| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.Parameter
Parameter | public class Parameter (Code) | | Class to hold parameter metadata.
Constructor Summary | |
public | Parameter() Creates an instance of Paramter. | public | Parameter(String newName) Creates an instance of Parameter with the given name. | public | Parameter(String newName, String newJavaType) Creates an instance of Parameter with the given name and java type. | public | Parameter(String newName, String newJavaType, String newParamType, int newOrdinalPosition, int newNumericPrecision, int newNumericScale, boolean newIsNullable) Creates an instance of Parameter with the given attributes. | public | Parameter(Parameter p) |
Parameter | public Parameter()(Code) | | Creates an instance of Paramter.
Parameter | public Parameter(String newName)(Code) | | Creates an instance of Parameter with the given name.
Parameters: newName - Parameter name |
Parameter | public Parameter(String newName, String newJavaType)(Code) | | Creates an instance of Parameter with the given name and java type.
Parameters: newName - Parameter name Parameters: newJavaType - Java type |
Parameter | public Parameter(String newName, String newJavaType, String newParamType, int newOrdinalPosition, int newNumericPrecision, int newNumericScale, boolean newIsNullable)(Code) | | Creates an instance of Parameter with the given attributes.
Parameters: newName - Parameter name Parameters: newJavaType - Java type Parameters: newParamType - Parameter type Parameters: newOrdinalPosition - Ordinal position Parameters: newNumericPrecision - Numeric precision Parameters: newNumericScale - Numeric scale Parameters: newIsNullable - Nullable flag |
getAccessType | public int getAccessType()(Code) | | |
getIsNullable | public boolean getIsNullable()(Code) | | Get the parameter nullable flag.
Parameter nullable flag. |
getJavaType | public String getJavaType()(Code) | | Get the Java type.
Java type |
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Get the parameter name.
parameter name |
getNumericPrecision | public int getNumericPrecision()(Code) | | Get the parameter numeric precision.
Parameter numeric precision. |
getNumericScale | public int getNumericScale()(Code) | | Get the parameter numeric scale.
Parameter numeric scale. |
getOrdinalPosition | public int getOrdinalPosition()(Code) | | Get the parameter ordinal position.
Parameter ordinal position |
getParamType | public String getParamType()(Code) | | Get the parameter type.
Parameter type |
getSqlType | public String getSqlType()(Code) | | Get the SQL type.
SQL type |
setIsNullable | public void setIsNullable(boolean newIsNullable)(Code) | | Set the parameter nullable flag.
Parameters: newIsNullable - Parameter nullable flag |
setJavaType | public void setJavaType(String newJavaType)(Code) | | Set the parameter Java type.
Parameters: newJavaType - Parameter Java type. |
setName | public void setName(String newName)(Code) | | Set the parameter name.
Parameters: newName - Parameter name |
setNumericPrecision | public void setNumericPrecision(int newNumericPrecision)(Code) | | Set the parameter numeric position.
Parameters: newNumericPrecision - Parameter numeric precision |
setNumericScale | public void setNumericScale(int newNumericScale)(Code) | | Set the parameter numeric scale.
Parameters: newNumericScale - Parameter numeric scale |
setOrdinalPosition | public void setOrdinalPosition(int newOrdinalPosition)(Code) | | Set the parameter ordinal position.
Parameters: newOrdinalPosition - Parameter ordinal Position. |
setParamType | public void setParamType(String newParamType)(Code) | | Set the parameter type.
Parameters: newParamType - Parameter type. |
setSqlType | public void setSqlType(String newSqlType)(Code) | | Set the parameter SQL type.
Parameters: newSqlType - Parameter SQL type. |