| java.lang.Object edu.rice.cs.util.swing.FileDisplay
FileDisplay | public class FileDisplay (Code) | | This class is a wrapper for a file whose toString method outputs only the last element in the file
path. If it's a file, then it outputs the file name without its parent directories. If it's a directory, then
it outputs the name of that directory only
getDefaultNewFileRep | protected static String getDefaultNewFileRep()(Code) | | |
isEditable | public boolean isEditable()(Code) | | If the representation of the file is different from the underlying
child string of the path, then the node represented by this file display
cannot be edited. If the user edited the text by giving a new representation,
there is no way to determine what the new child string of the path should be.
However, if the user is creating a new node in the tree, they will be able
to edit it.
isNew | public boolean isNew()(Code) | | |