001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
041: package org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.faces.dt.binding;
043: import java.awt.*;
044: import java.awt.event.*;
045: import java.beans.*;
046: import java.lang.reflect.*;
047: import java.util.*;
048: import java.util.List;
049: import javax.faces.context.*;
050: import javax.faces.el.*;
051: import javax.swing.*;
052: import javax.swing.tree.*;
053: import com.sun.rave.designtime.*;
054: import com.sun.rave.designtime.faces.*;
055: import com.sun.rave.designtime.markup.*;
056: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.faces.dt.util.ComponentBundle;
058: public abstract class BindingTargetNode implements TreeNode {
060: private static final ComponentBundle bundle = ComponentBundle
061: .getBundle(BindingTargetNode.class);
063: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATIC METHODS
065: private static List factoryList = new ArrayList();
067: public static void _registerTargetNodeFactory(TargetNodeFactory tnf) {
068: factoryList.add(0, tnf);
069: }
071: public static BindingTargetNode _createTargetNode(
072: DefaultTreeModel treeModel, DesignBean bean,
073: PropertyDescriptor[] propPath, Object propInstance) {
075: if (bean == null)
076: return null;
077: Class targetClass = propInstance != null ? propInstance
078: .getClass() : null;
079: if (targetClass == null && propPath != null
080: && propPath.length > 0) {
081: Object o = getPropInstance(bean, propPath);
082: if (o != null) {
083: propInstance = o;
084: targetClass = o.getClass();
085: } else {
086: targetClass = propPath[propPath.length - 1]
087: .getPropertyType();
088: }
089: }
090: if (targetClass == null) {
091: Object o = bean.getInstance();
092: if (o != null) {
093: propInstance = o;
094: targetClass = o.getClass();
095: } else {
096: targetClass = bean.getBeanInfo().getBeanDescriptor()
097: .getBeanClass();
098: }
099: }
100: for (int i = 0; i < factoryList.size(); i++) {
101: TargetNodeFactory tnf = (TargetNodeFactory) factoryList
102: .get(i);
103: if (tnf.supportsTargetClass(targetClass)) {
104: BindingTargetNode btn = tnf.createTargetNode(treeModel,
105: bean, propPath, propInstance);
106: if (btn != null) {
107: return btn;
108: }
109: }
110: }
111: return new PropertyTargetNode(treeModel, bean, propPath,
112: propInstance);
113: }
115: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode
117: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract methods
119: public abstract boolean lazyLoad();
121: public abstract boolean isValidBindingTarget();
123: public abstract String getBindingExpressionPart();
125: public abstract Class getTargetTypeClass();
127: public abstract String getDisplayText(boolean enabled);
129: public BindingTargetNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel) {
130: this .treeModel = treeModel;
131: }
133: protected DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
134: protected HashMap userDataHash = new HashMap();
136: public Map getUserDataMap() {
137: return userDataHash;
138: }
140: public boolean hasDisplayIcon() {
141: return false;
142: }
144: public Icon getDisplayIcon(boolean enabled) {
145: // subclasses can put their custom icon here - only called if hasCustomDisplayIcon() returns true
146: return null;
147: }
149: public JComponent getCustomDisplayPanel(
150: ActionListener updateCallback) {
151: return null;
152: }
154: public String getTargetTypeDisplayName() {
155: Class c = getTargetTypeClass();
156: if (c != null) {
157: return decodeTypeName(c.getName());
158: }
159: return ""; //NOI18N
160: }
162: protected TreeNode parent;
163: protected Vector children = new Vector();
164: protected boolean loaded = false;
166: public void add(BindingTargetNode child) {
167: if (child instanceof BindingTargetNode) {
168: children.add(child);
169: child.setParent(this );
170: }
171: }
173: public void add(int index, BindingTargetNode child) {
174: if (child instanceof BindingTargetNode) {
175: children.add(index, child);
176: child.setParent(this );
177: }
178: }
