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abstract public class FileOps (Code)
A class to provide some convenient file operations as static methods. It's abstract to prevent (useless) instantiation, though it can be subclassed to provide convenient namespace importation of its methods.
   $Id: 4255 2007-08-28 19:17:37Z mgricken $

Inner Class :public interface FileSaver
Inner Class :abstract public static class DefaultFileSaver implements FileSaver

Field Summary
final public static  FileFilterJAVA_FILE_FILTER
     This filter checks for files with names that end in ".java".
final public static  FileNONEXISTENT_FILE
     Special File object corresponding to a dummy file.

Method Summary
public static  StringconvertToAbsolutePathEntries(String path)
     Convert all path entries in a path string to absolute paths.
public static  voidcopyFile(File source, File dest)
     Copies the text of one file into another.
public static  FilecreateTempDirectory(String name)
     Create a new temporary directory.
public static  FilecreateTempDirectory(String name, File parent)
     Create a new temporary directory.
public static  booleandeleteDirectory(File dir)
     Delete the given directory including any files and directories it contains.
  dir - File object representing directory to delete.
public static  voiddeleteDirectoryOnExit(File dir)
     Instructs Java to recursively delete the given directory and its contents when the JVM exits.
  dir - File object representing directory to delete.
public static  FilegetCanonicalFile(File f)
     the canonical file equivalent to f.
public static  StringgetCanonicalPath(File f)
     the canonical path for f.
public static  ArrayList<File>getFilesInDir(File d, boolean recur, FileFilter f)
     List all files (that is, File s for which isFile() is true ) matching the provided filter in the given directory.
  d - The directory to search.
  recur - Whether subdirectories accepted by f should be recursively searched.
public static  FilegetValidDirectory(File origFile)
     Return a valid directory for use, i.e.
public static  booleaninFileTree(File f, File root)
     Determines whether the specified file in within the specified file tree.
public static  FilemakeFile(String path)
public static  FilemakeFile(File parentDir, String child)
public static  FilemakeRelativeTo(File f, File b)
     Makes a file equivalent to the given file f that is relative to base file b.
public static  LinkedList<String>packageExplore(String prefix, File root)
public static  StringreadFileAsString(File file)
     Reads the entire contents of a file and return them as a String.
public static  StringreadFileAsSwingText(File file)
     Reads the entire contents of a file and return them as canonicalized Swing Document text.
public static  byte[]readStreamAsBytes(InputStream stream)
     Reads the stream until it reaches EOF, and then returns the read contents as a byte array.
public static  booleanrenameFile(File file, File dest)
     Renames the given file to the given destination.
public static  voidsaveFile(FileSaver fileSaver)
     This method writes files correctly; it takes care of catching errors and making backups and keeping an unsuccessful file save from destroying the old file (unless a backup is made).
public static  String[]splitFile(File fileToSplit)
     Splits a file into an array of strings representing each parent folder of the given file.
public static  URLtoURL(File f)
     Converts the abstract pathname for f into a URL.
public static  Filevalidate(File f)
     the file f unchanged if f exists; otherwise returns NULL_FILE.
public static  booleanwriteIfPossible(File file, String text, boolean append)
     Writes the text to the given file returning true if it happend and false if it could not.
public static  voidwriteStringToFile(File file, String text)
     Writes text to the file overwriting whatever was there.
public static  voidwriteStringToFile(File file, String text, boolean append)
     Writes text to the file.
  file - File to write to
  text - Text to write
  append - whether to append.
public static  FilewriteStringToNewTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, String text)
     Creates a new temporary file and writes the given text to it.

Field Detail
final public static FileFilter JAVA_FILE_FILTER(Code)
This filter checks for files with names that end in ".java". (Note that while this filter was intended to be a javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter , it actually implements a , because thats what FileFilter means in the context of this source file.) IOUtil.extensionFileFilter("java")

final public static File NONEXISTENT_FILE(Code)
Special File object corresponding to a dummy file. Simliar to FileOption.NULL_FILE but exists() returns false.

