| An extension of javax.swing.plaf.metal.DefaultMetalTheme which can read a an xml
file named themes.xml and apply the theme defined in XML. NbTheme
stores its data in the UIDefaults instance available from the
look-and-feel manager (UiManager.getLookAndFeel.getDefaults() ).
These means that theme files may also override per-component-type settings
stored there, so changes to look and feel deeper than those afforded by the
MetalTheme parent class are possible.
NbTheme supports seven kinds of data: Colors, Fonts, Integers,
Strings, Borders, Insets and Booleans, which are the major interesting data types typical
stored in UIDefaults . For usage instructions and details,
see the themes
documentation on the NetBeans web site.
author: Jiri Mzourek, Tim Boudreau See Also: http://ui.netbeans.org/docs/ui/themes/themes.html |