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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » mobility » org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.ui.customizer 
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001:        /*
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011:         *
012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021:         * your own identifying information:
022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023:         *
024:         * Contributor(s):
025:         *
026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029:         *
030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040:         */
042:        package org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.ui.customizer;
044:        /**
045:         *
046:         * @author  Administrator
047:         */
049:        import java.awt.*;
050:        import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
051:        import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
052:        import;
053:        import;
054:        import java.lang.reflect.Method;
055:        import java.util.Comparator;
056:        import java.util.Enumeration;
057:        import java.util.HashSet;
058:        import java.util.Map;
059:        import java.util.Properties;
060:        import java.util.TreeSet;
061:        import javax.swing.*;
062:        import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
063:        import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
064:        import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
065:        import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
066:        import;
067:        import;
068:        import;
069:        import org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.ui.wizard.ConfigurationsSelectionPanel;
070:        import org.netbeans.spi.mobility.cfgfactory.ProjectConfigurationFactory.ConfigurationTemplateDescriptor;
071:        import org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectConfiguration;
072:        import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
073:        import org.openide.ErrorManager;
074:        import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
075:        import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
076:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;
077:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
078:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem.AtomicAction;
079:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
080:        import org.openide.filesystems.Repository;
081:        import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
082:        import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
083:        import;
084:        import;
085:        import org.openide.util.Utilities;
086:        import org.netbeans.modules.mobility.cldcplatform.J2MEPlatform;
087:        import org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.DefaultPropertiesDescriptor;
088:        import org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider;
089:        import org.netbeans.modules.mobility.project.ui.wizard.ConfigurationsSelectionPanelGUI;
091:        /** Handles adding, removing, editing and ordering of configs.
092:         *
093:         * @author gc149856
094:         */
095:        public final class VisualConfigSupport {
097:            static final String PRIVATE_PREFIX = "private."; //NOI18N
099:            final JList configurationList;
100:            final JButton addConfigButton;
101:            final JButton addMoreButton;
102:            final JButton renameConfigButton;
103:            final JButton removeConfigButton;
104:            final JButton duplicateButton;
105:            final JButton saveButton;
107:            private final DefaultListModel configurationModel;
109:            J2MEProjectProperties properties;
111:            public VisualConfigSupport(JList configurationList,
112:                    JButton addConfigButton, JButton addMoreButton,
113:                    JButton renameConfigButton, JButton removeConfigButton,
114:                    JButton duplicateButton, JButton saveButton) {
115:                // Remember all controls
116:                this .configurationList = configurationList;
117:                this .configurationModel = new DefaultListModel();
118:                this .configurationList.setModel(configurationModel);
119:                this .configurationList
120:                        .setCellRenderer(new ConfigurationCellRenderer());
122:                this .addConfigButton = addConfigButton;
123:                this .addMoreButton = addMoreButton;
124:                this .renameConfigButton = renameConfigButton;
125:                this .removeConfigButton = removeConfigButton;
126:                this .duplicateButton = duplicateButton;
127:                this .saveButton = saveButton;
129:                // Register the listeners
130:                ConfigSupportListener csl = new ConfigSupportListener();
132:                // On all buttons
133:                addConfigButton.addActionListener(csl);
134:                addMoreButton.addActionListener(csl);
135:                renameConfigButton.addActionListener(csl);
136:                removeConfigButton.addActionListener(csl);
137:                duplicateButton.addActionListener(csl);
138:                saveButton.addActionListener(csl);
140:                // On list selection
141:                configurationList.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(
142:                        csl);
144:            }
146:            public void setPropertyMap(final J2MEProjectProperties properties) {
147:                this .properties = properties;
148:                final ProjectConfiguration configurations[] = properties
149:                        .getConfigurations();
