Method Summary |
public static void | copyJavadoc(Element elm, Tree tree, WorkingCopy wc) Copies javadoc from elm to newly created tree . |
public static boolean | elementExistsIn(TypeElement target, Element member, CompilationInfo info) |
public static Collection<FileObject> | elementsToFile(Collection<? extends Element> elements, ClasspathInfo cpInfo) |
public static TreePath | findEnclosingClass(CompilationInfo javac, TreePath path, boolean isClass, boolean isInterface, boolean isEnum, boolean isAnnotation, boolean isAnonymous) finds the nearest enclosing ClassTree on path that
is class or interface or enum or annotation type and is or is not annonymous. |
public static void | findUsedGenericTypes(Types utils, List<TypeMirror> typeArgs, List<TypeMirror> result, TypeMirror tm) Finds type parameters from typeArgs list that are referenced
by tm type. |
public static FileObject | getClassPathRoot(URL url) |
public static ClasspathInfo | getClasspathInfoFor(FileObject... files) |
public static ClasspathInfo | getClasspathInfoFor(boolean dependencies, FileObject... files) |
public static ClasspathInfo | getClasspathInfoFor(boolean dependencies, boolean backSource, FileObject... files) |
public static ClasspathInfo | getClasspathInfoFor(TreePathHandle... handles) |
public static ElementHandle | getElementHandle(TreePathHandle tph) |
public static ElementKind | getElementKind(TreePathHandle tph) |
public static FileObject | getFileObject(TreePathHandle handle) |
public static String | getHtml(String text) |
public static Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> | getImplementorsAsHandles(ClassIndex idx, ClasspathInfo cpInfo, TypeElement el) |
public static FileObject | getOrCreateFolder(URL url) |
public static Collection<ExecutableElement> | getOverridenMethods(ExecutableElement e, CompilationInfo info) |
public static Collection<ExecutableElement> | getOverridingMethods(ExecutableElement e, CompilationInfo info) |
public static String | getPackageName(FileObject folder) |
public static String | getPackageName(CompilationUnitTree unit) |
public static String | getPackageName(URL url) |
public static String | getQualifiedName(TreePathHandle tph) |
public static String | getSimpleName(TreePathHandle tph) |
public static Collection<TypeElement> | getSuperTypes(TypeElement type, CompilationInfo info) |
public static Collection<TypeElement> | getSuperTypes(TypeElement type, CompilationInfo info, boolean sourceOnly) |
public static Collection<FileObject> | getSuperTypesFiles(TreePathHandle handle) |
public static String | htmlize(String input) |
public static boolean | invokeAfterScanFinished(Runnable runnable, String actionName) This is a helper method to provide support for delaying invocations of actions
depending on java model. |
public static boolean | isClasspathRoot(FileObject fo) |
public static boolean | isElementInOpenProject(FileObject f) |
public static boolean | isFileInOpenProject(FileObject file) |
public static boolean | isFromLibrary(Element element, ClasspathInfo info) |
public static boolean | isJavaFile(FileObject f) |
public static boolean | isOnSourceClasspath(FileObject fo) |
public static boolean | isRefactorable(FileObject file) |
public static boolean | isValidPackageName(String name) |
public static List<TypeMirror> | resolveTypeParamsAsTypes(List<? extends Element> typeParams) |
public static boolean | typeExist(TreePathHandle tph, String fqn) |
public static TypeElement | typeToElement(TypeMirror type, CompilationInfo info) |