| |
| org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.PrepStmtModel
PrepStmtModel | public interface PrepStmtModel (Code) | | author: neenad author: To change the template for this generated type comment go to author: Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments |
SQL_ALTER | final public static int SQL_ALTER(Code) | | |
SQL_CREATE | final public static int SQL_CREATE(Code) | | |
SQL_DELETE | final public static int SQL_DELETE(Code) | | |
SQL_DROP | final public static int SQL_DROP(Code) | | |
SQL_INSERT | final public static int SQL_INSERT(Code) | | |
SQL_SELECT | final public static int SQL_SELECT(Code) | | |
SQL_TRUNCATE | final public static int SQL_TRUNCATE(Code) | | |
SQL_UPDATE | final public static int SQL_UPDATE(Code) | | |
getChkDuplicate | public boolean getChkDuplicate()(Code) | | |
getStatementType | public int getStatementType()(Code) | | |
isTableAliasIncluded | public boolean isTableAliasIncluded()(Code) | | |
setChkDuplicate | public void setChkDuplicate(boolean newChkDuplicate)(Code) | | |
setStatementType | public void setStatementType(int stmtType)(Code) | | |
setTableAliasIncluded | public void setTableAliasIncluded(boolean isTableAliasSet)(Code) | | |