This package is a system to allow the invocation and control of
a new Java virtual machine. The two JVMs can communicate by using
To simply invoke a new JVM with no communications links, use the class
{@link edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.ExecJVM}. The rest of this page
explains how to use this framework to create a new JVM and set up
bidirectional communications using RMI. This system runs a second JVM
using the same classpath as the current JVM (by invoking {@link
- Create a remote interface that the master JVM will support,
extending {@link edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.MasterRemote}. This
interface must specify of the methods that the slave JVM can call
on the master JVM. All methods in this interface must be declared
to throw {@link java.rmi.RemoteException.}
- Create a remote interface that the slave JVM will support,
extending {@link edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.SlaveRemote}. This
interface must specify of the methods that the master JVM can call
on the slave JVM. All methods in this interface must be declared
to throw {@link java.rmi.RemoteException.}
- Create the master JVM implementation, which must extend {@link
edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.AbstractMasterJVM} and implement
YourMasterInterface. Note that the
super() call must
pass to AbstractMasterJVM the fully-qualified class name of the
slave JVM implementation.
- Create the slave JVM implementation, which must implement
YourSlaveInterface. Don't forget to implement {@link
edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.SlaveRemote#quit()}, which is called when
the main JVM requests the slave to quit, and {@link
which is called when the slave JVM is started.
Now you can create an instance of your master JVM class and use its
{@link edu.rice.cs.util.newjvm.AbstractMasterJVM#invokeSlave()} method
to start the slave JVM.