0001: /*
0002: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
0003: * and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
0004: * compliance with the License.
0005: *
0006: * You can obtain a copy of the License at http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.html
0007: * or http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.txt.
0008: *
0009: * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
0010: * and include the License file at http://www.netbeans.org/cddl.txt.
0011: * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
0012: * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
0013: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0014: *
0015: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0016: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
0017: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0018: */
0020: /*
0021: * Sun Public License Notice
0022: *
0023: * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
0024: * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
0025: * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
0026: * http://www.sun.com/
0027: *
0028: * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0029: * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun
0030: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0031: */
0033: package org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.wsdl;
0035: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.DBMetaData;
0036: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.PrepStmt;
0037: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.ResultSetColumn;
0038: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.ResultSetColumns;
0039: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.Parameter;
0040: import org.netbeans.modules.sql.project.dbmodel.Procedure;
0042: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
0044: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0045: import java.util.logging.Level;
0046: import java.util.List;
0047: import java.util.Iterator;
0048: import java.util.HashMap;
0049: import java.util.Map;
0050: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
0052: import java.net.URL;
0053: import java.net.URI;
0054: import java.io.FileInputStream;
0055: import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
0056: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
0057: import java.io.InputStream;
0058: import java.io.OutputStream;
0059: import java.io.Writer;
0060: import java.io.FileWriter;
0061: import java.io.IOException;
0062: import java.io.PrintWriter;
0063: import java.io.File;
0064: import java.io.BufferedReader;
0065: import java.io.FileReader;
0066: import java.sql.Connection;
0068: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
0069: import javax.swing.JFrame;
0070: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPAddress;
0071: import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBinding;
0073: import javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory;
0074: import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriter;
0075: import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLReader;
0076: import javax.wsdl.Definition;
0077: import javax.wsdl.WSDLException;
0078: import javax.wsdl.Types;
0079: import javax.wsdl.PortType;
0080: import javax.wsdl.Service;
0081: import javax.wsdl.Port;
0082: import javax.wsdl.Message;
0083: import javax.wsdl.Part;
0084: import javax.wsdl.Operation;
0085: import javax.wsdl.Input;
0086: import javax.wsdl.Output;
0087: import javax.wsdl.Binding;
0088: import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
0089: import javax.wsdl.BindingInput;
0090: import javax.wsdl.BindingOutput;
0091: import javax.wsdl.extensions.schema.Schema;
0092: import javax.wsdl.extensions.UnknownExtensibilityElement;
0093: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
0094: import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
0095: import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
0096: import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
0097: import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
0098: import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
0099: import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
0100: import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
0102: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0103: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0104: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0105: import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0106: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
0107: import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
0109: public class WSDLGenerator {
0111: public static HashMap builtInTypes = new HashMap();
0112: private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WSDLGenerator.class
0113: .getName());
0114: private static WSDLFactory factory;
0115: private static DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderfactory;
0117: private Definition def;
0118: private DBMetaData dbmeta;
0119: private String sqlFileName;
0120: private List sqlFileList = null;
0121: private String schema;
0122: private String wsdlFileLocation;
0123: private String engineFileName;
0124: private Document doc;
0125: private String STATEMENT_TYPE = null;
0126: private String wsdlFileName = null;
0127: private boolean wsdlFileExsits = false;
0128: private Connection conn;
0129: private DatabaseConnection dbConn;
0130: private JFrame frame;
0131: private static final String SELECT_STATEMENT = "SELECT";
0132: private static final String INSERT_STATEMENT = "INSERT";
0133: private static final String UPDATE_STATEMENT = "UPDATE";
0134: private static final String DELETE_STATEMENT = "DELETE";
0135: private static final String DDL_STATEMENT_CREATE = "CREATE";
0136: private static final String DDL_STATEMENT_ALTER = "ALTER";
0137: private static final String DDL_STATEMENT_DROP = "DROP";
0138: private static final String TRUNCATE_STATEMENT = "TRUNCATE";
0139: private static final String PROC_STATEMENT = "EXEC";
0141: static {
0142: builtInTypes.put("byte[]", "xsd:base64Binary");
0143: builtInTypes.put("boolean", "xsd:boolean");
0144: builtInTypes.put("byte", "xsd:byte");
0145: builtInTypes.put("java.util.Calendar", "xsd:dateTime");
0146: builtInTypes.put("java.math.BigDecimal", "xsd:decimal");
0147: builtInTypes.put("double", "xsd:double");
0148: builtInTypes.put("float", "xsd:float");
0149: builtInTypes.put("byte[]", "xsd:hexBinary");
