001: /*
002: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
003: * and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
004: * compliance with the License.
005: *
006: * You can obtain a copy of the License at http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.html
007: * or http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.txt.
008: *
009: * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
010: * and include the License file at http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.txt.
011: * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
012: * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
013: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
014: *
015: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
016: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
017: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
018: */
020: /*
021: *
022: * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
023: *
024: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
025: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
026: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
027: *
028: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
029: *
030: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
031: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
032: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
033: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
034: * limitations under the License.
035: *
036: */
037: package org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.impl;
039: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DatabaseModel;
040: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DBTable;
041: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DBColumn;
042: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.PrimaryKey;
043: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.ForeignKey;
044: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.Index;
046: import java.util.ArrayList;
047: import java.util.Collection;
048: import java.util.Collections;
049: import java.util.Comparator;
050: import java.util.HashSet;
051: import java.util.Iterator;
052: import java.util.List;
053: import java.util.Map;
054: import java.util.HashMap;
055: import java.util.Set;
057: import java.util.ResourceBundle;
059: import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
061: /**
062: * Reference implementation for interface com.stc.model.database.DBTable
063: *
064: * @author
065: */
066: public class DBTableImpl implements DBTable, Cloneable, Comparable {
068: /* Log4J category string */
069: private static final String LOG_CATEGORY = DBTableImpl.class
070: .getName();
072: /** table name. */
073: protected String name;
075: /** user-defined description */
076: protected String description;
078: /** schema to which this table belongs. */
079: protected String schema;
081: /** catalog to which this table belongs. */
082: protected String catalog;
084: /** Type of this table, these are "TABLE" or "VIEW" */
085: protected String type = null;
087: /** DatabaseModelImpl instance that "owns" this table. */
088: protected DatabaseModel parent;
090: /** Map of column metadata. */
091: protected Map columns;
093: /**
094: * Map of columns in the order the driver returns them. Order preserving to keep both JCE and
095: * BPEL editors show the otd in the same way.
096: */
097: protected ArrayList columnsInTableOrder;
099: /** PrimaryKey for this table; may be null. */
100: protected PrimaryKeyImpl primaryKey;
102: /** Map of names to ForeignKey instances for this table; may be empty. */
103: protected Map foreignKeys;
105: /** Map of names to Index instances for this table; may be empty. */
106: protected Map indexes;
108: /**
109: * Java name of this table; not in DatabaseModel but supplied as courtesy for WSDL
110: */
111: protected String javaName;
113: private final HashMap jdbcTypeMap = new HashMap();
115: private final HashMap sqlTypeMap = new HashMap();
117: /** editable */
118: protected boolean editable = true;
120: /** selected */
121: protected boolean selected = false;
123: /* No-arg constructor; initializes Collections-related member variables. */
124: private DBTableImpl() {
125: this .columns = new HashMap();
126: this .foreignKeys = new HashMap();
127: this .indexes = new HashMap();
128: this .columnsInTableOrder = new ArrayList();
129: this .initJDBCTypeMap();
130: }
132: /**
133: * Creates a new instance of DBTableImpl with the given name.
134: *
135: * @param aName name of new DBTable instance
136: * @param aSchema schema of new DBTable instance; may be null
137: * @param aCatalog catalog of new DBTable instance; may be null
138: */
139: public DBTableImpl(final String aName, final String aSchema,
140: final String aCatalog) {
141: this ();
143: this .name = aName != null ? aName.trim() : null;
144: this .schema = aSchema != null ? aSchema.trim() : null;
145: this .catalog = aCatalog != null ? aCatalog.trim() : null;
146: }
148: /**
149: * Creates a new instance of DBTableImpl with the given name.
150: *
151: * @param aName name of new DBTable instance
152: * @param aSchema schema of new DBTable instance; may be null
153: * @param aCatalog catalog of new DBTable instance; may be null
154: * @param aType type of new DBTable instance;
155: */
156: public DBTableImpl(final String aName, final String aSchema,
157: final String aCatalog, final String aType) {
158: this ();
160: this .name = aName != null ? aName.trim() : null;
161: this .schema = aSchema != null ? aSchema.trim() : null;
162: this .catalog = aCatalog != null ? aCatalog.trim() : null;
163: this .type = aType != null ? aType.trim() : null;
164: }
166: /**
167: * Creates a new instance of DBTableImpl, cloning the contents of the given DBTable
168: * implementation instance.
