| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.jsfsupport.container.RavePortletContext
RavePortletContext | public class RavePortletContext (Code) | | A design-time portlet context for web apps rendered at designtime in Creator.
Based heavily on RaveServletContext. I could not subclass RaveServletContext or
make it implement both interfaces, because various client code, such as the Braveheart
PageRenderer, checks "!(context instanceof ServletContext)" to see if it's a portlet,
so a context which implements both will confuse code using that technique.
author: Tor Norbye |
RavePortletContext | public RavePortletContext()(Code) | | Creates a new instance of RavePortletContext
getMajorVersion | public int getMajorVersion()(Code) | | |
getMinorVersion | public int getMinorVersion()(Code) | | |
getPortletContextName | public String getPortletContextName()(Code) | | |
removeAttribute | public void removeAttribute(String name)(Code) | | |