| |
| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.datasource.DataSourceResolver
modelingListener | protected WaitForModelingListener modelingListener(Code) | | |
findMatchingDriver | public JDBCDriver findMatchingDriver(String driverClass)(Code) | | |
isDataSourceMissing | public boolean isDataSourceMissing(Project project, String prjDsName)(Code) | | |
isDataSourceUnique | public boolean isDataSourceUnique(Project currentProj, String dsName, String url)(Code) | | |
isDatasourceCreationSupported | public boolean isDatasourceCreationSupported(Project project)(Code) | | |
modelProjectForDataSources | public void modelProjectForDataSources(Project currentProj)(Code) | | |
postUnsupportedDataSourceCreationDialog | public synchronized void postUnsupportedDataSourceCreationDialog()(Code) | | Post an information dialog to inform the user that the target application server does not support the automatic creation of data sources
run | public synchronized void run()(Code) | | |
update | public void update(Project currentProj)(Code) | | |
updateSettings | public void updateSettings()(Code) | | |
updateTask | public synchronized void updateTask()(Code) | | |