| |
| java.lang.Object java.awt.Component java.awt.Container java.awt.Window java.awt.Frame javax.swing.JFrame edu.rice.cs.drjava.ui.MainFrame
Constructor Summary | |
public | MainFrame() Creates the main window, and shows it. |
Method Summary | |
boolean | _closeProject() | boolean | _closeProject(boolean quitting) Saves the project file; closes all open project files; and calls _model.closeProject(quitting) the
clean up the state of the global model. | void | _completeWordUnderCursor() Complete the word the cursor is on. | JScrollPane | _createDefScrollPane(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) Create a new DefinitionsPane and JScrollPane for an open definitions document. | JButton | _createManualToolbarButton(Action a) Creates a toolbar button for undo and redo, which behave differently. | public JButton | _createToolbarButton(Action a) Sets up all buttons for the toolbar except for undo and redo, which use _createManualToolbarButton. | protected void | _disableInteractionsPane() Ensures that the interactions pane is not editable during an interaction. | protected void | _enableInteractionsPane() Ensures that the interactions pane is editable after an interaction completes. | void | _gotoFileUnderCursor() Goes to the file specified by the word the cursor is on. | public int | _jumpToLine(int lineNum) Jump to the specified line and return the offset. | void | _moveAllToAuxiliary() | void | _moveToAuxiliary() | void | _openJavadocUnderCursor() Opens the Javadoc specified by the word the cursor is on. | void | _saveAll() | void | _saveProjectHelper(File file) | void | _showAutoImportDialog(String s) Imports a class. | void | _showClassNotFoundError(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) | void | _showDebugError(DebugException de) | void | _showFileMovedError(FileMovedException fme) | void | _showFileNotFoundError(FileNotFoundException fnf) | void | _showIOError(IOException ioe) | void | _showJUnitInterrupted(UnexpectedException e) | void | _showNoClassDefError(NoClassDefFoundError ncde) | void | _showProjectFileParseError(MalformedProjectFileException mpfe) | void | _switchDefScrollPane() Switch to the JScrollPane containing the DefinitionsPane for the active document. | public JButton | _updateToolbarButton(JButton b, Action a) Removes the button b from the toolbar and creates new button in its place. | public void | addComponentListenerToOpenDocumentsList(ComponentListener listener) | public void | addToBrowserHistory() Add the current location to the browser history. | public void | clearStatusMessage() Sets the message text in the status bar to the null string. | void | closeAll() | boolean | closeProject() Closes project when DrJava is not in the process of quitting. | void | commentLines() | public FindResultsPanel | createFindResultsPanel(RegionManager<MovingDocumentRegion> rm, String title) Create a new find results tab.
Parameters: rm - the region manager that will contain the regions Parameters: title - the title for the panel new find results tab. | void | debuggerClearAllBreakpoints() Clears all breakpoints from the debugger. | void | debuggerResume() Resumes the debugger's current execution. | void | debuggerStep(Debugger.StepType type) Steps in the debugger. | public void | debuggerToggle() Toggles whether the debugger is enabled or disabled, and updates the display accordingly. | void | debuggerToggleBreakpoint() Toggles a breakpoint on the current line. | public void | dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dropTargetDragEvent) User dragged something into the component. | public void | dragExit(DropTargetEvent dropTargetEvent) | public void | dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dropTargetDragEvent) | public synchronized void | drop(DropTargetDropEvent dropTargetDropEvent) User dropped something on the component. | public void | dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent dropTargetDragEvent) | public void | enableResetInteractions() | public Hashtable<OpenDefinitionsDocument, DocumentInfoGetter> | gatherProjectDocInfo() | public void | generateJavaAPIList() Generate Java API class list. | public boolean | getAllowKeyEvents() | JButton | getCloseButton() The frame's close button (Package private accessor). | JButton | getCompileAllButton() For testing purposes. | public DefinitionsPane | getCurrentDefPane() Returns the current DefinitionsPane. | public File | getCurrentProject() | public DefinitionsPane | getDefPaneGivenODD(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc) | public JViewport | getDefViewport() | public JMenu | getEditMenu() For test purposes only. | public static DJFileDisplayManager | getFileDisplayManager20() | public static DJFileDisplayManager | getFileDisplayManager30() | public String | getFileNameField() For test purposes only. | FindReplacePanel | getFindReplaceDialog() Return the find replace dialog. | public static ImageIcon | getIcon(String name) | InteractionsController | getInteractionsController() Returns the frame's interactions