001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
042: package org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.gravy.dataconnectivity;
044: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.gravy.Util;
045: import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.visualeditor.querybuilder.*;
046: import java.awt.*;
047: import java.util.*;
048: import javax.swing.*;
049: import java.awt.event.*;
050: import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
051: import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*;
052: import org.netbeans.jellytools.Bundle;
054: /**
055: * This class implements test functionality for a window "QueryBuilder".
056: */
057: public class QueryBuilderOperator extends ContainerOperator {
058: ComponentOperator desktop = null;
059: JTextComponentOperator query = null;
060: public static final String SORT_TYPE = "Sort Type";
061: public static final String SORT_ORDER = "Sort Order";
062: public static final String DESCENDING = "Descending";
063: public static final String ASCENDING = "Ascending";
065: static final String ADD_QUERY_CRITERIA = "Add Query Criteria";
066: public static final String CRITERIA = "Criteria";
067: private static final String COLUMN = "Column";
068: static final String POPUP_MENU_ITEM_PARSE_QUERY = "Parse Query";
069: static final String POPUP_MENU_ITEM_RUN_QUERY = "Run Query";
070: public static final String POPUP_MENU_ITEM_ADD_TABLE = "Add Table"; // "Add Table...";
071: public static final String DIALOG_TITLE_ADD_TABLE = "Select Table"; // "Select Table(s) to Add";
072: public final static String CANCEL = "Cancel";
073: public final static String GROUP_BY = "Group By";
074: public static final String POPUP_MENU_ITEM_REMOVE_FROM_QUERY = "Remove from Query";
075: public final static String EQUALS = "Equals";
076: public final static String NOT_EQUALS = "Not Equals";
077: public final static String LESS_THAN = "Less Than";
078: public final static String LESS_THAN_EQUALS = "Less Than Equals";
079: public final static String GREATER_THAN = "Greater Than";
080: public final static String GREATER_THAN_EQUALS = "Greater Than Equals";
082: /**
083: * @param tableName looking for given table to choose correct QueryBuilder instance
084: * @return Container instanceof QueryBuilder
085: */
086: private static Container findQueryBuilder(String tableName) {
087: java.awt.Container container = new org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTableOperator(
088: Util.getMainWindow(),
089: new QueryBuilderInputTableChooser(tableName))
090: .getParent();
091: while (!(container instanceof QueryBuilder)) {
092: //System.out.println("TRACE: findQueryBuilder: " + container.getClass().getName());
093: container = container.getParent();
094: }
095: return container;
096: }
098: /**
099: * Creates new instance of this class.
100: * @param parent an object ContainerOperator related to container, which includes created Query Builder
101: * @param tabId a name of required tab
102: */
103: public QueryBuilderOperator(ContainerOperator parent, String tabId) {
104: //super(parent, new QueryBuilderChooser(tabId));
105: super (findQueryBuilder(tabId));
106: this .setComparator(new Operator.DefaultStringComparator(true,
107: true));
108: }
110: /**
111: * Creates new instance of this class.
112: * @param tabId a name of required tab
113: */
114: public QueryBuilderOperator(String tabId) {
115: this (Util.getMainWindow(), tabId);
116: }
118: /**
119: * Creates new instance of this class.
120: * @param parent an object ContainerOperator related to container, which includes created Query Builder
121: */
122: public QueryBuilderOperator(ContainerOperator parent) {
123: super (parent, new QueryBuilderChooser());
124: this .setComparator(new Operator.DefaultStringComparator(true,
125: true));
126: }
128: /**
129: * Creates new instance of this class.
130: */
131: public QueryBuilderOperator() {
132: this (Util.getMainWindow());
133: }
135: /**
136: * Closes a window of Query Builder.
