| java.lang.Object com.sun.rave.designtime.ext.componentgroup.impl.ComponentSubsetImpl
ComponentSubsetImpl | public class ComponentSubsetImpl implements ComponentSubset(Code) | | Implementation that represents a subset of components in a Component Group. For instance,
a virtual form's participants would be one such subset.
author: mbohm |
ComponentSubsetImpl | public ComponentSubsetImpl(String name, String[] members, LineType lineType)(Code) | | Constructor.
getLineType | public LineType getLineType()(Code) | | Get the line type used to represent the subset in the designer.
getMembers | public String[] getMembers()(Code) | | Get the server-side style, possibly qualified, ids representing
components in the subset.
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Get the name of the subset. For instance, "participants".