0150: builtInTypes.put("int", "xsd:int");
0151: builtInTypes.put("java.math.BigInteger", "xsd:integer");
0152: builtInTypes.put("long", "xsd:long");
0153: builtInTypes.put("javax.xml.namespace.QName", "xsd:QName");
0154: builtInTypes.put("short", "xsd:short");
0155: builtInTypes.put("java.lang.String", "xsd:string");
0156: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.Time", "xsd:string");
0157: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.Timestamp", "xsd:string");
0158: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.Date", "xsd:string");
0160: // temporary for demo
0161: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.Blob", "xsd:string");
0162: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.Clob", "xsd:string");
0163: //added by abey for Procedure with parameter of type RefCursor
0164: builtInTypes.put("java.sql.ResultSet", "xsd:ResultSet");
0166: }
0168: static {
0169: initFactory();
0170: }
0172: /**
0173: * Constructor
0174: * @param dbmeta
0175: * @param sqlFile
0176: * @param wsdlFileLocation
0177: */
0178: public WSDLGenerator(DBMetaData dbmeta, String sqlFile,
0179: String wsdlFileLocation, String engineFileName) {
0180: this .dbmeta = dbmeta;
0181: this .sqlFileName = sqlFile;
0182: this .wsdlFileLocation = wsdlFileLocation;
0183: this .engineFileName = engineFileName.substring(0,
0184: engineFileName.indexOf(".xml"));
0185: }
0187: public WSDLGenerator(Connection conn, List sqlFiles,
0188: String wsdlFileName, String wsdlFileLocation,
0189: String engineFileName) {
0190: this .conn = conn;
0191: this .sqlFileList = sqlFiles;
0192: this .wsdlFileLocation = wsdlFileLocation;
0193: this .wsdlFileName = wsdlFileName;
0194: this .engineFileName = engineFileName.substring(0,
0195: engineFileName.indexOf(".xml"));
0196: }
0198: /**
0199: * initialize the WSDLFactory
0200: */
0201: private static void initFactory() {
0202: if (factory == null) {
0203: try {
0204: factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
0205: docBuilderfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
0206: .newInstance();
0207: } catch (WSDLException wsdle) {
0208: logger.log(Level.WARNING, wsdle.getMessage(), wsdle);
0209: }
0210: }
0211: }
0213: /**
0214: * reads an sqlpro wsdl template file and genarates the javax.wsdl.Definition
0215: *
0216: * @return Definition
0217: * @throws WSDLException
0218: */
0219: private Definition getWsdlTemplate() throws WSDLException,
0220: ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
0221: Definition def = null;
0222: try {
0223: URL u = WSDLGenerator.class
0224: .getResource("sqlpro.wsdl.template");
0225: if (u != null) {
0226: String wsdlURI = u.getFile().indexOf(".jar") > 0 ? "jar:"
0227: + u.getFile()
0228: : u.getFile();
0229: def = readWSDLFile(wsdlURI);
0231: } else {
0232: logger.log(Level.WARNING,
0233: "Unable to locate the wsdl template");
0234: }
0235: } catch (WSDLException e) {
0236: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
0237: throw e;
0238: } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
0239: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
0240: throw e;
0241: } catch (SAXException e) {
0242: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
0243: throw e;
0244: } catch (IOException e) {
0245: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
0246: throw e;
0247: }
0248: return def;
0249: }
0251: private Definition readWSDLFile(String wsdlURI)
0252: throws SAXException, IOException,
0253: ParserConfigurationException, WSDLException {
0254: WSDLReader reader = factory.newWSDLReader();
0255: Definition def;
0256: docBuilderfactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
0257: docBuilderfactory.setValidating(false);
0258: doc = docBuilderfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(wsdlURI);
0259: def = reader.readWSDL(wsdlURI, doc);
0260: return def;
0261: }
0263: public Definition generateWSDL() throws Exception {
0264: try {
0265: //wsdlFileName = wsdlFileLocation + "/" + sqlFileName + ".wsdl";
0266: File f1 = new File(wsdlFileLocation + File.separator
0267: + wsdlFileName + ".wsdl");
0268: File f2 = new File(wsdlFileLocation + File.separator
0269: + wsdlFileName + ".wsdl_old");
0270: if (f1.exists()) {
0271: try {
0272: InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f1);
0273: OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f2);
0274: byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
0275: int len;
0276: while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
0277: out.write(buf, 0, len);
0278: }
0279: in.close();
0280: out.close();
0281: System.out.println("File copied.");
0282: } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
0283: logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex);
0284: } catch (IOException e) {
0285: logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
0286: }
0287: }
0288: this .def = getWsdlTemplate();
0289: modifyWSDL();
0290: writeWsdl();
0291: } catch (Exception e) {
0292: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
0293: throw e;
0294: }
0295: return def;
0296: }
0298: private Definition loadExistingWSDLFile(String wsdlFileName) {
0299: try {
0300: URI f = new File(wsdlFileLocation + File.separator
0301: + wsdlFileName + ".wsdl").toURI();
0302: Definition def = readWSDLFile(f.getPath());
0303: return def;
0304: } catch (Exception mfe) {
0305: logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
0306: "Unable to load existing wsdl file " + wsdlFileName
0307: + " Reason: " + mfe.getLocalizedMessage());
0308: }
0309: return null;
0310: }
0312: /**
0313: * modify the wsdl template
0314: */
0315: private void modifyWSDL() throws Exception {
0316: try {
0317: modifyName();
0319: if (sqlFileList != null) {
0320: for (int i = 0; i < sqlFileList.size(); i++) {
0321: File f = (File) sqlFileList.get(i);
0322: sqlFileName = f.getName().trim().substring(0,
0323: f.getName().indexOf(".sql"));
0324: modifyMessageTypes(f);
0325: createMessages();
0326: PortType pt = createPortType();
0327: Binding binding = createBinding(pt);
0328: modifyServices(binding);
0329: }
0330: modifyPartnerLink();
0331: }
0332: } catch (Exception e) {
0333: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0334: throw e;
0335: }
0336: }
0338: private void modifyName() {
0339: QName q = def.getQName();
0340: q = new QName(q.getNamespaceURI(), wsdlFileName);
0341: def.setQName(q);
0342: }
0344: private void modifyMessageTypes(File sqlFile) throws Exception {
0345: try {
0346: Element currRequest = null;
0347: Element currResponse = null;
0349: //Read sql file.
