001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
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034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
042: /*
043: * CLD_InterfaceTests.java
044: *
045: * Created on May 13, 2005, 10:41 AM
046: *
047: * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
048: * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
049: * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
050: */
052: package org.netbeans.test.uml.classdiagram;
054: import java.awt.*;
055: import java.awt.event.*;
056: import java.io.*;
057: import java.util.*;
058: import javax.swing.*;
059: import javax.swing.tree.*;
060: import org.netbeans.junit.*;
061: import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
062: import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*;
063: import org.netbeans.jellytools.*;
064: import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.Node;
065: import org.netbeans.test.uml.classdiagram.utils.CLDUtils;
066: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.CompartmentOperator;
067: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.CompartmentTypes;
068: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.DiagramElementOperator;
069: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.DiagramOperator;
070: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.ElementTypes;
071: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.NewDiagramWizardOperator;
072: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.customelements.ClassOperator;
073: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.exceptions.NotFoundException;
074: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.util.LabelsAndTitles;
075: import org.netbeans.test.umllib.vrf.DiagramElementVerifier;
077: /**
078: *
079: * @author lvv
080: */
081: public class CLD_InterfaceElementAttributesOperationsTests extends
082: ClassDiagramTestCase {
084: private static String prName = "UMLProjectForInterfaceAO";
085: private static String dpdName = "ClassDiagramForInterfaceAO";
087: private static final String workDir = System
088: .getProperty("xtest.workdir");
089: private static String OUT_LOG_FILE = "";
090: private static String ERR_LOG_FILE = "";
091: private static PrintStream myOut = null;
092: private static PrintStream myErr = null;
093: private static BufferedReader myIn = null;
095: EventTool eventTool = new EventTool();
097: /** Need to be defined because of JUnit */
098: public CLD_InterfaceElementAttributesOperationsTests(String name) {
099: super (name);
100: }
102: public static NbTestSuite suite() {
103: NbTestSuite suite = new NbTestSuite(
104: org.netbeans.test.uml.classdiagram.CLD_InterfaceElementAttributesOperationsTests.class);
105: return suite;
106: }
108: /**
109: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:34
110: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:35
111: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:36
112: */
114: // Huge TBD!!! to calls to attr/opCompartString
115: String ATTR1_KY = "Attr1_KY";
116: String ATTR1_KY_FQ = "public int Attr1_KY = 0";
117: String ATTR2_KY = "Attr2_KY";
118: String ATTR2_KY_FQ = "public int Attr2_KY = 0";
119: String ATTR3_KY = "Attr3_KY";
120: String ATTR3_KY_FQ = "public int Attr3_KY = 0";
122: public void testInterfaceInsertAttributeKeys() {
124: try {
125: String INT_NAME = "IntInsAttrKeys";
126: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:34
127: DiagramElementOperator tInt = createElement(diagram,
128: ElementTypes.INTERFACE, INT_NAME);
129: CompartmentOperator attrs = new CompartmentOperator(tInt,
131: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_A, InputEvent.ALT_MASK
132: | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
133: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
134: .attributeNaturalWayNaming(null, null, ATTR1_KY);
135: deFocusEls(diagram);
136: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, ATTR1_KY_FQ);
137: verifyAttributeFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, ATTR1_KY_FQ);
139: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:35
140: CompartmentOperator attr1 = selectCompartment(tInt,
141: ATTR1_KY_FQ, 0);
142: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_A, InputEvent.ALT_MASK
143: | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
144: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
145: .attributeNaturalWayNaming(null, null, ATTR2_KY);
146: deFocusEls(diagram);
147: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, ATTR2_KY_FQ);
148: verifyAttributeFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, ATTR2_KY_FQ);
150: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:36
151: attr1 = selectCompartment(tInt, ATTR1_KY_FQ, 0);
152: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT);
153: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
154: .attributeNaturalWayNaming(null, null, ATTR3_KY);
155: deFocusEls(diagram);
156: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, ATTR3_KY_FQ);
157: verifyAttributeFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, ATTR3_KY_FQ);