150:                synchronized (configurationModel) {
151:                    configurationModel.clear();
152:                    for (int i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++) {
153:                        configurationModel.addElement(configurations[i]);
154:                    }
155:                }
156:                configurationList.setSelectedValue(properties
157:                        .getActiveConfiguration(), true);
159:                // Set the initial state of the buttons
160:                refreshButtons();
161:            }
163:            // Private methods ---------------------------------------------------------
165:            private ProjectConfiguration[] getConfigurationItems() {
166:                synchronized (configurationModel) {
167:                    ProjectConfiguration confs[] = new ProjectConfiguration[configurationModel
168:                            .getSize()];
169:                    for (int i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) {
170:                        confs[i] = (ProjectConfiguration) configurationModel
171:                                .getElementAt(i);
172:                    }
173:                    return confs;
174:                }
175:            }
177:            protected void addNewConfig() {
178:                final ProjectConfiguration cfgs[] = getConfigurationItems();
179:                final HashSet<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>(
180:                        cfgs.length);
181:                for (int i = 0; i < cfgs.length; i++) {
182:                    allNames.add(cfgs[i].getDisplayName());
183:                }
184:                final NewConfigurationPanel ncp = new NewConfigurationPanel(
185:                        allNames);
186:                final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(ncp, NbBundle
187:                        .getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
188:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"), true,
189:                        NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
190:                        NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION, null); //NOI18N
191:                ncp.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(
192:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
193:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"));
194:                ncp.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
195:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
196:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"));
197:                ncp.setDialogDescriptor(dd);
198:                final String newName = NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION
199:                        .equals(DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(dd)) ? ncp
200:                        .getName() : null;
201:                if (newName != null) {
202:                    final ProjectConfiguration cfg = new ProjectConfiguration() {
203:                        public String getDisplayName() {
204:                            return newName;
205:                        }
206:                    };
207:                    configurationModel.addElement(cfg);
208:                    configurationList.setSelectedValue(cfg, true);
209:                    createFromTemplate(properties, newName, ncp.getTemplate());
210:                    fireActionPerformed();
211:                }
213:            }
215:            protected void addMoreConfigs() {
216:                final ProjectConfiguration cfgs[] = getConfigurationItems();
217:                final HashSet<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>(
218:                        cfgs.length);
219:                for (int i = 0; i < cfgs.length; i++) {
220:                    allNames.add(cfgs[i].getDisplayName());
221:                }
222:                final ConfigurationsSelectionPanelGUI ncp = new ConfigurationsSelectionPanelGUI(
223:                        allNames);
224:                ncp.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(
225:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
226:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"));
227:                ncp.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
228:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
229:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"));
230:                final ErrorPanel ep = new ErrorPanel();
231:                final JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
232:                p.add(ncp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
233:                p.add(ep, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
234:                final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(p, NbBundle
235:                        .getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
236:                                "LBL_VCS_AddConfiguration"), true,
237:                        NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
238:                        NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION, null); //NOI18N
239:                ncp.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
240:                    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) {
241:                        boolean valid = ncp.isValid();
242:                        dd.setValid(valid);
243:                        ep.setErrorMessage(valid ? null : NbBundle.getMessage(
244:                                ConfigurationsSelectionPanel.class,
245:                                "ERR_CfgSelPanel_NameCollision"));//NOI18N
246:                    }
247:                });
248:                if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION.equals(DialogDisplayer
249:                        .getDefault().notify(dd))) {