0350: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
0351: sqlFile));
0352: String line = null;
0353: StringBuffer sqlText = new StringBuffer();
0354: while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
0355: if (sqlText.length() != 0) {
0356: sqlText.append("\n");
0357: }
0358: sqlText.append(line);
0359: }
0360: dbmeta = new DBMetaData(conn, sqlText.toString());
0361: logger.log(Level.INFO, "SQL Statement is:["
0362: + dbmeta.getSQLText() + "]");
0363: parseSQLStatement(sqlText.toString());
0364: Types types = def.getTypes();
0366: if (null != types) {
0367: List schemaList = types.getExtensibilityElements();
0368: for (Iterator iterator1 = schemaList.iterator(); iterator1
0369: .hasNext();) {
0370: Object o = iterator1.next();
0371: if (o instanceof Schema) {
0372: Schema schemaType = (Schema) o;
0373: Element e = schemaType.getElement();
0374: currRequest = getElementByName(e, sqlFileName
0375: + "Request");
0376: if (currRequest == null) {
0377: currRequest = createElementWithComplexType(sqlFileName
0378: + "Request");
0379: }
0380: if (STATEMENT_TYPE != null) {
0382: .equalsIgnoreCase(SELECT_STATEMENT)) {
0383: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0384: sqlFileName + "Response");
0385: if (currResponse == null) {
0386: currResponse = createElementWithComplexType(sqlFileName
0387: + "Response");
0388: }
0389: generateSelectSchemaElements(
0390: currRequest, currResponse);
0391: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0392: .equalsIgnoreCase(INSERT_STATEMENT)) {
0393: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0394: sqlFileName + "Response");
0395: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0396: currResponse);
0397: if (currResponse == null) {
0398: currResponse = createElement(
0399: "numRowsEffected",
0400: "xsd:int");
0401: }
0402: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0403: "numRowsEffected");
0404: if (currResponse == null) {
0405: currResponse = createElement(
0406: "numRowsEffected",
0407: "xsd:int");
0408: }
0409: generateInsertSchemaElements(
0410: currRequest, currResponse);
0411: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0412: .equalsIgnoreCase(UPDATE_STATEMENT)) {
0413: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0414: sqlFileName + "Response");
0415: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0416: currResponse);
0417: if (currResponse == null) {
0418: currResponse = createElement(
0419: "numRowsEffected",
0420: "xsd:int");
0421: }
0422: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0423: "numRowsEffected");
0424: if (currResponse == null) {
0425: currResponse = createElement(
0426: "numRowsEffected",
0427: "xsd:int");
0428: }
0429: generateInsertSchemaElements(
0430: currRequest, currResponse);
0431: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0432: .equalsIgnoreCase(DELETE_STATEMENT)) {
0433: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0434: sqlFileName + "Response");
0435: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0436: currResponse);
0437: if (currResponse == null) {
0438: currResponse = createElement(
0439: "numRowsEffected",
0440: "xsd:int");
0441: }
0442: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0443: "numRowsEffected");
0444: if (currResponse == null) {
0445: currResponse = createElement(
0446: "numRowsEffected",
0447: "xsd:int");
0448: }
0449: generateInsertSchemaElements(
0450: currRequest, currResponse);
0451: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0452: .equalsIgnoreCase(DDL_STATEMENT_CREATE)) {
0453: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0454: sqlFileName + "Response");
0455: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0456: currResponse);
0457: if (currResponse == null) {
0458: currResponse = createElement(
0459: "numRowsEffected",
0460: "xsd:int");
0461: }
0462: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0463: "numRowsEffected");
0464: if (currResponse == null) {
0465: currResponse = createElement(
0466: "numRowsEffected",
0467: "xsd:int");
0468: }
0469: generateCreateSchemaElements(
0470: currRequest, currResponse);
0471: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0472: .equalsIgnoreCase(DDL_STATEMENT_ALTER)) {
0473: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0474: sqlFileName + "Response");
0475: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0476: currResponse);
0477: if (currResponse == null) {
0478: currResponse = createElement(
0479: "numRowsEffected",
0480: "xsd:int");
0481: }
0482: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0483: "numRowsEffected");
0484: if (currResponse == null) {
0485: currResponse = createElement(
0486: "numRowsEffected",
0487: "xsd:int");
0488: }
0489: generateAlterSchemaElements(
0490: currRequest, currResponse);
0491: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0492: .equalsIgnoreCase(DDL_STATEMENT_DROP)) {
0493: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0494: sqlFileName + "Response");
0495: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0496: currResponse);
0497: if (currResponse == null) {
0498: currResponse = createElement(
0499: "numRowsEffected",
0500: "xsd:int");
0501: }
0502: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0503: "numRowsEffected");
0504: if (currResponse == null) {
0505: currResponse = createElement(
0506: "numRowsEffected",
0507: "xsd:int");
0508: }
0509: generateDropSchemaElements(currRequest,
0510: currResponse);
0511: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0512: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRUNCATE_STATEMENT)) {
0513: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0514: sqlFileName + "Response");
0515: removeSchemaElements(currRequest,
0516: currResponse);
0517: if (currResponse == null) {
0518: currResponse = createElement(
0519: "numRowsEffected",
0520: "xsd:int");
0521: }
0522: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0523: "numRowsEffected");
0524: if (currResponse == null) {
0525: currResponse = createElement(
0526: "numRowsEffected",
0527: "xsd:int");
0528: }
0529: generateTruncateSchemaElements(
0530: currRequest, currResponse);
0531: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE
0532: .equalsIgnoreCase(PROC_STATEMENT)) {
0533: currResponse = getElementByName(e,
0534: sqlFileName + "Response");
0535: if (currResponse == null) {
0536: currResponse = createElementWithComplexType(sqlFileName
0537: + "Response");
0538: }
0539: generateProcSchemaElements(currRequest,
0540: currResponse);
0541: }
0542: e.appendChild(currRequest);
0543: e.appendChild(currResponse);
0544: } else {
0545: throw new Exception(
