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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » web.core » org.netbeans.modules.web.project 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

0001:        /*
0003:         *
0004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005:         *
0006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011:         *
0012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
0017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021:         * your own identifying information:
0022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023:         *
0024:         * Contributor(s):
0025:         *
0026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
0028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029:         *
0030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040:         */
0042:        package org.netbeans.modules.web.project;
0044:        import;
0045:        import;
0046:        import java.util.ArrayList;
0047:        import java.util.Arrays;
0048:        import java.util.HashMap;
0049:        import java.util.Iterator;
0050:        import java.util.List;
0051:        import java.util.Map;
0052:        import java.util.Properties;
0053:        import java.util.Set;
0054:        import java.util.regex.Pattern;
0055:        import;
0056:        import;
0057:        import;
0058:        import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
0059:        import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
0060:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.EjbLocalRef;
0061:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.WebAppMetadata;
0062:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.spi.J2eeApplicationProvider;
0063:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.spi.J2eeModuleProvider;
0064:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.metadata.model.api.MetadataModelAction;
0065:        import org.netbeans.spi.project.ActionProvider;
0066:        import;
0067:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
0068:        import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
0069:        import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
0070:        import org.openide.util.Lookup;
0071:        import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
0072:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.plugins.api.*;
0073:        import org.netbeans.api.debugger.*;
0074:        import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.*;
0075:        import;
0076:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.*;
0077:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.project.ui.customizer.WebProjectProperties;
0078:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.project.ui.SetExecutionUriAction;
0079:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.project.parser.JspNameUtil;
0080:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.DDProvider;
0081:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.WebApp;
0082:        import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.Servlet;
0083:        import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
0084:        import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
0085:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.api.webmodule.WebModule;
0086:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.api.webmodule.WebProjectConstants;
0087:        import java.util.HashSet;
0088:        import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
0089:        import org.netbeans.api.fileinfo.NonRecursiveFolder;
0090:        import;
0091:        import;
0092:        import;
0093:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.api.webmodule.RequestParametersQuery;
0094:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.JspParserAPI;
0095:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.JspParserFactory;
0096:        import org.netbeans.modules.web.project.ui.ServletUriPanel;
0097:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.client.WebServicesClientSupport;
0098:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.client.WsCompileClientEditorSupport;
0099:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.webservices.WebServicesSupport;
0100:        import org.netbeans.modules.websvc.api.webservices.WsCompileEditorSupport;
0101:        import;
0102:        import;
0103:        import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
0104:        import org.openide.ErrorManager;
0105:        import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
0107:        /** Action provider of the Web project. This is the place where to do
0108:         * strange things to Web actions. E.g. compile-single.
0109:         */
0110:        class WebActionProvider implements  ActionProvider {
0112:            // property definitions
0113:            private static final String DIRECTORY_DEPLOYMENT_SUPPORTED = "directory.deployment.supported"; // NOI18N
0115:            // Definition of commands
0117:            private static final String COMMAND_COMPILE = "compile"; //NOI18N
0118:            private static final String COMMAND_VERIFY = "verify"; //NOI18N
0120:            // Commands available from Web project
0121:            private static final String[] supportedActions = { COMMAND_BUILD,
0124:                    WebProjectConstants.COMMAND_REDEPLOY, COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE,
0125:                    JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_JAVADOC, COMMAND_TEST,
0127:                    JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX, COMMAND_COMPILE,
0129:                    COMMAND_RENAME };
0131:            // Project
0132:            WebProject project;
0134:            // Ant project helper of the project
0135:            private UpdateHelper updateHelper;
0137:            /** Map from commands to ant targets */
0138:            Map/*<String,String[]>*/commands;
0140:            public WebActionProvider(WebProject project,
0141:                    UpdateHelper updateHelper) {
0143:                commands = new HashMap();
0144:                commands.put(COMMAND_BUILD, new String[] { "dist" }); // NOI18N
0145:                commands.put(COMMAND_CLEAN, new String[] { "clean" }); // NOI18N
0146:                commands.put(COMMAND_REBUILD, new String[] { "clean", "dist" }); // NOI18N
0147:                // the target name is compile-single, except for JSPs, where it is compile-single-jsp
0148:                commands.put(COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE,
0149:                        new String[] { "compile-single" }); // NOI18N
0150:                commands.put(COMMAND_RUN, new String[] { "run" }); // NOI18N
0151:                // the target name is run, except for Java files with main method, where it is run-main
0152:                commands.put(COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE, new String[] { "run" }); // NOI18N
0153:                commands.put(WebProjectConstants.COMMAND_REDEPLOY,
0154:                        new String[] { "run-deploy" }); // NOI18N
0155:                commands.put(COMMAND_DEBUG, new String[] { "debug" }); // NOI18N
0156:                // the target name is debug, except for Java files with main method, where it is debug-single-main
0157:                commands.put(COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE, new String[] { "debug" }); // NOI18N
0158:                commands.put(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_JAVADOC,
0159:                        new String[] { "javadoc" }); // NOI18N
0160:                commands.put(COMMAND_TEST, new String[] { "test" }); // NOI18N
0161:                commands.put(COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE,
0162:                        new String[] { "test-single" }); // NOI18N
0163:                commands.put(COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE,
0164:                        new String[] { "debug-test" }); // NOI18N
0165:                commands.put(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX,
0166:                        new String[] { "debug-fix" }); // NOI18N
0167:                commands.put(COMMAND_COMPILE, new String[] { "compile" }); // NOI18N
0168:                commands.put(COMMAND_VERIFY, new String[] { "verify" }); // NOI18N
0170:                this .updateHelper = updateHelper;
0171:                this .project = project;
0172:            }
0174:            private FileObject findBuildXml() {
0175:                return project.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(
0176:                        project.getBuildXmlName());
0177:            }
0179:            public String[] getSupportedActions() {
0180:                return supportedActions;
0181:            }
0183:            public void invokeAction(final String command, final Lookup context)
0184:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0185:                if (COMMAND_DELETE.equals(command)) {
0186:                    DefaultProjectOperations
0187:                            .performDefaultDeleteOperation(project);
0188:                    return;
0189:                }
0191:                if (COMMAND_COPY.equals(command)) {
0192:                    DefaultProjectOperations
0193:                            .performDefaultCopyOperation(project);
0194:                    return;
0195:                }
0197:                if (COMMAND_MOVE.equals(command)) {
0198:                    DefaultProjectOperations
0199:                            .performDefaultMoveOperation(project);
0200:                    return;
0201:                }
0203:                if (COMMAND_RENAME.equals(command)) {
0204:                    DefaultProjectOperations.performDefaultRenameOperation(
0205:                            project, null);
0206:                    return;
0207:                }
0209:                Runnable action = new Runnable() {
0210:                    public void run() {
0211:                        Properties p = new Properties();
0212:                        String[] targetNames;
0214:                        targetNames = getTargetNames(command, context, p);
0215:                        if (targetNames == null) {
0216:                            return;
0217:                        }
0218:                        if (targetNames.length == 0) {
0219:                            targetNames = null;
0220:                        }
0221:                        if (p.keySet().size() == 0) {
0222:                            p = null;
0223:                        }
0224:                        try {
0225:                            FileObject buildFo = findBuildXml();
0226:                            if (buildFo == null || !buildFo.isValid()) {
0227:                                //The build.xml was deleted after the isActionEnabled was called
0228:                                NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0229:                                        NbBundle.getMessage(
0230:                                                WebActionProvider.class,
0231:                                                "LBL_No_Build_XML_Found"),
0232:                                        NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE);
0233:                                DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd);
0234:                            } else {
0235:                                ActionUtils.runTarget(buildFo, targetNames, p);
0236:                            }
0237:                        } catch (IOException e) {
0238:                            Exceptions.printStackTrace(e);
0239:                        }
0240:                    }
0241:                };
0243:      ;
0244:            }
0246:            /**
0247:             * @return array of targets or null to stop execution; can return empty array