controller. | InteractionsPane | getInteractionsPane() Returns the frame's interactions pane. | public SingleDisplayModel | getModel() The model providing the logic for this view. | public DisplayManager<INavigatorItem> | getNavPaneDisplayManager() | public static OddDisplayManager | getOddDisplayManager20() | public static OddDisplayManager | getOddDisplayManager30() | public File[] | getOpenFiles(JFileChooser jfc) Prompt the user to select a place to open files from, then load them. | public File | getSaveFile(JFileChooser jfc) Prompt the user to select a place to save the current document. | public ErrorPanel | getSelectedErrorPanel() Returns the currently shown error panel if there is one. | public void | hideDebugger() Hide the debugger tab and update the Debug menu accordingly. | public void | hourglassOff() Return the cursor to normal. | public void | hourglassOn() Make the cursor an hourglass. | void | initAutoImportDialog() Initialize dialog if necessary. | void | initCompleteWordDialog() Initialize dialog if necessary. | void | initGotoFileDialog() Initialize dialog if necessary. | void | initOpenJavadocDialog() Initialize dialog if necessary. | public boolean | isCompilerTabSelected() Returns whether the compiler output tab is currently showing. | boolean | isDebuggerReady() | public boolean | isJavadocTabSelected() Returns whether the JavaDoc output tab is currently showing. | public boolean | isTestTabSelected() Returns whether the test output tab is currently showing. | public void | lostOwnership(Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents) We lost ownership of what we put in the clipboard. | public void | open(FileOpenSelector openSelector) | public void | openFolder(DirectoryChooser chooser) Opens all the files in the directory returned by the FolderSelector. | public void | openProject(FileOpenSelector projectSelector) | public void | pack() Ensures that pack() is run in the event thread. | void | refreshBookmarkHighlightPainter() Set new painter for existing bookmark highlights. | void | refreshBreakpointHighlightPainter() Set a new painters for existing breakpoint highlights. | void | refreshFindResultsHighlightPainter(FindResultsPanel panel, ReverseHighlighter.DefaultUnderlineHighlightPainter painter) Set new painter for existing find results highlights. | public void | removeTab(Component c) | public void | resetAutoImportDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Open Javadoc" dialog. | public void | resetClipboardHistoryDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Clipboard History" dialog. | public void | resetCompleteWordDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Complete Word" dialog. | public void | resetGotoFileDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Go to File" dialog. | public void | resetJarOptionsDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Create Jar from Project" dialog. | public void | resetOpenJavadocDialogPosition() Reset the position of the "Open Javadoc" dialog. | public void | resetUndo() | public boolean | saveEnabledHuh() Supports MainFrameTest. | void | saveProject() | public void | scrollToDocumentAndOffset(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, int offset, boolean shouldHighlight) Called when a specific document and offset should be displayed. | public void | scrollToDocumentAndOffset(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, int offset, boolean shouldHighlight, boolean shouldAddToHistory) Called when a specific document and offset should be displayed. | public void | setAllowKeyEvents(boolean a) | public void | setPopupLoc(Window popup) Wrapper for setPopupLoc(Window, Component) that uses the window's owner as the owner to center the popup on. | public static void | setPopupLoc(Window popup, Component owner) Sets the location of the popup in a consistant way. | public void | setStatusMessage(String msg) | public void | setStatusMessageColor(Color c) | public void | setStatusMessageFont(Font f) | public void | setVisible(boolean b) | public void | showDebugger() Display the debugger tab and update the Debug menu accordingly. | public void | showFindResultsPanel(FindResultsPanel panel) Shows a find results tab. | public void | start() Realizes this MainFrame by setting it visibile and configures the tabbed Pane. | public void | toggleBookmark() Toggle a bookmark. | public void | uncommentLines() | public void | updateStatusField(String text) ONLY executes in event thread. | public void | updateStatusField() Updates the status field with the current status of the Definitions Pane. | public void | viewInteractionsClassPath() Displays the interactions classpath. |
_autoImportClassList | ArrayList<JavaAPIListEntry> _autoImportClassList(Code) | | List with entries for the auto-import dialog.
_clearLineAction | final protected Action _clearLineAction(Code) | | Deletes text from the caret to the end of the current line.
_completeClassList | ArrayList<GoToFileListEntry> _completeClassList(Code) | | List with entries for the complete dialog.