180: public void remove(BindingTargetNode child) {
181: children.remove(child);
182: }
184: public void removeAll() {
185: children.clear();
186: loaded = false;
187: }
189: public void setParent(TreeNode parent) {
190: this .parent = parent;
191: }
193: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TreeNode
195: public TreeNode getChildAt(int childIndex) {
196: if (!loaded) {
197: loaded = lazyLoad();
198: }
199: if (children.size() > childIndex) {
200: return (TreeNode) children.get(childIndex);
201: }
202: return null;
203: }
205: public int getChildCount() {
206: if (!loaded) {
207: loaded = lazyLoad();
208: }
209: return children.size();
210: }
212: public TreeNode getParent() {
213: return parent;
214: }
216: public int getIndex(TreeNode node) {
217: if (!loaded) {
218: loaded = lazyLoad();
219: }
220: return children.indexOf(node);
221: }
223: public boolean getAllowsChildren() {
224: return true;
225: }
227: public boolean isLeaf() {
228: if (!loaded) {
229: loaded = lazyLoad();
230: }
231: return children.size() == 0;
232: }
234: public Enumeration children() {
235: if (!loaded) {
236: loaded = lazyLoad();
237: }
238: return children.elements();
239: }
241: //------------------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.RootNode
243: public static class RootTargetNode extends BindingTargetNode {
244: public RootTargetNode() {
245: super (null);
246: }
248: public boolean lazyLoad() {
249: return true;
250: }
252: public String getDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
253: return null;
254: }
256: public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
257: return false;
258: }
260: public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
261: return null;
262: }
264: public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
265: return null;
266: }
267: }
269: //------------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.NullTargetNode
271: public static class NullTargetNode extends BindingTargetNode {
272: public NullTargetNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel) {
273: super (treeModel);
274: this .displayText = "<html><b>"
275: + bundle.getMessage("propertyNotBound")
276: + "</b></html>"; //NOI18N
277: }
279: public boolean lazyLoad() {
280: return true;
281: }
283: protected String displayText;
285: public String getDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
286: return displayText;
287: }
289: public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
290: return true;
291: }
293: public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
294: return null;
295: }
297: public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
298: return null;
299: }
300: }
302: //-------------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.UIDataVarNode
304: public static class UIDataVarNode extends BindingTargetNode {
305: public UIDataVarNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel,
306: DesignBean uiDataBean) {
307: super (treeModel);
308: this .uiDataBean = uiDataBean;
309: this .displayText = "<html>" + uiDataBean.getInstanceName()
310: + " var property: <b>"
311: + uiDataBean.getProperty("var").getValue()
312: + "</b></html>";
313: }
315: protected DesignBean uiDataBean;
317: public DesignBean getUIDataBean() {
318: return uiDataBean;
319: }
321: public boolean lazyLoad() {
322: // UIData udb = (UIData)uiDataBean.getInstance();
323: // Object value = udb.getValue();
324: // if (value instanceof DataModel) {
325: // DataModel dm = (DataModel)value;
326: // try {
327: // Object o = null;
328: // try {
329: // int rc = dm.getRowCount();
330: // if (rc > 0) {
331: // int idx = dm.getRowIndex();
332: // if (idx < 0) {
333: // dm.setRowIndex(0);
334: // }
335: // }
336: // o = dm.getRowData();
337: // }
338: // catch (Exception x1) {
339: // x1.printStackTrace();
340: // }
341: // if (o != null) {
342: // BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(o.getClass());
343: // PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
344: // PropertyDescriptor[] pdArray = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