0248:             */
0249:            String[] getTargetNames(String command, Lookup context, Properties p)
0250:                    throws IllegalArgumentException {
0251:                String[] targetNames = (String[]) commands.get(command);
0253:                // RUN-SINGLE
0254:                if (command.equals(COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
0255:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0256:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSources(context, false);
0257:                    if (files != null) {
0258:                        targetNames = setupTestSingle(p, files);
0259:                    } else {
0260:                        if (!isSelectedServer()) {
0261:                            return null;
0262:                        }
0263:                        if (isDebugged()) {
0264:                            p.setProperty("is.debugged", "true");
0265:                        }
0266:                        // 51462 - if there's an ejb reference, but no j2ee app, run/deploy will not work
0267:                        if (isEjbRefAndNoJ2eeApp(project)) {
0268:                            NotifyDescriptor nd;
0269:                            nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(NbBundle
0270:                                    .getMessage(WebActionProvider.class,
0271:                                            "MSG_EjbRef"),
0272:                                    NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
0273:                            DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd);
0274:                            return null;
0275:                        }
0276:                        if (command
0277:                                .equals(WebProjectConstants.COMMAND_REDEPLOY)) {
0278:                            p.setProperty("forceRedeploy", "true"); //NOI18N
0279:                        } else {
0280:                            p.setProperty("forceRedeploy", "false"); //NOI18N
0281:                        }
0282:                        // run a JSP
0283:                        files = findJsps(context);
0284:                        if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
0285:                            // possibly compile the JSP, if we are not compiling all of them
0286:                            String raw = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
0287:                                    .getStandardPropertyEvaluator()
0288:                                    .getProperty(
0289:                                            WebProjectProperties.COMPILE_JSPS);
0290:                            boolean compile = decodeBoolean(raw);
0291:                            if (!compile) {
0292:                                setAllPropertiesForSingleJSPCompilation(p,
0293:                                        files);
0294:                            }
0296:                            String requestParams = RequestParametersQuery
0297:                                    .getFileAndParameters(files[0]);
0298:                            if (requestParams != null) {
0299:                                p.setProperty("client.urlPart", requestParams); //NOI18N
0300:                            } else {
0301:                                return null;
0302:                            }
0303:                        } else {
0304:                            // run HTML file
0305:                            FileObject[] htmlFiles = findHtml(context);
0306:                            if ((htmlFiles != null) && (htmlFiles.length > 0)) {
0307:                                String url = "/"
0308:                                        + FileUtil.getRelativePath(WebModule
0309:                                                .getWebModule(htmlFiles[0])
0310:                                                .getDocumentBase(),
0311:                                                htmlFiles[0]); // NOI18N
0312:                                if (url != null) {
0313:                                    url = org.openide.util.Utilities
0314:                                            .replaceString(url, " ", "%20");
0315:                                    p.setProperty("client.urlPart", url); //NOI18N
0316:                                } else {
0317:                                    return null;
0318:                                }
0319:                            } else {
0320:                                // run Java
0321:                                FileObject[] javaFiles = findJavaSources(context);
0322:                                if ((javaFiles != null)
0323:                                        && (javaFiles.length > 0)) {
0324:                                    FileObject javaFile = javaFiles[0];
0325:                                    if (!SourceUtils.getMainClasses(javaFile)
0326:                                            .isEmpty()) {
0327:                                        // run Java with Main method
0328:                                        String clazz = FileUtil
0329:                                                .getRelativePath(
0330:                                                        getRoot(
0331:                                                                project
0332:                                                                        .getSourceRoots()
0333:                                                                        .getRoots(),
0334:                                                                javaFile),
0335:                                                        javaFile);
0336:                                        p.setProperty("javac.includes", clazz); // NOI18N
0337:                                        // Convert foo/ -> foo.FooTest
0338:                                        if (clazz.endsWith(".java")) { // NOI18N
0339:                                            clazz = clazz.substring(0, clazz
0340:                                                    .length() - 5);
0341:                                        }
0342:                                        clazz = clazz.replace('/', '.');
0344:                                        p.setProperty("run.class", clazz); // NOI18N
0345:                                        targetNames = new String[] { "run-main" };
0346:                                    } else {
0347:                                        // run servlet
0348:                                        // PENDING - what about servlets with main method? servlet should take precedence
0349:                                        String executionUri = (String) javaFile
0350:                                                .getAttribute(SetExecutionUriAction.ATTR_EXECUTION_URI);
0351:                                        if (executionUri != null) {
0352:                                            p.setProperty("client.urlPart",
0353:                                                    executionUri); //NOI18N
0354:                                        } else {
0355:                                            WebModule webModule = WebModule
0356:                                                    .getWebModule(javaFile);
0357:                                            String[] urlPatterns = SetExecutionUriAction
0358:                                                    .getServletMappings(
0359:                                                            webModule, javaFile);
0360:                                            if (urlPatterns != null
0361:                                                    && urlPatterns.length > 0) {
0362:                                                ServletUriPanel uriPanel = new ServletUriPanel(
0363:                                                        urlPatterns, null, true);
0364:                                                DialogDescriptor desc = new DialogDescriptor(
0365:                                                        uriPanel,
0366:                                                        NbBundle
0367:                                                                .getMessage(
0368:                                                                        WebActionProvider.class,
0369:                                                                        "TTL_setServletExecutionUri"));
0370:                                                Object res = DialogDisplayer
0371:                                                        .getDefault().notify(
0372:                                                                desc);
0373:                                                if (res
0374:                                                        .equals(NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION)) {
0375:                                                    p
0376:                                                            .setProperty(
0377:                                                                    "client.urlPart",
0378:                                                                    uriPanel
0379:                                                                            .getServletUri()); //NOI18N
0380:                                                    try {
0381:                                                        javaFile
0382:                                                                .setAttribute(
0383:                                                                        SetExecutionUriAction.ATTR_EXECUTION_URI,
0384:                                                                        uriPanel
0385:                                                                                .getServletUri());
0386:                                                    } catch (IOException ex) {
0387:                                                    }
0388:                                                } else
0389:                                                    return null;
0390:                                            } else {
0391:                                                String mes = java.text.MessageFormat
0392:                                                        .format(
0393:                                                                NbBundle
0394:                                                                        .getMessage(
0395:                                                                                WebActionProvider.class,
0396:                                                                                "TXT_noExecutableClass"),
0397:                                                                new Object[] { javaFile
0398:                                                                        .getName() });
0399:                                                NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0400:                                                        mes,
0401:                                                        NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0402:                                                DialogDisplayer.getDefault()
0403:                                                        .notify(desc);
0404:                                                return null;
0405:                                            }
0406:                                        }
0407:                                    }
0408:                                }
0409:                            }
0410:                        }
0411:                    }
0413:                    // RUN, REDEPLOY
0414:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_RUN)
0415:                        || command.equals(WebProjectConstants.COMMAND_REDEPLOY)) {
0416:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0417:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSources(context, false);
