| java.lang.Object example.obex.demo.GUIImageSender
GUIImageSender | final class GUIImageSender implements CommandListener(Code) | | |
GUIImageSender | GUIImageSender(ObexDemoMIDlet parent)(Code) | | Constructor initialize image list and sender form
commandAction | public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)(Code) | | Responds to commands issued on "client or server" form.
Parameters: c - command object source of action Parameters: d - screen object containing the item the action was performed on |
errorMessage | void errorMessage()(Code) | | Shows alert with error message
notReadyMessage | void notReadyMessage()(Code) | | Shows alert with "not ready" message
showImageList | void showImageList()(Code) | | Shows list with image names to select one for sending to receiver
showProgress | void showProgress(String label, int maxValue)(Code) | | Shows progress of image uploading
stop | void stop()(Code) | | Stops Uploading process
stopMessage | void stopMessage()(Code) | | Shows alert with "stop" message
updateProgress | void updateProgress(int value)(Code) | | Update progress of image uploading