| java.lang.Object com.sun.rave.designtime.ext.componentgroup.impl.ComponentGroupImpl
ComponentGroupImpl | public class ComponentGroupImpl implements ComponentGroup(Code) | | Implementation that represents a group of components that are called
out visually in the designer. Models a virtual form, for instance.
author: mbohm |
getColor | public Color getColor()(Code) | | Get the color associated with the group.
getComponentSubsets | public ComponentSubset[] getComponentSubsets()(Code) | | Get the various component subsets in this group. For instance, a virtual form's participants would be one of the subsets.
getLegendEntryLabel | public String getLegendEntryLabel()(Code) | | Get the label for the group's legend entry.
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Get the group's name. This is used in design context data keys associated with component group colors.
setColor | public void setColor(Color color)(Code) | | Set the color associated with the group.