Tests insertion and move and other non-delete functionality of the reduced model.
version: $Id: ReducedModelTest.java 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $
testComplexBraceInsertion() Test to ensure that a complex sequence of multi-lined Brace entries does not fail.
Originally, the insertBraceInGap() had the chance of inserting at the beginning
of a gap, in which case the gap to be split was actually never shrunk and a new
gap of size 0 is added after the newly inserted Brace.
Test to ensure that a complex sequence of multi-lined Brace entries does not fail.
Originally, the insertBraceInGap() had the chance of inserting at the beginning
of a gap, in which case the gap to be split was actually never shrunk and a new
gap of size 0 is added after the newly inserted Brace. This caused problems for
brace-matching when new nested braces/parentheses piled up on top of each other.