edu.rice.cs.drjava.model .MultiThreadedTestCase edu.rice.cs.drjava.model .GlobalModelTestCase edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.debug .DebugTestCase All known Subclasses: edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.repl .JavaDebugInterpreterTest , edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.debug.jpda .JPDADebugTestCase ,DebugTestCase abstract public class DebugTestCase extends GlobalModelTestCase (Code) This class contains the basic fields and methods that are necessary for any test file that needs to use the
version: $Id: 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $
Inner Class :protected class DebugTestListener implements DebugListener
Inner Class :protected class DebugStartAndStopListener extends DebugTestListener
Inner Class :protected class BreakpointTestListener extends DebugStartAndStopListener
Inner Class :protected class StepTestListener extends BreakpointTestListener
Inner Class :protected class InterpretListener extends TestListener
CLASS_WITH_STATIC_FIELD final protected static String CLASS_WITH_STATIC_FIELD (Code)
MONKEY_CLASS final protected static String MONKEY_CLASS (Code)
MONKEY_STATIC_STUFF final protected static String MONKEY_STATIC_STUFF (Code)
MONKEY_WITH_INNER_CLASS final protected static String MONKEY_WITH_INNER_CLASS (Code)
SUSPEND_CLASS final protected static String SUSPEND_CLASS (Code)
THREAD_DEATH_CLASS final protected static String THREAD_DEATH_CLASS (Code)
_pendingNotifies protected volatile int _pendingNotifies(Code)
_asyncDoSetCurrentThread protected void _asyncDoSetCurrentThread(DebugThreadData th)(Code) Sets the current thread in a new thread to avoid being notified of events before we start waiting for them.
_asyncResume protected void _asyncResume()(Code) Resumes the debugger asynchronously so as to aovid
getting notified before we start waiting for notifies
_asyncStep protected void _asyncStep(Debugger.StepType type)(Code) Resumes the debugger asynchronously so as to avoid getting notified before we start waiting for notifies.
_notifyLock protected void _notifyLock()(Code) Notifies _notifierLock if the after the notify count has expired. See _setPendingNotifies.
_setPendingNotifies protected void _setPendingNotifies(int n) throws InterruptedException (Code) Ensures that the given object will wait for n notifications. Callers must call o.wait() AFTER this is
called. Use _notifyLock instead of o.notify() when using this method. Only one object (o) can use this
synchronization protocol at a time, since it uses a field to store the number of pending notifications.
Parameters: n - The number of times to be "notified" through _notifyLock
_shutdownAndWaitForInteractionEnded protected void _shutdownAndWaitForInteractionEnded() throws Exception (Code) Cleanly shuts down the debugger, waiting for a suspended interaction to complete.
_shutdownWithoutSuspendedInteraction protected void _shutdownWithoutSuspendedInteraction() throws Exception (Code) Cleanly shuts down the debugger, without having to wait for a suspended interaction to complete.
_startupDebugger protected OpenDefinitionsDocument _startupDebugger(String fileName, String classText) throws Exception (Code) Cleanly starts the debugger with a newly compiled file saved in a temporary directory. Assumes that the
file will compile successfully.
Parameters: fileName - Name of the file to save in a temp directoryParameters: classText - String containing the code for the class to compile OpenDefinitionsDocument containing the compiled source file
_startupDebugger protected OpenDefinitionsDocument _startupDebugger(File file, String classText) throws Exception (Code) Cleanly starts the debugger with a newly compiled file saved in a temporary directory. Assumes that the
file will compile successfully.
Parameters: file - File to save the class inParameters: classText - String containing the code for the class to compile OpenDefinitionsDocument containing the compiled source file
setUp public void setUp() throws Exception (Code) Sets up the debugger for each test.
tearDown public void tearDown() throws Exception (Code) Cleans up the debugger after each test.
Methods inherited from edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.GlobalModelTestCase protected void assertCompileErrorsPresent(boolean b)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertCompileErrorsPresent(String name, boolean b)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertContents(String s, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) throws BadLocationException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsContains(String text) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsDoesNotContain(String text) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsDoesNotMatch(String regex) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsMatches(String regex) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertLength(int len, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertModified(boolean b, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void assertNumOpenDocs(int num)(Code) (Java Doc) protected void changeDocumentText(String s, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) throws BadLocationException (Code) (Java Doc) protected File classForJava(File sourceFile, String className)(Code) (Java Doc) protected File createFile(String name)(Code) (Java Doc) protected synchronized OpenDefinitionsDocument doCompile(String text, File file) throws IOException , BadLocationException , InterruptedException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void doCompile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, File file) throws IOException , InterruptedException (Code) (Java Doc) protected String getCompilerErrorString()(Code) (Java Doc) protected String getInteractionsText() throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected String interpret(String input) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) protected void interpretIgnoreResult(String input) throws EditDocumentException (Code) (Java Doc) public void setUp() throws Exception (Code) (Java Doc) protected OpenDefinitionsDocument setupDocument(String text) throws BadLocationException (Code) (Java Doc) public void tearDown() throws Exception (Code) (Java Doc) protected File tempDirectory() throws IOException (Code) (Java Doc) protected File tempFile() throws IOException (Code) (Java Doc) protected File tempFile(int i) throws IOException (Code) (Java Doc) protected File writeToNewTempFile(String text) throws IOException (Code) (Java Doc)
Fields inherited from edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.MultiThreadedTestCase protected static volatile boolean _testFailed(Code) (Java Doc)