| edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.GlobalModelTestCase edu.rice.cs.drjava.ui.ConsoleControllerTest
ConsoleControllerTest | final public class ConsoleControllerTest extends GlobalModelTestCase (Code) | | bugs:
EditDocumentExceptions in the interactions from trying to print new prompts or System.out
verify that input requests go through the console
version: $Id: ConsoleControllerTest.java 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $ |
Inner Class :protected class InputGeneratorThread extends Thread | |
Method Summary | |
public void | setUp() Sets up the fields for the test methods. | public void | tearDown() Cleans up the fields after the test methods. | public void | testBasicConsoleInput() Tests that basic input to the console is correctly redirected to System.in.
We start up an InputGeneratorThread, which waits until input is requested from
the console. |
setUp | public void setUp() throws Exception(Code) | | Sets up the fields for the test methods.
tearDown | public void tearDown() throws Exception(Code) | | Cleans up the fields after the test methods.
testBasicConsoleInput | public void testBasicConsoleInput() throws EditDocumentException, InterruptedException(Code) | | Tests that basic input to the console is correctly redirected to System.in.
We start up an InputGeneratorThread, which waits until input is requested from
the console. It then generates input and puts it into the console, where it is
returned to the interpreter.
Methods inherited from edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.GlobalModelTestCase | protected void assertCompileErrorsPresent(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertCompileErrorsPresent(String name, boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertContents(String s, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsContains(String text) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsDoesNotContain(String text) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsDoesNotMatch(String regex) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertInteractionsMatches(String regex) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertLength(int len, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertModified(boolean b, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void assertNumOpenDocs(int num)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void changeDocumentText(String s, OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc) protected File classForJava(File sourceFile, String className)(Code)(Java Doc) protected File createFile(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected synchronized OpenDefinitionsDocument doCompile(String text, File file) throws IOException, BadLocationException, InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void doCompile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, File file) throws IOException, InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getCompilerErrorString()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getInteractionsText() throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String interpret(String input) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void interpretIgnoreResult(String input) throws EditDocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setUp() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected OpenDefinitionsDocument setupDocument(String text) throws BadLocationException(Code)(Java Doc) public void tearDown() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) protected File tempDirectory() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected File tempFile() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected File tempFile(int i) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected File writeToNewTempFile(String text) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)