| example.mmademo.SimplePlayerCanvas
displayHeight | int displayHeight(Code) | | |
displayWidth | int displayWidth(Code) | | |
feedbackTop | int feedbackTop(Code) | | |
karaokeHeight | int karaokeHeight(Code) | | |
karaokeParams | int[] karaokeParams(Code) | | |
karaokeTop | int karaokeTop(Code) | | |
maxKaraokeLines | int maxKaraokeLines(Code) | | |
songTitleTop | int songTitleTop(Code) | | |
textHeight | int textHeight(Code) | | |
timeRateTop | int timeRateTop(Code) | | |
close | public synchronized void close()(Code) | | |
fullScreen | public void fullScreen(boolean value)(Code) | | |
getCurrentDisplayable | public Displayable getCurrentDisplayable()(Code) | | |
go | public Displayable go(Displayable d)(Code) | | |
goBack | public Displayable goBack()(Code) | | |
keyPressed | protected void keyPressed(int keycode)(Code) | | |
paint | public void paint(Graphics g)(Code) | | |
pauseApp | public synchronized void pauseApp()(Code) | | Called in response to a request to pause the MIDlet.
This implementation will just call the same
method in the GUI implementation.
replaceCurrent | public Displayable replaceCurrent(Displayable d)(Code) | | |
resumeApp | public synchronized void resumeApp()(Code) | | Called when a MIDlet is asked to resume operations
after a call to pauseApp(). This method is only
called after pauseApp(), so it is different from
MIDlet's startApp().
This implementation will just call the same
method in the GUI implementation.
setupDisplay | public void setupDisplay()(Code) | | |
showHelp | public void showHelp()(Code) | | Show a page which explains the keys.
For simplicity, the page is implemented as a list...
updateDisplay | public void updateDisplay()(Code) | | |
updateKaraoke | public void updateKaraoke()(Code) | | |
updateRate | public void updateRate()(Code) | | |
updateTime | public void updateTime()(Code) | | |