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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » visualweb.api.designer » com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer 
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001:        /*
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011:         *
012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021:         * your own identifying information:
022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023:         *
024:         * Contributor(s):
025:         *
026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029:         *
030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040:         */
041:        package com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer;
043:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Table;
044:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableActions;
045:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroup;
046:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.theme.Theme;
047:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.theme.ThemeStyles;
048:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.util.LogUtil;
049:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.util.RenderingUtilities;
050:        import com.sun.rave.web.ui.util.ThemeUtilities;
052:        import;
054:        import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
055:        import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
056:        import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
057:        import javax.faces.render.Renderer;
059:        /**
060:         * This class renders TableActions components.
061:         * <p>
062:         * Note: To see the messages logged by this class, set the following global
063:         * defaults in your JDK's "jre/lib/" file.
064:         * </p><p><pre>
065:         * java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
066:         * com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.TableActionsRenderer.level = FINE
067:         * </pre></p>
068:         */
069:        public class TableActionsRenderer extends Renderer {
070:            /**
071:             * The set of String pass-through attributes to be rendered.
072:             * <p>
073:             * Note: The WIDTH, HEIGHT, and BGCOLOR attributes are all deprecated (in
074:             * the HTML 4.0 spec) in favor of style sheets. In addition, the DIR and 
075:             * LANG attributes are not cuurently supported.
076:             * </p>
077:             */
078:            private static final String stringAttributes[] = { "abbr", //NOI18N
079:                    "align", //NOI18N
080:                    "axis", //NOI18N
081:                    "bgColor", //NOI18N
082:                    "char", //NOI18N
083:                    "charOff", //NOI18N
084:                    "dir", //NOI18N
085:                    "headers", //NOI18N
086:                    "height", //NOI18N
087:                    "lang", //NOI18N
088:                    "onClick", //NOI18N
089:                    "onDblClick", //NOI18N
090:                    "onKeyDown", //NOI18N
091:                    "onKeyPress", //NOI18N
092:                    "onKeyUp", //NOI18N
093:                    "onMouseDown", //NOI18N
094:                    "onMouseUp", //NOI18N
095:                    "onMouseMove", //NOI18N
096:                    "onMouseOut", //NOI18N
097:                    "onMouseOver", //NOI18N
098:                    "style", //NOI18N
099:                    "valign", //NOI18N
100:                    "width" }; //NOI18N
102:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
103:            // Renderer methods
104:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
106:            /**
107:             * Render the beginning of the specified UIComponent to the output stream or 
108:             * writer associated with the response we are creating.
109:             *
110:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
111:             * @param component UIComponent to be rendered.
112:             *
113:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
114:             * @exception NullPointerException if context or component is null.
115:             */
116:            public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
117:                    throws IOException {
118:                if (context == null || component == null) {
119:                    log("encodeBegin", //NOI18N
120:                            "Cannot render, FacesContext or UIComponent is null"); //NOI18N
121:                    throw new NullPointerException();
122:                }
123:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
124:                    log("encodeBegin",
125:                            "Component not rendered, nothing to display"); //NOI18N
126:                    return;
127:                }
129:                TableActions action = (TableActions) component;
130:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
131:                renderEnclosingTagStart(context, action, writer);
132:            }
134:            /**
135:             * Render the children of the specified UIComponent to the output stream or
136:             * writer associated with the response we are creating.
137:             *
138:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
139:             * @param component UIComponent to be decoded.
140:             *
141:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
142:             * @exception NullPointerException if context or component is null.
143:             */
144:            public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context,
145:                    UIComponent component) throws IOException {
146:                if (context == null || component == null) {
147:                    log("encodeChildren", //NOI18N
148:                            "Cannot render, FacesContext or UIComponent is null"); //NOI18N
149:                    throw new NullPointerException();
150:                }
151:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
152:                    log("encodeChildren",
153:                            "Component not rendered, nothing to display"); //NOI18N
154:                    return;
155:                }
157:                TableActions action = (TableActions) component;
158:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
160:                // Render actions.
161:                if (action.isActionsBottom()) {
162:                    renderActionsBottom(context, action, writer);
163:                } else {
164:                    renderActionsTop(context, action, writer);
165:                }
166:            }
168:            /**
169:             * Render the ending of the specified UIComponent to the output stream or 
170:             * writer associated with the response we are creating.
