| java.lang.Object com.memoire.vainstall.builder.VAIProductController
title | String title(Code) | | The title text on the product frame
VAIProductController | public VAIProductController()(Code) | | Default constructor
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)(Code) | | Implements the ActionListener interface
Parameters: evt - The action event |
createProject | public void createProject(String projectName, String projectVersion, String projectDirectory, String productType) throws VAIBuilderException(Code) | | Create a new project
Parameters: projectName - The name of the project which is the product name Parameters: projectVersion - The version of the which is the product version Parameters: projectDirectory - The directory in where the project should be Parameters: productType - The type of product 'install, update, module' throws: com.memoire.vainstall.builder.util.VAIBuilderException - |
internalFrameActivated | public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameActivated
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameClosed | public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameClosed
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameClosing | public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameClosing
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameDeactivated | public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameDeactivated
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameDeiconified | public void internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameDeiconfied
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameIconified | public void internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameIconified
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
internalFrameOpened | public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent evt)(Code) | | internalFrameOpened
Parameters: evt - The internal frame event |
isDirty | public boolean isDirty()(Code) | | Returns whether the data model needs to be saved or not.
true if the datamodel needs to be saved |
productChanged | public void productChanged(VAIProductEvent evt)(Code) | | Implements the VAIProductListener interface
Parameters: evt - The event that 'explains' what has changed in the model |
removeUINode | public void removeUINode(String uiName)(Code) | | remove a node