The format of the ConnectionURL is as follows:
ConnectionURL := url[,url]*
url := protocol://server:host/service[?options]
protocol := mq, mqtcp, mqssl, http, https
service := jms, ssljms, connectRoot/tunnel
options := key=value[&key=value]*
Parameters: toAddTo - properties to be added to. throws: ValidationException - if the URL validation failed. See Also:
Constructs a comma delimited string of schema://host:port/admin or schema://host:port/ssladmin
String throws: ValidationException - if the URL validation failed.
Checks the validity of the URL; adjusts the port number if necessary
throws: ValidationException - if the URL validation failed. boolean true if the url specified url object was changed by thisvalidation
Fields inherited from org.netbeans.modules.wsdlextensions.jms.validator.ConnectionUrl