Method Summary |
protected ConcreteOpenDefDoc | _createOpenDefinitionsDocument(NullFile f) |
protected ConcreteOpenDefDoc | _createOpenDefinitionsDocument(File f) Creates a ConcreteOpenDefDoc for an existing file f. |
protected void | _docAppend(ConsoleDocument doc, String s, String style) Appends a string to the given document using a particular attribute set. |
protected OpenDefinitionsDocument | _getOpenDocument(File file) Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocument corresponding to the given File, or null if that file is not open. |
public ProjectProfile | _makeProjectProfile(File file, Hashtable<OpenDefinitionsDocument, DocumentInfoGetter> info) Writes the project profile augmented by usage info to specified file. |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | _openFile(File file) Creates a document from a file. |
public void | aboutToSaveFromSaveAll(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) If the document is untitled, brings it to the top so that the
user will know which is being saved. |
public void | addAuxiliaryFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Adds a document to the list of auxiliary files. |
protected void | addDocToClassPath(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Add a document to the classpath for the slave JVM. |
protected void | addDocToNavigator(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Creates an iNavigatorItem for a document, and adds it to the navigator. |
public void | addListener(GlobalModelListener listener) Add a listener to this global model. |
public void | addToBrowserHistory() Add the current location to the browser history. |
public void | cleanBuildDirectory() |
public void | clearHistory() |
public boolean | closeAllFiles() Attempts to close all open documents. |
public boolean | closeAllFilesOnQuit() Closes all open documents. |
public boolean | closeFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Closes an open definitions document, prompting to save if the document has been changed. |
protected boolean | closeFileHelper(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Helper for closeFile. |
public boolean | closeFileWithoutPrompt(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Closes an open definitions document, without prompting to save if the document has been changed. |
public boolean | closeFiles(List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> docs) This function closes a group of files assuming that the files are contiguous in the enumeration
provided by the document navigator. |
public void | closeProject(boolean suppressReset) Performs any needed operations on the model after project files have been closed. |
public void | configNewProject() Configures a new project (created by createNewProject) and writes it to disk; only runs in event thread. |
public RegionManager<MovingDocumentRegion> | createFindResultsManager() new manager for find result regions. |
public void | createNewProject(File projFile) Creates a new FileGroupingState for specificed project file and default values for other properties. |
public void | dispose() Prepares this model to be thrown away. |
public void | disposeExternalResources() Disposes of external resources. |
public void | disposeFindResultsManager(RegionManager<MovingDocumentRegion> rm) Dispose a manager for find result regions. |
public File | findFileInPaths(String fileName, Iterable<File> paths) Searches for a file with the given name on the provided paths. |
public String | fixPathForNavigator(String path) |
public void | forceQuit() Halts the program immediately. |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | getActiveDocument() Returns the currently active document. |
public String | getAuxiliaryBinTitle() Gives the title of the aux files bin for the navigator. |
public List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getAuxiliaryDocuments() Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocuments that are identified as auxiliary project source files. |
public RegionManager<DocumentRegion> | getBookmarkManager() manager for bookmark regions. |
public RegionManager<Breakpoint> | getBreakpointManager() manager for breakpoint regions. |
public RegionManager<DocumentRegion> | getBrowserHistoryManager() manager for browser history regions. |
public File | getBuildDirectory() the build directory for the project (assuming one exists). |
public List<File> | getClassFiles() |
public Iterable<File> | getClassPath() |
public CompilerModel | getCompilerModel() |
public ConsoleDocument | getConsoleDocument() |
public File | getCreateJarFile() Return the create jar file for the project. |
public int | getCreateJarFlags() Return the create jar flags for the project. |
public int | getDebugPort() |
public Debugger | getDebugger() |
public Container | getDocCollectionWidget() |
public DocumentCache | getDocumentCache() This method is for use only by test cases. |