159: } catch (Exception e) {
160: e.printStackTrace();
161: fail("Test failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
162: } finally {
163: verifier.safeDeleteAllElements();
164: }
166: }
168: /**
169: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:37
170: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:38
171: */
173: // Huge TBD!!! to calls to attr/opCompartString
174: String ATTR1 = "Attr1";
175: String ATTR1_FQ = "public int Attr1 = 0";
176: String ATTR2 = "Attr2";
177: String ATTR2_FQ = "public int Attr2 = 0";
178: String ATTR_DEF_FQ = "public static int Unnamed = 0";
180: public void testInterfaceInsertAttributeMenu() {
182: try {
183: String INT_NAME = "IntInsAttrMenu";
184: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:37
185: DiagramElementOperator tInt = createElement(diagram,
186: ElementTypes.INTERFACE, INT_NAME);
187: CompartmentOperator attrs = new CompartmentOperator(tInt,
189: attrs.getPopup().pushMenu(
190: LabelsAndTitles.POPUP_ADD_ATTRIBUTE);
191: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
192: .attributeNaturalWayNaming(null, null, ATTR1);
193: deFocusEls(diagram);
194: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, ATTR1_FQ);
195: verifyAttributeFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, ATTR1_FQ);
197: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:38
198: CompartmentOperator attr1 = selectCompartment(tInt,
199: ATTR1_FQ, 0);
200: attr1.getPopup().pushMenu(
201: LabelsAndTitles.POPUP_ADD_ATTRIBUTE);
202: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
203: .attributeNaturalWayNaming(null, null, ATTR2);
204: deFocusEls(diagram);
205: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, ATTR2_FQ);
206: verifyAttributeFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, ATTR2_FQ);
208: } catch (Exception e) {
209: e.printStackTrace();
210: fail("Test failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
211: } finally {
212: verifier.safeDeleteAllElements();
213: }
215: }
217: /**
218: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:42
219: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:43
220: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:44
221: */
223: // Huge TBD!!! to calls to attr/opCompartString
224: String OP1_KY = "Op1_KY";
225: String OP1_KY_FQ = "public void Op1_KY( )";
226: String OP2_KY = "Op2_KY";
227: String OP2_KY_FQ = "public void Op2_KY( )";
228: String OP3_KY = "Op3_KY";
229: String OP3_KY_FQ = "public void Op3_KY( )";
231: public void testInterfaceInsertOperationKeys() {
233: try {
234: String INT_NAME = "IntInsOpsKeys";
235: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:42
236: DiagramElementOperator tInt = createElement(diagram,
237: ElementTypes.INTERFACE, INT_NAME);
238: CompartmentOperator ops = new CompartmentOperator(tInt,
240: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_O, InputEvent.ALT_MASK
241: | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
242: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
243: .operationNaturalWayNaming(null, null, OP1_KY,
244: (String[]) null, (String[]) null, true);
245: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, OP1_KY_FQ);
246: verifyOperationFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, OP1_KY_FQ);
248: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:43
249: CompartmentOperator op1 = selectCompartment(tInt,
250: OP1_KY_FQ, 0);
251: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_O, InputEvent.ALT_MASK
252: | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);
253: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
254: .operationNaturalWayNaming(null, null, OP2_KY,
255: (String[]) null, (String[]) null, true);
256: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, OP2_KY_FQ);
257: verifyOperationFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, OP2_KY_FQ);
259: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:44
260: op1 = selectCompartment(tInt, OP1_KY_FQ, 0);
261: diagram.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT);
262: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
263: .operationNaturalWayNaming(null, null, OP3_KY,
264: (String[]) null, (String[]) null, true);
265: // workaround for delete all when there is only one interface with selected op
266: selectCompartment(tInt, INT_NAME, 0);
267: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, OP3_KY_FQ);
268: verifyOperationFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, OP3_KY_FQ);
270: } catch (Exception e) {
271: e.printStackTrace();
272: fail("Test failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
273: } finally {
274: verifier.safeDeleteAllElements();
275: }
277: }
279: /**
280: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:45
281: * @Testcase_ID: Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:46
282: */
284: // Huge TBD!!! to calls to attr/opCompartString
285: String OP1 = "Op1";
286: String OP1_FQ = opCompartString("public", "void", OP1);
287: String OP2 = "Op2";
288: String OP2_FQ = opCompartString("public", "void", OP2);
290: public void testInterfaceInsertOperationMenu() {
292: try {
