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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011:         *
012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021:         * your own identifying information:
022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023:         *
024:         * Contributor(s):
025:         *
026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029:         *
030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040:         */
041:        package;
043:        import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
044:        import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
045:        import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
046:        import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
047:        import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
048:        import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
049:        import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
050:        import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
051:        import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
052:        import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions;
053:        import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
054:        import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
055:        import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
056:        import;
057:        import java.util.ArrayList;
058:        import java.util.Collection;
059:        import java.util.EnumSet;
060:        import java.util.HashMap;
061:        import java.util.HashSet;
062:        import java.util.Iterator;
063:        import java.util.List;
064:        import java.util.Map;
065:        import java.util.Set;
066:        import java.util.logging.Level;
067:        import java.util.logging.Logger;
068:        import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
069:        import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
070:        import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
071:        import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
072:        import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
073:        import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
074:        import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
075:        import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
076:        import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
077:        import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
078:        import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
079:        import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
080:        import javax.swing.JButton;
081:        import javax.swing.JComponent;
082:        import javax.swing.text.Document;
083:        import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
084:        import;
085:        import;
086:        import;
087:        import;
088:        import;
089:        import;
090:        import;
091:        import;
092:        import;
093:        import org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument;
094:        import org.netbeans.editor.GuardedException;
095:        import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
096:        import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
097:        import org.openide.ErrorManager;
098:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
099:        import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
101:        /**
102:         *
103:         * @author Jan Lahoda, Dusan Balek
104:         */
105:        public class GeneratorUtils {
107:            private static final ErrorManager ERR = ErrorManager.getDefault()
108:                    .getInstance(GeneratorUtils.class.getName());
109:            private static final String ERROR = "<error>"; //NOI18N
110:            public static final int GETTERS_ONLY = 1;
111:            public static final int SETTERS_ONLY = 2;
113:            private GeneratorUtils() {
114:            }
116:            public static ClassTree insertClassMember(WorkingCopy copy,
117:                    TreePath path, Tree member) {
118:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
119:                TreeUtilities tu = copy.getTreeUtilities();
120:                int idx = 0;
121:                for (Tree tree : ((ClassTree) path.getLeaf()).getMembers()) {
122:                    if (!tu.isSynthetic(new TreePath(path, tree))
123:                            &&, tree) < 0)
124:                        break;
125:                    idx++;
126:                }
127:                return copy.getTreeMaker().insertClassMember(
128:                        (ClassTree) path.getLeaf(), idx, member);
129:            }
131:            public static List<? extends ExecutableElement> findUndefs(
132:                    CompilationInfo info, TypeElement impl) {
133:                if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL))
134:                    ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "findUndefs(" + info
135:                            + ", " + impl + ")");
136:                List<? extends ExecutableElement> undef = info
137:                        .getElementUtilities().findUnimplementedMethods(impl);
138:                if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL))
139:                    ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "undef=" + undef);
140:                return undef;
141:            }
143:            public static List<? extends ExecutableElement> findOverridable(
144:                    CompilationInfo info, TypeElement impl) {
145:                List<ExecutableElement> overridable = new ArrayList<ExecutableElement>();
146:                List<TypeElement> classes = getAllClasses(impl);
148:                if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL))
149:                    ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "classes=" + classes);
151:                for (TypeElement te : classes.subList(1, classes.size())) {
152:                    for (ExecutableElement ee : ElementFilter.methodsIn(te
153:                            .getEnclosedElements())) {
154:                        Set<Modifier> set = EnumSet.copyOf(NOT_OVERRIDABLE);
156:                        set.removeAll(ee.getModifiers());
158:                        if (set.size() != NOT_OVERRIDABLE.size())
159:                            continue;