public int | getDocumentCount() |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | getDocumentForFile(File file) Gets the document for the specified file; may involve opening the file. |
public DocumentIterator | getDocumentIterator() Gets a DocumentIterator to allow navigating through open Swing Documents. |
public IDocumentNavigator<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getDocumentNavigator() |
public DefinitionsEditorKit | getEditorKit() |
public String | getExternalBinTitle() |
public Iterable<File> | getExtraClassPath() |
public List<RegionManager<MovingDocumentRegion>> | getFindResultsManagers() manager for find result regions. |
public String | getHistoryAsString() |
public String | getHistoryAsStringWithSemicolons() Returns the entire history as a String with semicolons as needed. |
public Iterable<File> | getInteractionsClassPath() |
public InteractionsDocument | getInteractionsDocument() |
public DefaultInteractionsModel | getInteractionsModel() |
public JUnitModel | getJUnitModel() |
public JavadocModel | getJavadocModel() |
public File | getMainClass() the class with the project's main method. |
public File | getMasterWorkingDirectory() the working directory for the Master JVM (editor and GUI). |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | getNextDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument d) Returns the ODD preceding the given document in the document list. |
public List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getNonProjectDocuments() Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocuments that are NOT identified as project source files. |
public int | getNumCompErrors() |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | getODDForDocument(AbstractDocumentInterface doc) Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocument corresponding to the INavigatorItem/DefinitionsDocument passed in. |
public List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getOpenDefinitionsDocuments() Returns a new collection of all documents currently open for editing. |
public int | getOpenDefinitionsDocumentsSize() |
protected static String | getPackageName(String classname) |
public PageFormat | getPageFormat() |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | getPrevDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument d) Returns the ODD preceding the given document in the document list. |
public List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getProjectDocuments() Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocuments that are identified as project source files. |
public File | getProjectFile() the file that points to the current project file. |
public File[] | getProjectFiles() |
public File | getProjectRoot() the root of the project sourc tree (assuming one exists). |
public List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> | getSortedOpenDefinitionsDocuments() |
public String | getSourceBinTitle() Gives the title of the source bin for the navigator. |
public File | getSourceFile(String fileName) Searches for a file with the given name on the current source roots and the augmented classpath. |
public Iterable<File> | getSourceRootSet() Gets an array of all sourceRoots for the open definitions documents, without duplicates. |
public InteractionsDJDocument | getSwingConsoleDocument() |
public InteractionsDJDocument | getSwingInteractionsDocument() |
public File | getWorkingDirectory() |
public boolean | hasModifiedDocuments() Checks if any open definitions documents have been modified since last being saved. |
public boolean | hasModifiedDocuments(List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> lod) Checks if any given documents have been modified since last being saved. |
public boolean | hasOutOfSyncDocuments() true if all open documents are in sync with their primary class files. |
public boolean | hasOutOfSyncDocuments(List<OpenDefinitionsDocument> lod) |
public boolean | hasUntitledDocuments() Checks if any open definitions documents are untitled. |
public boolean | inProject(File f) true the given file is in the current project file. |
public boolean | inProjectPath(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) A file is in the project if the source root is the same as the
project root. |
public void | installActiveDocument() Invokes the activeDocumentChanged method in the global listener on the argument _activeDocument. |
public void | interpretCurrentInteraction() |
public boolean | isAlreadyOpen(File file) Iterates over OpenDefinitionsDocuments, looking for this file. |
public boolean | isClassPathChanged() true if the class path state has been changed. |
public boolean | isProjectActive() true if the model has a project open, false otherwise. |
public boolean | isProjectChanged() true if the project state has been changed. |
public static boolean | isUntitled(File f) |
public void | loadHistory(FileOpenSelector selector) |
public InteractionsScriptModel | loadHistoryAsScript(FileOpenSelector selector) |
