| com.sun.rave.propertyeditors.binding.DataBindingHelper
All known Subclasses: org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.propertyeditors.binding.data.DataBindingHelperBridge,
DataBindingHelper | public interface DataBindingHelper (Code) | | A helper class that generates design-time IDE actions for binding components
to data providers and other data sources. An implementation is obtained via
the class
DataBindingHelperRegistry .
Inner Class :public static enum Panel | |
Method Summary | |
public DisplayAction | getDataBindingAction(DesignBean bean, String propName, Panel[] panelClasses, boolean showExpr, String menuText, String dialogTitle) | public DisplayAction | getDataBindingAction(DesignBean bean, String propName, Panel[] panelClasses, boolean showExpr, String menuText) | public DisplayAction | getDataBindingAction(DesignBean bean, String propName, Panel[] panelClasses, boolean showExpr) | public DisplayAction | getDataBindingAction(DesignBean bean, String propName, Panel[] panelClasses) | public DisplayAction | getDataBindingAction(DesignBean bean, String propName) |