171:             *
172:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
173:             * @param component UIComponent to be rendered.
174:             *
175:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
176:             * @exception NullPointerException if context or component is null.
177:             */
178:            public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
179:                    throws IOException {
180:                if (context == null || component == null) {
181:                    log("encodeEnd", //NOI18N
182:                            "Cannot render, FacesContext or UIComponent is null"); //NOI18N
183:                    throw new NullPointerException();
184:                }
185:                if (!component.isRendered()) {
186:                    log("encodeEnd",
187:                            "Component not rendered, nothing to display"); //NOI18N
188:                    return;
189:                }
191:                TableActions action = (TableActions) component;
192:                ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
193:                renderEnclosingTagEnd(context, action, writer);
194:            }
196:            /**
197:             * Return a flag indicating whether this Renderer is responsible
198:             * for rendering the children the component it is asked to render.
199:             * The default implementation returns false.
200:             */
201:            public boolean getRendersChildren() {
202:                return true;
203:            }
205:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
206:            // Action methods
207:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
209:            /**
210:             * Render the top actions for TableActions components.
211:             *
212:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
213:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered.
214:             * @param writer ResponseWriter to which the component should be rendered.
215:             *
216:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
217:             */
218:            protected void renderActionsTop(FacesContext context,
219:                    TableActions component, ResponseWriter writer)
220:                    throws IOException {
221:                Table table = (component != null) ? component
222:                        .getTableAncestor() : null;
223:                if (table == null) {
224:                    log("renderActionsTop",
225:                            "Cannot render actions bar, Table is null"); //NOI18N
226:                    return;
227:                }
229:                // We must determine if all TableRowGroup components are empty. Controls
230:                // are only hidden when all row groups are empty. Likewise, pagination
231:                // controls are only hidden when all groups fit on a single page.
232:                int totalRows = table.getRowCount();
233:                boolean emptyTable = (totalRows == 0);
234:                boolean singleRow = (totalRows == 1);
235:                boolean singlePage = (totalRows < table.getRows());
237:                // Get facets.
238:                UIComponent actions = table.getFacet(Table.ACTIONS_TOP_FACET);
239:                UIComponent filter = table.getFacet(Table.FILTER_FACET);
240:                UIComponent sort = table.getFacet(Table.SORT_PANEL_FACET);
241:                UIComponent prefs = table
242:                        .getFacet(Table.PREFERENCES_PANEL_FACET);
244:                // Flags indicating which facets to render.
245:                boolean renderActions = actions != null && actions.isRendered();
246:                boolean renderFilter = filter != null && filter.isRendered();
247:                boolean renderSort = sort != null && sort.isRendered();
248:                boolean renderPrefs = prefs != null && prefs.isRendered();
250:                // Hide sorting and pagination controls for an empty table or when there
251:                // is only a single row.
252:                boolean renderSelectMultipleButton = !emptyTable
253:                        && table.isSelectMultipleButton();
254:                boolean renderDeselectMultipleButton = !emptyTable
255:                        && table.isDeselectMultipleButton();
256:                boolean renderDeselectSingleButton = !emptyTable
257:                        && table.isDeselectSingleButton();
258:                boolean renderClearTableSortButton = !emptyTable && !singleRow
259:                        && table.isClearSortButton();
260:                boolean renderTableSortPanelToggleButton = !emptyTable
261:                        && !singleRow
262:                        && (table.isSortPanelToggleButton() || renderSort);
263:                boolean renderPaginateButton = !emptyTable && !singlePage
264:                        && table.isPaginateButton();
266:                // Return if nothing is rendered.
267:                if (!(renderActions || renderFilter || renderPrefs
268:                        || renderSelectMultipleButton
269:                        || renderDeselectMultipleButton
270:                        || renderDeselectSingleButton
271:                        || renderClearTableSortButton
272:                        || renderTableSortPanelToggleButton || renderPaginateButton)) {
273:                    log("renderActionsTop", //NOI18N
274:                            "Actions bar not rendered, nothing to display"); //NOI18N
275:                    return;
276:                }
278:                // Render select multiple button.