137: */
138: public void close() {
139: Util.closeWindow();
140: }
142: /**
143: * TODO: Fix it
144: * Returns an object QueryBuilderGraphFrameOperator
145: * @return QueryBuilderGraphFrameOperator
146: */
147: public QueryBuilderPaneOperator getGraphFrame() {
148: return (new QueryBuilderPaneOperator());
149: }
151: /**
152: * Returns an object TableFrameOperator
153: * Represent Operator for Table with given name in Graph Frame of the QueryBuilder
154: * @param tableName
155: * @return TableFrameOperator
156: *
157: */
158: public TableFrameOperator getTableFrame(String tableName) {
159: return (new TableFrameOperator(tableName));
160: }
162: /**
163: * Returns an object InputTableOperator
164: * @return InputTableOperator
165: */
166: public InputTableOperator getInputTable() {
167: return (new InputTableOperator());
168: }
170: /**
171: * TODO: Fix it
172: */
173: private ComponentOperator getDesktop() {
174: if (desktop == null) {
175: //desktop = new ComponentOperator(new QueryBuilderOperator().getGraphFrame(),
176: // new Operator.Finder(JDesktopPane.class));
177: desktop = new QueryBuilderOperator().getGraphFrame();
178: }
179: return (desktop);
180: }
182: /**
183: * Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextComponentOperator (query text).
184: * @return JTextComponentOperator
185: */
186: public JTextComponentOperator getQueryTextComponent() {
187: if (query == null) {
188: //query = new JTextComponentOperator(this);
189: query = new JEditorPaneOperator(this );
190: }
191: return (query);
192: }
194: /**
195: * Returns an object JTableOperator (result table of a query)
196: * @return JTableOperator
197: */
198: public JTableOperator getResultTable() {
199: return (new JTableOperator(this , new Operator.Finder(
200: QueryBuilderResultTable.class)));
201: }
203: /**
204: * Clicks an item of a popup menu.
205: * @param menuText a menu item
206: */
207: public void pushPopup(String menuText) {
208: getDesktop().clickForPopup(10, 10);
209: new JPopupMenuOperator().pushMenuNoBlock(menuText);
210: }
212: /**
213: * Returns JComponentOperator, which wraps component, presenting
214: * Graph Panel of Query Editor
215: */
216: public JComponentOperator getGraphComponent() {
217: JComponent jComponent = (JComponent) findComponent(
218: (Container) this .getSource(), new ComponentChooser() {
219: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
220: return (comp.getClass().getName().endsWith(
221: "SceneComponent") ? true : false);
222: }
224: public String getDescription() {
225: return ("Graph component [SceneComponent] is being found...");
226: }
227: });
228: return (new JComponentOperator(jComponent));
229: }
231: /**
232: * Returns JScrollPaneOperator, which wraps a scroll pane
233: * of Graph Panel of Query Editor
234: */
235: public JScrollPaneOperator getGraphScrollPane() {
236: Component component = getGraphComponent().getSource();
237: do {
238: component = component.getParent();
239: } while (!(component instanceof JScrollPane));
240: return (new JScrollPaneOperator((JScrollPane) component));
241: }
243: //========================================================================//
244: /**
245: * Class for component, presenting DB Table on Graph Panel of Query Editor
246: */
247: private static class DBTableGraphComponent {
248: private QueryBuilderOperator queryBuilder;
249: private Container dbTableGraphObject;
250: private JTable structureTable;
252: private DBTableGraphComponent(
253: QueryBuilderOperator queryBuilder,
254: Container dbTableGraphObject) {
255: this .queryBuilder = queryBuilder;
256: this .dbTableGraphObject = dbTableGraphObject;
257: structureTable = (JTable) ComponentOperator.findComponent(
258: dbTableGraphObject, new ComponentChooser() {
259: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
260: return (comp instanceof JTable ? true
261: : false);
262: }
264: public String getDescription() {
265: return "DB table component on Query Editor Graph Panel";
266: }
267: });
268: }
270: private String getDBTableName() {
271: QueryBuilderTableModel tableModel = (QueryBuilderTableModel) structureTable
272: .getModel();
273: return tableModel.getTableName();
274: }
276: public JTable getStructureTable() {
277: return structureTable;
278: }
280: private void callPopupMenu(String popupMenuItem) {
281: new ComponentOperator(dbTableGraphObject)
282: .makeComponentVisible();
283: Util.wait(1000);
284: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
286: JComponentOperator graphComponentOp = queryBuilder
287: .getGraphComponent();
288: Point pointGraphComponent = graphComponentOp
