| textbox.TextBoxDemo
TextBoxDemo | public class TextBoxDemo extends MIDlet implements CommandListener(Code) | | The textbox demo displays a list of all the text box types and allows the
user to select a specific type of text box to try.
version: 2.0 |
textBoxLabels | final static String[] textBoxLabels(Code) | | The labels for the supported textboxs.
textBoxTypes | final static int[] textBoxTypes(Code) | | The supported textbox types.
TextBoxDemo | public TextBoxDemo()(Code) | | |
commandAction | public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)(Code) | | |
destroyApp | protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)(Code) | | |
pauseApp | protected void pauseApp()(Code) | | |
startApp | protected void startApp()(Code) | | |