279:                if (renderSelectMultipleButton) {
280:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
281:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
282:                            .getSelectMultipleButton(), context);
283:                }
285:                // Render deselect multiple button.
286:                if (renderDeselectMultipleButton) {
287:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
288:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
289:                            .getDeselectMultipleButton(), context);
290:                }
292:                // Render deselect single button.
293:                if (renderDeselectSingleButton) {
294:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
295:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
296:                            .getDeselectSingleButton(), context);
297:                }
299:                // Render actions facet.
300:                if (renderActions) {
301:                    // Render action separator.
302:                    if (renderSelectMultipleButton
303:                            || renderDeselectMultipleButton
304:                            || renderDeselectSingleButton) {
305:                        writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
306:                        RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
307:                                .getActionsSeparatorIcon(), context);
308:                    }
309:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
310:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(actions, context);
311:                }
313:                // Render filter facet.
314:                if (renderFilter) {
315:                    // Render filter separator.
316:                    if (renderActions || renderSelectMultipleButton
317:                            || renderDeselectMultipleButton
318:                            || renderDeselectSingleButton) {
319:                        writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
320:                        RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
321:                                .getFilterSeparatorIcon(), context);
322:                    }
324:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
325:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
326:                            .getFilterLabel(), context);
327:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
328:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(filter, context);
329:                }
331:                // Render view action separator.
332:                if ((renderActions || renderFilter
333:                        || renderSelectMultipleButton
334:                        || renderDeselectMultipleButton || renderDeselectSingleButton)
335:                        && (renderPrefs || renderClearTableSortButton || renderTableSortPanelToggleButton)) {
336:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
337:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
338:                            .getViewActionsSeparatorIcon(), context);
339:                }
341:                // Render table sort panel toggle button.
342:                if (renderTableSortPanelToggleButton) {
343:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
344:                    UIComponent child = component.getSortPanelToggleButton();
345:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(child, context);
346:                }
348:                // Render clear sort button.
349:                if (renderClearTableSortButton) {
350:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
351:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
352:                            .getClearSortButton(), context);
353:                }
355:                // Render table preferences panel toggle button.
356:                if (renderPrefs) {
357:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
358:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
359:                            .getPreferencesPanelToggleButton(), context);
360:                }
362:                // Render paginate button.
363:                if (renderPaginateButton) {
364:                    // Render separator.
365:                    if (renderActions || renderFilter || renderPrefs
366:                            || renderSelectMultipleButton
367:                            || renderDeselectMultipleButton
368:                            || renderDeselectSingleButton
369:                            || renderClearTableSortButton
370:                            || renderTableSortPanelToggleButton) {
371:                        writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
372:                        RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
373:                                .getPaginateSeparatorIcon(), context);
374:                    }
375:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
376:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
377:                            .getPaginateButton(), context);
378:                }
379:            }
381:            /**
382:             * Render the bottom actions for TableActions components.
383:             *
384:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
385:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered.
386:             * @param writer ResponseWriter to which the component should be rendered.
387:             *
388:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
389:             */
390:            protected void renderActionsBottom(FacesContext context,
391:                    TableActions component, ResponseWriter writer)
392:                    throws IOException {
393:                Table table = (component != null) ? component
394:                        .getTableAncestor() : null;
395:                if (table == null) {
396:                    log("renderActionsBottom", //NOI18N
397:                            "Cannot render actions bar, Table is null"); //NOI18N
398:                    return;
399:                }
401:                // We must determine if all TableRowGroup components are empty. Controls
402:                // are only hidden when all row groups are empty. Likewise, pagination
403:                // controls are only hidden when all groups fit on a single page.
404:                int totalRows = table.getRowCount();
405:                boolean emptyTable = (totalRows == 0);
406:                boolean singleRow = (totalRows == 1);
407:                boolean singlePage = (totalRows < table.getRows());
409:                // Get facets.
410:                UIComponent actions = table
411:                        .getFacet(Table.ACTIONS_BOTTOM_FACET);
413:                // Get flag indicating which facets to render.
414:                boolean renderActions = !emptyTable && !singleRow
415:                        && actions != null && actions.isRendered();
417:                // Hide pagination controls when all rows fit on a page.