293: String INT_NAME = "IntInsOpsMenu";
294: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:42
295: DiagramElementOperator tInt = createElement(diagram,
296: ElementTypes.INTERFACE, INT_NAME);
297: CompartmentOperator ops = new CompartmentOperator(tInt,
299: pushMenuInPopup(ops.getPopup(),
300: LabelsAndTitles.POPUP_ADD_OPERATION);
301: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
302: .operationNaturalWayNaming(null, null, OP1,
303: (String[]) null, (String[]) null, true);
304: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, OP1_FQ);
305: verifyOperationFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, OP1_FQ);
307: // Plan_CLD_InterfaceSymbol:Diagram:43
308: CompartmentOperator op1 = selectCompartment(tInt, OP1_FQ, 0);
309: pushMenuInPopup(op1.getPopup(),
310: LabelsAndTitles.POPUP_ADD_OPERATION);
311: new ClassOperator.classOperatorUtil()
312: .operationNaturalWayNaming(null, null, OP2,
313: (String[]) null, (String[]) null, true);
314: // workaround for delete all when there is only one interface with selected op
315: selectCompartment(tInt, INT_NAME, 0);
316: verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(tInt, OP2_FQ);
317: verifyOperationFQInTree(prName, INT_NAME, OP2_FQ);
319: } catch (Exception e) {
320: e.printStackTrace();
321: fail("Test failed with exception: " + e.getMessage());
322: } finally {
323: verifier.safeDeleteAllElements();
324: }
326: }
328: //various service calls, to be librarized
330: public static DiagramElementOperator createElement(
331: DiagramOperator diagram, ElementTypes elementType,
332: String name) throws NotFoundException {
333: Point p = diagram.getDrawingArea().getFreePoint();
334: DiagramElementOperator el = diagram.putElementOnDiagram(name,
335: elementType, p.x, p.y);
336: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500);
337: return el;
338: }
340: public static CompartmentOperator selectCompartment(
341: DiagramElementOperator interf, String elementFQ, int index)
342: throws NotFoundException {
343: CompartmentOperator attr = getCompartment(interf, elementFQ, 0);
344: attr.clickOnCenter();
345: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500);
346: return attr;
347: }
349: public static CompartmentOperator getCompartment(
350: DiagramElementOperator interf, String attrFQ, int index)
351: throws NotFoundException {
352: CompartmentOperator attr = new CompartmentOperator(
353: interf,
354: CompartmentOperator
355: .waitForCompartment(
356: interf,
357: new CompartmentOperator.CompartmentByNameChooser(
358: attrFQ), index));
359: return attr;
360: }
362: public static boolean verifyElementFQInInterfaceSymbol(
363: DiagramElementOperator interf, String attrFQ)
364: throws NotFoundException {
365: CompartmentOperator attr = getCompartment(interf, attrFQ, 0);
366: assertTrue("Element wasn't found in element [attrFQ=\""
367: + attrFQ + "\"]", attr != null);
368: return attr != null;
369: }
371: public static Node verifyAttributeFQInTree(String umlProjectName,
372: String classNameFQ, String attrFQ) {
373: Node attr = getElementFQInTree(umlProjectName, classNameFQ,
374: "Attributes", attrFQ);
375: assertTrue("The specified attribute wasn't found "
376: + "[attrFQ=\"" + attrFQ + "\" class=" + classNameFQ
377: + " project=" + umlProjectName + "]", attr != null);
378: return attr;
379: }
381: public static Node verifyOperationFQInTree(String umlProjectName,
382: String classNameFQ, String opFQ) {
383: Node op = getElementFQInTree(umlProjectName, classNameFQ,
384: "Operations", opFQ);
385: assertTrue("The specified operation wasn't found " + "[opFQ=\""
386: + opFQ + "\" class=" + classNameFQ + " project="
387: + umlProjectName + "]", op != null);
388: return op;
389: }
391: public static Node getElementFQInTree(String umlProjectName,
392: String classNameFQ, String subnode, String attrFQ) {
393: String classTreePath = fqClassNameToTreePath(classNameFQ);
394: String ctp = umlProjectName + "|Model|" + classTreePath;
395: Node cnode = getPath(ctp);
396: if (cnode.isChildPresent(subnode)) {
397: return getPath(ctp + "|" + subnode + "|" + attrFQ);
398: } else {
399: return getPath(ctp + "|" + attrFQ);
400: }
401: }
403: public static String fqClassNameToTreePath(String classNameFQ) {
404: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classNameFQ, ".");
405: String res = null;
406: if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
407: res = st.nextToken();
408: while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
409: res += "|" + st.nextToken();
410: }
411: }
412: return res;
413: }
415: public static Node getPath(String path) {
416: ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
417: JTreeOperator prTree = new JTreeOperator(pto);
418: TreePath elementPath = prTree.findPath(path);
419: Node n = null;
420: if (elementPath != null) {
421: n = new Node(prTree, elementPath);
422: }
423: return n;
425: }
427: /*
428: * A bunch of methods will be here
429: *
430: * For now Java notation only, standard UML to be done later
431: */
432: public static String attrCompartString(String visibility,
433: String type, String name) {
434: // TBD!!!
