Method Summary |
public void | activeDocumentChanged(OpenDefinitionsDocument active) Called when the selection in the navigator changes the active document. |
public void | activeDocumentRefreshed(OpenDefinitionsDocument active) Called when the active document is refreshed. |
public boolean | canAbandonFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to abandon the current document. |
public void | classFileError(ClassFileError e) Called when trying to test an illegal class file. |
public void | compileBeforeJUnit(CompilerListener cl) Called before attempting unit testing if tested class files are out of sync, to give the user a chance to save. |
public void | compileEnded(File workDir, List<? extends File> excludedFiles) Called when a compile has finished running. |
public void | compileStarted() Called after a compile is started by the GlobalModel. |
public void | consoleReset() Called when the console window is reset. |
public void | currentDirectoryChanged(File dir) Called when the selection in the navigator changes the current directory without changing the active document. |
public void | documentNotFound(OpenDefinitionsDocument d, File f) |
public void | executeAsyncTask(AsyncTask<P, R> task, P param, boolean showProgress, boolean lockUI) |
public void | fileClosed(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called after a document is closed. |
public void | fileOpened(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called after a file is opened and read into the current document. |
public void | filePathContainsPound() Notifies the view that the current file path contains a #. |
public void | fileReverted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called after a document is reverted. |
public void | fileSaved(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called after the current document is saved. |
public void | filesNotFound(File... f) |
public void | focusOnDefinitionsPane() Called to shift the focus to the Definitions Pane. |
public void | focusOnLastFocusOwner() Called to shift the focus to the last focus owner among the main frame panes. |
public void | handleAlreadyOpenDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Performs any UI related steps to handle the case in which a file is being opened that
is already open and modified. |
public void | interactionEnded() Called when an interaction has finished running. |
public void | interactionErrorOccurred(int offset, int length) Called when the interactions window generates a syntax error. |
public void | interactionIncomplete() Notifies the view that the current interaction is incomplete. |
public void | interactionStarted() Called after an interaction is started by the GlobalModel. |
public void | interpreterChanged(boolean inProgress) Called when the active interpreter is changed.
Parameters: inProgress - Whether the new interpreter is processing an interaction (i.e,. |
public void | interpreterExited(int status) Called when the interactions JVM was closed by System.exit or by being aborted. |
public void | interpreterReady(File wd) Called when the interactions window is reset. |
public void | interpreterResetFailed(Throwable t) Called if the interpreter reset failed. |
public void | interpreterResetting() Called when the interactionsJVM has begun resetting. |
public void | javadocEnded(boolean success, File destDir, boolean allDocs) Called after Javadoc is finished. |
public void | javadocStarted() Called after Javadoc is started by the GlobalModel. |
public void | junitClassesStarted() Called when testing specific list of classes. |
public void | junitEnded() Called after JUnit is finished running tests. |
public void | junitStarted() Called after JUnit is started by the GlobalModel. |
public void | junitSuiteStarted(int numTests) Called to indicate that a suite of tests has started running. |
public void | junitTestEnded(String name, boolean wasSuccessful, boolean causedError) Called when a particular test has ended. |
public void | junitTestStarted(String name) Called when a particular test is started. |
public void | newFileCreated(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called after a new document is created. |
public void | nonTestCase(boolean isTestAll) Called when trying to test a non-TestCase class. |
public void | notifyListeners(Notifier n) Lets the listeners know some event has taken place. |
public boolean | pollListeners(Poller p) Allows the GlobalModel to ask its listeners a yes/no question and receive a response. |
public void | projectBuildDirChanged() |
public void | projectClosed() |
public void | projectModified() |
public void | projectOpened(File pfile, FileOpenSelector files) |
public void | projectRunnableChanged() |
public void | projectWorkDirChanged() |
public boolean | quitFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called to ask the listeners save the file before quitting at the user's option. |
public void | runStarted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called when a file's main method is about to be run. |
public void | saveBeforeCompile() Called to demand that all files be saved before compiling. |
public void | saveBeforeJavadoc() Called before attempting Javadoc, to give the user a chance to save. |
public void | saveUntitled() Called to demand that the active document, which is untitled, is saved before compiling. |
public boolean | shouldRevertFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to revert the current document to the version saved on disk. |
public void | slaveJVMUsed() |
public void | undoableEditHappened() Called when an undoable edit occurs. |