250:                    for (ConfigurationTemplateDescriptor tmp : ncp
251:                            .getSelectedTemplates()) {
252:                        final String newName = tmp.getCfgName();
253:                        final ProjectConfiguration cfg = new ProjectConfiguration() {
254:                            public String getDisplayName() {
255:                                return newName;
256:                            }
257:                        };
258:                        configurationModel.addElement(cfg);
259:                        configurationList.setSelectedValue(cfg, true);
260:                        createFromTemplate(properties, newName, tmp);
261:                    }
262:                    fireActionPerformed();
263:                }
265:            }
267:            public static void createFromTemplate(
268:                    final J2MEProjectProperties properties, final String cfg,
269:                    final ConfigurationTemplateDescriptor desc) {
270:                if (desc == null)
271:                    return;
272:                AntProjectHelper helper = properties.getHelper();
273:                final EditableProperties priv = helper
274:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH);
275:                final EditableProperties proj = helper
276:                        .getProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
277:                String cfgName = desc.getCfgName();
278:                String prefix = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX + cfgName
279:                        + '.';
280:                Map<String, String> p = desc.getPrivateProperties();
281:                if (p != null)
282:                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> en : p.entrySet()) {
283:                        if (!priv.containsKey(en.getKey()))
284:                            priv.put(en.getKey(), en.getValue());
285:                    }
286:                p = desc.getProjectGlobalProperties();
287:                if (p != null)
288:                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> en : p.entrySet()) {
289:                        if (!proj.containsKey(en.getKey()))
290:                            proj.put(en.getKey(), en.getValue());
291:                    }
292:                p = desc.getProjectConfigurationProperties();
293:                if (p != null)
294:                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> en : p.entrySet()) {
295:                        properties.putPropertyRawValue(
296:                                J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX + cfg + '.'
297:                                        + en.getKey(), en.getValue());
298:                    }
299:                helper.putProperties(AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH,
300:                        priv);
301:                helper.putProperties(AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH,
302:                        proj);
303:            }
305:            private static void fixPlatform(
306:                    final J2MEProjectProperties properties,
307:                    final String configuration, final String platform) {
308:                final JavaPlatform p[] = JavaPlatformManager.getDefault()
309:                        .getPlatforms(
310:                                null,
311:                                new Specification(
312:                                        J2MEPlatform.SPECIFICATION_NAME, null));
313:                int best = 0, rating = 0;
314:                for (int i = 0; rating < 5 && i < p.length; i++) {
315:                    if (p[i] instanceof  J2MEPlatform) {
316:                        final int r = ratePlatform((J2MEPlatform) p[i],
317:                                platform);
318:                        if (r > rating) {
319:                            rating = r;
320:                            best = i;
321:                        }
322:                    }
323:                }
324:                if (rating > 0) {
325:                    properties
326:                            .putPropertyRawValue(
327:                                    J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
328:                                            + configuration
329:                                            + '.'
330:                                            + DefaultPropertiesDescriptor.PLATFORM_ACTIVE,
331:                                    ((J2MEPlatform) p[best]).getName());
332:                    final CustomizerMIDP cmp = new CustomizerMIDP();
333:                    cmp.initValues(properties, configuration);
334:                    cmp.initGroupValues(true);
335:                }
336:            }
338:            private static int ratePlatform(final J2MEPlatform platform,
339:                    final String expName) {
340:                final String name = platform.getName();
341:                if (name.equals(expName))
342:                    return 5;
343:                if (name.indexOf(expName) >= 0)
344:                    return 4;
345:                if (name.startsWith("J2ME_Wireless_Toolkit_2"))
346:                    return 3;//NOI18N
347:                if (name.startsWith("J2ME_Wireless_Toolkit"))
348:                    return 2;//NOI18N
349:                return 1;
350:            }
352:            protected void duplicateElement() {
353:                final Object cfgs[] = configurationList.getSelectedValues();
354:                assert cfgs.length > 0 : "Duplicate button should be disabled"; // NOI18N
355:                final ProjectConfiguration allCfgs[] = getConfigurationItems();
356:                final HashSet<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>(
357:                        allCfgs.length);
358:                for (int i = 0; i < allCfgs.length; i++) {