289: .getLocationOnScreen(), pointDBTableObj = dbTableGraphObject
290: .getLocationOnScreen();
291: int dx = pointDBTableObj.x - pointGraphComponent.x + 3, dy = pointDBTableObj.y
292: - pointGraphComponent.y - 3;
294: graphComponentOp.clickForPopup(dx, dy);
295: Util.wait(1000);
296: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
298: new JPopupMenuOperator().pushMenuNoBlock(popupMenuItem);
299: Util.wait(1000);
300: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
301: }
303: @Override
304: public String toString() {
305: return getDBTableName();
306: }
308: @Override
309: public boolean equals(Object obj) {
310: if (obj == null)
311: return false;
312: if (obj instanceof String)
313: return (getDBTableName().equals(obj.toString()));
315: if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
316: return false;
318: DBTableGraphComponent other = (DBTableGraphComponent) obj;
319: return (getDBTableName().equals(other.getDBTableName()));
320: }
322: @Override
323: public int hashCode() {
324: return getDBTableName().hashCode();
325: }
327: private static java.util.List<DBTableGraphComponent> getDBTableGraphComponentList(
328: QueryBuilderOperator queryBuilder) {
329: java.util.List<DBTableGraphComponent> componentList = new ArrayList<DBTableGraphComponent>();
330: Container container = (Container) queryBuilder
331: .getGraphComponent().getSource();
332: Component[] components = container.getComponents();
333: for (Component component : components) {
334: if (component.getClass().getName().endsWith(
335: "QBNodeComponent")) {
336: componentList.add(new DBTableGraphComponent(
337: queryBuilder, (Container) component));
338: }
339: }
340: return componentList;
341: }
343: private static DBTableGraphComponent findDBTable(
344: QueryBuilderOperator queryBuilder, String dbTableName) {
345: return findDBTable(
346: getDBTableGraphComponentList(queryBuilder),
347: dbTableName);
348: }
350: private static DBTableGraphComponent findDBTable(
351: java.util.List<DBTableGraphComponent> dbTableList,
352: String dbTableName) {
353: for (DBTableGraphComponent dbTable : dbTableList) {
354: if (dbTable.equals(dbTableName))
355: return dbTable;
356: }
357: return null;
358: }
359: }
361: //========================================================================//
363: public JTableOperator getStructureTableOfDBTableOnGraphPanel(
364: String dbTableName) {
365: DBTableGraphComponent graphComponent = DBTableGraphComponent
366: .findDBTable(this , dbTableName);
367: if (graphComponent == null)
368: return null;
369: return (new JTableOperator(graphComponent.getStructureTable()));
370: }
372: public boolean isDBTableOpenedOnGraphPanel(String dbTableName) {
373: return (DBTableGraphComponent.findDBTable(this , dbTableName) != null);
374: }
376: /**
377: * Adds a database table into a query.
378: * @param dbTableName name of a database table
379: */
380: public void addTable(String dbTableName) {
381: DBTableGraphComponent dbTable = DBTableGraphComponent
382: .findDBTable(this , dbTableName);
383: if (dbTable != null)
384: return; // DB table is already opened in Graph Pane of Query Editor
386: JComponentOperator jCompOp = getGraphComponent();
387: Util.wait(1000);
388: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
390: //pushPopup(getBundleString("Add_Table"));
391: jCompOp.clickForPopup(2, 2);
392: Util.wait(1000);
393: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
395: new JPopupMenuOperator()
396: .pushMenuNoBlock(POPUP_MENU_ITEM_ADD_TABLE);
397: Util.wait(1000);
398: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
400: //JDialogOperator addTableDialog = new JDialogOperator(getBundleString("Add_Table_Title"));
401: JDialogOperator addTableDialog = new JDialogOperator(
403: Util.wait(1000);
404: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
406: new JListOperator(addTableDialog).selectItem(dbTableName);
407: Util.wait(1000);
408: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
410: new JButtonOperator(addTableDialog, "OK").pushNoBlock();
411: Util.wait(1000);
412: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
413: }
415: /**
416: * Removes a database table from a query.
417: * @param dbTableName name of a database table
418: */
419: public void removeTable(String dbTableName) {
420: DBTableGraphComponent dbTable = DBTableGraphComponent
421: .findDBTable(this , dbTableName);
422: dbTable.callPopupMenu(POPUP_MENU_ITEM_REMOVE_FROM_QUERY);
423: Util.wait(1000);
424: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
425: }
427: /**
428: * Updates text of a query.
