| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.xsl.wizard.XSLWizardIterator
XSLWizardIterator | public class XSLWizardIterator extends Object implements TemplateWizard.Iterator(Code) | | Sample schema wizard iterator. See layer.xml for template declaration.
author: Samaresh (Samaresh.Panda@Sun.Com) |
panels | protected transient WizardDescriptor.Panel[] panels(Code) | | |
createPanels | protected WizardDescriptor.Panel[] createPanels(Project project, TemplateWizard wizard)(Code) | | You should define what panels you want to use here:
current | public WizardDescriptor.Panel current()(Code) | | Returns the current panel.
fireStateChanged | public void fireStateChanged()(Code) | | |
hasNext | public boolean hasNext()(Code) | | |
hasPrevious | public boolean hasPrevious()(Code) | | |
initialize | public void initialize(TemplateWizard wizard)(Code) | | Initialization of the wizard iterator.
instantiate | public Set instantiate(TemplateWizard wizard) throws IOException(Code) | | This is where, the schema gets instantiated from the template.
nextPanel | public void nextPanel()(Code) | | |
previousPanel | public void previousPanel()(Code) | | |
uninitialize | public void uninitialize(TemplateWizard wiz)(Code) | | Cleanup.