protected FileGroupingState | makeFlatFileGroupingState() |
protected FileGroupingState | makeProjectFileGroupingState(File pr, File main, File bd, File wd, File project, File[] srcFiles, File[] auxFiles, Iterable<File> cp, File cjf, int cjflags) |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | newFile(File parentDir) Creates a new open definitions document and adds it to the list. |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | newFile() Creates a new document, adds it to the list of open documents, and sets it to be active. |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | newTestCase(String name, boolean makeSetUp, boolean makeTearDown) Creates a new junit test case. |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument | openFile(FileOpenSelector com) Open a file and add it to the pool of definitions documents. |
protected OpenDefinitionsDocument | openFileHelper(FileOpenSelector com) |
public OpenDefinitionsDocument[] | openFiles(FileOpenSelector com) Open multiple files and add them to the pool of definitions documents. |
protected OpenDefinitionsDocument[] | openFilesHelper(FileOpenSelector com) |
public void | openFolder(File dir, boolean rec) Opens all files in the specified folder dir and places them in the appropriate places in the document navigator. |
public void | openProject(File projectFile) Parses the given project file and loads it int the document navigator and resets interactions pane. |
protected static T | pop(ArrayList<T> stack) This pop method enables an ArrayList to serve as stack. |
public void | printDebugMessage(String s) |
public void | quit() Exits the program. |
public void | refreshActiveDocument() Invokes the activedocumentRefreshed method in the global listener on the argument _activeDocument. |
public void | reloadProject(File file, Hashtable<OpenDefinitionsDocument, DocumentInfoGetter> info) |
public void | removeAuxiliaryFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Removes a document from the list of auxiliary files. |
public void | removeListener(GlobalModelListener listener) Remove a listener from this global model. |
public void | resetConsole() Resets the console. |
public void | resetInteractions(File wd) A degenerate operation since this has no slave JVM and no interactions model. |
public void | resetInteractions(File wd, boolean forceReset) A degenerate operation since this has no slave JVM and no interactions model. |
public void | saveAllFiles(FileSaveSelector com) Saves all open files, prompting for names if necessary. |
protected void | saveAllFilesHelper(FileSaveSelector com) |
public void | saveHistory(FileSaveSelector selector) |
public void | saveHistory(FileSaveSelector selector, String editedVersion) |
public void | saveProject(File file, Hashtable<OpenDefinitionsDocument, DocumentInfoGetter> info) Writes the project profile augmented by usage info to specified file. |
public void | setActiveDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Sets the currently active document by updating the selection model. |
public void | setActiveFirstDocument() Sets the first document in the navigator as active. |
public void | setActiveNextDocument() Sets the active document to be the next one in the collection. |
public void | setActivePreviousDocument() Sets the active document to be the previous one in the collection. |
public void | setBuildDirectory(File f) Sets the class with the project's main method. |
public void | setClassPathChanged(boolean changed) Updates the classpath state. |
public void | setCreateJarFile(File f) Sets the create jar file of the project. |
public void | setCreateJarFlags(int f) Sets the create jar flags of the project. |
void | setDefinitionsIndent(int indent) Set the indent tab size for all definitions documents. |
public void | setDocumentNavigator(IDocumentNavigator<OpenDefinitionsDocument> newnav) |
public void | setExtraClassPath(Iterable<File> cp) Sets the set of classpath entries to use as the projects set of classpath entries. |
public void | setFileGroupingState(FileGroupingState state) Parameters: state - the new file grouping state. |
public void | setMainClass(File f) Sets the class with the project's main method. |
public void | setNumCompErrors(int num) |
public void | setPageFormat(PageFormat format) |
public void | setProjectChanged(boolean changed) Notifies the project state that the project has been changed. |
public void | setProjectFile(File f) Sets project file to specifed value; used in "Save Project As ..." command in MainFrame. |
public void | setProjectRoot(File f) Sets the class with the project's main method. |
public void | setWorkingDirectory(File f) Sets the working directory for the project; ignored in flat file model. |
public void | systemErrPrint(String s) Prints System.err to the DrJava console. |
public void | systemInEcho(String s) |
public void | systemOutPrint(String s) Prints System.out to the DrJava console. |
public void | waitForInterpreter() |