429: * @param newQuery text of query
430: */
431: public void retypeQuery(String newQuery) {
432: // this.getQueryTextComponent().clearText();
433: // Util.wait(500);
434: // this.getQueryTextComponent().typeText(newQuery);
435: this .getQueryTextComponent().setText(newQuery);
436: Util.wait(1500);
437: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
438: }
440: /**
441: * Changes text of a query.
442: * @param substring a part of query text, which should be changed
443: * @param newSubstring new text, which will replace a part of query text
444: */
445: public void changeQuery(String substring, String newSubstring) {
446: getQueryTextComponent().selectText(substring);
447: getQueryTextComponent().replaceSelection(newSubstring);
448: }
450: /**
451: * Performs a query.
452: * @return object JTableOperator
453: */
454: public JTableOperator runQuery() {
455: getQueryTextComponent().clickForPopup(2, 2);
456: Util.wait(1000);
457: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
459: new JPopupMenuOperator()
460: .pushMenuNoBlock(POPUP_MENU_ITEM_RUN_QUERY);
461: Util.wait(1000);
462: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
463: return (getResultTable());
464: }
466: /**
467: * Parses a query.
468: */
469: public void parseQuery() {
470: getQueryTextComponent().clickForPopup(2, 2);
471: Util.wait(1000);
472: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
474: new JPopupMenuOperator()
476: Util.wait(1000);
477: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
478: }
480: /**
481: * Invokes a dialog "Add query criteria".
482: * @param column a name of a required column
483: * @return an object AddQueryCriteriaOperator
484: */
485: public AddQueryCriteriaOperator invokeAddCriteria(String column) {
486: return invokeAddCriteria(getInputTable().findCellRow(column));
487: }
489: /**
490: * Invokes a dialog "Add query criteria".
491: * @param column a number of a required column
492: * @return an object AddQueryCriteriaOperator
493: */
494: public AddQueryCriteriaOperator invokeAddCriteria(int column) {
495: JTableOperator inputTable = getInputTable();
496: //Point p = inputTable.getPointToClick(column, inputTable.findColumn(getBundleString("CRITERIA")));
497: //Point p = inputTable.getPointToClick(column, inputTable.findColumn(CRITERIA));
498: Point p = inputTable.getPointToClick(column, inputTable
499: .findColumn(COLUMN));
500: Util.wait(500);
501: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
503: inputTable.clickForPopup(p.x, p.y);
504: JPopupMenuOperator popup = new JPopupMenuOperator();
505: Util.wait(500);
506: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
508: //popup.pushMenuNoBlock(getBundleString("ADD_QUERY_CRITERIA"));
509: popup.pushMenuNoBlock(ADD_QUERY_CRITERIA);
510: Util.wait(500);
511: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
513: return new AddQueryCriteriaOperator();
514: }
516: /**
517: * Adds query criteria to a column of a database table.
518: * @param column a name of a required column
519: * @param value text of criteria value
520: * @param operatorValue string with a comparison operator or a statement,
521: * which is used in criteria (for example, "=")
522: */
523: public void addSimpleCriteria(String column, String value,
524: String operatorValue) {
525: // invoke add query criteria dialog
526: AddQueryCriteriaOperator dialog = invokeAddCriteria(column);
528: if (operatorValue != null)
529: dialog.cboCompareType().selectItem(operatorValue);
531: dialog.txtValue().setText(value);
532: Util.wait(1000);
533: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
535: dialog.btOK().pushNoBlock();
536: Util.wait(1000);
537: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
538: }
540: /**
541: * Adds a new parameter to a query criteria.
542: * @param column a name of a required column
543: */
544: public void addParamCriteria(String column) {
545: AddQueryCriteriaOperator dialog = invokeAddCriteria(column);
547: dialog.rbtParameter().setSelected(true);
548: Util.wait(1000);
549: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
551: dialog.btOK().pushNoBlock();
552: Util.wait(1500);
553: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
554: }
556: /**
557: * Adds a new parameter to a query criteria.