0418:                    if (files != null) {
0419:                        targetNames = setupTestSingle(p, files);
0420:                    } else {
0421:                        if (!isSelectedServer()) {
0422:                            return null;
0423:                        }
0424:                        if (isDebugged()) {
0425:                            p.setProperty("is.debugged", "true");
0426:                        }
0427:                        // 51462 - if there's an ejb reference, but no j2ee app, run/deploy will not work
0428:                        if (isEjbRefAndNoJ2eeApp(project)) {
0429:                            NotifyDescriptor nd;
0430:                            nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(NbBundle
0431:                                    .getMessage(WebActionProvider.class,
0432:                                            "MSG_EjbRef"),
0433:                                    NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
0434:                            DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd);
0435:                            return null;
0436:                        }
0437:                        if (command
0438:                                .equals(WebProjectConstants.COMMAND_REDEPLOY)) {
0439:                            p.setProperty("forceRedeploy", "true"); //NOI18N
0440:                        } else {
0441:                            p.setProperty("forceRedeploy", "false"); //NOI18N
0442:                        }
0443:                    }
0445:                    // DEBUG-SINGLE
0446:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
0447:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0448:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSources(context, false);
0449:                    if (files != null) {
0450:                        targetNames = setupDebugTestSingle(p, files);
0451:                    } else {
0452:                        if (!isSelectedServer()) {
0453:                            return null;
0454:                        }
0455:                        if (isDebugged()) {
0456:                            p.setProperty("is.debugged", "true");
0457:                        }
0458:                        // 51462 - if there's an ejb reference, but no j2ee app, debug will not work
0459:                        if (isEjbRefAndNoJ2eeApp(project)) {
0460:                            NotifyDescriptor nd;
0461:                            nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(NbBundle
0462:                                    .getMessage(WebActionProvider.class,
0463:                                            "MSG_EjbRef"),
0464:                                    NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
0465:                            DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd);
0466:                            return null;
0467:                        }
0469:                        files = findJsps(context);
0470:                        if ((files != null) && (files.length > 0)) {
0471:                            // debug jsp
0472:                            // possibly compile the JSP, if we are not compiling all of them
0473:                            String raw = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
0474:                                    .getStandardPropertyEvaluator()
0475:                                    .getProperty(
0476:                                            WebProjectProperties.COMPILE_JSPS);
0477:                            boolean compile = decodeBoolean(raw);
0478:                            if (!compile) {
0479:                                setAllPropertiesForSingleJSPCompilation(p,
0480:                                        files);
0481:                            }
0483:                            String requestParams = RequestParametersQuery
0484:                                    .getFileAndParameters(files[0]);
0485:                            if (requestParams != null) {
0486:                                p.setProperty("client.urlPart", requestParams); //NOI18N
0487:                            } else {
0488:                                return null;
0489:                            }
0490:                        } else {
0491:                            // debug HTML file
0492:                            FileObject[] htmlFiles = findHtml(context);
0493:                            if ((htmlFiles != null) && (htmlFiles.length > 0)) {
0494:                                String url = "/"
0495:                                        + FileUtil.getRelativePath(WebModule
0496:                                                .getWebModule(htmlFiles[0])
0497:                                                .getDocumentBase(),
0498:                                                htmlFiles[0]); // NOI18N
0499:                                if (url != null) {
0500:                                    url = org.openide.util.Utilities
0501:                                            .replaceString(url, " ", "%20");
0502:                                    p.setProperty("client.urlPart", url); //NOI18N
0503:                                } else {
0504:                                    return null;
0505:                                }
0506:                            } else {
0507:                                // debug Java
0508:                                // debug servlet
0509:                                FileObject[] javaFiles = findJavaSources(context);
0510:                                if ((javaFiles != null)
0511:                                        && (javaFiles.length > 0)) {
0512:                                    FileObject javaFile = javaFiles[0];
0513:                                    if (!SourceUtils.getMainClasses(javaFile)
0514:                                            .isEmpty()) {
0515:                                        // debug Java with Main method
0516:                                        String clazz = FileUtil
0517:                                                .getRelativePath(
0518:                                                        getRoot(
0519:                                                                project
0520:                                                                        .getSourceRoots()
0521:                                                                        .getRoots(),
0522:                                                                javaFile),
0523:                                                        javaFile);
0524:                                        p.setProperty("javac.includes", clazz); // NOI18N
0525:                                        // Convert foo/ -> foo.FooTest
0526:                                        if (clazz.endsWith(".java")) { // NOI18N
0527:                                            clazz = clazz.substring(0, clazz
0528:                                                    .length() - 5);
0529:                                        }
0530:                                        clazz = clazz.replace('/', '.');
0532:                                        p.setProperty("debug.class", clazz); // NOI18N
0533:                                        targetNames = new String[] { "debug-single-main" };
0534:                                    } else {
0535:                                        // run servlet
0536:                                        // PENDING - what about servlets with main method? servlet should take precedence
0537:                                        String executionUri = (String) javaFile
0538:                                                .getAttribute(SetExecutionUriAction.ATTR_EXECUTION_URI);
0539:                                        if (executionUri != null) {
0540:                                            p.setProperty("client.urlPart",
0541:                                                    executionUri); //NOI18N
0542:                                        } else {
0543:                                            WebModule webModule = WebModule
0544:                                                    .getWebModule(javaFile);
0545:                                            String[] urlPatterns = SetExecutionUriAction
0546:                                                    .getServletMappings(
0547:                                                            webModule, javaFile);
0548:                                            if (urlPatterns != null
0549:                                                    && urlPatterns.length > 0) {
0550:                                                ServletUriPanel uriPanel = new ServletUriPanel(
0551:                                                        urlPatterns, null, true);
0552:                                                DialogDescriptor desc = new DialogDescriptor(
0553:                                                        uriPanel,
0554:                                                        NbBundle
0555:                                                                .getMessage(
0556:                                                                        WebActionProvider.class,
0557:                                                                        "TTL_setServletExecutionUri"));
0558:                                                Object res = DialogDisplayer
0559:                                                        .getDefault().notify(
0560:                                                                desc);
0561:                                                if (res
0562:                                                        .equals(NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION)) {
0563:                                                    p
0564:                                                            .setProperty(
0565:                                                                    "client.urlPart",
0566:                                                                    uriPanel
0567:                                                                            .getServletUri()); //NOI18N
0568:                                                    try {
0569:                                                        javaFile
0570:                                                                .setAttribute(
0571:                                                                        SetExecutionUriAction.ATTR_EXECUTION_URI,
0572:                                                                        uriPanel
0573:                                                                                .getServletUri());
0574:                                                    } catch (IOException ex) {
0575:                                                    }
0576:                                                } else
0577:                                                    return null;
0578:                                            } else {
0579:                                                String mes = java.text.MessageFormat
0580:                                                        .format(
0581:                                                                NbBundle
0582:                                                                        .getMessage(
0583:                                                                                WebActionProvider.class,
0584:                                                                                "TXT_missingServletMappings"),
0585:                                                                new Object[] { javaFile
0586:                                                                        .getName() });
0587:                                                NotifyDescriptor desc = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