169: *
170: * @param src DBTable instance to be cloned
171: */
172: public DBTableImpl(final DBTable src) {
173: this ();
175: if (src == null) {
176: final ResourceBundle cMessages = NbBundle
177: .getBundle(DBTableImpl.class);
179: throw new IllegalArgumentException(cMessages
180: .getString("ERROR_NULL_DBTABLE")
182: // i18n
183: }
185: this .copyFrom(src);
186: }
188: /*
189: * Implementation of DBTable interface.
190: */
192: /**
193: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getName
194: */
195: public String getName() {
196: return this .name;
197: }
199: /**
200: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getDescription
201: */
202: public String getDescription() {
203: return this .description;
204: }
206: /**
207: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getSchema
208: */
209: public String getSchema() {
210: return this .schema;
211: }
213: /**
214: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getCatalog
215: */
216: public String getCatalog() {
217: return this .catalog;
218: }
220: /**
221: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getType
222: */
223: public String getType() {
224: return this .type;
225: }
227: /**
228: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getColumns
229: */
230: public Map getColumns() {
231: return this .columns;
232: }
234: /**
235: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getColumnList
236: */
237: public List getColumnList() {
238: final List list = new ArrayList();
239: list.addAll(this .columns.values());
240: return list;
241: }
243: /**
244: * Map of columns in the order the driver returns them. Order preserving to keep both JCE and
245: * BPEL editors show the otd in the same way.
246: */
247: public List getColumnListInTablelOrder() {
248: return this .columnsInTableOrder;
249: }
251: /**
252: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getParent
253: */
254: public DatabaseModel getParent() {
255: return this .parent;
256: }
258: /**
259: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getPrimaryKey
260: */
261: public PrimaryKey getPrimaryKey() {
262: return this .primaryKey;
263: }
265: /**
266: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getForeignKeys
267: */
268: public List getForeignKeys() {
269: return new ArrayList(this .foreignKeys.values());
270: }
272: /**
273: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getForeignKey(String)
274: */
275: public ForeignKey getForeignKey(final String fkName) {
276: return (ForeignKey) this .foreignKeys.get(fkName);
277: }
279: /**
280: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getReferencedTables
281: */
282: public Set getReferencedTables() {
283: Set tables = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
284: final List keys = this .getForeignKeys();
286: if (keys.size() != 0) {
287: tables = new HashSet(keys.size());
288: final Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
289: while (iter.hasNext()) {
290: final ForeignKeyImpl fk = (ForeignKeyImpl) iter.next();
291: final DBTable pkTable = this .parent.getTable(fk
292: .getPKTable(), fk.getPKSchema(), fk
293: .getPKCatalog());
294: if (pkTable != null
295: && fk.references(pkTable.getPrimaryKey())) {
296: tables.add(pkTable);
297: }
298: }
300: if (tables.size() == 0) {
301: tables.clear();
302: tables = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
303: }
304: }
306: return tables;
307: }
309: /**
310: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getIndexes
311: */
312: public List getIndexes() {
313: return new ArrayList(this .indexes.values());
314: }
316: /**
317: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getIndex
318: */
319: public Index getIndex(final String indexName) {
320: return (Index) this .indexes.get(indexName);
321: }
323: /**
324: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#references
325: */
326: public boolean references(final DBTable pkTarget) {
327: return this .getReferenceFor(pkTarget) != null;
328: }
330: /**
331: * @see com.stc.model.database.DBTable#getReferenceFor
332: */
333: public ForeignKey getReferenceFor(final DBTable target) {
334: if (target == null) {
335: return null;
336: }
338: final PrimaryKey targetPK = target.getPrimaryKey();
339: if (targetPK == null) {
340: return null;
341: }
343: final Iterator iter = this .foreignKeys.values().iterator();
344: while (iter.hasNext()) {
345: final ForeignKey myFK = (ForeignKey) iter.next();
346: if (myFK.references(targetPK)) {
347: return myFK;
348: }
349: }
351: return null;
352: }
354: /*
355: * Setters and non-API helper methods for this implementation.
356: */
357: /**
358: * Sets table name to new value.
359: *
360: * @param newSchema new value for schema name
361: */
362: public void setName(final String newName) {
363: this .name = newName;
364: }
366: /**
367: * Sets schema name to new value.
368: *
369: * @param newSchema new value for schema name
370: */
371: public void setSchema(final String newSchema) {
372: this .schema = newSchema;
373: }
375: /**
376: * Sets catalog name to new value.
