: r.setDeploymentManager(this );
1398: resourceConfigurator = r;
1399: // try{
1400: // Class[] argClass = new Class[1];
1401: // argClass[0] = javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DeploymentManager.class;
1402: // Object[] argObject = new Object[1];
1403: // argObject[0] = this;
1404: //
1405: // ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
1406: // if(loader != null){
1407: // Class cc = loader.loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.ide.sunresources.beans.ResourceConfigurator");
1408: // resourceConfigurator = (ResourceConfiguratorInterface)cc.newInstance();
1409: // java.lang.reflect.Method setDeploymentManager = cc.getMethod("setDeploymentManager", argClass);//NOI18N
1410: // setDeploymentManager.invoke(resourceConfigurator, argObject);
1411: // }
1412: // }catch(Exception ex){
1413: // //Suppressing exception
1414: // //return will be a null value for resourceConfigurator
1415: // ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
1416: // ex);
1417: // }
1418: }
1419: return resourceConfigurator;
1420: }
1422: private javax.management.MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection()
1423: throws RemoteException, ServerException {
1424: ServerInterface serverMgmt = getManagement();
1425: return (javax.management.MBeanServerConnection) serverMgmt
1426: .getMBeanServerConnection();
1427: }
1429: public CmpMappingProvider getSunCmpMapper() {
1430: CmpMappingProvider sunCmpMapper = null;
1431: try {
1432: ClassLoader loader = getExtendedClassLoader();
1433: Class cc = loader
1434: .loadClass("org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.bridge.cmp.CmpMappingProviderImpl");
1436: sunCmpMapper = (CmpMappingProvider) cc.newInstance();
1437: } catch (Exception ex) {
1438: ErrorManager.getDefault()
1439: .notify(ErrorManager.EXCEPTION, ex);
1440: }
1441: return sunCmpMapper;
1442: }
1444: public boolean isMaybeRunningButWrongUserName() {
1445: return maybeRunningButWrongUserName;
1446: }
1448: public boolean isSecure() {
1449: return secure;
1450: }
1452: static String getHostFromURI(String uri) {
1453: String retVal = null;
1454: try {
1455: int len1 = uri.lastIndexOf(':');
1456: //int uriLength = uri.length();
1457: String partial = uri.substring(0, len1);
1458: int len2 = partial.lastIndexOf(':');
1460: retVal = uri.substring(len2 + 1, len1);
1461: } catch (Throwable t) {
1462: jsr88Logger.warning("getHostFromURI:: invalid uri: " + uri);
1463: }
1464: return retVal;
1465: }
1467: static int getPortFromURI(String uri) {
1468: int retVal = -1;
1469: int len1 = uri.lastIndexOf(':');
1470: if (-1 != len1) {
1471: //int uriLength = uri.length();
1472: try {
1473: retVal = Integer.parseInt(uri.substring(len1 + 1));
1474: } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
1475: jsr88Logger.warning(nfe.getMessage());
1476: }
1477: }
1478: return retVal;
1479: }
1481: synchronized public void refreshDeploymentManager() {
1482: try {
1483: secureStatusHasBeenChecked = false;
1484: resetInnerDeploymentManager();
1485: } catch (Exception ex) {
1486: return;//nothing much
1487: }
1488: }
1490: public File getPlatformRoot() {
1491: return platformRoot;
1492: }
1494: private ClassLoader getExtendedClassLoader() {
1496: return ServerLocationManager
1497: .getNetBeansAndServerClassLoader(getPlatformRoot());
1498: }
1500: synchronized public void setUserName(String name) {
1501: mmm = null;
1502: secureStatusHasBeenChecked = false;
1503: String oldValue = userName;
1504: userName = name;
1505: propertySupport.firePropertyChange("name", oldValue, userName);
1506: }
1508: synchronized public void setPassword(String pw) {
1509: mmm = null;
1510: secureStatusHasBeenChecked = false;
1511: String oldValue = password;
1512: password = pw;
1513: passwordForURI.put(uri + platformRoot, password);
1515: refreshDeploymentManager();
1517: propertySupport.firePropertyChange("password", oldValue,
1518: password);
1520: }
1522: public File getAntDeploymentPropertiesFile() {
1523: return new File(System.getProperty("netbeans.user"),
1524: getInstanceID() + ".properties"); // NOI18N
1525: }
1527: public void storeAntDeploymentProperties(File file, boolean create)
1528: throws IOException {
1529: if (!create && !file.exists()) {
1530: return;
1531: }
1532: Properties antProps = new Properties();
1533: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.root", getPlatformRoot()
1534: .getAbsolutePath()); // NOI18N
1535: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.url", getWebUrl()); // NOI18N
1536: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.username", getUserName()); // NOI18N
1537: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.password", getPassword()); // NOI18N
1538: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.host", getHost());
1539: antProps.setProperty("sjsas.port", getPort() + "");
1540: boolean ret = file.createNewFile();
1541: FileObject fo = FileUtil.toFileObject(file);
1542: FileLock lock = null;
1543: try {
1544: lock = fo.lock();
1545: OutputStream os = fo.getOutputStream(lock);
1546: try {
1547: antProps.store(os, "");
1548: } finally {
1549: if (null != os) {
1550: os.close();
1551: }
1552: }
1553: } finally {
1554: if (null != lock) {
1555: lock.releaseLock();
1556: }
1557: }
1558: }
1560: private static String PROP_INSTANCE_ID = "PROP_INSTANCE_ID";
1562: // package protected for access from SunDeploymentFactory.
