_assertMainTransformation(String typed, String expected) Asserts that the given string typed by the user of the form "java classname" is transformed to the given
expected main method invocation.
protected void
_assertProcessedContents(String typed, String expected) Asserts that the given string typed by the user is processed to become the given expected string for an
Asserts that the given string typed by the user of the form "java classname" is transformed to the given
expected main method invocation.
Parameters: typed - the "java classname args ..." typed by the user Parameters: expected - the expected main class call
Asserts that the given string typed by the user is processed to become the given expected string for an
Parameters: typed - A string typed by the user Parameters: expected - What the processor should return
Tests that escaped characters just return the character itself. Escaped whitespace is considered a character,
not a delimiter. (This is how Unix behaves.)
not currently enforcing any behavior for a simple implementation using a StreamTokenizer
public void testInterpretJavaQuotedEscapedArgs()(Code)
Tests that within a quote, everything is correctly escaped.
(Special characters are passed to the program correctly.)
public void testInterpretJavaSingleQuotedArgs()(Code)
Tests that single quotes can be used as argument delimiters.