| |
| javax.swing.JPanel org.netbeans.modules.projectimport.eclipse.wizard.ProjectSelectionPanel
ProjectSelectionPanel | final class ProjectSelectionPanel extends JPanel (Code) | | Represent "Project to import" step(panel) in the Eclipse importer wizard.
author: mkrauskopf |
ProjectSelectionPanel | public ProjectSelectionPanel()(Code) | | Creates new form ProjectSelectionPanel
getDestination | String getDestination()(Code) | | Returns destination directory where new NetBeans projects will be stored.
getNumberOfImportedProject | int getNumberOfImportedProject()(Code) | | Returns number of projects which will be imported (including both
required and selected projects)
getProjects | Set getProjects()(Code) | | Returns projects selected by selection panel
loadProjects | void loadProjects(String workspaceDir)(Code) | | Loads project from workspace in the given workspaceDir .
setErrorMessage | void setErrorMessage(String newMessage)(Code) | | |
updateValidity | public void updateValidity()(Code) | | Updates panel validity.