| javax.swing.JPanel org.netbeans.modules.search.SearchPanel
Field Summary | |
final public static int | RET_CANCEL Return status code - returned if Cancel button has been pressed. | final public static int | RET_OK Return status code - returned if OK button has been pressed. |
RET_CANCEL | final public static int RET_CANCEL(Code) | | Return status code - returned if Cancel button has been pressed.
RET_OK | final public static int RET_OK(Code) | | Return status code - returned if OK button has been pressed.
SearchPanel | SearchPanel(Map<SearchScope, Boolean> searchScopes, String preferredSearchScopeType, boolean searchAndReplace)(Code) | | Creates a new
SearchPanel .
Parameters: basicSearchCriteria - basic search criteria,or null if basic search criteriashould not be used Parameters: preferredSearchScope - preferred search scope (may be null ) |
SearchPanel | SearchPanel(Map<SearchScope, Boolean> searchScopes, String preferredSearchScopeType, BasicSearchCriteria basicSearchCriteria, Collection<? extends SearchType> extraSearchTypes)(Code) | | Creates a new
SearchPanel .
Parameters: basicSearchCriteria - basic search criteria,or null if basic search criteriashould not be used Parameters: extraSearchTypes - list of extra SearchType s to use |
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)(Code) | | This method is called when the Search or Close button is pressed.
It closes the Find dialog, cleans up the individual panels
and sets the return status.
See Also: SearchPanel.getReturnStatus |
focusGained | public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)(Code) | | This method is called when the tabbed pane gets focus after the Find
dialog is displayed.
It lets the first tab to initialize focus.
focusLost | public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)(Code) | | This method is called when the tabbed pane looses focus.
It does nothing and it is here just because this class declares that
it implements the FocusListener interface.
See Also: SearchPanel.focusGained(FocusEvent) |
getBasicSearchCriteria | BasicSearchCriteria getBasicSearchCriteria()(Code) | | Returns basic criteria entered in the Find dialog.
basic criteria specified in the Find dialog, or null if no basic criteria are specified or if the criteriaare not valid (e.g. if an invalid search pattern is specified) |
getCustomizedSearchTypes | List<SearchType> getCustomizedSearchTypes()(Code) | | Gets array of customized search types.
current state of customized search types. |
getReturnStatus | public int getReturnStatus()(Code) | | Getter for return status property.
the return status of this dialog - one of RET_OK or RET_CANCEL |
getSearchTypes | List<SearchType> getSearchTypes()(Code) | | |
propertyChange | public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)(Code) | | Called when a different tab is selected or when a tab becomes customized
or uncustomized.
showDialog | void showDialog()(Code) | | Shows dialog created from
DialogDescriptor which wraps this instance.
stateChanged | public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)(Code) | | This method is called when tab selection changes and when values entered
in the form for basic criteria become valid or invalid.
Depending on the trigger, it either updates state of the Find
button (enabled/disabled)
or initializes the customizer below the selected tab.
See Also: SearchPanel.updateIsCustomized() See Also: SearchPanel.tabSelectionChanged() |