Method Summary |
public JButtonOperator | btBrowseFirst() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JButtonOperator
for the dialog button "<<". |
public JButtonOperator | btBrowseLast() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JButtonOperator
for the dialog button ">>". |
public JButtonOperator | btBrowseNext() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JButtonOperator
for the dialog button ">". |
public JButtonOperator | btBrowsePrevious() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JButtonOperator
for the dialog button "<". |
public JCheckBoxOperator | cbEnable() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JCheckBoxOperator
for the dialog check-box "Enable". |
public JCheckBoxOperator | cbFirst() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JCheckBoxOperator
for the dialog check-box "First". |
public JCheckBoxOperator | cbLast() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JCheckBoxOperator
for the dialog check-box "Last". |
public JCheckBoxOperator | cbNext() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JCheckBoxOperator
for the dialog check-box "Next". |
public JCheckBoxOperator | cbPrevious() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JCheckBoxOperator
for the dialog check-box "Previous". |
public JComboBoxOperator | cboAlignment() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JComboBoxOperator
for the dialog drop-down list "Alignment". |
public JComboBoxOperator | cboComponentType() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JComboBoxOperator
for the dialog drop-down list "Component Type". |
public JComboBoxOperator | cboNavigation() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JComboBoxOperator
for the dialog drop-down list "Navigation". |
public JComboBoxOperator | cboPosition() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JComboBoxOperator
for the dialog drop-down list "Position". |
public JComboBoxOperator | cboSource() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JComboBoxOperator
for the dialog drop-down list "Source". |
public static String | getBundleString(String p_text) Finds in a bundle file and returns an actual text of control component.
Parameters: p_text - string-key corresponding to required control component. |
public static BHTableLayoutOperator | invoke(JPopupMenuOperator menu) Creates and returns an instance of this class via using
the appropriate item of a poup menu. |
public void | selectColumnsTab() Select the tab "Columns" in the tabbed pane. |
public void | selectOptionsTab() Select the tab "Options" in the tabbed pane. |
public JTextFieldOperator | txtFirst() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextFieldOperator
for the dialog text field "First". |
public JTextFieldOperator | txtLast() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextFieldOperator
for the dialog text field "Last". |
public JTextFieldOperator | txtNext() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextFieldOperator
for the dialog text field "Next". |
public JTextFieldOperator | txtPageSize() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextFieldOperator
for the dialog text field "Page Size". |
public JTextFieldOperator | txtPrevious() Initializes (if necessary) and returns an object JTextFieldOperator
for the dialog text field "Previous". |
public void | verify() Initializes all necessary controls. |