418:                boolean renderPaginationControls = !emptyTable && !singlePage
419:                        && table.isPaginationControls();
421:                // Hide paginate button for a single row.
422:                boolean renderPaginateButton = !emptyTable && !singlePage
423:                        && table.isPaginateButton();
425:                // Render table actions facet.
426:                if (renderActions) {
427:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
428:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(actions, context);
429:                }
431:                // Render actions separator.
432:                if (renderPaginationControls || renderPaginateButton) {
433:                    // Render actions separator.
434:                    if (renderActions) {
435:                        writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
436:                        RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
437:                                .getActionsSeparatorIcon(), context);
438:                    }
439:                }
441:                // Render pagination controls.
442:                if (renderPaginationControls) {
443:                    // Get TableRowGroup component.
444:                    TableRowGroup group = table.getTableRowGroupChild();
445:                    boolean paginated = (group != null) ? group.isPaginated()
446:                            : false;
448:                    // Do not display controls while in scroll mode.
449:                    if (paginated) {
450:                        renderPagination(context, component, writer);
451:                    }
452:                }
454:                // Render paginate button.
455:                if (renderPaginateButton) {
456:                    writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
457:                    RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
458:                            .getPaginateButton(), context);
459:                }
460:            }
462:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
463:            // Enclosing tag methods
464:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
466:            /**
467:             * Render enclosing tag for TableActions components.
468:             *
469:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
470:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered.
471:             * @param writer ResponseWriter to which the component should be rendered.
472:             *
473:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
474:             */
475:            protected void renderEnclosingTagStart(FacesContext context,
476:                    TableActions component, ResponseWriter writer)
477:                    throws IOException {
478:                if (component == null) {
479:                    log("renderEnclosingTagStart", //NOI18N
480:                            "Cannot render enclosing tag, TableActions is null"); //NOI18N
481:                    return;
482:                }
484:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
485:                writer.startElement("td", component); //NOI18N
486:                writer.writeAttribute("id", component.getClientId(context),
487:                        null); //NOI18N
489:                // Render style class.
490:                String extraHtml = RenderingUtilities.renderStyleClass(context,
491:                        writer, component, getStyleClass(component), component
492:                                .getExtraHtml());
494:                // Render colspan.
495:                if (component.getColSpan() > -1
496:                        && (extraHtml == null || extraHtml.indexOf("colspan=") == -1)) { //NOI18N
497:                    writer.writeAttribute("colspan", //NOI18N
498:                            Integer.toString(component.getColSpan()), null); //NOI18N
499:                }
501:                // Render rowspan.
502:                if (component.getRowSpan() > -1
503:                        && (extraHtml == null || extraHtml.indexOf("rowspan=") == -1)) { //NOI18N
504:                    writer.writeAttribute("rowspan", //NOI18N
505:                            Integer.toString(component.getRowSpan()), null); //NOI18N
506:                }
508:                // Render nowrap.
509:                if (component.isNoWrap()
510:                        && (extraHtml == null || extraHtml.indexOf("nowrap=") == -1)) { //NOI18N
511:                    writer.writeAttribute("nowrap", "nowrap", null); //NOI18N
512:                }
514:                // Render tooltip.
515:                if (component.getToolTip() != null
516:                        && (extraHtml == null || extraHtml.indexOf("title=") == -1)) { //NOI18N
517:                    writer.writeAttribute("title", component.getToolTip(),
518:                            "toolTip"); //NOI18N
519:                }
521:                // Render pass through attributes.
522:                RenderingUtilities.writeStringAttributes(component, writer,
523:                        stringAttributes, extraHtml);
524:            }
526:            /**
527:             * Render enclosing tag for TableActions components.
528:             *
529:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
530:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered.
531:             * @param writer ResponseWriter to which the component should be rendered.
532:             *
533:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
534:             */
535:            protected void renderEnclosingTagEnd(FacesContext context,
536:                    TableActions component, ResponseWriter writer)
537:                    throws IOException {
538:                if (component == null) {
539:                    log("renderEnclosingTagEnd", //NOI18N
540:                            "Cannot render enclosing tag, TableActions is null"); //NOI18N
541:                    return;
542:                }
543:                writer.endElement("td"); //NOI18N
544:            }
546:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
547:            // Private methods
548:            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
550:            /**
551:             * Helper method to get style class for TableActions components.