0588:                                                        mes,
0589:                                                        NotifyDescriptor.Message.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0590:                                                DialogDisplayer.getDefault()
0591:                                                        .notify(desc);
0592:                                                return null;
0593:                                            }
0594:                                        }
0595:                                    }
0596:                                }
0597:                            }
0598:                        }
0599:                    }
0601:                    //DEBUG
0602:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG)) {
0603:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0604:                    if (!isSelectedServer()) {
0605:                        return null;
0606:                    }
0607:                    if (isDebugged()) {
0608:                        p.setProperty("is.debugged", "true");
0609:                    }
0610:                    // 51462 - if there's an ejb reference, but no j2ee app, debug will not work
0611:                    if (isEjbRefAndNoJ2eeApp(project)) {
0612:                        NotifyDescriptor nd;
0613:                        nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(NbBundle.getMessage(
0614:                                WebActionProvider.class, "MSG_EjbRef"),
0615:                                NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
0616:                        DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd);
0617:                        return null;
0618:                    }
0620:                    WebServicesClientSupport wscs = WebServicesClientSupport
0621:                            .getWebServicesClientSupport(project
0622:                                    .getProjectDirectory());
0623:                    if (wscs != null) { //project contains ws reference
0624:                        List serviceClients = wscs.getServiceClients();
0625:                        //we store all ws client names into hash set for later fast searching
0626:                        HashSet scNames = new HashSet();
0627:                        for (Iterator scIt = serviceClients.iterator(); scIt
0628:                                .hasNext();) {
0629:                            WsCompileClientEditorSupport.ServiceSettings serviceClientSettings = (WsCompileClientEditorSupport.ServiceSettings) scIt
0630:                                    .next();
0631:                            scNames.add(serviceClientSettings.getServiceName());
0632:                        }
0634:                        StringBuffer clientDCP = new StringBuffer();//additional debug.classpath
0635:                        StringBuffer clientWDD = new StringBuffer();//additional web.docbase.dir
0637:                        //we find all projects containg a web service            
0638:                        Set globalPath = GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault()
0639:                                .getSourceRoots();
0640:                        HashSet serverNames = new HashSet();
0641:                        //iteration through all source roots
0642:                        for (Iterator iter = globalPath.iterator(); iter
0643:                                .hasNext();) {
0644:                            FileObject sourceRoot = (FileObject);
0645:                            Project serverProject = FileOwnerQuery
0646:                                    .getOwner(sourceRoot);
0647:                            if (serverProject != null) {
0648:                                if (!serverNames.add(serverProject
0649:                                        .getProjectDirectory().getName())) //project was already visited
0650:                                    continue;
0651:                                WebServicesSupport wss = WebServicesSupport
0652:                                        .getWebServicesSupport(serverProject
0653:                                                .getProjectDirectory());
0654:                                if (wss != null) { //project contains ws
0655:                                    List services = wss.getServices();
0656:                                    boolean match = false;
0657:                                    for (Iterator sIt = services.iterator(); sIt
0658:                                            .hasNext();) {
0659:                                        WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings serviceSettings = (WsCompileEditorSupport.ServiceSettings) sIt
0660:                                                .next();
0661:                                        String serviceName = serviceSettings
0662:                                                .getServiceName();
0663:                                        if (scNames.contains(serviceName)) { //matching ws name found
0664:                                            match = true;
0665:                                            break; //no need to continue
0666:                                        }
0667:                                    }
0668:                                    if (match) { //matching ws name found in project
0669:                                        //we need to add project's source folders onto a debugger's search path
0670:                                        AntProjectHelper serverHelper = wss
0671:                                                .getAntProjectHelper();
0672:                                        String dcp = serverHelper
0673:                                                .getStandardPropertyEvaluator()
0674:                                                .getProperty(
0675:                                                        WebProjectProperties.DEBUG_CLASSPATH);
0676:                                        if (dcp != null) {
0677:                                            String[] pathTokens = PropertyUtils
0678:                                                    .tokenizePath(dcp);
0679:                                            for (int i = 0; i < pathTokens.length; i++) {
0680:                                                File f = new File(pathTokens[i]);
0681:                                                if (!f.isAbsolute())
0682:                                                    pathTokens[i] = serverProject
0683:                                                            .getProjectDirectory()
0684:                                                            .getPath()
0685:                                                            + "/"
0686:                                                            + pathTokens[i];
0687:                                                clientDCP.append(pathTokens[i]
0688:                                                        + ":");
0689:                                            }
0690:                                        }
0692:                                        String wdd = serverHelper
0693:                                                .getStandardPropertyEvaluator()
0694:                                                .getProperty(
0695:                                                        WebProjectProperties.WEB_DOCBASE_DIR);
0696:                                        if (wdd != null) {
0697:                                            String[] pathTokens = PropertyUtils
0698:                                                    .tokenizePath(wdd);
0699:                                            for (int i = 0; i < pathTokens.length; i++) {
0700:                                                File f = new File(pathTokens[i]);
0701:                                                if (!f.isAbsolute())
0702:                                                    pathTokens[i] = serverProject
0703:                                                            .getProjectDirectory()
0704:                                                            .getPath()
0705:                                                            + "/"
0706:                                                            + pathTokens[i];
0707:                                                clientWDD.append(pathTokens[i]
0708:                                                        + ":");
0709:                                            }
0710:                                        }
0711:                                    }
0712:                                }
0713:                            }
0714:                        }
0715:                        p.setProperty(WebProjectProperties.WS_DEBUG_CLASSPATHS,
0716:                                clientDCP.toString());
0717:                        p.setProperty(WebProjectProperties.WS_WEB_DOCBASE_DIRS,
0718:                                clientWDD.toString());
0719:                    }
0721:                } else if (command
0722:                        .equals(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX)) {
0723:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0724:                    FileObject[] files = findJavaSources(context);
0725:                    String path = null;
0726:                    final String[] classes = { "" };
0727:                    if (files != null) {
0728:                        path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(getRoot(project
0729:                                .getSourceRoots().getRoots(), files[0]),
0730:                                files[0]);
0731:                        targetNames = new String[] { "debug-fix" }; // NOI18N
0732:                        JavaSource js = JavaSource.forFileObject(files[0]);
0733:                        if (js != null) {
0734:                            try {
0735:                                js
0736:                                        .runUserActionTask(
0737:                                                new<CompilationController>() {
0738:                                                    public void run(
0739:                                                            CompilationController ci)
0740:                                                            throws Exception {
0741:                                                        if (ci
0742:                                                                .toPhase(
0743:                                                                        JavaSource.Phase.ELEMENTS_RESOLVED)
0744:                                                                .compareTo(
0745:                                                                        JavaSource.Phase.ELEMENTS_RESOLVED) < 0) {
0746:                                                            ErrorManager
0747:                                                                    .getDefault()
0748:                                                                    .log(
0749:                                                                            ErrorManager.WARNING,
0750:                                                                            "Unable to resolve "
0751:                                                                                    + ci
0752:                                                                                            .getFileObject()
0753:                                                                                    + " to phase "
0754:                                                                                    + JavaSource.Phase.RESOLVED
0755:                                                                                    + ", current phase = "
0756:                                                                                    + ci