1563: String getInstanceID() {
1564: InstanceProperties ip = SunURIManager.getInstanceProperties(
1565: platformRoot, host, adminPortNumber);
1566: String name = null;
1567: if (null != ip) {
1568: name = ip.getProperty(PROP_INSTANCE_ID);
1569: }
1570: if (name == null) {
1571: boolean isGF = ServerLocationManager
1572: .isGlassFish(platformRoot);
1573: String prefix = isGF ? "glassfish" : "sjsas8"; // NOI18N
1574: String[] instanceURLs = Deployment.getDefault()
1575: .getInstancesOfServer("J2EE"); // NOI18N
1576: int len = 0;
1577: if (null != instanceURLs) {
1578: len = instanceURLs.length;
1579: }
1580: for (int i = 0; name == null; i++) {
1581: if (i == 0) {
1582: name = prefix;
1583: } else {
1584: name = prefix + "_" + i; // NOI18N
1585: }
1587: for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { // String url: instanceURLs) {
1588: String url = instanceURLs[j];
1589: String uri = null;
1590: if (null != ip) {
1591: uri = ip
1592: .getProperty(InstanceProperties.URL_ATTR);
1593: }
1594: if (!url.equals(uri)) {
1595: InstanceProperties iip = InstanceProperties
1596: .getInstanceProperties(url);
1597: if (iip != null) {
1598: String anotherName = iip
1599: .getProperty(PROP_INSTANCE_ID);
1600: if (name.equals(anotherName)) {
1601: name = null;
1602: break;
1603: }
1604: }
1605: }
1606: }
1607: }
1608: if (null != ip) {
1609: ip.setProperty(PROP_INSTANCE_ID, name);
1610: }
1611: }
1612: return name;
1613: }
1615: private String getWebUrl() {
1616: return "http://" + host + ":" + nonAdminPortNumber; // NOI18N
1617: }
1619: public HashMap getSunDatasourcesFromXml() {
1620: DomainEditor dEditor = new DomainEditor(this );
1621: return dEditor.getSunDatasourcesFromXml();
1622: }
1624: public HashMap getConnPoolsFromXml() {
1625: DomainEditor dEditor = new DomainEditor(this );
1626: return dEditor.getConnPoolsFromXml();
1627: }
1629: public HashMap getAdminObjectResourcesFromXml() {
1630: DomainEditor dEditor = new DomainEditor(this );
1631: return dEditor.getAdminObjectResourcesFromXml();
1632: }
1634: public void createSampleDataSourceinDomain() {
1635: DomainEditor dEditor = new DomainEditor(this );
1636: dEditor.createSampleDatasource();
1637: }
1639: public void addPropertyChangeListener(
1640: PropertyChangeListener listener) {
1641: propertySupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
1642: }
1644: public void removePropertyChangeListener(
1645: PropertyChangeListener listener) {
1646: propertySupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
1647: }
1649: // VBK hack target objects to support configuration prototyping in
1650: // J2EE 1.4 RI beta 1 deploytool
1651: class FakeTarget implements Target {
1653: public String getDescription() {
1654: return "fakeTargetDescr"; // NOI18N
1655: }
1657: public String getName() {
1658: return "fakeTargetName"; // NOI18N
1659: }
1661: }
1663: private AtomicBoolean locked = new AtomicBoolean(false);
1665: public boolean grabInnerDM(boolean returnInsteadOfWait) {
1666: while (true) {
1667: if (locked.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
1668: // I just closed the lock
1669: break;
1670: } else {
1671: try {
1672: if (returnInsteadOfWait) {
1673: return false;
1674: }
1675: synchronized (locked) { //(innerDM) {
1676: //innerDM.wait();
1677: locked.wait(500);
1678: }
1679: } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
1680: // what do I do now?