359:                    allNames.add(allCfgs[i].getDisplayName());
360:                }
361:                if (cfgs.length == 1) {
362:                    final CloneConfigurationPanel ccp = new CloneConfigurationPanel(
363:                            allNames);
364:                    final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(ccp,
365:                            NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
366:                                    "LBL_VCS_DuplConfiguration",
367:                                    ((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[0])
368:                                            .getDisplayName()), true,
369:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
370:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION, null); //NOI18N
371:                    ccp.setDialogDescriptor(dd);
372:                    final String newName = NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION
373:                            .equals(DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(dd)) ? ccp
374:                            .getName()
375:                            : null;
376:                    if (newName != null) {
377:                        copyProperties(((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[0])
378:                                .getDisplayName(), newName);
379:                        configurationList.setSelectedValue(addCfg(newName),
380:                                true);
381:                        fireActionPerformed();
382:                    }
383:                } else {
384:                    final HashSet<String> cloneNames = new HashSet<String>(
385:                            cfgs.length);
386:                    for (int i = 0; i < cfgs.length; i++) {
387:                        cloneNames.add(((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[i])
388:                                .getDisplayName());
389:                    }
390:                    final CloneConfigurationPanel2 ccp = new CloneConfigurationPanel2(
391:                            allNames, cloneNames);
392:                    final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(ccp,
393:                            NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
394:                                    "LBL_VCS_DuplConfigurations"), true,
395:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
396:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION, null); //NOI18N
397:                    ccp.setDialogDescriptor(dd);
398:                    if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION.equals(DialogDisplayer
399:                            .getDefault().notify(dd))) {
400:                        String prefix = ccp.getPrefix();
401:                        String suffix = ccp.getSuffix();
402:                        for (int i = 0; i < cfgs.length; i++) {
403:                            ProjectConfiguration cfg = (ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[i];
404:                            String newName = prefix + cfg.getDisplayName()
405:                                    + suffix;
406:                            copyProperties(cfg.getDisplayName(), newName);
407:                            configurationList.setSelectedValue(addCfg(newName),
408:                                    true);
409:                        }
410:                        fireActionPerformed();
411:                    }
412:                }
413:            }
415:            private ProjectConfiguration addCfg(final String newName) {
416:                final ProjectConfiguration newCfg = new ProjectConfiguration() {
417:                    public String getDisplayName() {
418:                        return newName;
419:                    }
420:                };
421:                configurationModel.addElement(newCfg);
422:                return newCfg;
423:            }
425:            private void copyProperties(final String srcCfg,
426:                    final String targetCfg) {
427:                final String keys[] = properties.keySet().toArray(
428:                        new String[properties.size()]);
429:                final String prefix = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
430:                        + srcCfg;
431:                for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
432:                    if (keys[i].startsWith(prefix)) {
433:                        Object backValue = properties.get(keys[i]);
434:                        if (backValue instanceof  Cloneable)
435:                            try {
436:                                Method m = backValue.getClass().getMethod(
437:                                        "clone", new Class[0]); //NOI18N
438:                                if (m != null)
439:                                    backValue = m.invoke(backValue,
440:                                            new Object[0]);
441:                            } catch (Exception e) {
442:                                ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
443:                                        ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
444:                            }
445:                        properties
446:                                .put(J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
447:                                        + targetCfg
448:                                        + keys[i].substring(prefix.length()),
449:                                        backValue);
450:                    }
451:                }
452:            }
454:            protected void removeElement() {
455:                final int si = configurationList.getSelectedIndex();
456:                assert si > 0 : "Remove button should be disabled"; // NOI18N
457:                Object cfgs[] = configurationList.getSelectedValues();