_completeFileDialog | volatile PredictiveInputFrame<GoToFileListEntry> _completeFileDialog(Code) | | The "Complete File" dialog instance.
_completeWordDialog | volatile PredictiveInputFrame<GoToFileListEntry> _completeWordDialog(Code) | | The "Complete Word" dialog instance.
_cutLineAction | final protected Action _cutLineAction(Code) | | Cuts from the caret to the end of the current line to the clipboard.
_javaAPIList | List<JavaAPIListEntry> _javaAPIList(Code) | | The list of Java API classes.
_newFileFolderAction | final public Action _newFileFolderAction(Code) | | Creates a new untitled, empty file in the current folder.
_openJavadocUnderCursorAction | final Action _openJavadocUnderCursorAction(Code) | | Open Javadoc page specified by the word the cursor is on.
_saveAllAction | final Action _saveAllAction(Code) | | Saves all documents, prompting for file names as necessary.
_toggleBreakpointAction | final Action _toggleBreakpointAction(Code) | | Toggles a breakpoint on the current line
completeWordUnderCursorAction | final Action completeWordUnderCursorAction(Code) | | Auto-completes word the cursor is on.
copyAction | final Action copyAction(Code) | | Default copy action. Returns focus to the correct pane.
cutAction | final Action cutAction(Code) | | Default cut action. Returns focus to the correct pane.
gotoFileUnderCursorAction | final Action gotoFileUnderCursorAction(Code) | | Goes to the file specified by the word the cursor is on.
pasteAction | final Action pasteAction(Code) | | Default paste action. Returns focus to the correct pane.
MainFrame | public MainFrame()(Code) | | Creates the main window, and shows it.
_closeProject | boolean _closeProject()(Code) | | |
_closeProject | boolean _closeProject(boolean quitting)(Code) | | Saves the project file; closes all open project files; and calls _model.closeProject(quitting) the
clean up the state of the global model. It also restores the list view navigator
true if the project is closed, false if cancelled |
_completeWordUnderCursor | void _completeWordUnderCursor()(Code) | | Complete the word the cursor is on.
_createDefScrollPane | JScrollPane _createDefScrollPane(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc)(Code) | | Create a new DefinitionsPane and JScrollPane for an open definitions document. Package private for testing purposes.
Parameters: doc - The open definitions document to wrap JScrollPane containing a DefinitionsPane for the given document. |
_createManualToolbarButton | JButton _createManualToolbarButton(Action a)(Code) | | Creates a toolbar button for undo and redo, which behave differently.
_createToolbarButton | public JButton _createToolbarButton(Action a)(Code) | | Sets up all buttons for the toolbar except for undo and redo, which use _createManualToolbarButton.
_disableInteractionsPane | protected void _disableInteractionsPane()(Code) | | Ensures that the interactions pane is not editable during an interaction.
_enableInteractionsPane | protected void _enableInteractionsPane()(Code) | | Ensures that the interactions pane is editable after an interaction completes.
_gotoFileUnderCursor | void _gotoFileUnderCursor()(Code) | | Goes to the file specified by the word the cursor is on.
_jumpToLine | public int _jumpToLine(int lineNum)(Code) | | Jump to the specified line and return the offset. Only runs in event thread.
offset |
_moveAllToAuxiliary | void _moveAllToAuxiliary()(Code) | | |
_moveToAuxiliary | void _moveToAuxiliary()(Code) | | |
_openJavadocUnderCursor | void _openJavadocUnderCursor()(Code) | | Opens the Javadoc specified by the word the cursor is on.
_saveAll | void _saveAll()(Code) | | |
_saveProjectHelper | void _saveProjectHelper(File file)(Code) | | |
_showAutoImportDialog | void _showAutoImportDialog(String s)(Code) | | Imports a class.
_switchDefScrollPane | void _switchDefScrollPane()(Code) | | Switch to the JScrollPane containing the DefinitionsPane for the active document. Must run in event thread.