345: // DesignBean b = uiDataBean;
346: // for (int i = 0; pds != null && i < pds.length; i++) {
347: // if (pds[i].getReadMethod() != null) {
348: // ArrayList pdList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(pdArray));
349: // pdList.add(pds[i]);
350: // PropertyDescriptor[] pdPath = (PropertyDescriptor[])pdList.toArray(
351: // new PropertyDescriptor[pdList.size()]);
352: // BindingTargetNode btn = _createTargetNode(
353: // treeModel, b, pdPath);
354: // super.add(btn);
355: // }
356: // }
357: // }
358: // }
359: // catch (Exception x) {
360: // x.printStackTrace();
361: // }
362: // }
363: return true;
364: }
366: protected String displayText;
368: public String getDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
369: return displayText;
370: }
372: public boolean hasDisplayIcon() {
373: return getChildCount() < 1;
374: }
376: Icon displayIcon = UIManager.getIcon("Tree.closedIcon"); // NOI18N
378: public Icon getDisplayIcon(boolean enableNode) {
379: return displayIcon;
380: }
382: public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
383: return true;
384: }
386: public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
387: return "" + uiDataBean.getProperty("var").getValue();
388: }
390: public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
391: return null;
392: }
393: }
395: //---------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.ContextTargetNode
397: public static class ContextTargetNode extends BindingTargetNode {
398: public ContextTargetNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel,
399: DesignContext context) {
400: super (treeModel);
401: this .context = context;
402: this .displayText = "<html><b>" + context.getDisplayName()
403: + "</b></html>"; //NOI18N
404: }
406: protected DesignContext context;
408: public DesignContext getDesignContext() {
409: return context;
410: }
412: public boolean lazyLoad() {
413: DesignBean[] kids = getDesignContext().getRootContainer()
414: .getChildBeans();
415: for (int i = 0; kids != null && i < kids.length; i++) {
416: super .add(_createTargetNode(treeModel, kids[i], null,
417: kids[i].getInstance()));
418: }
419: return true;
420: }
422: protected String displayText;
424: public String getDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
425: return displayText;
426: }
428: public boolean hasDisplayIcon() {
429: return getChildCount() < 1;
430: }
432: Icon displayIcon = UIManager.getIcon("Tree.closedIcon"); // NOI18N
434: public Icon getDisplayIcon(boolean enableNode) {
435: return displayIcon;
436: }
438: public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
439: return true;
440: }
442: public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
443: if (context instanceof FacesDesignContext) {
444: return ((FacesDesignContext) context)
445: .getReferenceName();
446: }
447: return context.getDisplayName();
448: }
450: public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
451: return null;
452: }
453: }
455: //--------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.PropertyTargetNode
457: public static class PropertyTargetNode extends BindingTargetNode {
458: public PropertyTargetNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel,
459: DesignBean bean, PropertyDescriptor[] propPath,
460: Object propInstance) {
461: super (treeModel);
462: this .bean = bean;
463: this .propPath = propPath;
464: this .propInstance = propInstance;
465: this .displayTextEnabled = getDisplayText(true);
466: this .displayTextDisabled = getDisplayText(false);
467: }
469: protected DesignBean bean;
471: public DesignBean getBean() {
472: return bean;
473: }
475: protected PropertyDescriptor[] propPath;
477: public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropPath() {
478: return propPath;
479: }
481: protected Object propInstance;
483: public Object getPropInstance() {
484: return propInstance;
485: }
487: public boolean lazyLoad() {
488: lazyLoadCustomTargetNodes();
489: if (propPath == null) {
490: lazyLoadBeanTargetNodes();
491: }
492: if (isValidBindingTarget()) {