0757:                                                                                            .getPhase()
0758:                                                                                    + "\nDiagnostics = "
0759:                                                                                    + ci
0760:                                                                                            .getDiagnostics()
0761:                                                                                    + "\nFree memory = "
0762:                                                                                    + Runtime
0763:                                                                                            .getRuntime()
0764:                                                                                            .freeMemory());
0765:                                                            return;
0766:                                                        }
0767:                                                        List<? extends TypeElement> types = ci
0768:                                                                .getTopLevelElements();
0769:                                                        if (types.size() > 0) {
0770:                                                            for (TypeElement type : types) {
0771:                                                                if (classes[0]
0772:                                                                        .length() > 0) {
0773:                                                                    classes[0] = classes[0]
0774:                                                                            + " "; // NOI18N
0775:                                                                }
0776:                                                                classes[0] = classes[0]
0777:                                                                        + type
0778:                                                                                .getQualifiedName()
0779:                                                                                .toString()
0780:                                                                                .replace(
0781:                                                                                        '.',
0782:                                                                                        '/')
0783:                                                                        + "*.class"; // NOI18N
0784:                                                            }
0785:                                                        }
0786:                                                    }
0787:                                                }, true);
0788:                            } catch ( ioex) {
0789:                                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ioex);
0790:                            }
0791:                        }
0792:                    } else {
0793:                        return null;
0794:                    }
0795:                    // Convert foo/ -> foo/FooTest
0796:                    if (path.endsWith(".java")) { // NOI18N
0797:                        path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
0798:                    }
0799:                    p.setProperty("fix.includes", path); // NOI18N
0800:                    p.setProperty("fix.classes", classes[0]); // NOI18N
0802:                    //COMPILATION PART
0803:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
0804:                    FileObject[] sourceRoots = project.getSourceRoots()
0805:                            .getRoots();
0806:                    FileObject[] files = findJavaSourcesAndPackages(context,
0807:                            sourceRoots);
0808:                    boolean recursive = (context
0809:                            .lookup(NonRecursiveFolder.class) == null);
0810:                    if (files != null) {
0811:                        p.setProperty("javac.includes", ActionUtils
0812:                                .antIncludesList(files, getRoot(sourceRoots,
0813:                                        files[0]), recursive)); // NOI18N
0814:                    } else {
0815:                        FileObject[] testRoots = project.getTestSourceRoots()
0816:                                .getRoots();
0817:                        files = findJavaSourcesAndPackages(context, testRoots);
0818:                        if (files != null) {
0819:                            p.setProperty("javac.includes", ActionUtils
0820:                                    .antIncludesList(files, getRoot(testRoots,
0821:                                            files[0]), recursive)); // NOI18N
0822:                            targetNames = new String[] { "compile-test-single" }; // NOI18N
0823:                        } else {
0824:                            files = findJsps(context);
0825:                            if (files != null) {
0826:                                for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
0827:                                    FileObject jsp = files[i];
0828:                                    if (areIncludesModified(jsp)) {
0829:                                        invalidateClassFile(project, jsp);
0830:                                    }
0831:                                }
0832:                                setAllPropertiesForSingleJSPCompilation(p,
0833:                                        files);
0834:                                targetNames = new String[] { "compile-single-jsp" };
0835:                            } else {
0836:                                return null;
0837:                            }
0838:                        }
0839:                    }
0841:                    //TEST PART
0842:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE)) {
0843:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0844:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
0845:                    targetNames = setupTestSingle(p, files);
0846:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE)) {
0847:                    setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(p);
0848:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
0849:                    targetNames = setupDebugTestSingle(p, files);
0850:                } else {
0851:                    if (targetNames == null) {
0852:                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(command);
0853:                    }
0854:                }
0855:                return targetNames;
0856:            }
0858:            private String[] setupTestSingle(Properties p, FileObject[] files) {
0859:                FileObject[] testSrcPath = project.getTestSourceRoots()
0860:                        .getRoots();
0861:                FileObject root = getRoot(testSrcPath, files[0]);
0862:                p.setProperty("test.includes", ActionUtils.antIncludesList(
0863:                        files, root)); // NOI18N
0864:                p.setProperty("javac.includes", ActionUtils.antIncludesList(
0865:                        files, root)); // NOI18N
0866:                return new String[] { "test-single" }; // NOI18N
0867:            }
0869:            private String[] setupDebugTestSingle(Properties p,
0870:                    FileObject[] files) {
0871:                FileObject[] testSrcPath = project.getTestSourceRoots()
0872:                        .getRoots();
0873:                FileObject root = getRoot(testSrcPath, files[0]);
0874:                String path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(root, files[0]);
0875:                // Convert foo/ -> foo.FooTest
0876:                p.setProperty("test.class", path
0877:                        .substring(0, path.length() - 5).replace('/', '.')); // NOI18N
0878:                return new String[] { "debug-test" }; // NOI18N
0879:            }
0881:            /* Deletes translated class/java file to force recompilation of the page with all includes
0882:             */
0883:            public void invalidateClassFile(WebProject wp, FileObject jsp) {
0884:                String dir = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
0885:                        .getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperty(
0886:                                WebProjectProperties.BUILD_GENERATED_DIR);
0887:                if (dir == null) {
0888:                    return;
0889:                }
0890:                dir = dir + "/src"; //NOI18N
0891:                WebModule wm = WebModule.getWebModule(jsp);
0892:                if (wm == null) {
0893:                    return;
0894:                }
0895:                String name = JspNameUtil.getServletName(wm.getDocumentBase(),
0896:                        jsp);
0897:                if (name == null) {
0898:                    return;
0899:                }
0900:                String filePath = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'))
0901:                        .replace('.', '/');
0903:                String fileClass = dir + '/' + filePath + ".class"; //NOI18N
0904:                String fileJava = dir + '/' + filePath + ".java"; //NOI18N
0906:                FileObject fC = FileUtil.toFileObject(updateHelper
0907:                        .getAntProjectHelper().resolveFile(fileClass));
0908:                FileObject fJ = FileUtil.toFileObject(updateHelper
0909:                        .getAntProjectHelper().resolveFile(fileJava));
0910:                try {
0911:                    if ((fJ != null) && (fJ.isValid())) {
0912:                        fJ.delete();
0913:                    }
0914:                    if ((fC != null) && (fC.isValid())) {
0915:                        fC.delete();
0916:                    }
0917:                } catch (IOException e) {
0918:                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(e);
0919:                }
0920:            }
0922:            /* checks if timestamp of any of the included pages is higher than the top page
0923:             */
0924:            public boolean areIncludesModified(FileObject jsp) {
0925:                boolean modified = false;
0926:                WebModule wm = WebModule.getWebModule(jsp);
0927:                JspParserAPI jspParser = JspParserFactory.getJspParser();
0928:                JspParserAPI.ParseResult result = jspParser.analyzePage(jsp,
0929:                        wm, JspParserAPI.ERROR_IGNORE);
0930:                if (!result.isParsingSuccess()) {
0931:                    modified = true;
0932:                } else {
0933:                    List includes = result.getPageInfo().getDependants();
0934:                    if ((includes != null) && (includes.size() > 0)) {
0935:                        long jspTS = jsp.lastModified().getTime();
0936:                        int size = includes.size();
0937:                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
0938:                            String filename = (String) includes.get(i);
0939:                            filename = FileUtil.toFile(wm.getDocumentBase())
0940:                                    .getPath()
0941:                                    + filename;
0942:                            File f = new File(filename);
0943:                            long incTS = f.lastModified();
0944:                            if (incTS > jspTS) {
0945:                                modified = true;
0946:                                break;
0947:                            }
0948:                        }
0949:                    }
0950:                }
0951:                return modified;
0952:            }
0954:            // PENDING - should not this be in some kind of an API?
