com.sun.rave.designtime |
This is the root package for the Creator Design-Time API
Package Specification
The Creator Design-Time API is the 'hook' for component authors to get access to the rich
design-time functionality supplied by Creator. Each class or interface is clearly marked as to
wether it is to be implemented by the component author or is supplied by the Creator IDE. The best
place to start is DesignInfo - this is a design-time 'hook' class that a component author can
implement to gain access to design-time for their component.
@see com.sun.rave.designtime.DesignInfo
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Interface | A BeanCreateInfo describes an item on a Palette that will create a bean in a visual designer.
This includes a display name, description, icon, etc. | | Interface | A BeanCreateInfoSet is a group version of the BeanCreateInfo interface. | | Class | A CategoryDescriptor describes a category for a property. | | Interface | The CheckedDisplayAction represents a checked display item (like a checkbox in a menu or on a
dialog). | | Interface | These are the common constants used in several places within the Creator Design-Time API.
These constants are separated into different sub-interfaces to better associate them with where
they are used in the API. | | Class | The ContextMethod class represents a single source code method on a
DesignContext .
Use the ContextMethod class to create, update, and remove methods via the DesignContext methods:
DesignContext.createContextMethod(ContextMethod) ,
DesignContext.updateContextMethod(ContextMethod) , and
DesignContext.removeContextMethod(ContextMethod) . | | Interface | The Customizer2 interface describes a context-aware customizer for a JavaBean. | | Class | The CustomizerResult is a special Result object that triggers the customizer dialog to be
displayed. | | Interface | A DesignBean represents an instance of a JavaBean class at design-time. | | Interface | A DesignContext is a 'host' for DesignBean instances at design-time. | | Interface | | | Interface | A DesignIde is a top-level container for DesignProjects at design-time.
The DesignIde represents the Creator IDE itself. | | Class | | | Interface | The DesignInfo interface is another type of BeanInfo interface to provide more live design-
time functionality for a JavaBean. | | Interface | A DesignProject is a top-level container for DesignContexts at design-time. | | Interface | A DesignProperty represents a single property (setter/getter method pair) on a single instance
of a DesignBean at design-time. | | Interface | A DisplayAction represents a menu item or dialog button - depending on where and how it is
used. | | Interface | An extension of the DisplayAction interface that introduces a hierarchy (tree) structure.
This allows a DisplayAction to become an arbitrary tree of items. | | Interface | The DisplayItem interface describes the basic information needed to display an action in a
menu or a button. | | Class | The EventDescriptor defines a single event (event set plus method). | | Class | | | Interface | This interface extends the standard PropertyEditor interface and adds a hook to give the
implementor access to the design-time context of the property being edited via the DesignProperty
interface. | | Class | A Result object represents the logical result of an operation. | | Class | A ResultMessage object represents a single message to a user about an operation that was just
completed (or failed). |