1681: }
1682: }
1683: }
1684: return true;
1685: }
1687: public void releaseInnerDM() {
1688: locked.set(false);
1689: synchronized (locked) { // (innerDM) {
1690: //innerDM.notifyAll();
1691: locked.notifyAll();
1692: }
1693: }
1695: private class ReleaseInnerDMPL implements ProgressListener {
1696: Thread locker;
1698: ReleaseInnerDMPL(Thread locker) {
1699: this .locker = locker;
1700: }
1702: public void handleProgressEvent(ProgressEvent progressEvent) {
1703: DeploymentStatus dms = progressEvent.getDeploymentStatus();
1704: if (!dms.isRunning()) {
1705: locked.set(false);
1706: synchronized (locked) { //(innerDM) {
1707: //innerDM.notifyAll();
1708: locked.notifyAll();
1709: }
1710: }
1711: }
1712: }
1714: public void setRestartForDriverDeployment(boolean restart) {
1715: this .driversdeployed = restart;
1716: }
1718: public int getAppserverVersion() {
1719: return ServerLocationManager
1720: .getAppServerPlatformVersion(getPlatformRoot());
1721: }
1723: /** put a file inside this progress listener to get rid of it after
1724: * it has been used
1725: */
1726: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" FileDeleter code ">
1727: class FileDeleter implements ProgressListener {
1728: File f;
1730: public FileDeleter(File f) {
1731: this .f = f;
1732: }
1734: public void handleProgressEvent(ProgressEvent pe) {
1735: DeploymentStatus ds = pe.getDeploymentStatus();
1736: if (ds.isCompleted() || ds.isFailed()) {
1737: // boolean complete = ds.isCompleted();
1738: f.delete();
1739: }
1740: }
1741: }
1743: //</editor-fold>
1745: /**
1746: * ProgressObject for use in cases where we need to short circuit the flow of
1747: * method calls between the plugin and the server's jsr-88 implementation class.
1748: *
1749: * This allows the plugin's jsr-88 "interface" to work-around bugs in the
1750: * server's jsr-88 implementation.
1751: */
1752: // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" ShortCircuitProgressObject code ">
1753: static class ShortCircuitProgressObject implements ProgressObject {
1755: private CommandType ct;
1756: private String message;
1757: private StateType st;
1758: private TargetModuleID[] tmids;
1760: ProgressEventSupport pes = new ProgressEventSupport(this );
1762: /**
1763: *
1764: * @param ct
1765: * @param message
1766: * @param st
1767: * @param tmids
1768: */
1769: ShortCircuitProgressObject(CommandType ct, String message,
1770: StateType st, TargetModuleID[] tmids) {
1771: this .ct = ct;
1772: this .message = message;
1773: this .st = st;
1774: this .tmids = tmids;
1775: }
1777: /**
1778: *
1779: * @return
1780: */
1781: public DeploymentStatus getDeploymentStatus() {
1782: return new DeploymentStatus() {
1783: public ActionType getAction() {
1784: return ActionType.EXECUTE;
1785: }
1787: public CommandType getCommand() {
1788: return ct;
1789: }
1791: public String getMessage() {
1792: return message;
1793: }
1795: public StateType getState() {
1796: return st;
1797: }
1799: public boolean isCompleted() {
1800: return st.equals(StateType.COMPLETED);
1801: }
1803: public boolean isFailed() {
1804: return st.equals(StateType.FAILED);
1805: }
1807: public boolean isRunning() {
1808: return st.equals(StateType.RUNNING);
1809: }
1810: };
1811: }
1813: /**
1814: *
1815: * @return
1816: */
1817: public TargetModuleID[] getResultTargetModuleIDs() {
1818: return tmids;
1819: }
1821: /**
1822: *
1823: * @param targetModuleID
1824: * @return
1825: */
1826: public ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration(
1827: TargetModuleID targetModuleID) {
1828: return null;
1829: }
1831: /**
1832: *
1833: * @return
1834: */
1835: public boolean isCancelSupported() {
1836: return false;
1837: }
1839: /**
1840: *
1841: * @throws javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.OperationUnsupportedException
1842: */
1843: public void cancel() throws OperationUnsupportedException {
1844: }
1846: /**
1847: *
1848: * @return
1849: */
1850: public boolean isStopSupported() {
1851: return false;
1852: }
1854: /**
1855: *
1856: * @throws javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.OperationUnsupportedException
1857: */
1858: public void stop() throws OperationUnsupportedException {
1859: }
1861: /**
1862: *
1863: * @param progressListener
1864: */
1865: public void addProgressListener(
1866: ProgressListener progressListener) {
1867: pes.addProgressListener(progressListener);
1868: }
1870: /**
1871: *
1872: * @param progressListener
1873: */
1874: public void removeProgressListener(
1875: ProgressListener progressListener) {
1876: pes.removeProgressListener(progressListener);
1877: }
1878: }
1879: //</editor-fold>
1880: }