161:                        if (ee.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) //do not offer overriding of private methods
162:                            continue;
164:                        if (overridesPackagePrivateOutsidePackage(ee, impl)) //do not offer package private methods in case they're from different package
165:                            continue;
167:                        int this Element = classes.indexOf(te);
169:                        if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
170:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "ee=" + ee);
171:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
172:                                    "thisElement = " + this Element);
173:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
174:                                    "classes.subList(0, thisElement + 1)="
175:                                            + classes.subList(0,
176:                                                    this Element + 1));
177:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
178:                                    "isOverriden(info, ee, classes.subList(0, thisElement + 1))="
179:                                            + isOverriden(info, ee,
180:                                                    classes.subList(0,
181:                                                            this Element + 1)));
182:                        }
184:                        if (!isOverriden(info, ee, classes.subList(0,
185:                                this Element + 1))) {
186:                            overridable.add(ee);
187:                        }
188:                    }
189:                }
191:                return overridable;
192:            }
194:            public static Map<? extends TypeElement, ? extends List<? extends VariableElement>> findAllAccessibleFields(
195:                    CompilationInfo info, TypeElement clazz) {
196:                Map<TypeElement, List<? extends VariableElement>> result = new HashMap<TypeElement, List<? extends VariableElement>>();
198:                result.put(clazz, findAllAccessibleFields(info, clazz, clazz));
200:                for (TypeElement te : getAllParents(clazz)) {
201:                    result.put(te, findAllAccessibleFields(info, clazz, te));
202:                }
204:                return result;
205:            }
207:            public static void scanForFieldsAndConstructors(
208:                    CompilationInfo info, final TreePath clsPath,
209:                    final Set<VariableElement> initializedFields,
210:                    final Set<VariableElement> uninitializedFields,
211:                    final List<ExecutableElement> constructors) {
212:                final Trees trees = info.getTrees();
213:                new TreePathScanner<Void, Boolean>() {
214:                    @Override
215:                    public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Boolean p) {
216:                        if (ERROR.contentEquals(node.getName()))
217:                            return null;
218:                        Element el = trees.getElement(getCurrentPath());
219:                        if (el != null && el.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD
220:                                && !el.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)
221:                                && node.getInitializer() == null
222:                                && !initializedFields.remove(el))
223:                            uninitializedFields.add((VariableElement) el);
224:                        return null;
225:                    }
227:                    @Override
228:                    public Void visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, Boolean p) {
229:                        Element el = trees.getElement(new TreePath(
230:                                getCurrentPath(), node.getVariable()));
231:                        if (el != null && el.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD
232:                                && !uninitializedFields.remove(el))
233:                            initializedFields.add((VariableElement) el);
234:                        return null;
235:                    }
237:                    @Override
238:                    public Void visitClass(ClassTree node, Boolean p) {
239:                        //do not analyse the inner classes:
240:                        return p ? super .visitClass(node, false) : null;
241:                    }
243:                    @Override
244:                    public Void visitMethod(MethodTree node, Boolean p) {
245:                        Element el = trees.getElement(getCurrentPath());
246:                        if (el != null
247:                                && el.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR)
248:                            constructors.add((ExecutableElement) el);
249:                        return null;
250:                    }
251:                }.scan(clsPath, Boolean.TRUE);
252:            }
254:            public static void generateAllAbstractMethodImplementations(
255:                    WorkingCopy wc, TreePath path) {
256:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
257:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
258:                if (te != null) {
259:                    TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
260:                    ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
261:                    List<Tree> members = new ArrayList<Tree>(clazz.getMembers());
262:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
263:                    ElementUtilities elemUtils = wc.getElementUtilities();
264:                    for (ExecutableElement element : elemUtils
265:                            .findUnimplementedMethods(te))
266:                        members.add(gu.createAbstractMethodImplementation(te,
267:                                element));
268:                    ClassTree nue = make.Class(clazz.getModifiers(), clazz
269:                            .getSimpleName(), clazz.getTypeParameters(), clazz
270:                            .getExtendsClause(), (List<ExpressionTree>) clazz
271:                            .getImplementsClause(), members);
272:                    wc.rewrite(clazz, nue);
273:                }
274:            }
276:            public static void generateAbstractMethodImplementations(
277:                    WorkingCopy wc, TreePath path,
278:                    List<? extends ExecutableElement> elements, int index) {
279:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
280:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
281:                if (te != null) {
282:                    TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
283:                    ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
284:                    List<Tree> members = new ArrayList<Tree>(clazz.getMembers());
285:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
286:                    members.addAll(index, gu
287:                            .createAbstractMethodImplementations(te, elements));
288:                    ClassTree nue = make.Class(clazz.getModifiers(), clazz
289:                            .getSimpleName(), clazz.getTypeParameters(), clazz
290:                            .getExtendsClause(), (List<ExpressionTree>) clazz
291:                            .getImplementsClause(), members);
292:                    wc.rewrite(clazz, nue);
293:                }
294:            }
296:            public static void generateAbstractMethodImplementation(
297:                    WorkingCopy wc, TreePath path, ExecutableElement element,
298:                    int index) {
299:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
300:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
301:                if (te != null) {
302:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
303:                    ClassTree decl = wc.getTreeMaker().insertClassMember(
304:                            (ClassTree) path.getLeaf(), index,
305:                            gu.createAbstractMethodImplementation(te, element));
306:                    wc.rewrite(path.getLeaf(), decl);
307:                }
308:            }
310:            public static void generateMethodOverrides(WorkingCopy wc,
311:                    TreePath path, List<? extends ExecutableElement> elements,
312:                    int index) {
313:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
314:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
315:                if (te != null) {
316:                    TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
317:                    ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
318:                    List<Tree> members = new ArrayList<Tree>(clazz.getMembers());
319:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
320:                    members.addAll(index, gu.createOverridingMethods(te,
321:                            elements));
322:                    ClassTree nue = make.Class(clazz.getModifiers(), clazz
323:                            .getSimpleName(), clazz.getTypeParameters(), clazz
324:                            .getExtendsClause(), (List<ExpressionTree>) clazz
325:                            .getImplementsClause(), members);
326:                    wc.rewrite(clazz, nue);
327:                }
328:            }
330:            public static void generateMethodOverride(WorkingCopy wc,
331:                    TreePath path, ExecutableElement element, int index) {
332:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
333:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
334:                if (te != null) {
335:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
336:                    ClassTree decl = wc.getTreeMaker().insertClassMember(
337:                            (ClassTree) path.getLeaf(), index,
338:                            gu.createOverridingMethod(te, element));
339:                    wc.rewrite(path.getLeaf(), decl);
340:                }
341:            }
343:            public static void generateConstructor(WorkingCopy wc,
344:                    TreePath path,
345:                    Iterable<? extends VariableElement> initFields,
346:                    ExecutableElement inheritedConstructor, int index) {
347:                TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
348:                ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
349:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
350:                GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
351:                ClassTree decl = make.insertClassMember(clazz, index,
352:                        gu.createConstructor(te, initFields,
353:                                inheritedConstructor)); //NOI18N
354:                wc.rewrite(path.getLeaf(), decl);
355:            }
357:            public static void generateConstructors(WorkingCopy wc,
358:                    TreePath path,
359:                    Iterable<? extends VariableElement> initFields,
360:                    List<? extends ExecutableElement> inheritedConstructors,
361:                    int index) {
362:                TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
363:                ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
364:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
365:                GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
366:                ClassTree decl = clazz;
367:                for (ExecutableElement inheritedConstructor : inheritedConstructors) {
368:                    decl = make.insertClassMember(decl, index, gu
369:                            .createConstructor(te, initFields,
370:                                    inheritedConstructor)); //NOI18N
371:                }
372:                wc.rewrite(clazz, decl);
373:            }
375:            public static void generateGettersAndSetters(WorkingCopy wc,
376:                    TreePath path, Iterable<? extends VariableElement> fields,
377:                    int type, int index) {
378:                assert path.getLeaf().getKind() == Tree.Kind.CLASS;
379:                TypeElement te = (TypeElement) wc.getTrees().getElement(path);
380:                if (te != null) {
381:                    TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
382:                    GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc);
383:                    ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) path.getLeaf();
384:                    List<Tree> members = new ArrayList<Tree>(clazz.getMembers());
385:                    List<Tree> methods = new ArrayList<Tree>();
386:                    for (VariableElement element : fields) {
387:                        if (type != SETTERS_ONLY)
388:                            methods.add(gu.createGetter(te, element));
389:                        if (type != GETTERS_ONLY)
390:                            methods.add(gu.createSetter(te, element));
391:                    }
392:                    members.addAll(index, methods);
393:                    ClassTree nue = make.Class(clazz.getModifiers(), clazz