0955:            private boolean decodeBoolean(String raw) {
0956:                if (raw != null) {
0957:                    String lowecaseRaw = raw.toLowerCase();
0959:                    if (lowecaseRaw.equals("true") || // NOI18N
0960:                            lowecaseRaw.equals("yes") || // NOI18N
0961:                            lowecaseRaw.equals("enabled")) // NOI18N
0962:                        return true;
0963:                }
0965:                return false;
0966:            }
0968:            private void setAllPropertiesForSingleJSPCompilation(Properties p,
0969:                    FileObject[] files) {
0970:                p
0971:                        .setProperty("jsp.includes",
0972:                                getBuiltJspFileNamesAsPath(files)); // NOI18N
0973:                /*ActionUtils.antIncludesList(files, project.getWebModule ().getDocumentBase ())*/
0975:                p.setProperty("javac.jsp.includes",
0976:                        getCommaSeparatedGeneratedJavaFiles(files)); // NOI18N
0978:            }
0980:            public String getCommaSeparatedGeneratedJavaFiles(
0981:                    FileObject[] jspFiles) {
0982:                StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
0983:                for (int i = 0; i < jspFiles.length; i++) {
0984:                    String jspRes = getJspResource(jspFiles[i]);
0985:                    if (i > 0) {
0986:                        b.append(',');
0987:                    }
0988:                    b.append(Utils.getGeneratedJavaResource(jspRes));
0989:                }
0990:                return b.toString();
0991:            }
0993:            /** Returns a resource name for a given JSP separated by / (does not start with a /).
0994:             */
0995:            private String getJspResource(FileObject jsp) {
0996:                ProjectWebModule pwm = project.getWebModule();
0997:                FileObject webDir = pwm.getDocumentBase();
0998:                return FileUtil.getRelativePath(webDir, jsp);
0999:            }
1001:            public File getBuiltJsp(FileObject jsp) {
1002:                ProjectWebModule pwm = project.getWebModule();
1003:                FileObject webDir = pwm.getDocumentBase();
1004:                String relFile = FileUtil.getRelativePath(webDir, jsp).replace(
1005:                        '/', File.separatorChar);
1006:                File webBuildDir = pwm.getContentDirectoryAsFile();
1007:                return new File(webBuildDir, relFile);
1008:            }
1010:            public String getBuiltJspFileNamesAsPath(FileObject[] files) {
1011:                StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
1012:                for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
1013:                    String path = getBuiltJsp(files[i]).getAbsolutePath();
1014:                    if (i > 0) {
1015:                        b.append(File.pathSeparator);
1016:                    }
1017:                    b.append(path);
1018:                }
1019:                return b.toString();
1020:            }
1022:            public boolean isActionEnabled(String command, Lookup context) {
1023:                FileObject buildXml = findBuildXml();
1024:                if (buildXml == null || !buildXml.isValid()) {
1025:                    return false;
1026:                }
1027:                if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
1028:                    return findJavaSources(context) != null
1029:                            || findJsps(context) != null
1030:                            || findHtml(context) != null
1031:                            || findTestSources(context, false) != null;
1032:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
1033:                    return findJavaSourcesAndPackages(context, project
1034:                            .getSourceRoots().getRoots()) != null
1035:                            || findJavaSourcesAndPackages(context, project
1036:                                    .getTestSourceRoots().getRoots()) != null
1037:                            || findJsps(context) != null;
1038:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_VERIFY)) {
1039:                    return project.getWebModule().hasVerifierSupport();
1040:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
1041:                    // test for jsps
1042:                    FileObject files[] = findJsps(context);
1043:                    if (files != null && files.length > 0)
1044:                        return true;
1045:                    // test for html pages
1046:                    files = findHtml(context);
1047:                    if (files != null && files.length > 0)
1048:                        return true;
1049:                    // test for servlets
1050:                    FileObject[] javaFiles = findJavaSources(context);
1051:                    if (javaFiles != null && javaFiles.length > 0) {
1052:                        if (javaFiles[0]
1053:                                .getAttribute(SetExecutionUriAction.ATTR_EXECUTION_URI) != null)
1054:                            return true;
1055:                        else if (Boolean.TRUE
1056:                                .equals(javaFiles[0]
1057:                                        .getAttribute("org.netbeans.modules.web.IsServletFile"))) //NOI18N
1058:                            return true;
1059:                        else if (isDDServlet(context, javaFiles[0])) {
1060:                            try {
1061:                                javaFiles[0]
1062:                                        .setAttribute(
1063:                                                "org.netbeans.modules.web.IsServletFile",
1064:                                                Boolean.TRUE); //NOI18N
1065:                            } catch (IOException ex) {
1066:                            }
1067:                            return true;
1068:                        } else
1069:                            return true; /* because of java main classes, otherwise we would return false */
1070:                    }
1071:                    javaFiles = findTestSources(context, false);
1072:                    if ((javaFiles != null) && (javaFiles.length > 0)) {
1073:                        return true;
1074:                    }
1075:                    return false;
1076:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE)) {
1077:                    return findTestSourcesForSources(context) != null;
1078:                } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE)) {
1079:                    FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
1080:                    return files != null && files.length == 1;
1081:                } else {
1082:                    // other actions are global
1083:                    return true;
1084:                }
1086:            }
1088:            // Private methods -----------------------------------------------------
1090:            private static final String SUBST = ""; // NOI18N
1092:            /*
1093:             * copied from ActionUtils and reworked so that it checks for mimeType of files, and DOES NOT include files with suffix 'suffix'
1094:             */
1095:            private static FileObject[] findSelectedFilesByMimeType(
1096:                    Lookup context, FileObject dir, String mimeType,
1097:                    String suffix, boolean strict) {
1098:                if (dir != null && !dir.isFolder()) {
1099:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a folder: " + dir); // NOI18N
1100:                }
1101:                List/*<FileObject>*/files = new ArrayList();
1102:                Iterator it = context.lookup(
1103:                        new Lookup.Template(DataObject.class)).allInstances()
1104:                        .iterator();
1105:                while (it.hasNext()) {
1106:                    DataObject d = (DataObject);
1107:                    FileObject f = d.getPrimaryFile();
1108:                    boolean matches = FileUtil.toFile(f) != null;
1109:                    if (dir != null) {
1110:                        matches &= (FileUtil.isParentOf(dir, f) || dir == f);
1111:                    }
1112:                    if (mimeType != null) {
1113:                        matches &= f.getMIMEType().equals(mimeType);
1114:                    }
1115:                    if (suffix != null) {
1116:                        matches &= !f.getNameExt().endsWith(suffix);
1117:                    }
1118:                    // Generally only files from one project will make sense.
