| |
| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.ResultSetColumns
ResultSetColumns | public class ResultSetColumns (Code) | | This class represents a parameter in a stored procedure which is a resultset. * It is named
ResultSetColumns to avoid confusing it with the jdbc resultset.
ResultSetColumns | public ResultSetColumns()(Code) | | constructor
add | public void add(ResultSetColumn rsCol)(Code) | | adds a ResultsetColumn object to this list.
Parameters: rsCol - ResultSetColumn * object that needs to be added; |
get | public ResultSetColumn get(int index)(Code) | | gets the ResultsetColumn object at the given index.
Parameters: index - index of ResultSetColumn * object that needs to be retrieved; |
getNumColumns | public int getNumColumns()(Code) | | getter for numColumns; *
numColumns; |
remove | public boolean remove(ResultSetColumn rsCol)(Code) | | removes the given ResultSetColumn from the list
Parameters: rsCol - ResultSetColumn * object that needs to be removed; |
remove | public boolean remove(int index)(Code) | | removes a ResultSetColumn from the list at the given index
Parameters: index - index at which the * object that needs to be removed was set; |
setColumns | public void setColumns(ArrayList columns)(Code) | | setter for columns;
Parameters: columns - list of ResultSetColumn * objects; |
setName | public void setName(String rsName)(Code) | | setter for name; *
Parameters: name - |