| java.lang.Object java.io.InputStream java.io.FilterInputStream com.sun.rave.web.ui.util.IncludeInputStream
IncludeInputStream | public class IncludeInputStream extends FilterInputStream (Code) | | This InputStream looks for lines beginning with
"#include 'filename'" where filename is the name of a file to
include. It replaces the "#include" line with contents of the
specified file. Any other line beginning with '#' is illegal.
convertRelativePath | protected String convertRelativePath(String filename)(Code) | | This method converts a context-root relative path to the actual
path using the ServletContext or PortletContext. This requires
the application to be running in a Servlet or Portlet
environment... and further requires that it be running in JSF
environment (which is used to access the Servlet or Portlet
Parameters: filename - The relative filename to convert to a full path. The full path based on the app's context root. |
main | public static void main(String args)(Code) | | Simple test case (requires a test file).
markSupported | public boolean markSupported()(Code) | | |
read | public int read() throws IOException(Code) | | This overriden method implements the include feature.
The next character. |