377: *
378: * @param newCatalog new value for catalog name
379: */
380: public void setCatalog(final String newCatalog) {
381: this .catalog = newCatalog;
382: }
384: /**
385: * Sets type name to new value.
386: *
387: * @param newType new value for type name
388: */
389: public void setType(final String newType) {
390: this .type = newType;
391: }
393: /**
394: * Sets PrimaryKey instance for this DBTable to the given instance.
395: *
396: * @param newPk new PrimaryKey instance to be associated
397: * @return true if association succeeded, false otherwise
398: */
399: public boolean setPrimaryKey(final PrimaryKeyImpl newPk) {
400: if (newPk != null) {
401: newPk.setParent(this );
402: }
404: this .primaryKey = newPk;
405: return true;
406: }
408: /**
409: * Adds the given ForeignKeyImpl, associating it with this DBTableImpl instance.
410: *
411: * @param newFk new ForeignKeyImpl instance to be added
412: * @return return true if addition succeeded, false otherwise
413: */
414: public boolean addForeignKey(final ForeignKeyImpl newFk) {
415: if (newFk != null) {
416: newFk.setParent(this );
417: this .foreignKeys.put(newFk.getName(), newFk);
418: return true;
419: } else {
420: return false;
421: }
422: }
424: /**
425: * Dissociates the given ForeignKeyImpl from this DBTableImpl instance, removing it from its
426: * internal FK collection.
427: *
428: * @param newFk new ForeignKeyImpl instance to be removed
429: * @return return true if removal succeeded, false otherwise
430: */
431: public boolean removeForeignKey(final ForeignKeyImpl oldKey) {
432: if (oldKey != null) {
433: return this .foreignKeys.remove(oldKey.getName()) != null;
434: }
436: return false;
437: }
439: /**
440: * Clears list of foreign keys.
441: */
442: public void clearForeignKeys() {
443: this .foreignKeys.clear();
444: }
446: /**
447: * Adds the given IndexImpl, associating it with this DBTableImpl instance.
448: *
449: * @param newIndex new IndexImpl instance to be added
450: * @return return true if addition succeeded, false otherwise
451: */
452: public boolean addIndex(final IndexImpl newIndex) {
453: if (newIndex != null) {
454: newIndex.setParent(this );
455: this .indexes.put(newIndex.getName(), newIndex);
457: return true;
458: } else {
459: return false;
460: }
461: }
463: /**
464: * Clears list of indexes.
465: */
466: public void clearIndexes() {
467: this .indexes.clear();
468: }
470: /**
471: * Compares DBTable with another object for lexicographical ordering. Null objects and those
472: * DBTables with null names are placed at the end of any ordered collection using this method.
473: *
474: * @param refObj Object to be compared.
475: * @return -1 if the column name is less than obj to be compared. 0 if the column name is the
476: * same. 1 if the column name is greater than obj to be compared.
477: */
478: public int compareTo(final Object refObj) {
479: if (refObj == null) {
480: return -1;
481: }
483: if (refObj == this ) {
484: return 0;
485: }
487: final String refName = this .parent != null ? this .parent
488: .getFullyQualifiedTableName((DBTable) refObj)
489: : ((DBTable) refObj).getName();
491: final String myName = this .parent != null ? this .parent
492: .getFullyQualifiedTableName(this ) : this .name;
494: return myName != null ? myName.compareTo(refName)
495: : refName != null ? 1 : -1;
496: }
498: /**
499: * Overrides default implementation to return value based on memberwise comparison.
500: *
501: * @param obj Object against which we compare this instance
502: * @return true if obj is functionally identical to this JDBCTable instance; false otherwise
503: */
504: public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
505: boolean result = false;
507: // Check for reflexivity first.
508: if (this == obj) {
509: return true;
510: }
512: // Check for castability (also deals with null obj)
513: if (obj instanceof DBTable) {
514: final DBTable aTable = (DBTable) obj;
515: final String aTableName = aTable.getName();
516: final DatabaseModel aTableParent = aTable.getParent();
517: final Map aTableColumns = aTable.getColumns();
518: final PrimaryKey aTablePK = aTable.getPrimaryKey();
519: final List aTableFKs = aTable.getForeignKeys();
520: final List aTableIdxs = aTable.getForeignKeys();
522: result = aTableName != null && this .name != null
523: && this .name.equals(aTableName)
524: && this .parent != null && aTableParent != null
525: && this .parent.equals(aTableParent);
527: if (this .columns != null && aTableColumns != null) {
528: final Set objCols = aTableColumns.keySet();
529: final Set myCols = this .columns.keySet();
531: // Must be identical (no subsetting), hence the pair of tests.
