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public class GlobalEventNotifier extends EventNotifier implements GlobalModelListener,Serializable(Code)
Keeps track of all listeners to the model, and has the ability to notify them of some event.

This class has a specific role of managing GlobalModelListeners. Other classes with similar names use similar code to perform the same function for other interfaces, e.g. InteractionsEventNotifier and JavadocEventNotifier. These classes implement the appropriate interface definition so that they can be used transparently as composite packaging for a particular listener interface.

Components which might otherwise manage their own list of listeners use EventNotifiers instead to simplify their internal implementation. Notifiers should therefore be considered a private implementation detail of the components, and should not be used directly outside of the "host" component.

TODO: remove direct references to GlobalEventNotifier outside of DefaultGlobalModel TODO: remove public modifier from this class when above has happened All methods in this class must use the synchronization methods provided by ReaderWriterLock. This ensures that multiple notifications (reads) can occur simultaneously, but only one thread can be adding or removing listeners (writing) at a time, and no reads can occur during a write.

No methods on this class should be synchronized using traditional Java synchronization!

   $Id: 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $

Inner Class :abstract public static class Notifier
Inner Class :abstract public static class Poller

Method Summary
public  voidactiveDocumentChanged(OpenDefinitionsDocument active)
     Called when the selection in the navigator changes the active document.
public  voidactiveDocumentRefreshed(OpenDefinitionsDocument active)
     Called when the active document is refreshed.
public  booleancanAbandonFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to abandon the current document.
public  voidclassFileError(ClassFileError e)
     Called when trying to test an illegal class file.
public  voidcompileBeforeJUnit(CompilerListener cl)
     Called before attempting unit testing if tested class files are out of sync, to give the user a chance to save.
public  voidcompileEnded(File workDir, List<? extends File> excludedFiles)
     Called when a compile has finished running.
public  voidcompileStarted()
     Called after a compile is started by the GlobalModel.
public  voidconsoleReset()
     Called when the console window is reset.
public  voidcurrentDirectoryChanged(File dir)
     Called when the selection in the navigator changes the current directory without changing the active document.
public  voiddocumentNotFound(OpenDefinitionsDocument d, File f)
public  voidexecuteAsyncTask(AsyncTask<P, R> task, P param, boolean showProgress, boolean lockUI)
public  voidfileClosed(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called after a document is closed.
public  voidfileOpened(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called after a file is opened and read into the current document.
public  voidfilePathContainsPound()
     Notifies the view that the current file path contains a #.
public  voidfileReverted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called after a document is reverted.
public  voidfileSaved(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called after the current document is saved.
public  voidfilesNotFound(File... f)
public  voidfocusOnDefinitionsPane()
     Called to shift the focus to the Definitions Pane.
public  voidfocusOnLastFocusOwner()
     Called to shift the focus to the last focus owner among the main frame panes.
public  voidhandleAlreadyOpenDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Performs any UI related steps to handle the case in which a file is being opened that is already open and modified.
public  voidinteractionEnded()
     Called when an interaction has finished running.
public  voidinteractionErrorOccurred(int offset, int length)
     Called when the interactions window generates a syntax error.
public  voidinteractionIncomplete()
     Notifies the view that the current interaction is incomplete.
public  voidinteractionStarted()
     Called after an interaction is started by the GlobalModel.
public  voidinterpreterChanged(boolean inProgress)
     Called when the active interpreter is changed.
  inProgress - Whether the new interpreter is processing an interaction (i.e,.
public  voidinterpreterExited(int status)
     Called when the interactions JVM was closed by System.exit or by being aborted.
public  voidinterpreterReady(File wd)
     Called when the interactions window is reset.
public  voidinterpreterResetFailed(Throwable t)
     Called if the interpreter reset failed.
public  voidinterpreterResetting()
     Called when the interactionsJVM has begun resetting.
public  voidjavadocEnded(boolean success, File destDir, boolean allDocs)
     Called after Javadoc is finished.
public  voidjavadocStarted()
     Called after Javadoc is started by the GlobalModel.
public  voidjunitClassesStarted()
     Called when testing specific list of classes.
public  voidjunitEnded()
     Called after JUnit is finished running tests.
public  voidjunitStarted()
     Called after JUnit is started by the GlobalModel.
public  voidjunitSuiteStarted(int numTests)
     Called to indicate that a suite of tests has started running.
public  voidjunitTestEnded(String name, boolean wasSuccessful, boolean causedError)
     Called when a particular test has ended.
public  voidjunitTestStarted(String name)
     Called when a particular test is started.
public  voidnewFileCreated(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called after a new document is created.
public  voidnonTestCase(boolean isTestAll)
     Called when trying to test a non-TestCase class.
public  voidnotifyListeners(Notifier n)
     Lets the listeners know some event has taken place.
public  booleanpollListeners(Poller p)
     Allows the GlobalModel to ask its listeners a yes/no question and receive a response.
public  voidprojectBuildDirChanged()
public  voidprojectClosed()
public  voidprojectModified()
public  voidprojectOpened(File pfile, FileOpenSelector files)
public  voidprojectRunnableChanged()
public  voidprojectWorkDirChanged()
public  booleanquitFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called to ask the listeners save the file before quitting at the user's option.
public  voidrunStarted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called when a file's main method is about to be run.
public  voidsaveBeforeCompile()
     Called to demand that all files be saved before compiling.
public  voidsaveBeforeJavadoc()
     Called before attempting Javadoc, to give the user a chance to save.
public  voidsaveUntitled()
     Called to demand that the active document, which is untitled, is saved before compiling.
public  booleanshouldRevertFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)
     Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to revert the current document to the version saved on disk.
public  voidslaveJVMUsed()
public  voidundoableEditHappened()
     Called when an undoable edit occurs.