458:                StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(
459:                        ((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[0]).getDisplayName()); //NOI18N
460:                for (int i = 1; i < cfgs.length; i++)
461:                    text.append("\", \"").append(
462:                            ((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[i]).getDisplayName()); //NOI18N
463:                final NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(
464:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
465:                                "LBL_VCS_ReallyRemove", text),
466:                        NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION); //NOI18N
467:                if (NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION.equals(DialogDisplayer
468:                        .getDefault().notify(desc))) {
469:                    for (int i = cfgs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
470:                        configurationModel.removeElement(cfgs[i]);
471:                        removeProperties(((ProjectConfiguration) cfgs[i])
472:                                .getDisplayName());
473:                    }
474:                    configurationList.setSelectedIndex(si < configurationModel
475:                            .getSize() ? si : si - 1);
476:                    fireActionPerformed();
477:                }
478:            }
480:            protected void renameElement() {
481:                final Object cfgs[] = configurationList.getSelectedValues();
482:                assert cfgs.length > 0 : "Rename button should be disabled"; // NOI18N
483:                for (Object o : cfgs) {
484:                    ProjectConfiguration cfg = (ProjectConfiguration) o;
485:                    final ProjectConfiguration allCfgs[] = getConfigurationItems();
486:                    final HashSet<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>(
487:                            allCfgs.length);
488:                    for (int i = 0; i < allCfgs.length; i++) {
489:                        allNames.add(allCfgs[i].getDisplayName());
490:                    }
491:                    final CloneConfigurationPanel ccp = new CloneConfigurationPanel(
492:                            allNames);
493:                    final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(ccp,
494:                            NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
495:                                    "LBL_VCS_RenConfiguration", cfg
496:                                            .getDisplayName()), true,
497:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,
498:                            NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION, null); //NOI18N
499:                    ccp.setDialogDescriptor(dd);
500:                    Object ret = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(dd);
501:                    if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION.equals(ret)) {
502:                        String newName = ccp.getName();
503:                        copyProperties(cfg.getDisplayName(), newName);
504:                        removeProperties(cfg.getDisplayName());
505:                        configurationModel.removeElement(cfg);
506:                        configurationList.setSelectedValue(addCfg(newName),
507:                                true);
508:                        fireActionPerformed();
509:                    } else if (NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION.equals(ret))
510:                        return;
511:                }
512:            }
514:            private void removeProperties(final String cfgName) {
515:                final String keys[] = properties.keySet().toArray(
516:                        new String[properties.size()]);
517:                final String prefix = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
518:                        + cfgName;
519:                for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
520:                    if (keys[i].startsWith(prefix))
521:                        properties.remove(keys[i]);
522:                }
523:            }
525:            protected void saveElement() {
526:                final Object cfgs[] = configurationList.getSelectedValues();
527:                assert cfgs.length > 0 : "Save button should be disabled"; // NOI18N
528:                final FileObject[] tmps = getConfigurationTemplates();
529:                final HashSet<String> allNames = new HashSet<String>();
530:                for (int i = 0; i < tmps.length; i++) {
531:                    allNames.add(tmps[i].getName());
532:                }
533:                final JButton SAVE_OPTION = new JButton(NbBundle.getMessage(
534:                        VisualConfigSupport.class, "LBL_VCS_SaveBtn")); //NOI18N
535:                SAVE_OPTION
536:                        .setMnemonic(NbBundle.getMessage(
537:                                VisualConfigSupport.class, "MNM_VCS_SaveBtn")
538:                                .charAt(0)); //NOI18N
539:                SAVE_OPTION.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
540:                        NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
541:                                "ACSD_VCS_SaveBtn")); //NOI18N
542:                for (Object o : cfgs) {
543:                    ProjectConfiguration cfg = (ProjectConfiguration) o;
544:                    final SaveConfigurationPanel scp = new SaveConfigurationPanel(
545:                            cfg.getDisplayName()
546:                                    + UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider.CFG_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX,
547:                            allNames, SAVE_OPTION);
548:                    final DialogDescriptor dd = new DialogDescriptor(scp,