Method Detail
public static String convertToAbsolutePathEntries(String path)(Code)
Convert all path entries in a path string to absolute paths. The delimiter in the path string is the "path.separator" property. Empty entries are equivalent to "." and will thus are converted to the "user.dir" (working directory). Example: ".:drjava::/home/foo/junit.jar" with "user.dir" set to "/home/foo/bar" will be converted to "/home/foo/bar:/home/foo/bar/drjava:/home/foo/bar:/home/foo/junit.jar".
  path - path string with entries to convert path string with all entries as absolute

public static void copyFile(File source, File dest) throws IOException(Code)
Copies the text of one file into another.
  source - the file to be copied
  dest - the file to be copied

public static File createTempDirectory(String name) throws IOException(Code)
Create a new temporary directory. The directory will be deleted on exit, if empty. (To delete it recursively on exit, use deleteDirectoryOnExit.)
  name - Non-unique portion of the name of the directory to create. File representing the directory that was created.

public static File createTempDirectory(String name, File parent) throws IOException(Code)
Create a new temporary directory. The directory will be deleted on exit, if it only contains temp files and temp directories created after it. (To delete it on exit regardless of contents, call deleteDirectoryOnExit after constructing the file tree rooted at this directory. Note that createTempDirectory(..) is not much more helpful than mkdir() in this context (other than generating a new temp file name) because cleanup is a manual process.)
  name - Non-unique portion of the name of the directory to create.
  parent - Parent directory to contain the new directory File representing the directory that was created.

public static boolean deleteDirectory(File dir)(Code)
Delete the given directory including any files and directories it contains.
  dir - File object representing directory to delete. If, for some reason, this file object is not a directory, it will still be deleted. true if there were no problems in deleting. If it returns false, something failed and the directorycontents likely at least partially still

public static void deleteDirectoryOnExit(File dir)(Code)
Instructs Java to recursively delete the given directory and its contents when the JVM exits.
  dir - File object representing directory to delete. If, for some reason, this file object is not a directory, it will still be

public static File getCanonicalFile(File f)(Code)
the canonical file equivalent to f. Identical to f.getCanonicalFile() except it does not throw an exception when the file path syntax is incorrect (or an IOException or SecurityException occurs for anyother reason). It returns the absolute File

public static String getCanonicalPath(File f)(Code)
the canonical path for f. Identical to f.getCanonicalPath() except it does not throw an exception when the file path syntax is incorrect; it returns the absolute path File String

public static ArrayList<File> getFilesInDir(File d, boolean recur, FileFilter f)(Code)
List all files (that is, File s for which isFile() is true ) matching the provided filter in the given directory.
  d - The directory to search.
  recur - Whether subdirectories accepted by f should be recursively searched. Note that subdirectories that aren't accepted by f will be ignored.
  f - The filter to apply to contained File s. An array of Files in the directory specified; if the directory does not exist, returns an empty

public static File getValidDirectory(File origFile)(Code)
Return a valid directory for use, i.e. one that exists and is as "close" to the file specified. It is 1) file, if file is a directory and exists 2) the closest parent of file, if file is not a directory or does not exist 3) "user.home" a valid directory for use

public static boolean inFileTree(File f, File root)(Code)
Determines whether the specified file in within the specified file tree. null

public static File makeFile(String path)(Code) IOUtil.attemptCanonicalFile(new File(path))

public static File makeFile(File parentDir, String child)(Code) IOUtil.attemptCanonicalFile(new File(parentDir, child))

public static File makeRelativeTo(File f, File b) throws IOException, SecurityException(Code)
Makes a file equivalent to the given file f that is relative to base file b. In other words, new File(b,makeRelativeTo(base,abs)).getCanonicalPath() equals f.getCanonicalPath()

In Linux/Unix, if the file f is /home/username/folder/ and the file b is /home/username/folder/sublevel/, then the resulting File path from this method would be ../ while its canoncial path would be /home/username/folder/