394:                            .getSimpleName(), clazz.getTypeParameters(), clazz
395:                            .getExtendsClause(), (List<ExpressionTree>) clazz
396:                            .getImplementsClause(), members);
397:                    wc.rewrite(clazz, nue);
398:                }
399:            }
401:            public static boolean hasGetter(CompilationInfo info,
402:                    VariableElement field,
403:                    Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> methods) {
404:                CharSequence name = field.getSimpleName();
405:                assert name.length() > 0;
406:                TypeMirror type = field.asType();
407:                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
408:                sb.append(type.getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN ? "is" : "get")
409:                        .append(Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0))).append(
410:                                name.subSequence(1, name.length())); //NOI18N
411:                Types types = info.getTypes();
412:                List<ExecutableElement> candidates = methods.get(sb.toString());
413:                if (candidates != null) {
414:                    for (ExecutableElement candidate : candidates) {
415:                        if (candidate.getParameters().isEmpty()
416:                                && types.isSameType(candidate.getReturnType(),
417:                                        type))
418:                            return true;
419:                    }
420:                }
421:                return false;
422:            }
424:            public static boolean hasSetter(CompilationInfo info,
425:                    VariableElement field,
426:                    Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> methods) {
427:                CharSequence name = field.getSimpleName();
428:                assert name.length() > 0;
429:                TypeMirror type = field.asType();
430:                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
431:                sb.append("set").append(Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)))
432:                        .append(name.subSequence(1, name.length())); //NOI18N
433:                Types types = info.getTypes();
434:                List<ExecutableElement> candidates = methods.get(sb.toString());
435:                if (candidates != null) {
436:                    for (ExecutableElement candidate : candidates) {
437:                        if (candidate.getReturnType().getKind() == TypeKind.VOID
438:                                && candidate.getParameters().size() == 1
439:                                && types.isSameType(candidate.getParameters()
440:                                        .get(0).asType(), type))
441:                            return true;
442:                    }
443:                }
444:                return false;
445:            }
447:            public static int findClassMemberIndex(WorkingCopy wc,
448:                    ClassTree clazz, int offset) {
449:                int index = 0;
450:                SourcePositions sp = wc.getTrees().getSourcePositions();
451:                GuardedDocument gdoc = null;
452:                try {
453:                    Document doc = wc.getDocument();
454:                    if (doc != null && doc instanceof  GuardedDocument)
455:                        gdoc = (GuardedDocument) doc;
456:                } catch (IOException ioe) {
457:                }
458:                Tree lastMember = null;
459:                for (Tree tree : clazz.getMembers()) {
460:                    if (offset <= sp.getStartPosition(wc.getCompilationUnit(),
461:                            tree)) {
462:                        if (gdoc == null)
463:                            break;
464:                        int pos = (int) (lastMember != null ? sp
465:                                .getEndPosition(wc.getCompilationUnit(),
466:                                        lastMember) : sp.getStartPosition(wc
467:                                .getCompilationUnit(), clazz));
468:                        pos = gdoc.getGuardedBlockChain().adjustToBlockEnd(pos);
469:                        if (pos <= sp.getStartPosition(wc.getCompilationUnit(),
470:                                tree))
471:                            break;
472:                    }
473:                    index++;
474:                    lastMember = tree;
475:                }
476:                return index;
477:            }
479:            private static List<? extends VariableElement> findAllAccessibleFields(
480:                    CompilationInfo info, TypeElement accessibleFrom,
481:                    TypeElement toScan) {
482:                List<VariableElement> result = new ArrayList<VariableElement>();
484:                for (VariableElement ve : ElementFilter.fieldsIn(toScan
485:                        .getEnclosedElements())) {
486:                    //check if ve is accessible from accessibleFrom:
487:                    if (ve.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
488:                        result.add(ve);
489:                        continue;
490:                    }
491:                    if (ve.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
492:                        if (accessibleFrom == toScan)
493:                            result.add(ve);
494:                        continue;
495:                    }
496:                    if (ve.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) {
497:                        if (getAllParents(accessibleFrom).contains(toScan))
498:                            result.add(ve);
499:                        continue;
500:                    }
501:                    //TODO:package private:
502:                }
504:                return result;
505:            }
507:            public static Collection<TypeElement> getAllParents(TypeElement of) {
508:                Set<TypeElement> result = new HashSet<TypeElement>();
510:                for (TypeMirror t : of.getInterfaces()) {
511:                    TypeElement te = (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) t)
512:                            .asElement();
514:                    if (te != null) {
515:                        result.add(te);
516:                        result.addAll(getAllParents(te));
517:                    } else {
518:                        if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
519:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "te=null, t="
520:                                    + t);
521:                        }
522:                    }
523:                }
525:                TypeMirror sup = of.getSuperclass();
526:                TypeElement te = sup.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED ? (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) sup)
527:                        .asElement()
528:                        : null;
530:                if (te != null) {
531:                    result.add(te);
532:                    result.addAll(getAllParents(te));
533:                } else {
534:                    if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
535:                        ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "te=null, t=" + of);
536:                    }
537:                }
539:                return result;
540:            }
542:            public static boolean supportsOverride(FileObject file) {
543:                return SUPPORTS_OVERRIDE_SOURCE_LEVELS
544:                        .contains(SourceLevelQuery.getSourceLevel(file));
545:            }
547:            private static final Set<String> SUPPORTS_OVERRIDE_SOURCE_LEVELS;
549:            static {
550:                SUPPORTS_OVERRIDE_SOURCE_LEVELS = new HashSet();
552:                SUPPORTS_OVERRIDE_SOURCE_LEVELS.add("1.5");
553:                SUPPORTS_OVERRIDE_SOURCE_LEVELS.add("1.6");
554:            }
556:            private static List<TypeElement> getAllClasses(TypeElement of) {
557:                List<TypeElement> result = new ArrayList<TypeElement>();
558:                TypeMirror sup = of.getSuperclass();
559:                TypeElement te = sup.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED ? (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) sup)
560:                        .asElement()
561:                        : null;
563:                result.add(of);
565:                if (te != null) {
566:                    result.addAll(getAllClasses(te));
567:                } else {
568:                    if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
569:                        ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "te=null, t=" + of);
570:                    }
571:                }
573:                return result;
574:            }
576:            private static boolean isOverriden(CompilationInfo info,
577:                    ExecutableElement methodBase, List<TypeElement> classes) {
578:                if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
579:                    ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "isOverriden(" + info
580:                            + ", " + methodBase + ", " + classes + ")");
581:                }
583:                for (TypeElement impl : classes) {
584:                    for (ExecutableElement methodImpl : ElementFilter
585:                            .methodsIn(impl.getEnclosedElements())) {
586:                        if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)
587:                                && info.getElements().overrides(methodImpl,
588:                                        methodBase, impl)) {
589:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "overrides:");
590:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "impl=" + impl);
591:                            ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "methodImpl="
592:                                    + methodImpl);
593:                        }
595:                        if (info.getElements().overrides(methodImpl,
596:                                methodBase, impl))
597:                            return true;
598:                    }
599:                }
601:                if (ERR.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
602:                    ERR.log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL,
603:                            "no overriding methods overrides:");
604:                }
606:                return false;
607:            }
609:            private static final Set<Modifier> NOT_OVERRIDABLE = /*EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class);/*/EnumSet
610:                    .of(Modifier.ABSTRACT, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL);
612:            public static boolean isAccessible(TypeElement from, Element what) {
613:                if (what.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC))
614:                    return true;
616:                TypeElement fromTopLevel = SourceUtils
617:                        .getOutermostEnclosingTypeElement(from);
618:                TypeElement whatTopLevel = SourceUtils
619:                        .getOutermostEnclosingTypeElement(what);
621:                if (fromTopLevel.equals(whatTopLevel))
622:                    return true;
624:                if (what.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE))
625:                    return false;
627:                if (what.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) {
628:                    if (getAllClasses(fromTopLevel).contains(
629:                            SourceUtils.getEnclosingTypeElement(what)))
630:                        return true;
631:                }
633:                //package private:
634:                return ((PackageElement) fromTopLevel.getEnclosingElement())
635:                        .getQualifiedName().toString().contentEquals(
636:                                ((PackageElement) whatTopLevel
637:                                        .getEnclosingElement())
638:                                        .getQualifiedName());
639:            }
641:            static DialogDescriptor createDialogDescriptor(JComponent content,
642:                    String label) {
643:                JButton[] buttons = new JButton[2];
644:                buttons[0] = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(
645:                        GeneratorUtils.class, "LBL_generate_button"));
646:                buttons[0].getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
647:                        NbBundle.getMessage(GeneratorUtils.class,
648:                                "A11Y_Generate"));
649:                buttons[1] = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(
650:                        GeneratorUtils.class, "LBL_cancel_button"));
651:                return new DialogDescriptor(content, label, true, buttons,
652:                        buttons[0], DialogDescriptor.DEFAULT_ALIGN, null, null);
654:            }