Method Detail
public void activeDocumentChanged(OpenDefinitionsDocument active)(Code)
Called when the selection in the navigator changes the active document.

public void activeDocumentRefreshed(OpenDefinitionsDocument active)(Code)
Called when the active document is refreshed.

public boolean canAbandonFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to abandon the current document.

public void classFileError(ClassFileError e)(Code)
Called when trying to test an illegal class file.
  e - the ClassFileError thrown when DrJava attempted to load the offending file

public void compileBeforeJUnit(CompilerListener cl)(Code)
Called before attempting unit testing if tested class files are out of sync, to give the user a chance to save. Do not continue with JUnit if the user doesn't recompile!

public void compileEnded(File workDir, List<? extends File> excludedFiles)(Code)
Called when a compile has finished running.

public void compileStarted()(Code)
Called after a compile is started by the GlobalModel.

public void consoleReset()(Code)
Called when the console window is reset.

public void currentDirectoryChanged(File dir)(Code)
Called when the selection in the navigator changes the current directory without changing the active document.

public void documentNotFound(OpenDefinitionsDocument d, File f)(Code)

public void executeAsyncTask(AsyncTask<P, R> task, P param, boolean showProgress, boolean lockUI)(Code)

public void fileClosed(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called after a document is closed.

public void fileOpened(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called after a file is opened and read into the current document.

public void filePathContainsPound()(Code)
Notifies the view that the current file path contains a #.

public void fileReverted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called after a document is reverted.

public void fileSaved(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called after the current document is saved.

public void filesNotFound(File... f)(Code)

public void focusOnDefinitionsPane()(Code)
Called to shift the focus to the Definitions Pane.

public void focusOnLastFocusOwner()(Code)
Called to shift the focus to the last focus owner among the main frame panes.

public void handleAlreadyOpenDocument(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Performs any UI related steps to handle the case in which a file is being opened that is already open and modified. The two choices are to revert to the copy on disk, or to keep the current changes.
  doc - true if the user wishes to revert the document, false to ignore

public void interactionEnded()(Code)
Called when an interaction has finished running.