_updateToolbarButton | public JButton _updateToolbarButton(JButton b, Action a)(Code) | | Removes the button b from the toolbar and creates new button in its place.
addComponentListenerToOpenDocumentsList | public void addComponentListenerToOpenDocumentsList(ComponentListener listener)(Code) | | Parameters: listener - The ComponentListener to add to the open documents listThis method allows for testing of the dancing UI (See MainFrameTest.testDancingUI()). |
addToBrowserHistory | public void addToBrowserHistory()(Code) | | Add the current location to the browser history.
clearStatusMessage | public void clearStatusMessage()(Code) | | Sets the message text in the status bar to the null string.
closeAll | void closeAll()(Code) | | |
closeProject | boolean closeProject()(Code) | | Closes project when DrJava is not in the process of quitting.
true if the project is closed, false if cancelled. |
commentLines | void commentLines()(Code) | | |
debuggerClearAllBreakpoints | void debuggerClearAllBreakpoints()(Code) | | Clears all breakpoints from the debugger.
debuggerResume | void debuggerResume() throws DebugException(Code) | | Resumes the debugger's current execution.
debuggerToggle | public void debuggerToggle()(Code) | | Toggles whether the debugger is enabled or disabled, and updates the display accordingly. Only runs in the
event thread.
debuggerToggleBreakpoint | void debuggerToggleBreakpoint()(Code) | | Toggles a breakpoint on the current line.
enableResetInteractions | public void enableResetInteractions()(Code) | | |
generateJavaAPIList | public void generateJavaAPIList()(Code) | | Generate Java API class list.
getAllowKeyEvents | public boolean getAllowKeyEvents()(Code) | | |
getCloseButton | JButton getCloseButton()(Code) | | The frame's close button (Package private accessor). |
getCompileAllButton | JButton getCompileAllButton()(Code) | | For testing purposes.
The frame's compileAll button (Package private accessor) |
getCurrentProject | public File getCurrentProject()(Code) | | |
getEditMenu | public JMenu getEditMenu()(Code) | | For test purposes only. Returns the edit menu
getFileDisplayManager20 | public static DJFileDisplayManager getFileDisplayManager20()(Code) | | |
getFileDisplayManager30 | public static DJFileDisplayManager getFileDisplayManager30()(Code) | | |
getFileNameField | public String getFileNameField()(Code) | | For test purposes only. Returns the text in the status bar. Is used to test brace matching
getFindReplaceDialog | FindReplacePanel getFindReplaceDialog()(Code) | | Return the find replace dialog. Package protected for use in tests.
getInteractionsController | InteractionsController getInteractionsController()(Code) | | Returns the frame's interactions controller. (Package private accessor)
getInteractionsPane | InteractionsPane getInteractionsPane()(Code) | | Returns the frame's interactions pane. (Package private accessor)
getOddDisplayManager20 | public static OddDisplayManager getOddDisplayManager20()(Code) | | |
getOddDisplayManager30 | public static OddDisplayManager getOddDisplayManager30()(Code) | | |
getOpenFiles | public File[] getOpenFiles(JFileChooser jfc) throws OperationCanceledException(Code) | | Prompt the user to select a place to open files from, then load them. Ask the user if they'd like to save
previous changes (if the current document has been modified) before opening.
Parameters: jfc - the open dialog from which to extract information an array of the files that were chosen |
getSelectedErrorPanel | public ErrorPanel getSelectedErrorPanel()(Code) | | Returns the currently shown error panel if there is one. Otherwise returns null.
hideDebugger | public void hideDebugger()(Code) | | Hide the debugger tab and update the Debug menu accordingly.
hourglassOff | public void hourglassOff()(Code) | | Return the cursor to normal. Only runs in the event thread.
hourglassOn | public void hourglassOn()(Code) | | Make the cursor an hourglass. Only runs in the event thread.
initAutoImportDialog | void initAutoImportDialog()(Code) | | Initialize dialog if necessary.
initCompleteWordDialog | void initCompleteWordDialog()(Code) | | Initialize dialog if necessary.
initGotoFileDialog | void initGotoFileDialog()(Code) | | Initialize dialog if necessary.
initOpenJavadocDialog | void initOpenJavadocDialog()(Code) | | Initialize dialog if necessary.
isCompilerTabSelected | public boolean isCompilerTabSelected()(Code) | | Returns whether the compiler output tab is currently showing.
isDebuggerReady | boolean isDebuggerReady()(Code) | | |
isJavadocTabSelected | public boolean isJavadocTabSelected()(Code) | | Returns whether the JavaDoc output tab is currently showing.
isTestTabSelected | public boolean isTestTabSelected()(Code) | | Returns whether the test output tab is currently showing.
lostOwnership | public void lostOwnership(Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents)(Code) | | We lost ownership of what we put in the clipboard.
open | public void open(FileOpenSelector openSelector)(Code) | | Opens all the files returned by the FileOpenSelector prompting the user to handle the cases where files are
already open, files are missing, or the action was canceled by the user
Parameters: openSelector - the selector that returns the files to open |
openFolder | public void openFolder(DirectoryChooser chooser)(Code) | | Opens all the files in the directory returned by the FolderSelector.