1119:                    // Currently the action UI infrastructure (PlaceHolderAction)
1120:                    // checks for that itself. Should there be another check here?
1121:                    if (matches) {
1122:                        files.add(f);
1123:                    } else if (strict) {
1124:                        return null;
1125:                    }
1126:                }
1127:                if (files.isEmpty()) {
1128:                    return null;
1129:                }
1130:                return (FileObject[]) files
1131:                        .toArray(new FileObject[files.size()]);
1132:            }
1134:            private static final Pattern SRCDIRJAVA = Pattern
1135:                    .compile("\\.java$"); // NOI18N
1137:            /** Find selected java sources 
1138:             */
1139:            private FileObject[] findJavaSources(Lookup context) {
1140:                FileObject[] srcPath = project.getSourceRoots().getRoots();
1141:                for (int i = 0; i < srcPath.length; i++) {
1142:                    FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
1143:                            srcPath[i], ".java", true); // NOI18N
1144:                    if (files != null) {
1145:                        return files;
1146:                    }
1147:                }
1148:                return null;
1149:            }
1151:            private FileObject[] findJavaSourcesAndPackages(Lookup context,
1152:                    FileObject srcDir) {
1153:                if (srcDir != null) {
1154:                    FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
1155:                            srcDir, null, true); // NOI18N
1156:                    //Check if files are either packages of java files
1157:                    if (files != null) {
1158:                        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
1159:                            if (!files[i].isFolder()
1160:                                    && !"java".equals(files[i].getExt())) {
1161:                                return null;
1162:                            }
1163:                        }
1164:                    }
1165:                    return files;
1166:                } else {
1167:                    return null;
1168:                }
1169:            }
1171:            private FileObject[] findJavaSourcesAndPackages(Lookup context,
1172:                    FileObject[] srcRoots) {
1173:                for (int i = 0; i < srcRoots.length; i++) {
1174:                    FileObject[] result = findJavaSourcesAndPackages(context,
1175:                            srcRoots[i]);
1176:                    if (result != null) {
1177:                        return result;
1178:                    }
1179:                }
1180:                return null;
1181:            }
1183:            private FileObject[] findHtml(Lookup context) {
1184:                FileObject webDir = project.getWebModule().getDocumentBase();
1185:                FileObject[] files = null;
1186:                if (webDir != null) {
1187:                    files = findSelectedFilesByMimeType(context, webDir,
1188:                            "text/html", null, true);
1189:                }
1190:                return files;
1191:            }
1193:            /** Find selected jsps
1194:             */
1195:            private FileObject[] findJsps(Lookup context) {
1196:                FileObject webDir = project.getWebModule().getDocumentBase();
1197:                FileObject[] files = null;
1198:                if (webDir != null) {
1199:                    files = findSelectedFilesByMimeType(context, webDir,
1200:                            "text/x-jsp", ".jspf", true);
1201:                }
1202:                return files;
1203:            }
1205:            /** Find either selected tests or tests which belong to selected source files
1206:             */
1207:            private FileObject[] findTestSources(Lookup context,
1208:                    boolean checkInSrcDir) {
1209:                //XXX: Ugly, should be rewritten
1210:                FileObject[] testSrcPath = project.getTestSourceRoots()
1211:                        .getRoots();
1212:                for (int i = 0; i < testSrcPath.length; i++) {
1213:                    FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
1214:                            testSrcPath[i], ".java", true); // NOI18N
1215:                    if (files != null) {
1216:                        return files;
1217:                    }
1218:                }
1219:                if (checkInSrcDir && testSrcPath.length > 0) {
1220:                    FileObject[] files = findSources(context);
1221:                    if (files != null) {
1222:                        //Try to find the test under the test roots
1223:                        FileObject srcRoot = getRoot(project.getSourceRoots()
1224:                                .getRoots(), files[0]);
1225:                        for (int i = 0; i < testSrcPath.length; i++) {
1226:                            FileObject[] files2 = ActionUtils.regexpMapFiles(
1227:                                    files, srcRoot, SRCDIRJAVA, testSrcPath[i],
1228:                                    SUBST, true);
1229:                            if (files2 != null) {
1230:                                return files2;
1231:                            }
1232:                        }
1233:                    }
1234:                }
1235:                return null;
1236:            }
1238:            private boolean isEjbRefAndNoJ2eeApp(Project p) {
1240:                WebModule wmod = WebModule
1241:                        .getWebModule(p.getProjectDirectory());
1242:                if (wmod != null) {
1243:                    boolean hasEjbLocalRefs = false;
1244:                    try {
1245:                        wmod
1246:                                .getMetadataModel()
1247:                                .runReadAction(
1248:                                        new MetadataModelAction<WebAppMetadata, Boolean>() {
1249:                                            public Boolean run(
1250:                                                    WebAppMetadata metadata) {
1251:                                                // return true if there is an ejb reference in this module
1252:                                                EjbLocalRef[] ejbLocalRefs = metadata
1253:                                                        .getRoot()
1254:                                                        .getEjbLocalRef();
1255:                                                return ejbLocalRefs != null
1256:                                                        && ejbLocalRefs.length > 0;
1257:                                            }
1258:                                        });
1259:                    } catch (IOException e) {
1260:                        // ignore
1261:                    }
1262:                    if (hasEjbLocalRefs && !isInJ2eeApp(p)) {
1263:                        return true;
1264:                    }
1265:                }
1266:                return false;
1267:            }
1269:            private boolean isInJ2eeApp(Project p) {
1270:                Set globalPath = GlobalPathRegistry.getDefault()
1271:                        .getSourceRoots();
1272:                Iterator iter = globalPath.iterator();
1273:                while (iter.hasNext()) {
1274:                    FileObject sourceRoot = (FileObject);
1275:                    Project project = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(sourceRoot);
1276:                    if (project != null) {
1277:                        Object j2eeApplicationProvider = project.getLookup()
1278:                                .lookup(J2eeApplicationProvider.class);
1279:                        if (j2eeApplicationProvider != null) { // == it is j2ee app
1280:                            J2eeApplicationProvider j2eeApp = (J2eeApplicationProvider) j2eeApplicationProvider;
1281:                            J2eeModuleProvider[] j2eeModules = j2eeApp
1282:                                    .getChildModuleProviders();
1283:                            if ((j2eeModules != null)
1284:                                    && (j2eeModules.length > 0)) { // == there are some modules in the j2ee app
1285:                                J2eeModuleProvider affectedPrjProvider = (J2eeModuleProvider) p
1286:                                        .getLookup().lookup(
1287:                                                J2eeModuleProvider.class);
1288:                                if (affectedPrjProvider != null) {
1289:                                    if (Arrays.asList(j2eeModules).contains(
1290:                                            affectedPrjProvider)) {
1291:                                        return true;
1292:                                    }
1293:                                }
1294:                            }
1295:                        }
1296:                    }
1297:                }
1298:                return false;
1299:            }
1301:            private boolean isDebugged() {
1302:                J2eeModuleProvider jmp = (J2eeModuleProvider) project
1303:                        .getLookup().lookup(J2eeModuleProvider.class);
1304:                Session[] sessions = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager()
1305:                        .getSessions();
1306:                ServerDebugInfo sdi = null;
1308:                if (sessions != null && sessions.length > 0) {