558: * @param column a number of a required column
559: */
560: public void addParamCriteria(int column) {
561: AddQueryCriteriaOperator dialog = invokeAddCriteria(column);
563: dialog.rbtParameter().setSelected(true);
564: Util.wait(1000);
565: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
567: dialog.btOK().pushNoBlock();
568: Util.wait(1500);
569: new QueueTool().waitEmpty();
570: }
572: /**
573: * Selects "graphical join" of database tables (an arrow between 2 tables)
574: * on graphical diagram.
575: * @param table1 the 1st database table
576: * @param table2 the 2nd database table
577: * @deprecated Uses old graph library
578: */
579: public void selectJoin(String table1, String table2) {
580: QueryBuilderGraphFrame gframe = (QueryBuilderGraphFrame) getGraphFrame()
581: .getSource();
583: QueryBuilderInternalFrame fr1 = (QueryBuilderInternalFrame) getTableFrame(
584: table1).getSource();
585: QueryBuilderInternalFrame fr2 = (QueryBuilderInternalFrame) getTableFrame(
586: table2).getSource();
587: /* TODO: jgraph remnoed
588: DefaultGraphCell cell1 = fr1.getGraphCell();
589: DefaultGraphCell cell2 = fr2.getGraphCell();
591: for(int i=0;i<gframe.getGraph().getModel().getRootCount();i++) {
592: Object o = gframe.getGraph().getModel().getRootAt(i);
594: if(gframe.getGraph().getModel().isEdge(o)) {
596: DefaultEdge e = (DefaultEdge) o;
598: DefaultPort sourcePort = (DefaultPort)e.getSource();
599: DefaultPort targetPort = (DefaultPort)e.getTarget();
601: DefaultGraphCell sourceCell = (DefaultGraphCell) sourcePort.getParent();
602: DefaultGraphCell targetCell = (DefaultGraphCell) targetPort.getParent();
604: if(sourceCell == cell2 && targetCell == cell1 ||
605: sourceCell == cell1 && targetCell == cell2) {
606: Rectangle rect = gframe.getGraph().getCellBounds(o);
607: ComponentOperator desktop = ComponentOperator.createOperator(gframe.getGraph());
608: desktop.clickMouse((int) rect.getCenterX(), (int) rect.getCenterY(), 1);
609: Util.wait(2000);
610: break;
611: }
612: }
614: }
615: */
616: }
618: /**
619: * Find Container consist Table with given tableName
620: */
621: private Container findTableFrame(String tableName) {
622: java.awt.Container container = new JTableOperator(this ,
623: new QueryBuilderTableChooser(tableName)).getParent();
624: while (!(container instanceof QBNodeComponent)) {
625: container = container.getParent();
626: System.out.println("TRACE: findTableFrame: "
627: + container.getClass().getName());
628: }
629: return container;
630: }
632: /**
633: * This internal class handles a frame with a "graphical table"
634: * on graphical diagram.
635: */
636: public class TableFrameOperator extends
637: /*JComponentOperator*/ContainerOperator {
638: JTableOperator table = null;
639: String tableName;
641: /**
642: * Creates new instance of this class.
643: * @param tableName a name of database table
644: */
645: public TableFrameOperator(String tableName) {
646: super (findTableFrame(tableName));
647: //super(QueryBuilderOperator.this, new TableFrameChooser(tableName));
648: this .tableName = tableName;
649: //super(QueryBuilderOperator.this, tableName);
650: }
652: /*
653: public TableFrameOperator(ContainerOperator cont) {
654: super(cont, new TableFrameChooser());
655: }
656: */
658: public String getTitle() {
659: return tableName;
660: }
662: public ContainerOperator getTitleOperator() {
663: Container cont = this .getTable().getParent();
664: cont = cont.getParent();
665: //cont = cont.getParent();
666: return new ContainerOperator(cont);
667: }
669: /**
670: * Returns an object JTableOperator, related to a database table,
671: * included into graphical frame.
672: * @return an object JTableOperator
673: */
674: public JTableOperator getTable() {
675: if (table == null) {
676: table = new JTableOperator(this ,
677: new QueryBuilderTableChooser());
678: this .getQueueTool().waitEmpty(100);
679: }
680: return (table);
681: }
683: /**
684: * Reversible selection changing of a single field of "graphical table".