Parameters: chooser - the selector that returns the files to open |
pack | public void pack()(Code) | | Ensures that pack() is run in the event thread. Only used in test code
refreshBookmarkHighlightPainter | void refreshBookmarkHighlightPainter()(Code) | | Set new painter for existing bookmark highlights.
refreshBreakpointHighlightPainter | void refreshBreakpointHighlightPainter()(Code) | | Set a new painters for existing breakpoint highlights.
resetAutoImportDialogPosition | public void resetAutoImportDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Open Javadoc" dialog.
resetClipboardHistoryDialogPosition | public void resetClipboardHistoryDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Clipboard History" dialog.
resetCompleteWordDialogPosition | public void resetCompleteWordDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Complete Word" dialog.
resetGotoFileDialogPosition | public void resetGotoFileDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Go to File" dialog.
resetJarOptionsDialogPosition | public void resetJarOptionsDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Create Jar from Project" dialog.
resetOpenJavadocDialogPosition | public void resetOpenJavadocDialogPosition()(Code) | | Reset the position of the "Open Javadoc" dialog.
resetUndo | public void resetUndo()(Code) | | Resets the undo/redo menu items
saveEnabledHuh | public boolean saveEnabledHuh()(Code) | | Supports MainFrameTest.
saveProject | void saveProject()(Code) | | |
scrollToDocumentAndOffset | public void scrollToDocumentAndOffset(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, int offset, boolean shouldHighlight)(Code) | | Called when a specific document and offset should be displayed. Must be executed only in the event thread.
Parameters: doc - Document to display Parameters: offset - Offset to display Parameters: shouldHighlight - true iff the line should be highlighted. |
scrollToDocumentAndOffset | public void scrollToDocumentAndOffset(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc, int offset, boolean shouldHighlight, boolean shouldAddToHistory)(Code) | | Called when a specific document and offset should be displayed. Must be executed only in the event thread.
Parameters: doc - Document to display Parameters: offset - Offset to display Parameters: shouldHighlight - true iff the line should be highlighted. Parameters: shouldAddToHistory - true if the location before and after the switch should be added to the browser history |
setAllowKeyEvents | public void setAllowKeyEvents(boolean a)(Code) | | |
setPopupLoc | public void setPopupLoc(Window popup)(Code) | | Wrapper for setPopupLoc(Window, Component) that uses the window's owner as the owner to center the popup on.
Parameters: popup - the Popup window |
setPopupLoc | public static void setPopupLoc(Window popup, Component owner)(Code) | | Sets the location of the popup in a consistant way. If the popup has an owner, the popup is centered over the
owner. If the popup has no owner(owner == null), the popup is centered over the first monitor. In either case,
the popup is moved and scaled if any part of it is not on the screen. This method should be called for all popups
to maintain consistancy.
Parameters: popup - the popup window Parameters: owner - the parent component for the popup |
setStatusMessage | public void setStatusMessage(String msg)(Code) | | Changes the message text toward the right of the status bar
Parameters: msg - The message to place in the status bar |
setStatusMessageColor | public void setStatusMessageColor(Color c)(Code) | | Sets the color of the text in the status bar message
Parameters: c - The color of the text |
setStatusMessageFont | public void setStatusMessageFont(Font f)(Code) | | Sets the font of the status bar message
Parameters: f - The new font of the status bar message |
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean b)(Code) | | |
showDebugger | public void showDebugger()(Code) | | Display the debugger tab and update the Debug menu accordingly.
showFindResultsPanel | public void showFindResultsPanel(FindResultsPanel panel)(Code) | | Shows a find results tab. Only runs in event thread.
start | public void start()(Code) | | Realizes this MainFrame by setting it visibile and configures the tabbed Pane.
toggleBookmark | public void toggleBookmark()(Code) | | Toggle a bookmark.
uncommentLines | public void uncommentLines()(Code) | | |
updateStatusField | public void updateStatusField(String text)(Code) | | ONLY executes in event thread.
updateStatusField | public void updateStatusField()(Code) | | Updates the status field with the current status of the Definitions Pane.
viewInteractionsClassPath | public void viewInteractionsClassPath()(Code) | | Displays the interactions classpath.