1309:                    sdi = jmp.getServerDebugInfo();
1310:                    if (sdi == null)
1311:                        return false;
1312:                }
1314:                if (sessions != null) {
1315:                    for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
1316:                        Session s = sessions[i];
1317:                        if (s != null) {
1318:                            Object o = s.lookupFirst(null,
1319:                                    AttachingDICookie.class);
1320:                            if (o != null) {
1321:                                AttachingDICookie attCookie = (AttachingDICookie) o;
1322:                                if (sdi.getTransport().equals(
1323:                                        ServerDebugInfo.TRANSPORT_SHMEM)) {
1324:                                    String shmem = attCookie
1325:                                            .getSharedMemoryName();
1326:                                    if (shmem == null)
1327:                                        continue;
1328:                                    if (shmem.equalsIgnoreCase(sdi
1329:                                            .getShmemName()))
1330:                                        return true;
1331:                                } else {
1332:                                    String hostname = attCookie.getHostName();
1333:                                    if (hostname == null)
1334:                                        continue;
1335:                                    if (hostname
1336:                                            .equalsIgnoreCase(sdi.getHost()))
1337:                                        if (attCookie.getPortNumber() == sdi
1338:                                                .getPort())
1339:                                            return true;
1340:                                }
1341:                            }
1342:                        }
1343:                    }
1344:                }
1345:                return false;
1346:            }
1348:            private boolean isSelectedServer() {
1349:                String instance = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
1350:                        .getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperty(
1351:                                WebProjectProperties.J2EE_SERVER_INSTANCE);
1352:                if (instance != null) {
1353:                    J2eeModuleProvider jmp = (J2eeModuleProvider) project
1354:                            .getLookup().lookup(J2eeModuleProvider.class);
1355:                    String sdi = jmp.getServerInstanceID();
1356:                    if (sdi != null) {
1357:                        String id = Deployment.getDefault().getServerID(sdi);
1358:                        if (id != null) {
1359:                            return true;
1360:                        }
1361:                    }
1362:                }
1364:                // if there is some server instance of the type which was used
1365:                // previously do not ask and use it
1366:                String serverType = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
1367:                        .getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperty(
1368:                                WebProjectProperties.J2EE_SERVER_TYPE);
1369:                if (serverType != null) {
1370:                    String[] servInstIDs = Deployment.getDefault()
1371:                            .getInstancesOfServer(serverType);
1372:                    if (servInstIDs.length > 0) {
1373:                        setServerInstance(servInstIDs[0]);
1374:                        return true;
1375:                    }
1376:                }
1378:                // no selected server => warning
1379:                String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(WebActionProvider.class,
1380:                        "MSG_No_Server_Selected"); //  NOI18N
1381:                DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(
1382:                        new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg,
1383:                                NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE));
1384:                return false;
1385:            }
1387:            private void setServerInstance(String serverInstanceId) {
1388:                WebProjectProperties.setServerInstance(project, updateHelper,
1389:                        serverInstanceId);
1390:            }
1392:            private boolean isDDServlet(Lookup context, FileObject javaClass) {
1393:                //        FileObject webDir = project.getWebModule ().getDocumentBase ();
1394:                //        if (webDir==null) return false;
1395:                //        FileObject fo = webDir.getFileObject("WEB-INF/web.xml"); //NOI18N
1397:                FileObject webInfDir = project.getWebModule().getWebInf();
1398:                if (webInfDir == null)
1399:                    return false;
1400:                FileObject fo = webInfDir
1401:                        .getFileObject(ProjectWebModule.FILE_DD);
1402:                if (fo == null)
1403:                    return false;
1405:                String relPath = FileUtil.getRelativePath(getRoot(project
1406:                        .getSourceRoots().getRoots(), javaClass), javaClass);
1407:                // #117888
1408:                String className = relPath.replace('/', '.').replaceFirst(
1409:                        "\\.java$", ""); // is there a better way how to do it?
1410:                try {
1411:                    WebApp webApp = DDProvider.getDefault().getDDRoot(fo);
1412:                    Servlet servlet = (Servlet) webApp.findBeanByName(
1413:                            "Servlet", "ServletClass", className); //NOI18N
1414:                    if (servlet != null)
1415:                        return true;
1416:                    else
1417:                        return false;
1418:                } catch (IOException ex) {
1419:                    return false;
1420:                }
1421:            }
1423:            /** Find tests corresponding to selected sources.
1424:             */
1425:            private FileObject[] findTestSourcesForSources(Lookup context) {
1426:                FileObject[] sourceFiles = findSources(context);
1427:                if (sourceFiles == null) {
1428:                    return null;
1429:                }
1430:                FileObject[] testSrcPath = project.getTestSourceRoots()
1431:                        .getRoots();
1432:                if (testSrcPath.length == 0) {
1433:                    return null;
1434:                }
1435:                FileObject[] srcPath = project.getSourceRoots().getRoots();
1436:                FileObject srcDir = getRoot(srcPath, sourceFiles[0]);
1437:                for (int i = 0; i < testSrcPath.length; i++) {
1438:                    FileObject[] files2 = ActionUtils.regexpMapFiles(
1439:                            sourceFiles, srcDir, SRCDIRJAVA, testSrcPath[i],
1440:                            SUBST, true);
1441:                    if (files2 != null) {
1442:                        return files2;
1443:                    }
1444:                }
1445:                return null;
1446:            }
1448:            private FileObject getRoot(FileObject[] roots, FileObject file) {
1449:                FileObject srcDir = null;
1450:                for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
1451:                    if (FileUtil.isParentOf(roots[i], file)
1452:                            || roots[i].equals(file)) {
1453:                        srcDir = roots[i];
1454:                        break;
1455:                    }
1456:                }
1457:                return srcDir;
1458:            }
1460:            /** Find selected sources, the sources has to be under single source root,
1461:             *  @param context the lookup in which files should be found
1462:             */
1463:            private FileObject[] findSources(Lookup context) {
1464:                FileObject[] srcPath = project.getSourceRoots().getRoots();
1465:                for (int i = 0; i < srcPath.length; i++) {
1466:                    FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
1467:                            srcPath[i], ".java", true); // NOI18N
1468:                    if (files != null) {
1469:                        return files;
1470:                    }
1471:                }
1472:                return null;
1473:            }
1475:            private void setDirectoryDeploymentProperty(Properties p) {
1476:                String instance = updateHelper.getAntProjectHelper()
1477:                        .getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperty(
1478:                                WebProjectProperties.J2EE_SERVER_INSTANCE);
1479:                if (instance != null) {
1480:                    J2eeModuleProvider jmp = project.getLookup().lookup(
1481:                            J2eeModuleProvider.class);
1482:                    String sdi = jmp.getServerInstanceID();
1483:                    J2eeModule mod = jmp.getJ2eeModule();
1484:                    if (sdi != null && mod != null) {
1485:                        boolean cFD = Deployment.getDefault().canFileDeploy(
1486:                                instance, mod);
1487:                        p.setProperty(DIRECTORY_DEPLOYMENT_SUPPORTED, "" + cFD); // NOI18N
1488:                    }
1489:                }
1490:            }
1491:        } | Contact Us
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