Warning: this method is inherently broken, because it assumes a relative path exists between all files. The Java file system model, however, supports multiple system roots (see File.listRoots ). Thus, two files from different "file systems" (in Windows, different drives) have no common parent.

  f - The path that is to be made relative to the base file
  b - The file to make the next file relative to A new file whose path is relative to the base file while the value of getCanonicalPath() for the returned file is the same as the result of getCanonicalPath() for the given file.

public static LinkedList<String> packageExplore(String prefix, File root)(Code)
This function starts from the given directory and finds all packages within that directory
  prefix - the package name of files in the given root
  root - the directory to start exploring from a list of valid packages, excluding the root ("") package

public static String readFileAsString(File file) throws IOException(Code)
Reads the entire contents of a file and return them as a String.

public static String readFileAsSwingText(File file) throws IOException(Code)
Reads the entire contents of a file and return them as canonicalized Swing Document text. All newLine sequences, including "\n", "\r", and "\r\n" are converted to "\n".

public static byte[] readStreamAsBytes(InputStream stream) throws IOException(Code)
Reads the stream until it reaches EOF, and then returns the read contents as a byte array. This call may block, since it will not return until EOF has been reached.
  stream - Input stream to read. Byte array consisting of all data read from IOUtil InputStream

public static boolean renameFile(File file, File dest)(Code)
Renames the given file to the given destination. Needed since Windows will not allow a rename to overwrite an existing file.
  file - the file to rename
  dest - the destination file true iff the rename was

public static void saveFile(FileSaver fileSaver) throws IOException(Code)
This method writes files correctly; it takes care of catching errors and making backups and keeping an unsuccessful file save from destroying the old file (unless a backup is made). It makes sure that the file to be saved is not read-only, throwing an IOException if it is. Note: if saving fails and a backup was being created, any existing backup will be destroyed (this is because the backup is written before saving begins, and then moved back over the original file when saving fails). As the old backup would have been destroyed anyways if saving had succeeded, I do not think that this is incorrect or unreasonable behavior.
  fileSaver - keeps track of the name of the file to write, whether to back up the file, and has a method that actually performs the writing of the file
  IOException - if the saving or backing up of the file fails for any reason

public static String[] splitFile(File fileToSplit)(Code)
Splits a file into an array of strings representing each parent folder of the given file. The file whose path is /home/username/txt.txt in linux would be split into the string array: {"","home","username","txt.txt"}. Delimeters are excluded.
  fileToSplit - the file to split into its File

public static URL toURL(File f) throws MalformedURLException(Code)
Converts the abstract pathname for f into a URL. This method is included in class as f.toURL(), but has been deprecated in Java 6.0 because escape characters on some systems are not handled correctly. The workaround, f.toURI().toURL(), is unsatisfactory because we rely on the old (broken) behavior: toURI() produces escape characters (for example, " " becomes "%20"), which remain in the name when we attempt to convert back to a filename. That is, f.toURI().toURL().getFile() may not be a valid path, even if f exists. (The correct solution is to avoid trying to convert from a URL to a File, because this conversion is not guaranteed to work.)

public static File validate(File f)(Code)
the file f unchanged if f exists; otherwise returns NULL_FILE.

public static boolean writeIfPossible(File file, String text, boolean append)(Code)
Writes the text to the given file returning true if it happend and false if it could not. This is a simple wrapper for writeStringToFile that doesn't throw an IOException.
  file - File to write to
  text - Text to write
  append - whether to append. (false=overwrite)

public static void writeStringToFile(File file, String text) throws IOException(Code)
Writes text to the file overwriting whatever was there.
  file - File to write to
  text - Test to

public static void writeStringToFile(File file, String text, boolean append) throws IOException(Code)
Writes text to the file.
  file - File to write to
  text - Text to write
  append - whether to append. (false=overwrite)

public static File writeStringToNewTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, String text) throws IOException(Code)
Creates a new temporary file and writes the given text to it. The file will be deleted on exit.
  prefix - Beginning part of file name, before unique number
  suffix - Ending part of file name, after unique number
  text - Text to write to file name of the temporary file that was

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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