685: * @param fieldName a name of table field
686: */
687: public void changeFieldSelection(String fieldName) {
688: System.out.println(fieldName);
689: System.out.println(getTable().findCell(fieldName, 0));
690: int row = getTable().findCell(fieldName, 0).y;
691: if (row == -1) {
692: throw (new JemmyException("Can not find \"" + fieldName
693: + "\" in \"\" table"));
694: }
695: getTable().clickOnCell(row, 0);
696: }
698: /**
699: * Chooser for Table in Graph View Frame
700: *
701: */
702: public class QueryBuilderTableChooser implements
703: ComponentChooser {
705: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
706: boolean res = comp instanceof QueryBuilderTable;
707: if (res) {
708: String firstValue = ((QueryBuilderTable) comp)
709: .getValueAt(0, 2).toString();
710: String secondValue = ((QueryBuilderTable) comp)
711: .getValueAt(1, 2).toString();
712: //System.out.println("TRACE: QueryBuilderTableChooser: firstValue = "+
713: // ((QueryBuilderTable)comp).getValueAt(0, 2));
714: //System.out.println("TRACE: QueryBuilderTableChooser: secondValue = " +secondValue);
715: boolean firstFound = false;
716: boolean secondFound = false;
717: JTableOperator inputTable = QueryBuilderOperator.this
718: .getInputTable();
719: int rowCout = inputTable.getRowCount();
720: for (int i = 0; i < rowCout; i++) {
721: if ((inputTable.getValueAt(i, 0).toString()
722: .equals(firstValue))
723: && (inputTable
724: .getValueAt(i, 2)
725: .toString()
726: .indexOf(
727: TableFrameOperator.this .tableName) != -1)) {
728: firstFound = true;
729: break;
730: }
731: }
732: for (int i = 0; i < rowCout; i++) {
733: if ((inputTable.getValueAt(i, 0).toString()
734: .equals(secondValue))
735: && (inputTable
736: .getValueAt(i, 2)
737: .toString()
738: .indexOf(
739: TableFrameOperator.this .tableName) != -1)) {
740: secondFound = true;
741: break;
742: }
743: }
744: return firstFound && secondFound;
745: }
746: return false;
747: }
749: public String getDescription() {
750: return "Chooser for QueryBuilderTable";
751: }
753: }
754: }
756: public class QueryBuilderTableChooser implements ComponentChooser {
757: String tableName;
759: public QueryBuilderTableChooser(String tableName) {
760: this .tableName = tableName;
761: }
763: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
764: boolean res = comp instanceof QueryBuilderTable;
765: if (res) {
766: String firstValue = ((QueryBuilderTable) comp)
767: .getValueAt(0, 2).toString();
768: String secondValue = ((QueryBuilderTable) comp)
769: .getValueAt(1, 2).toString();
770: //System.out.println("TRACE: QueryBuilderTableChooser: firstValue = "+
771: // ((QueryBuilderTable)comp).getValueAt(0, 2));
772: //System.out.println("TRACE: QueryBuilderTableChooser: secondValue = " +secondValue);
773: boolean firstFound = false;
774: boolean secondFound = false;
775: JTableOperator inputTable = QueryBuilderOperator.this
776: .getInputTable();
777: int rowCout = inputTable.getRowCount();
778: for (int i = 0; i < rowCout; i++) {
779: if ((inputTable.getValueAt(i, 0).toString()
780: .equals(firstValue))
781: && (inputTable.getValueAt(i, 2).toString()
782: .indexOf(tableName) != -1)) {
783: firstFound = true;
784: break;
785: }
786: }
787: for (int i = 0; i < rowCout; i++) {
788: if ((inputTable.getValueAt(i, 0).toString()
789: .equals(secondValue))
790: && (inputTable.getValueAt(i, 2).toString()
791: .indexOf(tableName) != -1)) {
792: secondFound = true;
793: break;
794: }
795: }
796: return firstFound && secondFound;
797: }
798: return false;
799: }
801: public String getDescription() {
802: return "Chooser for QueryBuilderTable";
803: }
805: }
807: /**
808: * TableFrameChooser
809: * @deprecated TODO: Need to choose correct table name
810: */
811: public class TableFrameChooser implements ComponentChooser {
812: String tableName;
814: public TableFrameChooser(String tableName) {
815: this .tableName = tableName;
816: }
818: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
