org.netbeans.spi.tasklist |
Task List API
Task List is a window that shows problems or tasks - error/warnings/todos etc - associated with
files and folder under selected scope. The scope is either currently edited file, main project
or all opened projects.
The tasks are produced by task scanners. There are two types of scanners:
- FileTaskScanner - creates tasks when polled by the Task List framework.
- PushTaskScanner - can push new tasks into the Task List framework whenever necessary. It should be
used when the tasks are calculated asynchronously or when the computation of tasks may be too long.
org.netbeans.spi.viewmodel |
View Model API
Defines API for sharing of Tree Table View. This API has been designed
for sharing Debugger Views (like Callstack View) among different
modules. But it does not depends on debugger itself.
Main features:
- One TreeView, or TreeTableView can be shared among different
modules. Different modules can add different types of nodes to one view.
- Hierarchy produced by one module can be changed by another one.
- Allows to split UI and implementation to different modules.
- Performance and memory consumption of this model should be much
better than Node based models.
- You do not need one instance of some class (Node) per one node
visible in view. And you do not need one class per one node type.
How to use View Model API
Following example shows how to use viewmodel API to create simple files
Step 1.
In the first step we should create plain tree model (TreeModel).
public class TreeModelImpl implements TreeModel {
 public Object getRoot () { return ROOT; } public Object[] getChildren (Object parent, int from, int to) { if (parent == ROOT) return File.listRoots (); return ((File) parent).listFiles (); } public boolean isLeaf (Object node) { if (node == ROOT) return false; return ((File) node).isFile (); } }
And create a TreeView for this model:
JComponent treeView = Models.createView ( Models.createCompoundModel ( Arrays.asList (new Model[] { new TreeModelImpl (), // TreeModel new ArrayList () // list of ColumnModel s }) ) );
Step 2.
NodeModel implementation can define name, icon and tooltip for tree
nodes produced by TreeModel.
public class NodeModelImpl implements NodeModel {
public String getDisplayName (Object node) { if (node == ROOT) return "Name"; String name = ((File) node).getName (); if (name.length () < 1) return ((File) node).getAbsolutePath (); return name; } public String getIconBase (Object node) { if (node == ROOT) return "folder"; if (((File) node).isDirectory ()) return "folder"; return "file"; } public String getShortDescription (Object node) { if (node == ROOT) return "Name"; return ((File) node).getAbsolutePath (); } }
Step 3.
NodeActionsProvider defines set of Actions for each node, and default
public class NodeActionsProviderImpl implements NodeActionsProvider {
public Action[] getActions (final Object node) { return new Action [] { new AbstractAction ("Open") { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { performDefaultAction (node); } }, new AbstractAction ("Delete") { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { ((File) node).delete (); } } }; } public void performDefaultAction (Object node) { try { JFrame f = new JFrame ("View"); f.getContentPane ().add (new JEditorPane (((File) node).toURL ())); f.pack (); (); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Step 4.
TableModel and ColumnModel adds support for additional columns to tree
public class TableModelImpl implements TableModel {
public Object getValueAt (Object node, String columnID) { try { if (node == ROOT) return null; if (columnID.equals ("sizeID")) { if (((File) node).isDirectory ()) return "<dir>"; return "" + new FileInputStream ((File) node).getChannel ().size (); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } return ""; } public boolean isReadOnly (Object node, String columnID) { return true; } public void setValueAt (Object node, String columnID, Object value) { } }
And initialization of columns looks like:
ArrayList columns = new ArrayList (); columns.add (new ColumnModel () { public String getID () { return "sizeID"; } public String getDisplayName () { return "size"; } public Class getType () { return String.class; } }); JComponent treeTableView = Models.createView ( Models.createCompoundModel ( Arrays.asList (new Model[] { new TreeModelImpl (), // TreeModel new NodeModelImpl (), // NodeModel new TableModelImpl (), // TableModel new NodeActionsProviderImpl (), // NodeActionsProvider columns // list of ColumnModel s }) ) );
How to use Filters
We can use filters to modify content of tree table view created in our
- TreeModelFilter: this
filter can be used to hide fome files, to add some virtual filesystems,
to add content of zip files to original tree, and so on.
- NodeModelFilter: can be
used to change names, icons or tooltips for existing files.
- TableModelFilter: can be
used to modify content of columns.
- NodeActionsProviderFilter:
can be used to add a new actions to pup-up menus, of to redefine
default action.
All these actions can be done in some external module.