| java.lang.Object com.izforge.izpack.compiler.PackagerBase com.izforge.izpack.compiler.Packager com.izforge.izpack.compiler.StdPackager
All known Subclasses: com.izforge.izpack.compiler.StdKunststoffPackager,
StdPackager | public class StdPackager extends Packager (Code) | | Standard packager.
author: Julien Ponge |
Method Summary | |
public void | addJarContent(String file) Adds a jar file content to the installer. | public void | addLangPack(String iso3, InputStream input) Adds a language pack. | public void | addNativeLibrary(String name, InputStream input) Adds a native library. | public ZipOutputStream | addPack(int packNumber, String name, List osConstraints, boolean required, String description, boolean preselected) Adds a pack (the compiler sends the merged data).
Parameters: packNumber - The pack number. Parameters: name - The pack name. Parameters: required - Is the pack required ? Parameters: osConstraints - The target operation system(s) of this pack. Parameters: description - The pack description. | public void | addPanelClass(String classFilename, InputStream input) Adds a panel. | public void | addResource(String resId, InputStream input) Adds a resource. | public boolean | allowPackFileBackReferences() | public void | finish() Tells the packager to finish the job (misc writings, cleanups, closings ,
...). | public void | setGUIPrefs(GUIPrefs prefs) Sets the GUI preferences. | public void | setInfo(Info info) Sets the informations related to this installation. | public void | setPanelsOrder(ArrayList order) Sets the panels order. | public void | setVariables(Properties varDef) Adds Variable Declaration. |
StdPackager | public StdPackager(String outputFilename, PackagerListener plistener) throws Exception(Code) | | The constructor.
Parameters: outputFilename - The output filename. Parameters: plistener - The packager listener. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addJarContent | public void addJarContent(String file) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a jar file content to the installer.
Parameters: file - The jar filename. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addLangPack | public void addLangPack(String iso3, InputStream input) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a language pack.
Parameters: iso3 - The ISO3 code. Parameters: input - The stream to get the data from. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addNativeLibrary | public void addNativeLibrary(String name, InputStream input) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a native library.
Parameters: name - The native library name. Parameters: input - The stream to get the data from. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addPack | public ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name, List osConstraints, boolean required, String description, boolean preselected) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a pack (the compiler sends the merged data).
Parameters: packNumber - The pack number. Parameters: name - The pack name. Parameters: required - Is the pack required ? Parameters: osConstraints - The target operation system(s) of this pack. Parameters: description - The pack description. Description of the Return Value exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addPanelClass | public void addPanelClass(String classFilename, InputStream input) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a panel.
Parameters: classFilename - The class filename. Parameters: input - The stream to get the file data from. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
addResource | public void addResource(String resId, InputStream input) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds a resource.
Parameters: resId - The resource Id. Parameters: input - The stream to get the data from. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
allowPackFileBackReferences | public boolean allowPackFileBackReferences()(Code) | | |
finish | public void finish() throws Exception(Code) | | Tells the packager to finish the job (misc writings, cleanups, closings ,
exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
setGUIPrefs | public void setGUIPrefs(GUIPrefs prefs) throws Exception(Code) | | Sets the GUI preferences.
Parameters: prefs - The new gUIPrefs value exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
setInfo | public void setInfo(Info info) throws Exception(Code) | | Sets the informations related to this installation.
Parameters: info - The info section. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
setPanelsOrder | public void setPanelsOrder(ArrayList order) throws Exception(Code) | | Sets the panels order.
Parameters: order - The ordered list of the panels. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
setVariables | public void setVariables(Properties varDef) throws Exception(Code) | | Adds Variable Declaration.
Parameters: varDef - The variables definitions. exception: Exception - Description of the Exception |
Methods inherited from com.izforge.izpack.compiler.PackagerBase | public void addCustomJar(CustomData ca, URL url)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJarContent(URL jarURL)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJarContent(URL jarURL, List<String> files)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addLangPack(String iso3, URL xmlURL, URL flagURL)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addNativeLibrary(String name, URL url) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void addNativeUninstallerLibrary(CustomData data)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addPack(PackInfo pack)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addPanelJar(Panel panel, URL jarURL)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addResource(String resId, URL url)(Code)(Java Doc) public PackCompressor getCompressor()(Code)(Java Doc) public Map<String, DynamicVariable> getDynamicVariables()(Code)(Java Doc) public PackagerListener getPackagerListener()(Code)(Java Doc) public List<PackInfo> getPacksList()(Code)(Java Doc) public Map<String, Condition> getRules()(Code)(Java Doc) public Properties getVariables()(Code)(Java Doc) public void initPackCompressor(String compr_format, int compr_level) throws CompilerException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void sendMsg(String job)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void sendMsg(String job, int priority)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void sendStart()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void sendStop()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setDynamicVariables(Map<String, DynamicVariable> dynamicvariables)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setGUIPrefs(GUIPrefs prefs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setInfo(Info info) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPackagerListener(PackagerListener listener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRules(Map<String, Condition> rules)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void writeIncludedJars() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeInstaller() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void writeInstallerObject(String entryName, Object object) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void writeInstallerResources() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void writePacks() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void writeSkeletonInstaller() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)