| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.BeanBuilder
BeanBuilder | public class BeanBuilder (Code) | | This class implements the Document Definition handler in order to build
the internal tree representation of the DD DTD.
Inner Class :class BeanElement | |
Inner Class :class Finder | |
Method Summary | |
protected void | addAttrProp(CodeGeneratorClass bc, AttrProp attr, String propertyName, Map usedNames, int groupInstance, boolean directChild) | protected void | addAttrProps(CodeGeneratorClass bc, AttrProp[] attrs, String propertyName, Map usedNames, int groupInstance, boolean directChild) | protected void | addCommentsProcessing(CodeGeneratorClass bc) | protected void | close(OutputStream out) | protected void | close(Writer out) | void | doGeneration(Map generators) | protected BeanGraph | generateBeanGraph(GraphNode[] list) | protected void | generateDotGraph(Writer out, GraphNode node) Generate a .dot file for the dot or dotty program to run with.
This is primarily useful for debugging the graph that the schema parser
created for us. | protected void | generateDotGraph(Writer out, List children, Map doneLinks) | protected void | generateDotGraph(Writer out, GraphLink l, Map doneLinks) | protected void | generateInterface(String genDir, String packageName, String name, List methods, String comments, String extendsStatement) | protected void | generateTagsFile(OutputStream out, String packageName, String className) | void | prepareBeans(Map generators) | void | process() | protected void | processFinder(GraphNode rootGraphNode, String finderExpr) | protected void | processFinders(GraphNode rootGraphNode) | protected void | setSchemaType(GraphNode[] list) |
illegalClassNames | protected Map illegalClassNames(Code) | | |
rootElement | protected BeanElement rootElement(Code) | | |
generateDotGraph | protected void generateDotGraph(Writer out, GraphNode node) throws IOException(Code) | | Generate a .dot file for the dot or dotty program to run with.
This is primarily useful for debugging the graph that the schema parser
created for us. See http://www.graphviz.org