493: lazyLoadPropertyTargetNodes();
494: }
495: return true;
496: }
498: public void lazyLoadCustomTargetNodes() {
499: // subclasses can put their stuff here
500: }
502: public void lazyLoadBeanTargetNodes() {
503: if (bean.isContainer()) {
504: DesignBean[] kids = bean.getChildBeans();
505: for (int i = 0; kids != null && i < kids.length; i++) {
506: super .add(_createTargetNode(treeModel, kids[i],
507: null, kids[i].getInstance()));
508: }
509: }
510: }
512: public void lazyLoadPropertyTargetNodes() {
513: try {
514: BeanInfo bi = Introspector
515: .getBeanInfo(getTargetTypeClass());
516: PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
517: for (int i = 0; pds != null && i < pds.length; i++) {
518: if (pds[i].getReadMethod() != null) {
519: ArrayList pdList = new ArrayList();
520: for (int j = 0; propPath != null
521: && j < propPath.length; j++) {
522: pdList.add(propPath[j]);
523: }
524: pdList.add(pds[i]);
525: PropertyDescriptor[] pda = (PropertyDescriptor[]) pdList
526: .toArray(new PropertyDescriptor[pdList
527: .size()]);
528: BindingTargetNode btn = _createTargetNode(
529: treeModel, bean, pda, null);
530: super .add(btn);
531: }
532: }
533: } catch (Exception x) {
534: x.printStackTrace();
535: }
536: }
538: protected String displayTextEnabled;
539: protected String displayTextDisabled;
541: public String getDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
542: if (enableNode && displayTextEnabled != null) {
543: return displayTextEnabled;
544: } else if (!enableNode && displayTextDisabled != null) {
545: return displayTextDisabled;
546: }
547: PropertyDescriptor pd = (propPath != null && propPath.length > 0) ? propPath[propPath.length - 1]
548: : null;
549: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
550: sb.append("<html>"); //NOI18N
551: if (!enableNode) {
552: sb.append("<font color=\"gray\">"); //NOI18N
553: }
554: if (pd != null) {
555: sb.append(bundle.getMessage("property")); //NOI18N
556: sb.append(" "); //NOI18N
557: }
558: if (enableNode) {
559: sb.append("<b>"); //NOI18N
560: }
561: if (pd != null) {
562: sb.append(pd.getName());
563: } else {
564: sb.append(bean.getInstanceName());
565: }
566: if (enableNode) {
567: sb.append("</b>"); //NOI18N
568: }
569: sb.append(" <font size=\"-1\"><i>"); //NOI18N
570: sb.append(getTargetTypeDisplayName());
571: sb.append("</i></font>"); //NOI18N
572: if (!enableNode) {
573: sb.append("</font>"); //NOI18N
574: }
575: sb.append("</html>"); //NOI18N
576: return sb.toString();
577: }
579: public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
580: if (propPath == null
581: && bean.getDesignContext() instanceof FacesDesignContext) {
582: return ((FacesDesignContext) bean.getDesignContext())
583: .isValidBindingTarget(bean);
584: }
585: return true;
586: }
588: public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
589: if (propPath != null && propPath.length > 0) {
590: return propPath[propPath.length - 1].getName();
591: }
592: return bean.getInstanceName();
593: }
595: public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
596: if (propInstance == null) {
597: propInstance = getPropInstance(bean, propPath);
598: }
599: if (propInstance != null) {
600: if (!propInstance.getClass().isPrimitive()) {
601: return propInstance.getClass();
602: }
603: }
604: return propPath != null && propPath.length > 0 ? propPath[propPath.length - 1]
605: .getPropertyType()
606: : bean.getInstance() != null ? bean.getInstance()
607: .getClass()
608: : bean.getBeanInfo() != null ? bean
609: .getBeanInfo().getBeanDescriptor()
610: .getBeanClass() : null;
611: }
613: boolean iconChecked = false;
615: public boolean hasDisplayIcon() {
616: if (!iconChecked) {
617: displayIcon = getDisplayIcon(true);
618: iconChecked = true;
619: }
620: return displayIcon != null;
621: }
623: Icon displayIcon = null;
625: public Icon getDisplayIcon(boolean enableNode) {
626: if (displayIcon == null) {
627: if (propInstance == null) {
628: propInstance = getPropInstance(bean, propPath);
629: }
630: if (propInstance != null) {
631: try {