532: result &= myCols.containsAll(objCols)
533: && objCols.containsAll(myCols);
534: } else if (!(this .columns == null && aTableColumns == null)) {
535: result = false;
536: }
538: result &= this .primaryKey != null ? this .primaryKey
539: .equals(aTablePK) : aTablePK == null;
541: if (this .foreignKeys != null && aTableFKs != null) {
542: final Collection myFKs = this .foreignKeys.values();
543: // Must be identical (no subsetting), hence the pair of tests.
544: result &= myFKs.containsAll(aTableFKs)
545: && aTableFKs.containsAll(myFKs);
546: } else if (!(this .foreignKeys == null && aTableFKs == null)) {
547: result = false;
548: }
550: if (this .indexes != null && aTableIdxs != null) {
551: final Collection myIdxs = this .indexes.values();
552: // Must be identical (no subsetting), hence the pair of tests.
553: result &= myIdxs.containsAll(aTableIdxs)
554: && aTableIdxs.containsAll(myIdxs);
555: } else if (!(this .indexes == null && aTableIdxs == null)) {
556: result = false;
557: }
558: }
560: return result;
561: }
563: /**
564: * Overrides default implementation to compute hashCode value for those members used in equals()
565: * for comparison.
566: *
567: * @return hash code for this object
568: * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode
569: */
570: public int hashCode() {
571: int myHash = this .name != null ? this .name.hashCode() : 0;
572: myHash += this .parent != null ? this .parent.hashCode() : 0;
573: myHash += this .schema != null ? this .schema.hashCode() : 0;
574: myHash += this .catalog != null ? this .catalog.hashCode() : 0;
576: // Include hashCodes of all column names.
577: if (this .columns != null) {
578: myHash += this .columns.keySet().hashCode();
579: }
581: if (this .primaryKey != null) {
582: myHash += this .primaryKey.hashCode();
583: }
585: if (this .foreignKeys != null) {
586: myHash += this .foreignKeys.keySet().hashCode();
587: }
589: if (this .indexes != null) {
590: myHash += this .indexes.keySet().hashCode();
591: }
593: return myHash;
594: }
596: /**
597: * Clone a deep copy of DBTable.
598: *
599: * @return a copy of DBTable.
600: */
601: public Object clone() {
602: try {
603: final DBTableImpl table = (DBTableImpl) super .clone();
605: table.columns = new HashMap();
606: table.deepCopyReferences(this );
608: return table;
609: } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
610: throw new InternalError(e.toString());
611: }
612: }
614: /**
615: * Performs deep copy of contents of given DBTable. We deep copy (that is, the method clones all
616: * child objects such as columns) because columns have a parent-child relationship that must be
617: * preserved internally.
618: *
619: * @param source JDBCTable providing contents to be copied.
620: */
621: public void copyFrom(final DBTable source) {
622: if (source == null) {
623: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
624: "Must supply non-null ref for source");
625: } else if (source == this ) {
626: return;
627: }
629: this .name = source.getName();
630: this .description = source.getDescription();
631: this .schema = source.getSchema();
632: this .catalog = source.getCatalog();
634: this .parent = source.getParent();
635: this .deepCopyReferences(source);
636: }
638: /*
639: * Perform deep copy of columns. @param source JDBCTable whose columns are to be copied.
640: */
641: private void deepCopyReferences(final DBTable source) {
642: if (source != null && source != this ) {
643: this .primaryKey = null;
644: final PrimaryKey srcPk = source.getPrimaryKey();
645: if (srcPk != null) {
646: this .primaryKey = new PrimaryKeyImpl(source
647: .getPrimaryKey());
648: }
650: this .foreignKeys.clear();
651: Iterator iter = source.getForeignKeys().iterator();
652: while (iter.hasNext()) {
653: final ForeignKeyImpl impl = new ForeignKeyImpl(
654: (ForeignKey) iter.next());
655: impl.setParent(this );
656: this .foreignKeys.put(impl.getName(), impl);
657: }
659: this .indexes.clear();
660: iter = source.getIndexes().iterator();
661: while (iter.hasNext()) {
662: final IndexImpl impl = new IndexImpl((Index) iter
663: .next());
664: impl.setParent(this );
665: this .indexes.put(impl.getName(), impl);
666: }
668: this .columns.clear();
669: iter = source.getColumnList().iterator();
671: // Must do deep copy to ensure correct parent-child relationship.