819: if (comp instanceof QueryBuilderPane) {
820: return true;
821: }
822: return false;
823: }
825: public String getDescription() {
826: return "TableFrameChooser";
827: }
829: }
831: /**
832: *
833: *
834: */
835: public class QueryBuilderPaneOperator extends ContainerOperator {
836: public QueryBuilderPaneOperator() {
837: super (QueryBuilderOperator.this ,
838: new QueryBuilderPaneChooser());
839: }
840: }
842: public class QueryBuilderPaneChooser implements ComponentChooser {
843: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
844: return comp instanceof QueryBuilderPane;
845: }
847: public String getDescription() {
848: return "QueryBuilderPane Component";
849: }
850: }
852: /**
853: * @deprecated
854: */
855: public class QueryBuilderGraphFrameOperator extends
856: ContainerOperator {
857: public QueryBuilderGraphFrameOperator() {
858: super (QueryBuilderOperator.this ,
859: new QueryBuilderGraphFrameChooser());
860: }
861: }
863: /**
864: *
865: */
866: public class QueryBuilderGraphFrameChooser implements
867: ComponentChooser {
868: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
869: return (comp instanceof QueryBuilderGraphFrame);
870: }
872: public String getDescription() {
873: return (QueryBuilderGraphFrame.class.getName());
874: }
875: }
877: public class InputTableOperator extends JTableOperator {
878: public InputTableOperator() {
879: super (QueryBuilderOperator.this , new Operator.Finder(
880: QueryBuilderInputTable.class));
881: }
883: }
885: /**
886: * Looking for QueryBuilderInputTable by searching its instances and choosing one
887: * which contains tableName Tabke
888: */
889: public static class QueryBuilderInputTableChooser implements
890: ComponentChooser {
891: String tableName;
893: /**
894: *
895: * @param tableName Name of the Table in QueryBuilderInputTable
896: */
897: public QueryBuilderInputTableChooser(String tableName) {
898: this .tableName = tableName;
899: }
901: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
902: if (comp instanceof QueryBuilderInputTable) {
903: JTableOperator table = new JTableOperator(
904: (QueryBuilderInputTable) comp);
905: //System.out.println("TRACE: QueryBuilderInputTableChooser table = "+ table.getValueAt(0, 2).toString());
906: if (table.getValueAt(0, 2).toString()
907: .indexOf(tableName) != -1)
908: return true;
909: }
910: return false;
911: }
913: public String getDescription() {
914: return "QueryInputTable with name: " + tableName;
915: }
917: }
919: /**
920: * TODO: Doesn't work properly, not used anymore
921: * @deprecated
922: */
923: public static class QueryBuilderChooser implements ComponentChooser {
924: private String tabId = null;
926: public QueryBuilderChooser() {
927: }
929: public QueryBuilderChooser(String _tabId) {
930: tabId = _tabId;
931: }
933: public boolean checkComponent(Component comp) {
934: boolean res = comp instanceof QueryBuilder;
935: if (tabId != null && res) {
936: String name = new JTableOperator(new ContainerOperator(
937: ContainerOperator.findContainerUnder(comp)),
938: new QueryBuilderInputTableChooser(tabId))
939: .getValueAt(0, 2).toString();
940: if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(tabId)) {
941: return true;
942: }
943: return false;
944: } else {
945: return res;
946: }
947: }
949: public String getDescription() {
950: return (QueryBuilder.class.getName());
951: }
952: }
954: /**
955: * Finds in a bundle file and returns an actual text of control component.
956: * @param p_text string-key corresponding to required control component.
957: * @return actual text of control component
958: * @deprecated No Bundle present
959: */
960: public static String getBundleString(String p_text) {
961: System.out.println("Getting bundle for " + p_text);
962: try {
963: return Bundle
964: .getStringTrimmed(
965: "com.sun.rave.dataconnectivity.querybuilder.Bundle",
966: p_text);
967: } catch (JemmyException e) {
968: }
969: return null;
970: }
971: }