632: BeanInfo bi = Introspector
633: .getBeanInfo(propInstance.getClass());
634: Image img = bi
635: .getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16);
636: if (img != null) {
637: displayIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
638: }
639: } catch (Exception x) {
640: }
641: if (displayIcon == null
642: && (propPath == null || propPath.length == 0)) {
643: if (bean instanceof MarkupDesignBean
644: && ((MarkupDesignBean) bean)
645: .getElement() != null) {
646: displayIcon = TargetPanel.TAG_ICON;
647: }
648: }
649: }
650: }
651: if (displayIcon == null/* && propPath == null*/) {
652: displayIcon = TargetPanel.BEAN_ICON;
653: }
654: return displayIcon;
655: }
656: }
658: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper methods
660: public static Object getPropInstance(DesignBean bean,
661: PropertyDescriptor[] propPath) {
662: if (propPath != null && propPath.length > 0) {
663: try {
664: ArrayList propList = new ArrayList();
665: for (int i = 0; i < propPath.length; i++) {
666: propList.add(propPath[i]);
667: }
668: Object o = bean.getInstance();
669: while (o != null && propList.size() > 0) {
670: PropertyDescriptor pdnext = (PropertyDescriptor) propList
671: .get(0);
672: BeanInfo bi = Introspector
673: .getBeanInfo(o.getClass());
674: PropertyDescriptor[] pdanext = bi
675: .getPropertyDescriptors();
676: for (int i = 0; i < pdanext.length; i++) {
677: if (pdanext[i].getName().equals(
678: pdnext.getName())) {
679: //System.out.println("found: " + pdnext.getName() + " : " + propList.size() + " left");
680: Method read = pdanext[i].getReadMethod();
681: if (read != null) {
682: try {
683: o = read.invoke(o, new Object[] {});
684: if (o instanceof ValueBinding) {
685: o = ((ValueBinding) o)
686: .getValue(FacesContext
687: .getCurrentInstance());
688: }
689: } catch (Exception x) {
690: return null;
691: }
692: if (o != null) {
693: propList.remove(0);
694: continue;
695: }
696: } else {
697: return null;
698: }
699: }
700: }
701: }
702: return o;
703: } catch (Exception x) {
704: x.printStackTrace();
705: }
706: } else {
707: return bean.getInstance();
708: }
709: return null;
710: }
712: static HashMap arrayTypeKeyHash = new HashMap();
713: static {
714: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("B", "byte"); //NOI18N
715: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("C", "char"); //NOI18N
716: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("D", "double"); //NOI18N
717: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("F", "float"); //NOI18N
718: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("I", "int"); //NOI18N
719: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("J", "long"); //NOI18N
720: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("S", "short"); //NOI18N
721: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("Z", "boolean"); //NOI18N
722: arrayTypeKeyHash.put("V", "void"); //NOI18N
723: }
725: public static String decodeTypeName(String tn) {
726: if (tn.startsWith("[")) { //NOI18N
727: int depth = 0;
728: while (tn.startsWith("[")) { //NOI18N
729: tn = tn.substring(1);
730: depth++;
731: }
732: if (tn.startsWith("L")) { //NOI18N
733: tn = tn.substring(1);
734: tn = tn.substring(0, tn.length() - 1);
735: } else {
736: char typeKey = tn.charAt(0);
737: tn = (String) arrayTypeKeyHash.get("" + typeKey); //NOI18N
738: }
739: for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
740: tn += "[]"; //NOI18N
741: }
742: }
743: if (tn.indexOf(".") > -1) { //NOI18N
744: tn = tn.substring(tn.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
745: }
746: return tn;
747: }
748: }
749: // //------------------------------------------------------------- BindingTargetNode.BeanTargetNode
750: //
751: // public static final String FACET_KEY = "facet"; // NOI18N
752: //
753: // public static class BeanTargetNode extends BindingTargetNode {
754: // public BeanTargetNode(DefaultTreeModel treeModel, DesignBean bean) {
755: // super(treeModel);
756: // this.bean = bean;
757: // this.displayTextEnabled = getCustomDisplayText(true);