549:                            NbBundle.getMessage(VisualConfigSupport.class,
550:                                    "LBL_VCS_SaveConfiguration", cfg
551:                                            .getDisplayName()), true,
552:                            new Object[] { SAVE_OPTION,
553:                                    NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION },
554:                            SAVE_OPTION, DialogDescriptor.DEFAULT_ALIGN,
555:                            new HelpCtx(SaveConfigurationPanel.class), null); //NOI18N
556:                    Object ret = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(dd);
557:                    if (SAVE_OPTION.equals(ret)) {
558:                        saveConfigurationTemplate(cfg.getDisplayName(), scp
559:                                .getName());
560:                    } else if (DialogDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION.equals(ret))
561:                        return;
562:                }
563:            }
565:            public static FileObject[] getConfigurationTemplates() {
566:                final TreeSet<FileObject> a = new TreeSet<FileObject>(
567:                        new Comparator<FileObject>() {
568:                            public int compare(FileObject o1, FileObject o2) {
569:                                return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
570:                            }
571:                        });
572:                final FileObject dir = Repository
573:                        .getDefault()
574:                        .getDefaultFileSystem()
575:                        .findResource(
576:                                UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider.CFG_TEMPLATES_PATH);
577:                if (dir != null) {
578:                    final Enumeration en = dir.getData(false);
579:                    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
580:                        final FileObject fo = (FileObject) en.nextElement();
581:                        if (UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider.CFG_EXT
582:                                .equals(fo.getExt())
583:                                && Utilities.isJavaIdentifier(fo.getName()))
584:                            a.add(fo);
585:                    }
586:                }
587:                return a.toArray(new FileObject[a.size()]);
588:            }
590:            private void saveConfigurationTemplate(final String cfgName,
591:                    final String tmpName) {
592:                try {
593:                    Repository.getDefault().getDefaultFileSystem()
594:                            .runAtomicAction(new AtomicAction() {
595:                                public void run() {
596:                                    FileLock lock = null;
597:                                    OutputStream out = null;
598:                                    try {
599:                                        final FileObject fo = FileUtil
600:                                                .createData(
601:                                                        Repository
602:                                                                .getDefault()
603:                                                                .getDefaultFileSystem()
604:                                                                .getRoot(),
605:                                                        UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider.CFG_TEMPLATES_PATH
606:                                                                + '/'
607:                                                                + tmpName
608:                                                                + '.'
609:                                                                + UserConfigurationTemplatesProvider.CFG_EXT);
610:                                        lock = fo.lock();
611:                                        out = fo.getOutputStream(lock);
612:                                        extractConfigurationTemplate(cfgName,
613:                                                tmpName).store(out, null);
614:                                    } catch (Exception e) {
615:                                        ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
616:                                    } finally {
617:                                        if (out != null)
618:                                            try {
619:                                                out.close();
620:                                            } catch (IOException ioe) {
621:                                            }
622:                                        if (lock != null)
623:                                            lock.releaseLock();
624:                                    }
625:                                }
626:                            });
627:                } catch (IOException ex) {
628:                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ex);
629:                }
630:            }
632:            protected Properties extractConfigurationTemplate(
633:                    final String cfgName, final String tmpName) {
634:                final Properties props = new Properties();
635:                final String keys[] = properties.keySet().toArray(
636:                        new String[properties.size()]);
637:                final String prefix = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
638:                        + cfgName + '.';
639:                final String newPrefix = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
640:                        + tmpName + '.';
641:                final String libs = J2MEProjectProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX
642:                        + cfgName + '.'