Methods inherited from java.awt.Container | public Component add(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component add(String name, Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component add(Component comp, int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public void add(Component comp, Object constraints)(Code)(Java Doc) public void add(Component comp, Object constraints, int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addContainerListener(ContainerListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addNotify()(Code)(Java Doc) public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation o)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean areFocusTraversalKeysSet(int id)(Code)(Java Doc) public int countComponents()(Code)(Java Doc) public void deliverEvent(Event e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void doLayout()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component findComponentAt(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component findComponentAt(Point p)(Code)(Java Doc) public float getAlignmentX()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getAlignmentY()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getComponent(int n)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getComponentAt(Point p)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getComponentCount()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getComponentZOrder(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component[] getComponents()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized ContainerListener[] getContainerListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public Set<AWTKeyStroke> getFocusTraversalKeys(int id)(Code)(Java Doc) public FocusTraversalPolicy getFocusTraversalPolicy()(Code)(Java Doc) public Insets getInsets()(Code)(Java Doc) public LayoutManager getLayout()(Code)(Java Doc) public T[] getListeners(Class<T> listenerType)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getMaximumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getMinimumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public Point getMousePosition(boolean allowChildren) throws HeadlessException(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getPreferredSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public Insets insets()(Code)(Java Doc) public void invalidate()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAncestorOf(Component c)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusCycleRoot(Container container)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusCycleRoot()(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusTraversalPolicySet()(Code)(Java Doc) public void layout()(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintStream out, int indent)(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintWriter out, int indent)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component locate(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension minimumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public void paint(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void paintComponents(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension preferredSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public void print(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void printComponents(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processContainerEvent(ContainerEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void remove(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public void remove(Component comp)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeAll()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeContainerListener(ContainerListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeNotify()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComponentZOrder(Component comp, int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusCycleRoot(boolean focusCycleRoot)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusTraversalKeys(int id, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke> keystrokes)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy policy)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(boolean provider)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFont(Font f)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLayout(LayoutManager mgr)(Code)(Java Doc) public void transferFocusDownCycle()(Code)(Java Doc) public void update(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void validate()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void validateTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from java.awt.Component | public boolean action(Event evt, Object what)(Code)(Java Doc) public void add(PopupMenu popup)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addComponentListener(ComponentListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addFocusListener(FocusListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addHierarchyBoundsListener(HierarchyBoundsListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addInputMethodListener(InputMethodListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addKeyListener(KeyListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addMouseListener(MouseListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addNotify()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation orientation)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean areFocusTraversalKeysSet(int id)(Code)(Java Doc) public Rectangle bounds()(Code)(Java Doc) public int checkImage(Image image, ImageObserver observer)(Code)(Java Doc) public int checkImage(Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer)(Code)(Java Doc) protected AWTEvent coalesceEvents(AWTEvent existingEvent, AWTEvent newEvent)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean contains(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean contains(Point p)(Code)(Java Doc) public Image createImage(ImageProducer producer)(Code)(Java Doc) public Image createImage(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public VolatileImage createVolatileImage(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public VolatileImage createVolatileImage(int width, int height, ImageCapabilities caps) throws AWTException(Code)(Java Doc) public void deliverEvent(Event e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void disable()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void disableEvents(long eventsToDisable)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void doLayout()(Code)(Java Doc) public void enable()(Code)(Java Doc) public void enable(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void enableEvents(long eventsToEnable)(Code)(Java Doc) public void enableInputMethods(boolean enable)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue, int newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, byte oldValue, byte newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, char oldValue, char newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, short oldValue, short newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, long oldValue, long newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, float oldValue, float newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, double oldValue, double newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getAlignmentX()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getAlignmentY()(Code)(Java Doc) public Color getBackground()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getBaseline(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public BaselineResizeBehavior getBaselineResizeBehavior()(Code)(Java Doc) public Rectangle getBounds()(Code)(Java Doc) public Rectangle getBounds(Rectangle rv)(Code)(Java Doc) public ColorModel getColorModel()(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component getComponentAt(Point p)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized ComponentListener[] getComponentListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public ComponentOrientation getComponentOrientation()(Code)(Java Doc) public Cursor getCursor()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized DropTarget getDropTarget()(Code)(Java Doc) public Container getFocusCycleRootAncestor()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized FocusListener[] getFocusListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public Set<AWTKeyStroke> getFocusTraversalKeys(int id)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc) public Font getFont()(Code)(Java Doc) public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font)(Code)(Java Doc) public Color getForeground()(Code)(Java Doc) public Graphics getGraphics()(Code)(Java Doc) public GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getHeight()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized HierarchyBoundsListener[] getHierarchyBoundsListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized HierarchyListener[] getHierarchyListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getIgnoreRepaint()(Code)(Java Doc) public InputContext getInputContext()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized InputMethodListener[] getInputMethodListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public InputMethodRequests getInputMethodRequests()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized KeyListener[] getKeyListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public T[] getListeners(Class<T> listenerType)(Code)(Java Doc) public Locale getLocale()(Code)(Java Doc) public Point getLocation()(Code)(Java Doc) public Point getLocation(Point rv)(Code)(Java Doc) public Point getLocationOnScreen()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getMaximumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getMinimumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized MouseListener[] getMouseListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized MouseMotionListener[] getMouseMotionListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public Point getMousePosition() throws HeadlessException(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized MouseWheelListener[] getMouseWheelListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc) public Container getParent()(Code)(Java Doc) public ComponentPeer getPeer()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getPreferredSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners(String propertyName)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension getSize(Dimension rv)(Code)(Java Doc) public Toolkit getToolkit()(Code)(Java Doc) final public Object getTreeLock()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getWidth()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getX()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getY()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean gotFocus(Event evt, Object what)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasFocus()(Code)(Java Doc) public void hide()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean inside(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public void invalidate()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isBackgroundSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isCursorSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDisplayable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDoubleBuffered()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isEnabled()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusCycleRoot(Container container)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusOwner()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusTraversable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFocusable()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFontSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isForegroundSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isLightweight()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMaximumSizeSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMinimumSizeSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isOpaque()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isPreferredSizeSet()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isShowing()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isValid()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isVisible()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean keyUp(Event evt, int key)(Code)(Java Doc) public void layout()(Code)(Java Doc) public void list()(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintStream out)(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintStream out, int indent)(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintWriter out)(Code)(Java Doc) public void list(PrintWriter out, int indent)(Code)(Java Doc) public Component locate(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public Point location()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean lostFocus(Event evt, Object what)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension minimumSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public void move(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public void nextFocus()(Code)(Java Doc) public void paint(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void paintAll(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String paramString()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean postEvent(Event e)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension preferredSize()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean prepareImage(Image image, ImageObserver observer)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean prepareImage(Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer)(Code)(Java Doc) public void print(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void printAll(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processComponentEvent(ComponentEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processHierarchyBoundsEvent(HierarchyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processHierarchyEvent(HierarchyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processInputMethodEvent(InputMethodEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void processMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent e)(Code)(Java Doc) public void remove(MenuComponent popup)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeComponentListener(ComponentListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeFocusListener(FocusListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeHierarchyBoundsListener(HierarchyBoundsListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeHierarchyListener(HierarchyListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeInputMethodListener(InputMethodListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeKeyListener(KeyListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeMouseListener(MouseListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removeMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeNotify()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void repaint()(Code)(Java Doc) public void repaint(long tm)(Code)(Java Doc) public void repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void requestFocus()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean requestFocus(boolean temporary)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean requestFocusInWindow()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean requestFocusInWindow(boolean temporary)(Code)(Java Doc) public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void resize(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void resize(Dimension d)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBackground(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBounds(Rectangle r)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation o)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setCursor(Cursor cursor)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void setDropTarget(DropTarget dt)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEnabled(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusTraversalKeys(int id, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke> keystrokes)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(boolean focusTraversalKeysEnabled)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFocusable(boolean focusable)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFont(Font f)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setForeground(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setIgnoreRepaint(boolean ignoreRepaint)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLocale(Locale l)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLocation(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLocation(Point p)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setMaximumSize(Dimension maximumSize)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setMinimumSize(Dimension minimumSize)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPreferredSize(Dimension preferredSize)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSize(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSize(Dimension d)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setVisible(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) public void show()(Code)(Java Doc) public void show(boolean b)(Code)(Java Doc) public Dimension size()(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) public void transferFocus()(Code)(Java Doc) public void transferFocusBackward()(Code)(Java Doc) public void transferFocusUpCycle()(Code)(Java Doc) public void update(Graphics g)(Code)(Java Doc) public void validate()(Code)(Java Doc)