758: // this.displayTextDisabled = getCustomDisplayText(false);
759: // }
760: // protected DesignBean bean;
761: // public DesignBean getBean() {
762: // return bean;
763: // }
764: // public boolean lazyLoad() {
765: // lazyLoadCustomTargetNodes();
766: // lazyLoadBeanTargetNodes();
767: // if (isValidBindingTarget()) {
768: // lazyLoadPropertyTargetNodes();
769: // }
770: // return true;
771: // }
772: // public void lazyLoadCustomTargetNodes() {
773: // // subclasses can put their stuff here
774: // }
775: // public void lazyLoadBeanTargetNodes() {
776: // if (bean.isContainer()) {
777: // DesignBean[] kids = bean.getChildBeans();
778: // for (int i = 0; kids != null && i < kids.length; i++) {
779: // super.add(_createTargetNode(treeModel, kids[i], null));
780: // }
781: // }
782: // }
783: // public void lazyLoadPropertyTargetNodes() {
784: // try {
785: // BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(getTargetTypeClass());
786: // PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
787: // for (int i = 0; pds != null && i < pds.length; i++) {
788: // if (pds[i].getReadMethod() != null) {
789: // BindingTargetNode btn = _createTargetNode(
790: // treeModel, bean, new PropertyDescriptor[] { pds[i] });
791: // super.add(btn);
792: // }
793: // }
794: // }
795: // catch (Exception x) {
796: // x.printStackTrace();
797: // }
798: // }
799: // protected String displayTextEnabled;
800: // protected String displayTextDisabled;
801: // public String getCustomDisplayText(boolean enableNode) {
802: // if (enableNode && displayTextEnabled != null) {
803: // return displayTextEnabled;
804: // }
805: // else if (!enableNode && displayTextDisabled != null) {
806: // return displayTextDisabled;
807: // }
808: // String facet = (String)getUserDataMap().get(FACET_KEY);
809: // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
810: // sb.append("<html>"); //NOI18N
811: // if (facet != null) {
812: // sb.append(bundle.getMessage("facet")); //NOI18N
813: // sb.append(" "); //NOI18N
814: // if (enableNode) {
815: // sb.append("<b>");
816: // }
817: // sb.append(facet);
818: // if (enableNode) {
819: // sb.append("</b>");
820: // }
821: // sb = new StringBuffer(bundle.getMessage("trailingColon", sb.toString())); //NOI18N
822: // sb.append(" "); //NOI18N
823: // }
824: // if (enableNode) {
825: // sb.append("<b>"); //NOI18N
826: // }
827: // else {
828: // sb.append("<font color=\"gray\">"); //NOI18N
829: // }
830: // sb.append(bean.getInstanceName());
831: // if (enableNode) {
832: // sb.append("</b>"); //NOI18N
833: // }
834: // sb.append(" <font size=\"-1\"><i>"); //NOI18N
835: // sb.append(getTargetTypeDisplayName());
836: // sb.append("</i></font>"); //NOI18N
837: // if (!enableNode) {
838: // sb.append("</font>"); //NOI18N
839: // }
840: // sb.append("</html>"); //NOI18N
841: // return sb.toString();
842: // }
843: // public boolean hasCustomDisplayIcon() {
844: // return true;
845: // }
846: // Icon displayIcon = null;
847: // public Icon getCustomDisplayIcon(boolean enableNode) {
848: // if (displayIcon == null) {
849: // BeanInfo bi = bean.getBeanInfo();
850: // Image img = bi.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16);
851: // if (img != null) {
852: // displayIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
853: // }
854: // else {
855: // displayIcon = TargetPanel.BEAN_ICON;
856: // }
857: // }
858: // return displayIcon;
859: // }
860: // public boolean isValidBindingTarget() {
861: // if (bean.getDesignContext() instanceof FacesDesignContext) {
862: // return ((FacesDesignContext)bean.getDesignContext()).isValidBindingTarget(bean);
863: // }
864: // return false;
865: // }
866: // public String getBindingExpressionPart() {
867: // return bean.getInstanceName();
868: // }
869: // public Class getTargetTypeClass() {
870: // Object o = bean.getInstance();
871: // if (o != null) {
872: // if (!o.getClass().isPrimitive()) {
873: // return o.getClass();
874: // }
875: // }
876: // return bean.getBeanInfo().getBeanDescriptor().getBeanClass();
877: // }
878: // }