| java.lang.Object tide.editor.styler.JavaCodeStyler
JavaCodeStyler | final public class JavaCodeStyler implements Runnable(Code) | | Exists only once.
Associated to the EditorPanel.
normally triggered from the EditorDocumentFilter when text is inserted.
Also notified of scroll view changes.
manages the simple parsing and styling of the document as user types,
trying as possible to be discrete and lazy.
TODO: don't flicker (double buffer ?)
documentContentFullyChanged | public synchronized void documentContentFullyChanged(int newLength)(Code) | | Called when the document content has been changed
getTotalActiveTime | public long getTotalActiveTime()(Code) | | |
resetTotalActiveTime | public void resetTotalActiveTime()(Code) | | |
run | public void run()(Code) | | Don't call this, this is the run method called from the inner styler thread.
userInsertOccured | public synchronized void userInsertOccured(int offset, int charsinsertedordeleted)(Code) | | Called from document filter when some text was inserted
Parameters: charsinsertedordeleted - is the number of chars to be inserted |
userInsertWillOccur | public void userInsertWillOccur(int offset, int charsinsertedordeleted)(Code) | | Called from the document filter just before the text is inserted
viewBoundsChanged | public synchronized void viewBoundsChanged(int start, int end)(Code) | | Called when the view changed.