Method Summary |
public synchronized String | getCvsRoot() Utility method returning typical CVSRoot sutable for
local CVSClient testing. |
public int | getPort() returns port that accepts client requests. |
public void | ignoreProbe() Enters ignore very first connect mode (connection probe). |
public synchronized boolean | isRunnuing() |
public void | logRequests(OutputStream out) Logs server input intu specified stream.
Parameters: out - log stream. |
public void | run() Entry point, starts listening at port and sends out
predefined replies. |
public synchronized void | setRunning(boolean value) |
public void | simulateNetworkFailure(int write, int read) Enters hard network failure simulation mode, silentry
dropping down connection after specified number of in/outgoing bytes.
Parameters: write - specifies number of bytes send beforeclosing socket output stream. |
public void | simulateServerOverload(int write, int read) Enters server overload simulation mode.
Server properly closes streams sending TCP signals to client.
Parameters: write - specifies number of bytes send beforeshuting down socket output stream. |
public void | simulateSlowNetwork(int write, int read) |
public synchronized void | stop() Stops server and optionaly rethrows internal server exception if any. |
public String | toString() For diagnostics purpoes only. |