656:            /**
657:             * Detects if this element overrides package private element from superclass
658:             * outside package
659:             * @param ee elememt to test
660:             * @return true if it does
661:             */
662:            private static boolean overridesPackagePrivateOutsidePackage(
663:                    ExecutableElement ee, TypeElement impl) {
664:                String elemPackageName = ee.getEnclosingElement()
665:                        .getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName().toString();
666:                String currentPackageName = impl.getEnclosingElement()
667:                        .getSimpleName().toString();
668:                if (!ee.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)
669:                        && !ee.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)
670:                        && !ee.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)
671:                        && !currentPackageName.equals(elemPackageName))
672:                    return true;
673:                else
674:                    return false;
675:            }
677:            private static class ClassMemberComparator {
679:                public static int compare(Tree tree1, Tree tree2) {
680:                    if (tree1 == tree2)
681:                        return 0;
682:                    int importanceDiff = getSortPriority(tree1)
683:                            - getSortPriority(tree2);
684:                    if (importanceDiff != 0)
685:                        return importanceDiff;
686:                    int alphabeticalDiff = getSortText(tree1).compareTo(
687:                            getSortText(tree2));
688:                    if (alphabeticalDiff != 0)
689:                        return alphabeticalDiff;
690:                    return -1;
691:                }
693:                private static int getSortPriority(Tree tree) {
694:                    int ret = 0;
695:                    ModifiersTree modifiers = null;
696:                    switch (tree.getKind()) {
697:                    case CLASS:
698:                        ret = 400;
699:                        modifiers = ((ClassTree) tree).getModifiers();
700:                        break;
701:                    case METHOD:
702:                        MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) tree;
703:                        if (mt.getName().contentEquals("<init>"))
704:                            ret = 200;
705:                        else
706:                            ret = 300;
707:                        modifiers = mt.getModifiers();
708:                        break;
709:                    case VARIABLE:
710:                        ret = 100;
711:                        modifiers = ((VariableTree) tree).getModifiers();
712:                        break;
713:                    }
714:                    if (modifiers != null) {
715:                        if (!modifiers.getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC))
716:                            ret += 1000;
717:                        if (modifiers.getFlags().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC))
718:                            ret += 10;
719:                        else if (modifiers.getFlags().contains(
720:                                Modifier.PROTECTED))
721:                            ret += 20;
722:                        else if (modifiers.getFlags()
723:                                .contains(Modifier.PRIVATE))
724:                            ret += 40;
725:                        else
726:                            ret += 30;
727:                    }
728:                    return ret;
729:                }
731:                private static String getSortText(Tree tree) {
732:                    switch (tree.getKind()) {
733:                    case CLASS:
734:                        return ((ClassTree) tree).getSimpleName().toString();
735:                    case METHOD:
736:                        MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) tree;
737:                        StringBuilder sortParams = new StringBuilder();
738:                        sortParams.append('(');
739:                        int cnt = 0;
740:                        for (Iterator<? extends VariableTree> it = mt
741:                                .getParameters().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
742:                            VariableTree param =;
743:                            if (param.getType().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER)
744:                                sortParams.append(((IdentifierTree) param
745:                                        .getType()).getName().toString());
746:                            else if (param.getType().getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT)
747:                                sortParams.append(((MemberSelectTree) param
748:                                        .getType()).getIdentifier().toString());
749:                            if (it.hasNext()) {
750:                                sortParams.append(',');
751:                            }
752:                            cnt++;
753:                        }
754:                        sortParams.append(')');
755:                        return mt.getName().toString() + "#"
756:                                + ((cnt < 10 ? "0" : "") + cnt) + "#"
757:                                + sortParams.toString(); //NOI18N
758:                    case VARIABLE:
759:                        return ((VariableTree) tree).getName().toString();
760:                    }
761:                    return ""; //NOI18N
762:                }
763:            }
765:            public static void guardedCommit(JTextComponent component,
766:                    ModificationResult mr) throws IOException {
767:                try {
768:                    mr.commit();
769:                } catch (IOException e) {
770:                    if (e.getCause() instanceof  GuardedException) {
771:                        String message = NbBundle.getMessage(
772:                                GeneratorUtils.class, "ERR_CannotApplyGuarded");
774:                        Utilities.setStatusBoldText(component, message);
775:                        Logger.getLogger(GeneratorUtils.class.getName()).log(
776:                                Level.FINE, null, e);
777:                    }
778:                }
779:            }
780:        } | Contact Us
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