Indents the current line in the document to the indent level of the
start of the statement previous to the one the cursor is currently on,
plus the given suffix string.
version: $Id: 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $
public ActionStartPrevStmtPlus(String suffix, boolean colonIsDelim)(Code)
Constructs a new rule with the given suffix string.
Parameters: suffix - String to append to indent level of brace Parameters: colonIsDelim - whether to include colons as statement delimiters
Properly indents the line that the caret is currently on.
Replaces all whitespace characters at the beginning of the
line with the appropriate spacing or characters.
Parameters: doc - AbstractDJDocument containing the line to be indented. Parameters: reason - The reason that the indentation is taking place true if the caller should update the current location itself,false if the indenter has already handled this
Fields inherited from edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.definitions.indent.IndentRuleWithTrace