public void interactionErrorOccurred(int offset, int length)(Code)
Called when the interactions window generates a syntax error.
  offset - the error's offset into the InteractionsDocument.
  length - the length of the error.

public void interactionIncomplete()(Code)
Notifies the view that the current interaction is incomplete.

public void interactionStarted()(Code)
Called after an interaction is started by the GlobalModel.

public void interpreterChanged(boolean inProgress)(Code)
Called when the active interpreter is changed.
  inProgress - Whether the new interpreter is processing an interaction (i.e,. whether an interactionEndedevent will be fired)

public void interpreterExited(int status)(Code)
Called when the interactions JVM was closed by System.exit or by being aborted. Immediately after this the interactions will be reset.
  status - the exit code

public void interpreterReady(File wd)(Code)
Called when the interactions window is reset.

public void interpreterResetFailed(Throwable t)(Code)
Called if the interpreter reset failed.
  t - Throwable explaining why the reset failed.(Subclasses must maintain listeners.)

public void interpreterResetting()(Code)
Called when the interactionsJVM has begun resetting.

public void javadocEnded(boolean success, File destDir, boolean allDocs)(Code)
Called after Javadoc is finished.
  success - whether the Javadoc operation generated proper output
  destDir - if (success) the location where the output was generated, otherwise undefined (possibly null)
  allDocs - Whether Javadoc was run for all open documents

public void javadocStarted()(Code)
Called after Javadoc is started by the GlobalModel.

public void junitClassesStarted()(Code)
Called when testing specific list of classes.

public void junitEnded()(Code)
Called after JUnit is finished running tests.

public void junitStarted()(Code)
Called after JUnit is started by the GlobalModel.

public void junitSuiteStarted(int numTests)(Code)
Called to indicate that a suite of tests has started running.
  numTests - The number of tests in the suite to be run.

public void junitTestEnded(String name, boolean wasSuccessful, boolean causedError)(Code)
Called when a particular test has ended.
  name - the name of the test that has ended
  wasSuccessful - whether the test passed or not
  causedError - if not successful, whether the test caused an error or simply failed

public void junitTestStarted(String name)(Code)
Called when a particular test is started.
  name - The name of the test being started.

public void newFileCreated(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called after a new document is created.

public void nonTestCase(boolean isTestAll)(Code)
Called when trying to test a non-TestCase class.
  isTestAll - whether or not it was a use of the test all button

public void notifyListeners(Notifier n)(Code)
Lets the listeners know some event has taken place.
  n - tells the listener what happened.

public boolean pollListeners(Poller p)(Code)
Allows the GlobalModel to ask its listeners a yes/no question and receive a response.
  p - the question being asked of the listeners the listeners' responses ANDed together, true if they allagree, false if some disagree

public void projectBuildDirChanged()(Code)

public void projectClosed()(Code)

public void projectModified()(Code)

public void projectOpened(File pfile, FileOpenSelector files)(Code)

public void projectRunnableChanged()(Code)

public void projectWorkDirChanged()(Code)

public boolean quitFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called to ask the listeners save the file before quitting at the user's option. true if quitting should continue, false if the user cancelled

public void runStarted(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called when a file's main method is about to be run.

public void saveBeforeCompile()(Code)
Called to demand that all files be saved before compiling. It is up to the caller of this method to check if the documents have been saved, using IGetDocuments.hasModifiedDocuments().

public void saveBeforeJavadoc()(Code)
Called before attempting Javadoc, to give the user a chance to save. Do not continue with Javadoc if the user doesn't save!

public void saveUntitled()(Code)
Called to demand that the active document, which is untitled, is saved before compiling.

public boolean shouldRevertFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)
Called to ask the listeners if it is OK to revert the current document to the version saved on disk.

public void slaveJVMUsed()(Code)

public void undoableEditHappened()(Code)
Called when an undoable edit occurs. | Contact Us
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