672: while (iter.hasNext()) {
673: final DBColumnImpl dbColImpl = new DBColumnImpl();
674: dbColImpl.copyFrom((DBColumn) iter.next());
675: dbColImpl.setParent(this );
676: this .columns.put(dbColImpl.getName(), dbColImpl);
677: }
678: }
679: }
681: /**
682: * Adds a DBColumn instance to this table.
683: *
684: * @param theColumn column to be added.
685: * @return true if successful. false if failed.
686: */
687: public boolean addColumn(final DBColumn theColumn) {
688: if (theColumn != null) {
689: // theColumn.setParent(this);
690: this .columns.put(theColumn.getName(), theColumn);
691: return true;
692: }
694: return false;
695: }
697: /**
698: * Convenience class to create DBColumnImpl instance (with the given column name, data source
699: * name, JDBC type, scale, precision, and nullable), and add it to this DBTableImpl instance.
700: *
701: * @param columnName Column name
702: * @param jdbcType JDBC type defined in SQL.Types
703: * @param scale Scale
704: * @param precision Precision
705: * @param nullable Nullable
706: * @return new DBColumnImpl instance
707: */
708: public DBColumnImpl createColumn(final String columnName,
709: final int jdbcType, final int scale, final int precision,
710: final boolean isPK, final boolean isFK,
711: final boolean isIndexed, final boolean nullable) {
712: final DBColumnImpl impl = new DBColumnImpl(columnName,
713: jdbcType, scale, precision, isPK, isFK, isIndexed,
714: nullable);
715: // impl.setParent(this);
716: this .columns.put(columnName, impl);
717: this .columnsInTableOrder.add(impl);
719: return impl;
720: }
722: /**
723: * Deletes all columns associated with this table.
724: *
725: * @return true if all columns were deleted successfully, false otherwise.
726: */
727: public boolean deleteAllColumns() {
728: this .columns.clear();
729: return false;
730: }
732: /**
733: * Deletes DBColumn, if any, associated with the given name from this table.
734: *
735: * @param columnName column name to be removed.
736: * @return true if successful. false if failed.
737: */
738: public boolean deleteColumn(final String columnName) {
739: if (columnName != null && columnName.trim().length() != 0) {
740: return this .columns.remove(columnName) != null;
741: }
742: return false;
743: }
745: /**
746: * Get editable
747: *
748: * @return true/false
749: */
750: public boolean isEditable() {
751: return this .editable;
752: }
754: /**
755: * @return
756: */
757: public boolean isSelected() {
758: return this .selected;
759: }
761: /**
762: * @param select
763: */
764: public void setSelected(final boolean select) {
765: this .selected = select;
766: }
768: /**
769: * Set editable
770: *
771: * @param edit - editable
772: */
773: public void setEditable(final boolean edit) {
774: this .editable = edit;
775: }
777: /**
778: * Gets the DBColumn, if any, associated with the given name
779: *
780: * @param columnName column name
781: * @return DBColumn associated with columnName, or null if none exists
782: */
783: public DBColumn getColumn(final String columnName) {
784: return (DBColumn) this .columns.get(columnName);
785: }
787: /**
788: * Clones contents of the given Map to this table's internal column map, overwriting any
789: * previous mappings.
790: *
791: * @param theColumns Map of columns to be substituted
792: * @return true if successful. false if failed.
793: */
794: public boolean setAllColumns(final Map theColumns) {
795: this .columns.clear();
796: if (theColumns != null) {
797: this .columns.putAll(theColumns);
798: }
799: return true;
800: }
802: /**
803: * Sets description text for this instance.
804: *
805: * @param newDesc new descriptive text
806: */
807: public void setDescription(final String newDesc) {
808: this .description = newDesc;
809: }
811: /**
812: * Sets parent DatabaseModel to the given reference.
813: *
814: * @param newParent new DatabaseModel parent
815: */
816: public void setParent(final DatabaseModelImpl newParent) {
817: this .parent = newParent;
818: }
820: /**
821: * Gets Java name for this table.
