| prepare.PrepareIDEForEnterpriseComplexMeasurements
PrepareIDEForEnterpriseComplexMeasurements | public class PrepareIDEForEnterpriseComplexMeasurements extends JellyTestCase (Code) | | Prepare user directory for complex measurements (startup time and memory consumption) of IDE with opened project and 10 files.
Open 10 java files and shut down ide.
Created user directory will be used to measure startup time and memory consumption of IDE with opened files.
author: mmirilovic@netbeans.org, mrkam@netbeans.org |
test_failed | protected static boolean test_failed(Code) | | If true - at least one test failed
PrepareIDEForEnterpriseComplexMeasurements | public PrepareIDEForEnterpriseComplexMeasurements(String testName)(Code) | | Define testcase
Parameters: testName - name of the testcase |
addApplicationServer | public void addApplicationServer()(Code) | | |
closeAllDocuments | public void closeAllDocuments()(Code) | | Close All Documents.
closeMemoryToolbar | public static void closeMemoryToolbar()(Code) | | Close Memory Toolbar.
closeWelcome | public void closeWelcome()(Code) | | Close Welcome.
openFiles | public void openFiles()(Code) | | Open 10 selected files from Travel Reservation projects
openProjects | public void openProjects()(Code) | | Open Travel Reservation projects
saveStatus | public void saveStatus() throws java.io.IOException(Code) | | Save status, if one of the above defined test failed, this method creates
file in predefined path and it means the complex tests will not run.
setUp | public void setUp()(Code) | | |
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | Testsuite
testuite |