0546: "Unsupported SQL Statement entered: "
0547: + sqlText);
0548: }
0550: } else if (o instanceof UnknownExtensibilityElement) {
0551: //
0552: }
0553: }
0554: }
0556: } catch (Exception e) {
0557: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
0558: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, NbBundle.getMessage(
0559: WSDLGenerator.class, "LBL_MSG"), "Warning",
0560: JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0561: throw e;
0562: }
0564: }
0566: private void createMessages() {
0567: QName responseQName = null;
0568: QName partQName = null;
0569: Message m = def.createMessage();
0570: QName qname = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), sqlFileName
0571: + "Request");
0572: Part p = def.createPart();
0573: p.setName(sqlFileName + "RequestPart");
0574: p.setElementName(qname);
0575: m.addPart(p);
0576: m.setQName(qname);
0577: m.setUndefined(false);
0578: def.addMessage(m);
0579: Message mResponse = def.createMessage();
0580: Part p2 = def.createPart();
0583: || STATEMENT_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(PROC_STATEMENT)) {
0584: partQName = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), sqlFileName
0585: + "Response");
0586: } else if (STATEMENT_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(INSERT_STATEMENT)
0590: .equalsIgnoreCase(DDL_STATEMENT_CREATE)
0594: partQName = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(),
0595: "numRowsEffected");
0596: }
0597: p2.setName(sqlFileName + "ResponsePart");
0598: p2.setElementName(partQName);
0599: mResponse.addPart(p2);
0600: responseQName = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), sqlFileName
0601: + "Response");
0602: mResponse.setQName(responseQName);
0603: mResponse.setUndefined(false);
0604: def.addMessage(mResponse);
0606: }
0608: /**
0609: * this sets the portType name according to the given engine file
0610: */
0611: private PortType createPortType() {
0612: QName qn = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), wsdlFileName
0613: + "_sqlsePortType");
0614: PortType pt = def.getPortType(qn);
0616: if (pt == null) {
0617: pt = def.createPortType();
0618: pt.setQName(qn);
0619: pt.setUndefined(false);
0620: def.addPortType(pt);
0621: }
0622: createPortTypeOperations(pt);
0623: return pt;
0624: }
0626: private void createPortTypeOperations(PortType pt) {
0627: Operation op = pt.getOperation(sqlFileName, sqlFileName
0628: + "Request", sqlFileName + "Response");
0629: if (op == null) {
0630: op = def.createOperation();
0631: op.setName(sqlFileName);
0632: Input input = def.createInput();
0633: Output output = def.createOutput();
0634: input.setMessage(getMessageByName(sqlFileName + "Request"));
0635: input.setName(sqlFileName + "Request");
0636: output
0637: .setMessage(getMessageByName(sqlFileName
0638: + "Response"));
0639: output.setName(sqlFileName + "Response");
0640: op.setInput(input);
0641: op.setOutput(output);
0642: op.setUndefined(false);
0643: pt.addOperation(op);
0644: }
0645: }
0647: private Binding createBinding(PortType pt) {
0648: QName qname = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), wsdlFileName
0649: + "Binding");
0650: Binding binding = def.getBinding(qname);
0651: if (binding == null) {
0652: binding = def.createBinding();
0653: binding.setQName(qname);
0654: binding.setUndefined(false);
0655: binding.setPortType(pt);
0656: def.addBinding(binding);
0657: } else {
0658: PortType pt2 = binding.getPortType();
0659: if (pt2.equals(pt)) {
0660: BindingOperation bindingOp = binding
0661: .getBindingOperation(sqlFileName, sqlFileName
0662: + "Request", sqlFileName + "Response");
0663: if (bindingOp != null) {
0664: return binding;
0665: }
0666: } else {
0667: binding.setPortType(pt2);
0668: pt = pt2;
0669: }
0670: }
0672: BindingOperation bo = def.createBindingOperation();
0673: bo.setName(sqlFileName);
0674: if (pt != null) {
0675: Operation op = pt.getOperation(sqlFileName, sqlFileName
0676: + "Request", sqlFileName + "Response");
0677: if (op != null) {
0678: bo.setOperation(op);
0679: BindingInput binput = def.createBindingInput();
0680: binput.setName(sqlFileName + "Request");
0681: bo.setBindingInput(binput);
0682: BindingOutput boutput = def.createBindingOutput();
0683: boutput.setName(sqlFileName + "Response");
0684: bo.setBindingOutput(boutput);
0685: binding.addBindingOperation(bo);
0686: }
0687: }
0688: return binding;
0689: }
0691: private Message getMessageByName(String messageName) {
0692: QName qname = new QName("http://com.sun.jbi/sqlse/sqlseengine",
0693: messageName);
0694: return def.getMessage(qname);
0695: }
0697: private void modifyMessageElementName(Message message,
0698: String partName, String newElementName) {
0699: Part part = message.getPart(partName);
0700: if (part != null) {
0701: QName qname = new QName(
0702: "http://com.sun.jbi/sqlse/sqlseengine",
0703: newElementName);
0704: part.setElementName(qname);
0705: }
0706: }
0708: private void modifyServices(Binding binding) {
0709: Port p = null;
0710: QName qname = new QName(def.getTargetNamespace(), wsdlFileName
0711: + "_sqlseService");
0712: Service service = def.getService(qname);
0713: if (service == null) {
0714: service = def.createService();
0715: service.setQName(qname);
0716: p = def.createPort();
0717: p.setBinding(binding);
0718: p.setName(wsdlFileName + "_sqlsePort");
0719: service.addPort(p);
0720: def.addService(service);
0721: }
0722: }
0724: private void modifyPartnerLink() {
0725: if (!wsdlFileExsits) {
0726: List l = def.getExtensibilityElements();
0727: UnknownExtensibilityElement plinkType = (UnknownExtensibilityElement) l
0728: .get(0);
0729: //set plinkType name
0730: plinkType.getElement();
0731: String plinkName = plinkType.getElement().getAttribute(
0732: "name");
0733: plinkType.getElement().setAttribute("name",
0734: wsdlFileName + "_" + plinkName);
0736: //set plink:role name and portType
0737: NodeList nl = plinkType.getElement().getChildNodes();
0738: Element plinkRole = (Element) nl.item(1);
0739: plinkRole.setAttribute("name", wsdlFileName + "_"
0740: + plinkRole.getAttribute("name"));
0742: String temp = plinkRole.getAttribute("portType").substring(
0743: "tns:".length());
0744: plinkRole.setAttribute("portType", "tns:" + wsdlFileName
0745: + "_" + temp);
0746: }
0748: }
0750: private void generateDeleteSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0751: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0752: try {
0753: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0754: if (requestElement != null) {