822: *
823: * @return normalized Java name for this table
824: */
825: public String getJavaName() {
826: return this .javaName != null ? this .javaName : this .name;
827: }
829: /**
830: * Sets Java name for this table.
831: *
832: * @param newName new normalized Java name for this table; null if plain name is to be used.
833: */
834: public void setJavaName(final String newName) {
835: this .javaName = newName;
836: }
838: private void initJDBCTypeMap() {
839: this .jdbcTypeMap
840: .put("array", new Integer(java.sql.Types.ARRAY));
841: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("bigint", new Integer(
842: java.sql.Types.BIGINT));
843: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("binary", new Integer(
844: java.sql.Types.BINARY));
845: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("bit", new Integer(java.sql.Types.BIT));
846: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("blob", new Integer(java.sql.Types.BLOB));
847: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("char", new Integer(java.sql.Types.CHAR));
848: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("clob", new Integer(java.sql.Types.CLOB));
849: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("date", new Integer(java.sql.Types.DATE));
850: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("decimal", new Integer(
851: java.sql.Types.DECIMAL));
852: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("distinct", new Integer(
853: java.sql.Types.DISTINCT));
854: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("double", new Integer(
855: java.sql.Types.DOUBLE));
856: this .jdbcTypeMap
857: .put("float", new Integer(java.sql.Types.FLOAT));
858: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("integer", new Integer(
859: java.sql.Types.INTEGER));
860: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("longvarbinary", new Integer(
861: java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY));
862: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("longvarchar", new Integer(
863: java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR));
864: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("numeric", new Integer(
865: java.sql.Types.NUMERIC));
866: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("real", new Integer(java.sql.Types.REAL));
867: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("smallint", new Integer(
868: java.sql.Types.SMALLINT));
869: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("time", new Integer(java.sql.Types.TIME));
870: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("timestamp", new Integer(
871: java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP));
872: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("tinyint", new Integer(
873: java.sql.Types.TINYINT));
874: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("varchar", new Integer(
875: java.sql.Types.VARCHAR));
876: this .jdbcTypeMap.put("varbinary", new Integer(
877: java.sql.Types.VARBINARY));
879: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.ARRAY), "array");
880: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.BIGINT),
881: "bigint");
882: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.BINARY),
883: "binary");
884: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.BIT), "bit");
885: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.BLOB), "blob");
886: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.CHAR), "char");
887: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.CLOB), "clob");
888: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.DATE), "date");
889: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.DECIMAL),
890: "decimal");
891: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.DISTINCT),
892: "distinct");
893: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.DOUBLE),
894: "double");
895: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.FLOAT), "float");
896: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.INTEGER),
897: "integer");
898: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY),
899: "longvarbinary");
900: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR),
901: "longvarchar");
902: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.NUMERIC),
903: "numeric");
904: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.REAL), "real");
905: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.SMALLINT),
906: "smallint");
907: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.TIME), "time");
908: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP),
909: "timestamp");
910: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.TINYINT),
911: "tinyint");
912: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR),
913: "varchar");
914: this .sqlTypeMap.put(new Integer(java.sql.Types.VARBINARY),
915: "varbinary");
916: }
918: /**
919: * Gets the JDBC Type for a given oracle8/oracle9 type
920: *
921: * @param dbType for which jdbctype is returned
922: * @return java.sql.Types.* for given string jdbcType
923: */
924: public int getJDBCType(final String dbType) {
925: final Integer value = (Integer) this .jdbcTypeMap.get(dbType);
926: if (value != null) {
927: return value.intValue();
928: }
929: return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
930: }
932: /**
933: * Gets the SQLType
934: *
935: * @param type for which sql type is returned
936: * @return String for given jdbc type
937: */
938: public String getSQLType(final int type) {
939: final Integer intType = new Integer(type);
940: return (String) this .sqlTypeMap.get(intType);
941: }
943: static class StringComparator implements Comparator {
944: public int compare(final Object o1, final Object o2) {
945: if (o1 instanceof String && o2 instanceof String) {
946: return ((String) o1).compareTo((String) o2);
947: } else {
948: final ResourceBundle cMessages = NbBundle
949: .getBundle(DBTableImpl.class);
950: throw new ClassCastException(cMessages
953: }
954: }
955: }
957: public boolean isSelectedforAnOperation() {
958: // TODO Auto-generated method stub
959: return false;
960: }
962: public void setSelectedforAllOperations(final boolean setAll) {
963: // TODO Auto-generated method stub
965: }
967: }