552:             *
553:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered
554:             * @return The style class.
555:             */
556:            private String getStyleClass(TableActions component) {
557:                String styleClass = null;
558:                if (component == null) {
559:                    log("getStyleClass", //NOI18N
560:                            "Cannot obtain style class, TableActions is null"); //NOI18N
561:                    return styleClass;
562:                }
564:                // Get style class.
565:                if (component.isActionsBottom()) {
566:                    styleClass = ThemeStyles.TABLE_ACTION_TD_LASTROW;
567:                } else {
568:                    styleClass = ThemeStyles.TABLE_ACTION_TD;
569:                }
570:                return getTheme().getStyleClass(styleClass);
571:            }
573:            /** Helper method to get Theme objects. */
574:            private Theme getTheme() {
575:                return ThemeUtilities.getTheme(FacesContext
576:                        .getCurrentInstance());
577:            }
579:            /**
580:             * Log fine messages.
581:             */
582:            private void log(String method, String message) {
583:                // Get class.
584:                Class clazz = this .getClass();
585:                if (LogUtil.fineEnabled(clazz)) {
586:                    // Log method name and message.
587:                    LogUtil.fine(clazz, clazz.getName() + "." + method + ": "
588:                            + message); //NOI18N
589:                }
590:            }
592:            /**
593:             * Render the pagination controls for TableActions components. This does
594:             * not include the paginate button.
595:             *
596:             * @param context FacesContext for the current request.
597:             * @param component TableActions to be rendered.
598:             * @param writer ResponseWriter to which the component should be rendered.
599:             *
600:             * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs.
601:             */
602:            private void renderPagination(FacesContext context,
603:                    TableActions component, ResponseWriter writer)
604:                    throws IOException {
605:                if (component == null) {
606:                    log("renderPagination", //NOI18N
607:                            "Cannot render pagination controls, TableActions is null"); //NOI18N
608:                    return;
609:                }
611:                Theme theme = getTheme();
613:                // Render span for left-side buttons.
614:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
615:                writer.startElement("span", component); //NOI18N
616:                writer.writeAttribute("class", theme.getStyleClass( //NOI18N
617:                        ThemeStyles.TABLE_PAGINATION_LEFT_BUTTON), null);
619:                // Render first button.
620:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
621:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
622:                        .getPaginationFirstButton(), context);
624:                // Render prev button.
625:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
626:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
627:                        .getPaginationPrevButton(), context);
628:                writer.endElement("span"); //NOI18N
630:                // Render span for label.
631:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
632:                writer.startElement("span", component); //NOI18N
633:                writer.writeAttribute("class", theme.getStyleClass( //NOI18N
634:                        ThemeStyles.TABLE_PAGINATION_TEXT_BOLD), null);
636:                // Render page field.
637:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
638:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
639:                        .getPaginationPageField(), context);
640:                writer.endElement("span"); //NOI18N
642:                // Render total pages text.
643:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
644:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
645:                        .getPaginationPagesText(), context);
647:                // Render span for submit button.
648:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
649:                writer.startElement("span", component); //NOI18N
650:                writer.writeAttribute("class", theme.getStyleClass( //NOI18N
651:                        ThemeStyles.TABLE_PAGINATION_SUBMIT_BUTTON), null); //NOI18N
653:                // Render submit button.
654:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
655:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
656:                        .getPaginationSubmitButton(), context);
657:                writer.endElement("span"); //NOI18N
659:                // Render span for right-side buttons.
660:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
661:                writer.startElement("span", component); //NOI18N
662:                writer.writeAttribute("class", theme.getStyleClass( //NOI18N
663:                        ThemeStyles.TABLE_PAGINATION_RIGHT_BUTTON), null);
665:                // Render next button.
666:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
667:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
668:                        .getPaginationNextButton(), context);
670:                // Render last button.
671:                writer.writeText("\n", null); //NOI18N
672:                RenderingUtilities.renderComponent(component
673:                        .getPaginationLastButton(), context);
674:                writer.endElement("span"); //NOI18N
675:            }
676:        } | Contact Us
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