0755: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0756: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0757: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0758: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0759: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0760: sequenceElement);
0761: } else {
0762: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0763: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0764: if (list != null) {
0765: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
0766: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
0767: .item(j));
0768: }
0769: }
0771: }
0772: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
0773: }
0774: }
0775: if (responseElement != null) {
0776: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
0777: "xsd:sequence");
0778: if (colElem2 != null) {
0779: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
0780: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
0781: }
0782: }
0783: } catch (Exception e) {
0784: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0785: throw e;
0786: }
0787: }
0789: private void generateCreateSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0790: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0791: try {
0792: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0793: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
0794: JOptionPane
0795: .showMessageDialog(
0796: frame,
0797: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0798: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0799: }
0800: if (requestElement != null) {
0801: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0802: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0803: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0804: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0805: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0806: sequenceElement);
0807: } else {
0808: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0809: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0810: if (list != null) {
0811: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
0812: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
0813: .item(j));
0814: }
0815: }
0817: }
0818: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
0819: }
0820: }
0821: if (responseElement != null) {
0822: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
0823: "xsd:sequence");
0824: if (colElem2 != null) {
0825: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
0826: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
0827: }
0828: }
0829: } catch (Exception e) {
0830: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0831: JOptionPane
0832: .showMessageDialog(
0833: frame,
0834: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0835: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0836: }
0837: }
0839: private void generateAlterSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0840: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0841: try {
0842: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0843: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
0844: JOptionPane
0845: .showMessageDialog(
0846: frame,
0847: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0848: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0849: }
0850: if (requestElement != null) {
0851: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0852: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0853: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0854: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0855: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0856: sequenceElement);
0857: } else {
0858: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0859: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0860: if (list != null) {
0861: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
0862: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
0863: .item(j));
0864: }
0865: }
0867: }
0868: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
0869: }
0870: }
0871: if (responseElement != null) {
0872: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
0873: "xsd:sequence");
0874: if (colElem2 != null) {
0875: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
0876: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
0877: }
0878: }
0879: } catch (Exception e) {
0880: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0881: throw e;
0882: }
0883: }
0885: private void generateDropSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0886: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0887: try {
0888: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0889: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
0890: JOptionPane
0891: .showMessageDialog(
0892: frame,
0893: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0894: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0895: }
0896: if (requestElement != null) {
0897: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0898: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0899: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0900: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0901: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0902: sequenceElement);
0903: } else {
0904: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0905: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0906: if (list != null) {
0907: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
0908: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
0909: .item(j));
0910: }
0911: }
0913: }
0914: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
0915: }
0916: }
0917: if (responseElement != null) {
0918: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
0919: "xsd:sequence");
0920: if (colElem2 != null) {
0921: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
0922: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
0923: }
0924: }
0925: } catch (Exception e) {
0926: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0927: throw e;
0928: }
0929: }
0931: private void generateTruncateSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0932: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0933: try {
0934: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0935: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
0936: JOptionPane
0937: .showMessageDialog(
0938: frame,
0939: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0940: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0941: }
0942: if (requestElement != null) {