643:                        + DefaultPropertiesDescriptor.LIBS_CLASSPATH;
644:                final int prefixL = prefix.length();
645:                String references = null;
646:                for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
647:                    if (keys[i].startsWith(prefix)) {
648:                        final String value = properties
649:                                .getPropertyRawValue(keys[i]);
650:                        if (value != null) {
651:                            props.put(newPrefix + keys[i].substring(prefixL),
652:                                    value);
653:                            if (libs.equals(keys[i]))
654:                                references = value;
655:                        }
656:                    }
657:                }
658:                if (references != null)
659:                    processReferences(props, references, properties.getHelper()
660:                            .getProperties(
661:                                    AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH),
662:                            properties.getHelper().getProperties(
663:                                    AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH));
664:                return props;
665:            }
667:            private void processReferences(final Properties props,
668:                    final String path, final EditableProperties pub,
669:                    final EditableProperties priv) {
670:                int i, j = 0;
671:                while ((i = path.indexOf("${", j)) >= 0) { //NOI18N
672:                    if ((j = path.indexOf('}', i)) < 0)
673:                        return;
674:                    final String reference = path.substring(i + 2, j);
675:                    if (!props.contains(reference)
676:                            && !props.contains(PRIVATE_PREFIX + reference)) {
677:                        String value = priv.getProperty(reference);
678:                        if (value != null) {
679:                            props.put(PRIVATE_PREFIX + reference, value);
680:                            processReferences(props, value, pub, priv);
681:                        }
682:                        value = pub.getProperty(reference);
683:                        if (value != null) {
684:                            if (value.indexOf('$') < 0) {
685:                                //probably a relative path references that should be stores in an absolute form in private properties
686:                                props.put(PRIVATE_PREFIX + reference,
687:                                        properties.getHelper().resolvePath(
688:                                                value));
689:                            } else {
690:                                props.put(reference, value);
691:                                processReferences(props, value, pub, priv);
692:                            }
693:                        }
694:                    }
695:                }
696:            }
698:            // Private innerclasses ----------------------------------------------------
700:            private class ConfigSupportListener implements  ActionListener,
701:                    ListSelectionListener {
703:                private ConfigSupportListener() {
704:                    //Just to avoid creation of accessor class
705:                }
707:                // Implementation of ActionListener ------------------------------------
709:                /** Handles button events
710:                 */
711:                public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
713:                    final Object source = e.getSource();
715:                    if (source == addConfigButton) {
716:                        addNewConfig();
717:                    } else if (source == addMoreButton) {
718:                        addMoreConfigs();
719:                    } else if (source == renameConfigButton) {
720:                        renameElement();
721:                    } else if (source == removeConfigButton) {
722:                        removeElement();
723:                    } else if (source == duplicateButton) {
724:                        duplicateElement();
725:                    } else if (source == saveButton) {
726:                        saveElement();
727:                    }
729:                }
731:                // ListSelectionModel --------------------------------------------------
733:                /** Handles changes in the selection
734:                 */
735:                public void valueChanged(@SuppressWarnings("unused")
736:                final ListSelectionEvent e) {
737:                    refreshButtons();
738:                    properties
739:                            .setActiveConfiguration((ProjectConfiguration) configurationList
740:                                    .getSelectedValue());
741:                }
743:            }
745:            protected void refreshButtons() {
746:                final boolean sel = configurationList.getSelectedIndex() > 0;
747:                renameConfigButton.setEnabled(sel);
748:                removeConfigButton.setEnabled(sel);
749:                duplicateButton.setEnabled(sel);
750:                saveButton.setEnabled(sel);
751:            }
753:            private void fireActionPerformed() {
754:                refreshButtons();
755:                properties.setConfigurations(getConfigurationItems());
756:                properties
757:                        .setActiveConfiguration((ProjectConfiguration) configurationList
758:                                .getSelectedValue());
759:            }
761:            private static class ConfigurationCellRenderer extends
762:                    DefaultListCellRenderer {
764:                private ConfigurationCellRenderer() {
765:                    //Just to avoid creation of accessor class
766:                }
768:                public Component getListCellRendererComponent(final JList list,
769:                        final Object value, final int index,
770:                        final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus) {
771:                    super .getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index,
772:                            isSelected, cellHasFocus);
773:                    if (value instanceof  ProjectConfiguration) {
774:                        setText(((ProjectConfiguration) value).getDisplayName());
775:                    }
776:                    return this;
777:                }
779:            }
781:        }
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