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| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataprovider.NbTestCase org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataprovider.ObjectListDataProviderTest
ObjectListDataProviderTest | public class ObjectListDataProviderTest extends NbTestCase (Code) | | author: winstonp |
Inner Class :static class Descriptor | |
Inner Class :static class Update | |
ObjectListDataProviderTest | public ObjectListDataProviderTest(String testName)(Code) | | |
testBaseClassMethods | public void testBaseClassMethods()(Code) | | Check convenience methods on abstract base class that
should still show through the concrete implementation.
testEventsAppend | public void testEventsAppend()(Code) | | Check for events related to row appending.
testEventsBasic | public void testEventsBasic()(Code) | | Check for event propogation for basic DataProvider events.
testEventsCursor | public void testEventsCursor() throws Exception(Code) | | Check for event propogation for cursor changes.
testEventsData | public void testEventsData()(Code) | | Check for event propogation on random data changes.
testEventsInsert | public void testEventsInsert()(Code) | | Check for events related to row insertion.
testEventsRemovesAscending | public void testEventsRemovesAscending()(Code) | | Check for events related to row removal -- ascending ordering.
testEventsRemovesDescending | public void testEventsRemovesDescending()(Code) | | Check for events related to row removal -- descending ordering.
testEventsUpdates | public void testEventsUpdates()(Code) | | Check for transactional updates to existing rows.
testNegative | public void testNegative()(Code) | | Check some things that should not work.
testNoFields | public void testNoFields()(Code) | | Ensure that access to public fields can be turned off.
testPristine | public void testPristine() throws Exception(Code) | | Test a pristine instance.
testSerializable | public void testSerializable() throws Exception(Code) | | Test serializability of this data provider.
testUpdates | public void testUpdates()(Code) | | Test updates to updateable fieldKeys and properties.