0943: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0944: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0945: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0946: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0947: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0948: sequenceElement);
0949: } else {
0950: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0951: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0952: if (list != null) {
0953: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
0954: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
0955: .item(j));
0956: }
0957: }
0959: }
0960: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
0961: }
0962: }
0963: if (responseElement != null) {
0964: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
0965: "xsd:sequence");
0966: if (colElem2 != null) {
0967: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
0968: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
0969: }
0970: }
0971: } catch (Exception e) {
0972: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
0973: throw e;
0974: }
0975: }
0977: private void generateInsertSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
0978: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
0979: try {
0980: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
0981: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
0982: JOptionPane
0983: .showMessageDialog(
0984: frame,
0985: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
0986: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0987: }
0988: if (requestElement != null) {
0989: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
0990: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
0991: if (sequenceElement != null) {
0992: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
0993: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
0994: sequenceElement);
0995: } else {
0996: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
0997: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
0998: if (list != null) {
0999: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1000: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
1001: .item(j));
1002: }
1003: }
1005: }
1006: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
1007: }
1008: }
1009: if (responseElement != null) {
1010: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
1011: "xsd:sequence");
1012: if (colElem2 != null) {
1013: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
1014: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
1015: }
1016: }
1017: } catch (Exception e) {
1018: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
1019: throw e;
1020: }
1021: }
1023: /**
1024: * Adds a whereClause to the request element and resultset to the result element.
1025: * @param requestElement
1026: * @param responseElement
1027: * @throws Exception
1028: */
1029: private void generateSelectSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
1030: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
1031: try {
1032: PrepStmt prep = dbmeta.getPrepStmtMetaData();
1033: if (dbmeta.getErrPrepStmtMetaData()) {
1034: JOptionPane
1035: .showMessageDialog(
1036: frame,
1037: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
1038: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
1039: }
1041: if (requestElement != null) {
1042: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
1043: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
1044: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1045: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
1046: addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(prep,
1047: sequenceElement);
1048: } else {
1049: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
1050: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1051: if (list != null) {
1052: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1053: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
1054: .item(j));
1055: }
1056: }
1058: }
1059: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
1060: }
1061: }
1062: if (responseElement != null) {
1063: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
1064: "xsd:sequence");
1065: if (colElem2 != null) {
1066: addResultSetColumnsToElement(prep, colElem2);
1067: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
1068: }
1069: }
1070: } catch (Exception e) {
1071: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
1072: throw e;
1073: }
1074: }
1076: /**
1077: * Adds Input parameters to the request element and resultset to the result element.
1078: * @param requestElement
1079: * @param responseElement
1080: * @throws Exception
1081: */
1082: private void generateProcSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
1083: Element responseElement) throws Exception {
1084: try {
1085: String catalog = conn.getCatalog();
1086: schema = dbConn.getSchema();
1087: String procName = getProcName();
1088: if (catalog == null) {
1089: catalog = "";
1090: }
1091: Procedure proc = dbmeta.getProcedureMetaData(catalog,
1092: schema, procName, "Procedure");
1093: if (dbmeta.getErrProcMetaData()) {
1094: JOptionPane
1095: .showMessageDialog(
1096: frame,
1097: "Problem in generating the message types for WSDL.Update the generated WSDL if needed.Please see the log for more details.",
1098: "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
1099: }
1100: if (proc.getHasReturn()) {
1101: //dbmeta.getProcResultSetColumns(catalog, schema, procName, "Procedure", proc);
1102: }
1103: if (requestElement != null) {
1104: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
1105: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
1106: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1107: if (proc.getNumParameters() > 0) {
1108: addProcedureParametersToElement(proc,
1109: sequenceElement);
1110: } else {
1111: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
1112: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1113: if (list != null) {
1114: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1115: sequenceElement.removeChild(list
1116: .item(j));
1117: }
1118: }
1120: }
1121: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
1122: }
1123: }
1124: if (responseElement != null) {
1125: Element colElem2 = getElementByName(responseElement,
1126: "xsd:sequence");
1127: if (colElem2 != null) {
1128: addProcedureResultSetColumnsToElement(proc,
1129: colElem2);
1130: //colElem2.getParentNode().removeChild(colElem2);
1131: }
1132: }
1133: } catch (Exception e) {
1134: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
1135: throw e;
1136: }
1137: }
1139: /**
1140: * Given a xml Element and a Prepstmnt object, adds the resultset columns
1141: * and their types as sub elements.