435: return visibility + " " + type + " " + name;
437: }
439: public static String opCompartString(String visibility,
440: String retType, String name) {
441: return opCompartString(visibility, retType, name, null, null);
442: }
444: public static String opCompartString(String visibility,
445: String retType, String name, String parTypes[],
446: String parNames[]) {
447: // TBD!!!
448: String res = "";
449: if (visibility != null && !visibility.equals("")) {
450: res += visibility + " ";
451: }
452: if (retType != null && !retType.equals("")) {
453: res += retType;
454: }
455: if (name != null && !name.equals("")) {
456: res += " " + name + "(";
457: }
458: if (parTypes == null || parTypes.length == 0) {
459: res += " )";
460: } else {
461: // TBD!!!
462: ;
463: }
464: return res;
465: }
467: public static void deFocusEls(DiagramOperator diagram) {
468: Point a = diagram.getDrawingArea().getFreePoint();
469: System.out.println("The deFocus point is " + a);
470: diagram.clickMouse(a.x, a.y, 1);
471: new EventTool().waitNoEvent(500);
472: }
474: /*
475: * Default implementation picks up child popup if already opened
476: * (and it does open automatically just because the mouse was there)
477: */
478: public static void pushMenuInPopup(JPopupMenuOperator jpo,
479: String menuPath) {
480: Container ppm = jpo.getSource().getParent();
481: while (ppm.getParent() != null) {
482: ppm = ppm.getParent();
483: }
484: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(menuPath, "|");
485: final String nt = st.nextToken();
487: JPopupMenuOperator pp = new JPopupMenuOperator(
488: JPopupMenuOperator.waitJPopupMenu(ppm,
489: new ComponentChooser() {
490: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
491: if (comp instanceof JPopupMenu) {
492: ComponentSearcher searcher = new ComponentSearcher(
493: (Container) comp);
494: return (searcher
495: .findComponent(new JMenuItemOperator.JMenuItemByLabelFinder(
496: nt)) != null);
497: } else {
498: return (false);
499: }
500: }
502: public String getDescription() {
503: return ("Popup containing \"" + nt + "\" menu item");
504: }
505: }));
507: //JMenuItemOperator mio = new JMenuItemOperator(pp, nt, 0);
508: //mio.enterMouse();
509: pp.pushMenu(menuPath);
510: }
512: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
514: protected void setUp() throws FileNotFoundException {
515: System.out.println("######## " + getName() + " #######");
516: JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout(
517: "DialogWaiter.WaitDialogTimeout", 5000);
518: JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout("Waiter.WaitingTime", 3000);
519: JemmyProperties.setCurrentTimeout(
520: "DiagramElementOperator.WaitDiagramElementTime", 5000);
522: OUT_LOG_FILE = workDir + File.separator + "jout_" + getName()
523: + ".log";
524: ERR_LOG_FILE = workDir + File.separator + "jerr_" + getName()
525: + ".log";
527: myOut = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(OUT_LOG_FILE),
528: true);
529: myErr = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(ERR_LOG_FILE),
530: true);
531: JemmyProperties.setCurrentOutput(new TestOut(System.in, myOut,
532: myErr));
534: diagram = CLDUtils.openDiagram(prName, dpdName,
535: NewDiagramWizardOperator.CLASS_DIAGRAM, workDir);
536: if (diagram == null) {
537: fail("Can't open diagram '" + dpdName + "', project '"
538: + prName + "'.");
539: }
540: verifier = new DiagramElementVerifier(diagram,
541: ElementTypes.INTERFACE, "CLD_", getLog());
542: }
544: private DiagramElementVerifier verifier = null;
545: }