RbCbRendererBase provides encoding functionality for
the RadioButtonRenderer and CheckboxRenderer.
This includes an implementation of getConvertedValue, and
a method called renderSelection which a subclass calls to render
either a Checkbox or a RadioButton component
at the appropriate time.
The renderer subclass must implement
isSelected in order for this class to generically render
either component
getStyle so the specific subclass can specify the
appropriate ThemeStyle constants.
The ID attributes for HTML elements are constructed as follows,
where <cid> is the clientId of the
component being rendered.
<cid> for the INPUT element
<cid>_image for the image component
<cid>_label for the label component
Encoding the INPUT element
If the name property of the component is null
the name attribute of the INPUT element will be set to the
value of the component's clientId and the control will
not be part of a group, and behave as an individual control.
If the name property is not null then its
value is used as the value of the name attribute of the HTML INPUT
element and the control will behave as part of a group.
The ConversionUtilities.getValueAsString method is called with
the value of the component's selectedValue property
and the result is used as the value of the HTML INPUT element's
value attribute.
The table component provides a layout mechanism for displaying table actions.
UI guidelines describe specific behavior that can applied to the rows and
columns of data such as sorting, filtering, pagination, selection, and custom
user actions.