1142: * @param prep
1143: * @param sequenceElement
1144: */
1145: private void addResultSetColumnsToElement(PrepStmt prep,
1146: Element sequenceElement) throws WSDLException {
1147: String colType = null;
1148: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1149: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1150: if (list != null) {
1151: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1152: sequenceElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1153: }
1154: }
1155: }
1156: if (prep != null) {
1157: ResultSetColumn[] rs = prep.getResultSetColumns();
1158: if (rs != null && rs.length > 0) {
1159: for (int i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
1160: try {
1161: colType = rs[i].getJavaType();
1162: Element elem = null;
1163: if (isBuiltInType(colType)) {
1164: elem = createElement(rs[i].getName(),
1165: (String) WSDLGenerator.builtInTypes
1166: .get(colType));
1167: } else {
1168: throw new WSDLException(
1169: WSDLException.INVALID_WSDL,
1170: "Invalid datatype encountered");
1171: }
1172: sequenceElement.appendChild(elem);
1173: } catch (WSDLException e) {
1174: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e
1175: .getLocalizedMessage());
1176: throw new WSDLException(
1177: WSDLException.INVALID_WSDL,
1178: "Check if the sql entered is valid");
1179: }
1180: }
1181: }
1182: }
1183: }
1185: /**
1186: * Given a xml Element and a Procedure object, adds the resultset columns
1187: * and their types as sub elements.
1188: * @param proc
1189: * @param sequenceElement
1190: */
1191: private void addProcedureResultSetColumnsToElement(Procedure proc,
1192: Element sequenceElement) throws WSDLException {
1193: String colType = null;
1194: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1195: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1196: if (list != null) {
1197: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1198: sequenceElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1199: }
1200: }
1201: }
1202: if (proc != null) {
1203: ResultSetColumns[] rss = proc.getResultSetColumnsArray();
1204: for (int j = 0; j < rss.length; j++) {
1205: ResultSetColumn rs = rss[j].get(j);
1206: if (rs != null) {
1207: try {
1208: colType = rs.getJavaType();
1209: Element elem = null;
1210: if (isBuiltInType(colType)) {
1211: elem = createElement(rs.getName(),
1212: (String) WSDLGenerator.builtInTypes
1213: .get(colType));
1214: } else {
1215: throw new WSDLException(
1216: WSDLException.INVALID_WSDL,
1217: "Invalid datatype encountered");
1218: }
1219: sequenceElement.appendChild(elem);
1220: } catch (WSDLException e) {
1221: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e
1222: .getLocalizedMessage());
1223: throw new WSDLException(
1224: WSDLException.INVALID_WSDL,
1225: "Check if the sql entered is valid");
1226: }
1227: }
1228: }
1230: }
1231: }
1233: /**
1234: * Adds prepared statement parameters to the element.
1235: * @param prep
1236: * @param sequenceElement
1237: */
1238: private void addPreparedStmtParametersToElement(PrepStmt prep,
1239: Element sequenceElement) {
1240: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
1241: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1242: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1243: if (list != null) {
1244: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1245: sequenceElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1246: }
1247: }
1248: Parameter[] params = prep.getParameters();
1249: for (int i = 0; i < prep.getNumParameters(); i++) {
1250: Element elem2 = createElement(params[i].getName(),
1251: (String) WSDLGenerator.builtInTypes
1252: .get(params[i].getJavaType()));
1253: sequenceElement.appendChild(elem2);
1254: }
1256: }
1257: }
1258: }
1260: /**
1261: * Adds Procedure parameters to the element.
1262: * @param prep
1263: * @param sequenceElement
1264: */
1265: private void addProcedureParametersToElement(Procedure prep,
1266: Element sequenceElement) {
1267: if (prep.getNumParameters() > 0) {
1268: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1269: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1270: if (list != null) {
1271: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1272: sequenceElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1273: }
1274: }
1275: Parameter[] params = prep.getParameters();
1276: for (int i = 0; i < prep.getNumParameters(); i++) {
1277: Element elem2 = createElement(params[i].getName(),
1278: (String) WSDLGenerator.builtInTypes
1279: .get(params[i].getJavaType()));
1280: sequenceElement.appendChild(elem2);
1281: }
1283: }
1284: }
1285: }
1287: /**
1288: * Helper method to return the Element with the name elementName from a
1289: * top level element e. The method recursively looks thru sub elements and
1290: * returns it once it is found. or a null.
1291: * @param e
1292: * @param elementName
1293: * @return
1294: */
1295: private Element getElementByName(Element e, String elementName) {
1296: if (e.getAttribute("name").equalsIgnoreCase(elementName)) {
1297: return e;
1298: }
1299: NodeList list = e.getChildNodes();
1300: Element el = null;
1301: Element e2 = null;
1302: for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
1303: if (e2 == null) {
1304: Node n = list.item(i);
1305: if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
1306: el = (Element) n;
1307: if ((el.getAttribute("name")
1308: .equalsIgnoreCase(elementName))
1309: || el.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase(
1310: elementName)
1311: || ((el.getLocalName() != null) && el
1312: .getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(
1313: elementName))) {
1314: e2 = el;
1315: break;
1316: } else {
1317: e2 = getElementByName(el, elementName);
1318: if ((e2 != null)
1319: && (e2.getAttribute("name")
1320: .equalsIgnoreCase(elementName))) {
1321: return e2;
1322: }
1323: }
1324: }
1325: } else {
1326: break;
1327: }
1328: }
1329: return e2;
1330: }
1332: /**
1333: * Helper method which sets the sql statement type from the sql text.
1334: * @param sqlText
1335: */
1336: private void parseSQLStatement(String sqlText) {
1337: sqlText = sqlText.trim();
1338: String modSQLText = sqlText.toUpperCase();
1339: if (modSQLText.startsWith(SELECT_STATEMENT)) {
1341: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(INSERT_STATEMENT)) {
1343: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(UPDATE_STATEMENT)) {
1345: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(DELETE_STATEMENT)) {
1347: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(TRUNCATE_STATEMENT)) {
1349: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(DDL_STATEMENT_CREATE)) {
1351: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(DDL_STATEMENT_ALTER)) {
1353: } else if (modSQLText.startsWith(DDL_STATEMENT_DROP)) {
1355: } else {
1357: }
1359: }
1361: /**
1362: * persist the wsdl file to disk
1363: *
1364: * @throws WSDLException
1365: */
1366: private void writeWsdl() throws WSDLException {
1367: try {
1368: WSDLWriter writer = factory.newWSDLWriter();
1369: Writer sink = new FileWriter(wsdlFileLocation
1370: + File.separator + wsdlFileName + ".wsdl");
1371: writer.writeWSDL(def, sink);
1372: logger.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully generated wsdl file:"
1373: + wsdlFileName + ".wsdl");
1374: } catch (Exception e) {
1375: throw new WSDLException(WSDLException.OTHER_ERROR, e
1376: .getMessage());
1377: }
1379: }
1381: private void indentWSDLFile(Writer writer) {
1382: try {
1383: // Use a Transformer for output
1384: TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory
1385: .newInstance();
1386: Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
1387: DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
1388: PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer); //USE PRINTWRITER
1389: StreamResult result = new StreamResult(pw);
1390: transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); // NOI18N
1391: transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); // NOI18N
1392: transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.MEDIA_TYPE,
1393: "text/xml"); // NOI18N
1394: //transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "yes"); // NOI18N
1395: // indent the output to make it more legible...
1396: try {
1397: transformer.setOutputProperty(
1398: "{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount",
1399: "4"); // NOI18N
1400: transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); // NOI18N
1401: } catch (Exception e) {
1402: ; // the JAXP implementation doesn't support indentation, no big deal
1403: }
1404: transformer.transform(source, result);
1405: } catch (Exception e) {
1406: logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to indent wsdl file "
1407: + e.getLocalizedMessage());
1408: }
1410: }
1412: /**
1413: * Check if the column type is a xsd built in type.
1414: * @param type
1415: * @return
1416: */
1417: public static boolean isBuiltInType(String type) {
1418: return (builtInTypes.get(type) != null);
1419: }
1421: private Element createElementWithComplexType(String name) {
1422: Element elem = doc.createElement("xsd:element");
1423: elem.setAttribute("name", name);
1424: Element complexType = doc.createElement("xsd:complexType");
1425: Element sequence = doc.createElement("xsd:sequence");
1426: complexType.appendChild(sequence);
1427: elem.appendChild(complexType);
1428: return elem;
1429: }
1431: private Element createElement(String name, String type) {
1432: Element elem = doc.createElementNS(
1433: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "xsd:element");
1434: elem.setAttribute("name", name);
1435: elem.setAttribute("type", type);
1436: return elem;
1437: }
1439: private void removeSchemaElements(Element requestElement,
1440: Element responseElement) {
1441: try {
1442: if (requestElement != null) {
1443: Element sequenceElement = getElementByName(
1444: requestElement, "xsd:sequence");
1445: if (sequenceElement != null) {
1447: //remove elements under the current requestItem.
1448: NodeList list = sequenceElement.getChildNodes();
1449: if (list != null) {
1450: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1451: sequenceElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1452: }
1453: }
1454: //sequenceElement.removeChild(colElem1);
1455: }
1456: }
1457: if (responseElement != null) {
1458: if (responseElement != null) {
1459: NodeList list = responseElement.getChildNodes();
1460: if (list != null) {
1461: for (int j = list.getLength() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1462: responseElement.removeChild(list.item(j));
1463: }
1464: }
1465: }
1466: }
1467: } catch (Exception e) {
1468: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage());
1469: }
1470: }
1472: public void setDBConnection(DatabaseConnection con) {
1473: this .dbConn = con;
1474: this .schema = schema;
1475: }
1477: private String getProcName() {
1478: String proc_name = "";
1479: String schema = "";
1480: final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(dbmeta
1481: .getSQLText(), " ");
1483: while (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
1484: String column = (String) tok.nextElement();
1485: int cnt = 0;
1486: column = column.toLowerCase();
1487: if (column.endsWith("call")) {
1488: cnt++;
1489: proc_name = (String) tok.nextElement();
1490: if (proc_name.contains(".")) {
1491: final StringTokenizer tok1 = new StringTokenizer(
1492: proc_name, ".");
1493: schema = tok1.nextToken();
1494: proc_name = tok1.nextToken();
1495: }
1496: if (proc_name.contains("(")) {
1497: int i = proc_name.indexOf("(");
1498: proc_name = proc_name.substring(0, i);
1499: }
1500: if (proc_name.contains("}")) {
1501: int i = proc_name.indexOf("}");
1502: proc_name = proc_name.substring(0, i);
1503: }
1504: }
1505: if (cnt > 0)
1506: break;
1507: }
1508: return proc_name;
1509: }
1510: }